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Posts posted by becauseIsaidso

  1. Stayed away for just about the whole season, but decided to try and catch up, which did not last long. Ariana, whom I used to favor, is turning to the arrogant bitch others have labeled her, so she seems a very good pairing with Katie - who has no attitude other than  her own delusional idea that she is right about everything and never has to listen to anyone about anything. Schwartz is such a pathetic suck up to anyone who will give him the time of day, Lala is trying, laughably, to remake herself into mom of the year, Sheana is....well....Sheana....and boring.....what the f**k is jaxass doing back on the show? But had to stop watching when the ever egotistical-psycho-manical-james-kennedy-god's-gift-to-who-knows-what decided to go to Sandovals birthday party (and, if Sandoval IS paying part of the expenses for the house, who the FK is ariana  to tell him he can't have a party! Like to see him try to  give her the same orders) for the sole purpose of starting a fight and yelling longer and louder than anyone else. No thanks. Think I'll look in for at least one other episode because once upon a time I actually liked this show - and its the only one of the entire Real Whatevers and their offshoots that I actually care to watch. Except for Family Karma - wish there was more of that to come.

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  2. By the time this session was over, I was fed up with all the vitriol. As far as I'm concerned, the only one who has an absolute right to complain, scream, rant and rave is Ariana - and even her non-stop over the top ranting struck me as overkill.

    DJMuppet can STFU. His behavior has been as tantrum-throwing two year old since he joined the show. He never changes, never listens, he has no intention to be sober - ever. I am suspicious of Ally as well - I don't think her halo is a shiny as she would have everyone believe. Lala can STFU as well - she and DJMuppet were a couple of screaming jumping jacks who seemed to be transferring their outrage over the woes they imagine others have caused them unto Sandoval.

    I will never believe that Lala was not willingly engaging in 'casting couch' behavior. If she wants to brag about giving BJs to get cars and PJ rides, than a whore is what she is  - she simply takes her payment in kind rather than in cash. But, she is absolutely desperate to paint herself with a virtuous brush to help her in her legal battles with 'my man'. Two scum bags facing off in court must be delicious grist for the gossip mills.

    I'm glad Katie, for the most part, kept her nasty mouth shut. She is a total narcissist who never listens to or allows others to speak or applies the same behavioral rules to herself that she demands of others. Schwartz is well rid of her.

    Sandoval is no prize either - old adage "If he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you" seems to be his stock in trade. - so I don't see much future for that new relationship. But he took it all pretty well - not so sure what happened after the little extra bit of an interview with Raquel aired - but he probably has another future ex already on the radar.

    Raquel strikes me as rather emotionally stunted - I think keeping her emotions mostly under check on camera is a learned pageant contestant behavior that may be second nature to her. (Amazing that none of the other totally caring group were able to pick up on that) Now that I know the reason for the switch of Rachel to Raquel, I see no difference between a child with several schoolmates of the same given name adopting a unique nickname and that of a Lauren becoming Lala because of a younger sibling who couldn't pronounce her name. Neither was done out of affectation and neither should be ridiculed - either than or Lala should be equally ridiculed for not using Lauren.

    I would love to see a season with the screaming meanings (Lala, DJMuppet, and Katie) gone, and let the other hapless chucklefucks muddle their way through. I know the 'drama' is supposed to be good for viewer interest - but it does get old and tiring very quickly.

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  3. I don't recall what episode covered this, but I had gotten the impression that this was Amrit's mom's only chance to participate in a Ghari Pooja (sorry about any spelling error there) and was something she had pretty much looked forward to for a very long time. But then, when the actual ceremony was starting, they showed Amrit's brother Rohit coming down the aisle - so Amrit's not an only child after all (about which I was apparently also mistaken). Which, to me, would mean there would have been at least two possibilities for her to have enjoyed that ceremony - depending, of course on whether or not Rohit (or any other siblings there may be) chose to marry and/or have a traditional Indian wedding.

    I had also gotten the impression that Nicholas's parents would only hang around for the actual ceremony - but was glad to learn that they had participated in more of the celebration, and apparently enjoyed themselves. I did like the tone Amrit's remarks to them, grateful for their presence and accepting of their wishes. I don't recall seeing any blurred our faces, so Bravo seems to have done a good job of respecting their privacy.

    Hopefully Bali will be out of the picture.

    As much as I dislike Anisha, I'm glad she and her husband were able to keep their wedding off camera without having a lot of criticism dumped on them for that choice. I did, however, love Amrit and Vishal on WWHL having some fun with her original reasons for keeping him a secret.

    Absolutely loved the grooms using Amrit's late grandmother's shawl to bind them for the seven circles part of the ceremony.

    They either should have had a better handler for Nicholas's horse, or found a horse that could tolerate that much noise and activity.

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  4. I was somewhat impressed with the conversation between Amrit/Nicholas and Amrit's parents. It was painful to watch how desperate NIcholas is to get through to Amrit's mom. I just don't think he has the ability to stop beating the subject to death. As for Amrit's mom, she either has no insight into how unintentionally yet deeply hurtful some of her comments are, or completely lacks the ability to filter what she says. Nicholas is just too needy and I doubt he will ever be able to let it rest.

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  5. At first I liked Amrit's mom, but her continual whining about how her friends/relatives are so disappointed about the things that are not being  included in the ceremony/party is sounding very passive-aggressive to me. How would she like it if Nicholas demanded a completely secular western culture style wedding, pared down to the officiant, a small guest list, and a reception consisting of a meal, some toasts and a small band or DJ and none of the Indian trimmings? I used to think Nicholas was the needy one, but Amrit's blindness or disregard for how things impact Nicholas makes me think he's the selfish one.

    Anisha is as bad as ever. I still don't buy that she couldn't have her 'fashion show" in Arizona - what she couldn't have in Arizona was the television exposure. Don't care that her BF doesn't want to be on camera or have his personal info spread all over social media, but she needs to decide on her priorities.

    I wasn't such a fan of Richa and Vishal, but they are growing on me. Whatever it is they have, it seems to be working for them. I'm even liking Lopa more now - the backstory about the other daughter and the rift in the family gave me some insight into what she may be feeling - and lately she has seemed more accepting of Vishal - maybe because he acknowledged his drinking problem and acted on it? Maybe she doesn't see him as so much of an idiot now?  I used to like Vishal's mom, but lately she's either an arrogant bitch or did something to be getting the crappiest edit on the show. Or does it have to do with that entitled little snot-nose of a previous season running his mouth about Vishal's sexuality?

    Monica needs to get a clue and stop being such a cling-on about a guy who clearly isn't committed. I was confused about his motives until I saw a bit of his bio and realized he's in it for the exposure. I kinda like her dad, and do get the same gay vibe as others have written about, but if accurate, I can understand him keeping that out of the show.

    The more I see of Bali,the less I like her. The first couple of times I saw her this season I didn't recognize her. If she's some sort of executive, why can't she afford her own apartment? I think her only reason for avoiding the move to Louisville was to stay on the show. She's even less engaging than Anisha - and that's going some.

    What kind of an idiot (guess that includes Richa and Vishal as well) moves into a new home without any furniture? Brain seems desperately in need of a storyline.



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  6. The less I see of Anisha, the better. She never listens to anyone, never gives any credence to anyone else's opinions.  The only truthful thing she said in the entire episode was her admission of selfishness. True, she meant it only in reference to her 'new' relationship instead of as regards elevating her own needs/wants/opinions astronomically above those of any and everyone/everything else. May she be happy in Arizona and not show up to spoil by enjoyment of any more episodes. Back in the dark ages when I was her age, it could actually take several days for an RSVP to reach it's destination, or to return a phone call over crowded land lines, with or without the advantage of answering machines. Today - nope - sending a text can be accomplished in seconds, sending a group of mass text to assure delivery to the intended recipient does take a few seconds longer, but not the amount of time she claimed to have needed. She just didn't care enough to let anyone know why she intended until she made her final decision - which was likely 2 seconds before she boarded her flight.

    Also glad to recognize the absence of the guy (and his family) who loved to run his mouth with innuendos/lies/insinuations of Vishal's sexual behavior, but turned into a whiny, whimpy crybaby as soon as he was called on it. Good riddance to all of them. Their sneaky nastiness ruined every segment they were in.

    Bali can go away too - she adds nothing.

    More Lopa! She was great at the wedding!

    Monica's grandmother was a hoot - and her father is pretty easy to take. Monica, however, needs to get real. Brian needs to grow up, grow a brain, a personality and a plan for his life.

    Love Amrit! Can't wait to see how his wedding plans play out. Love that he seems to have taken over the 'Greek Chorus' role that Anisha was hogging, and doing a poorly.

    • Love 7
  7. I have never believed shep was at any time faithful to any girl/woman he was in a 'relationship' with. The concepts of faithfulness and monogamy are beyond his comprehension except as something he expects from them, but will not reciprocate.. The only reason I can come up with for shep claiming the flavor of the month as his 'girlfriend' is that bringing an obvious one night stand to any 'couples' function would be tacky. I can not think of any redeeming quality he possesses. Since he does not want any real commitment (i.e. one in which his partner would be an actual participant), the fact that he does not use any birth control is beyond despicable.

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  8. IMNSHO, Mitch is a BIG TIME control freak under the guise of 'environmental' consciousness. He will say/do whatever it takes to justify/manipulate his position as the ONLY correct one. Had I the killer mentality/ability and been so unfortunate as to have been matched with him, he would have been dust some time ago.

    Does MAFS deliberately select these asshats (male and female) simply to get a rise out of us? I may be slow on the uptake, but that is what I have come to believe.

    I used to watch every episode of every season - back when I thought they were actually TRYING to create LASTING marriages.  For the last few seasons, I have only watched selected episodes - skip the 'matchmaking' garbage - watch parts of the (often SOOOOOO embarrassing) wedding episode/s - pick up again post-honeymoon embarrassments - check in again a week or two before decision day & the day of - and perhaps a reunion type episode.

    I truly miss the Couples Cam episodes of REAL matches.

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  9. Holy crap, 'pastor' cal just VALIDATED all of Olaj's nastiness! AND allowed Olaj to act as if HE/Olaj the asshole had schooled her/Dr. Pepper. This has really devolved to a cesspool of misogynistic bullshit. I don't think I can keep watching with either my sanity or self-respect intact.

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  10. 4 hours ago, Retired at last said:

    Because she has no idea that there are many other options that will ultimately get to the same results. She is too limited in her experience, vocabulary and ability to actually articulate a coherent thought. She just throws out or mumbles a few words and doesn't say anything,. Why he would want to keep her happy, I have no idea. I also don't think she will ever be happy.

    As soon as I saw O was one of the panel, I turned it off. Just can't do it.

    I, too, can not stomach him.

    Even the idea that there are such beings as Olaj who firmly believe women are to be ordered around, to be chastised, to be 'schooled', to be ridiculed, to be dismissed sickens me.

    Unfortunately, they are all too prevalent in the 21st century male-neanderthal mindset.

  11. 1 hour ago, qtpye said:

    I guess she got her cowboy.

    I like Steve but I have to say that the apartment was a mess.

    I am only bringing this up because I can't even imagine how a woman petitioning not to work and stay home would have been roasted for that messy apartment.


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  12. I consider everything I viewed during this episode, including the previews of the next episode, to be fair game for this board.

    I was initially shocked at the preview that showed Lindsay apparently leaving a moving vehicle, BUT when I saw the next shot of her in a hospital, which was, granted, VERY quick, there did not seem to be any damage at all to her face - and I cannot imagine exiting a moving vehicle without causing visible damage. So I think the scenario of her having food poisoning and needing to - ahem - egest quickly was reasonable. I have, at least once - experienced a stomach sick  person in a vehicle I was driving needing to  hurl - but they simply rolled down the window and did the deed - NOT open the door! Naturally the car had to be hosed off - but that's a whole lot better than someone falling out of the car.

    I also could swear that a part of the previews mentioned TWO MORE COUPLES LEAVING the 'experiment!!!! HOLY CRAP - did I hear that correctly? Was I having a Turkey Parmesan (YUM) induced hallucination?

    TWO MORE!?!?!?!?!   If that is true, I REALLY, REALLY hope Katina is one who bails out. I see Jasmina and Michael (no real excitement there) as sloughing through to the official decision day, and Mark and Lindsay are such a train wreck they could go either way. But Katina really needs to get away from such a nasty, egotistical, narcissistic and potentially abusive control freak as Olaj. I found the discussion of his possible prior name and possible religious conversion interesting. Does embracing a new faith path absolve someone of responsibility/acknowledgement/accountability of/and/for previous bad/nasty/horrendous behavior?NO. H to the ELL NO!

    I am re-watching the episode to try and catch what I may have missed - and even in the first quarter hour I just wanted to smack Olaj upside the head...multiple times.  He just can't open his nasty mouth without talking to Katina like she is a piece of shit. I truly hoped she walked out on his nasty ass before 'decision day'. All his excuses to Dr. whimpy-pepper were self-serving beyond the pale. He is dangerous. Stern?!?!?!  'Absolutley not' 'Of course I apologized' - BULLSHIT.

    This season will go down in infamy.

    On the rerun - did 'pastor' CAL just make make EXCUSES for Olaj's behavior because of what he (supposedly) has gone through before?  Oh, HELL NO!!!!!! Guese the 'pastor' belongs to the 'boys will be boys' mindset. Fuck that.

    Just after I posted this, came the scene where Olaj is half-reclining in his seat, looking at Dr. Pepper like she is some inferior POS and he is godalmighty....I really think this is Olaj's attitude to ALL women - they are all beneath him, they are not to be taken seriously - they NEED to be educated BY HIM....he totally disgusts me.

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  13. IMO, Steve is starting to look like a better groomed version of Matt the lazy, cheating, couch-surfing loser who was foisted off on  Amber (IIRC) and, last I knew, was actually making an earnest effort to avoid giving her the divorce. I don't trust Steve's lack of sharing anything concrete with Noi about what their finances will actually be if she chooses to stay married to him.  Proof is an excellent concept.

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  14. Now that I have been watching the MAFS marathon today, I have finally figured out why O keeps referring to Katina as 'my wife'.

    He simply can't remember what her name is!

    He displays an attitude of seeing her as an object, something there for his convenience. 

    Took me a while to really catch on - guess I'm either slow on the uptake or cut him too much slack where it was not merited.

    Even the look on his face in the current episode showing (This is my Decision Day) is one of condescending tolerance of her obvious shortcomings.

    He can rot.

    I still do not like Katina, but, still, RUN, KATINA, RUN.

    Okay...I admit it....my cold, dark heart jumped with joy at the look on Alyssa's face as Chris kicked her to the curb.

    She REALLY expected him to act like a needy schmuck and say he was willing to continue as long as she claimed she was 'still trying'. I LOVED it when he mentioned the two things that he wanted and one (I think) was to get the commitment he thought he was getting, and the other was that they have the result they would each be happiest with - and when he said that would be for them to NOT be together any longer (!!!!!!) she was total deer in the headlights!

    That was the moment I realized all she had been doing was trying to manipulate HIM (she'd already been able to manipulate the situation thanks to wishy-washy production) into following her lead, and he had just smacked her in the forehead with an epic fail. He could not have set it up so perfectly if he had been trying, but he was so forthcoming with her all along about what he expected (in spite of her objection of his using the word commitment as a means of disrespecting her) that I just can't hold him at fault in this.

    The only thing I wonder is - did production fill him in (videos included) on what Alyssa had been saying to them all along? Sauce for the goose, as the saying goes.

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  15. Now that we don't have Couples Cam (any more? ever again?) I do miss getting an occasional update on the couples who had still been together as of the last Couples Cam - I forget when that was. I don't think it would be necessary to have it weekly as an adjunct to the current MAFS season, but I would like to see something about past couples. Maybe a 90 minute special mid-season? end of season? in concert with a reunion/where are they now/kind of thing. The only things I don't EVER want to see again are JOits and anything that gives Alyssa even an iota of camera time to spew more of her self-serving venom.

    Alyssa has served one good purpose, however. Whenever I wonder if I am as good a person as I think I am, I dredge up memories of Alyssa and am comforted by the knowledge that regardless of my faults, I am no Alyssa.

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  16. Olajuwon did a pretty good job of saying whatever he figured it would take to make it look like he is not a neanderthal, but failed miserably. He wants a Stepford wife and Ms. Inadequate Expert did nothing to dispel that mindset. At one point he had a look on his face that indicated he would say whatever he had to to appease TPTB, but would expect Katina to completely fall in line with his concept of circa 1800 'womanly duties' or else. He just couldn't utter anything that spoke of Katina being an actual human being with actual rights and deserving of respect.

    Jasmina is still addressing Michael as she would a toddler. If I were Michael, I would have repeatedly blown my stack over her demeaning attitude. I have no idea what to think of him as he just seems to be trying to stay out of her line of fire all the time.

    Steve seemed to make it pretty clear that he has NO intention of contributing financially to their marriage. And, yes Steve, in Noi's place, I would MUCH rather have shared financial responsibilities than a spotless house and all that wonderful food he indicated he is preparing. He should have make it clear from his application for MAFS that he intended to be a SAHH - failure to disclose something that important is unconscionable.

    Lindsay - I don't think she has any idea how to NOT be crass and vulgar. If she wants to be wooed, she needs to present a persona worth wooing. It seems to me that she immediately dismisses any and all suggestions that she needs to change anything about her deilvery. I think Mark is one of those AJ types who just does NOT want to have ALL the important stuff out there, and I agree. I would think the couples need to have some part of this that is kept private from the cameras and microphones. I think Mark would be much more relaxed and open if he could trust Lindsay to show some discretion and get her vocabulary out of the gutter.

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  17. 19 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    My understanding was that Mark chose the restaurant because he knew that Lindsey liked sushi and he was trying to do something nice for her. 

    Thanks. I was under the same impression that the sushi restaurant was Mark's choice - which creates an entirely different dynamic.

    2 hours ago, Kdawg82 said:

    Mark is so sweet.  His reaction to sushi in general was awesome (as a person who doesn't eat sushi). We're missing a lot though where they have a brutal fight and then it sort of glazes over and moves on. I guess they make up off camera? I think Mark is smart & knows eventually Lindsay will see herself on TV and she'll see how dirty she fights and manic she can appear.  

    Jasmina has Michael's number. I believe she is a classy and decent woman and she will not be mistreated. I find it difficult to NOT be on her side. Maybe an unpopular opinion but there is something to what she is feeling and experiencing.  We may not be seeing it all. I'm inclined to believe her. 

    Olajuwaun needs to relax a little. I think generally most grown adults like to live in a clean home. I see his disappointment being very real when Katina doesn't keep the apartment clean.  HOWEVER, I find it a little inappropriate to keep equating it with being "a wife." A partner, husband, friend, roommate, son/daughter, parent= all those things that it could be expected from. If Katina isn't an Award-winning chef, so be it. Cooking maybe isn't her passion. It's not mine. My husband does pretty much all the cooking. My cooking is passable at best. In the words of crocodile Dundee "you can live on it, but it tastes like sh**." But my husband loves me. We compliment each other well & he always reminds me what a good wife I am. So no, cooking is not EVERYTHING & it's not all a "wifely" duty." 


    The only thing that will make O relax is if June Cleaver walks through the door, pretty dress, pearls and vaccuum cleaner in hand and asks him for orders.

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  18. I noticed Mark's 1% comment, too. But I saw it as a plus on his side. I think he looks up to Chris as someone who is articulate and able to exhibit courteous, respectful behavior in spite of great provocation. I believe Mark knows he himself is not as articulate as he would like to be with Lindsay, which could well help prevent misunderstanding and conflict. Hence the 1% remark. I was pleased to see her actually seem to be listening to him work his way through expressing his feeling without jumping down his throat. And since actions speak volumes, his taking her to dinner at the sushi restaurant was one of those 'what have you done for me' things she's been wanting. Mark's sashimi soliloquy was well placed comic relief - which may well be his strong point. In my experience, people who have the capacity to laugh at themselves have rather good ego strength.

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  19. It could just be the way Steve phrases things (he sounded very condescending and in scolding mode to me about Noi leaving the apartment when she was upset over the noodles - which was, granted, childish on her part), but I was left with a major red flag on his attitude toward finances. I don't remember his exact wording, but I was left with the impression that he would step up only IF needed. NO mention of setting up some sort of  joint budget, to which he would make a regular and reasonable contribution. I got the impression that he was fine with Noi's salary paying their living expenses and him chipping in only if required...that's a definite no go for me. I can understand people who are self-employed rather than weekly/monthly/whatever salary - but - now that he is part of a MARRIAGE - he needs to understand her need for financial disclosure. If he doesn't want to make such a disclosure until after decision day - then, IMNSHO, he is not really in it, but rather keeping all his acorns hidden for his own use. Pity, that, cuz I really liked them as a couple and thought they would be the one of all others to actually make it to decision day and beyond. At this point, it looks for a 5 for 5 NO go.

    Kinda tired of LIndsay - she is just too sloppy and too crass to suit me and I was a big fan early on. However MTS really needs to use his Big Boy words and show a little bit of comprehension - if he actually has the capacity - which I am coming to doubt.

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  20. I am so pissed off! I  missed it and ALL the possibilities I have of seeing it again - On Demand, Lifetime, etc, Have this episode name, BUT only show a repeat of the previous one! Don't have DVR, so am at a loss as to when I can actually see the correct episode. Got the gist of Chris kicking ACE to the curb - good on him - good planning, good strategy, or just plain fed up and not wanting to waste any more of his life on a lying liar who lies, IDK. I hope we will get to see him again at least for a wrap up on his POV, and maybe his life after MAFS.

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  21. Just binged all the Afterparty episodes - added to my understanding. I think Chris is keeping to the contract he signed (real estate guy, remember, so contracts and people fulfilling their end of the bargain up close and personal are his daily bread and butter. He is giving her every opportunity to step up and seriously give it a try. In all the previous seasons, I have never seen anything indicating anyone MUST have sex, MUST sleep in the same bed. Yes, many of the 'exercises' the 'experts' come up with DO involve touching - but can anyone truly claim they had NO idea they would be expected to actually have physical contact of ANY kind with their 'lawfully married, legally binding spouse'? I haven't yet figured out what Alyssa's game is - unless she is really SO utterly stupid as to think she was simply giving a shopping list to the 'experts' who would then guarantee to have her idea of a 'perfect match' waiting at the altar. Alyssa is the one who 'blew it' when she signed the contract. And now she's trying to rewrite the terms. Stupid. Can't wait for the next episode. Wonder if she walks out on Pastor Cal - something tells me that is her go-to move. Her family must know this and REALLY should have come clean with Chris!

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