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Posts posted by Catlyn

  1. 4 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    I've been watching British humor for more than 50 years and somehow they can seem to pull stuff like this off without offending anyone because the way it's done communicates to the audience a certain tongue-in-cheek aspect that's totally missing in this American translation.

    Same here. It's that tongue in cheek that is missing. I can't see any American show addressing the audience the way Miranda Hart did or even as blatantly as Frankie Howerd did in Up Pompeii. In one offs, Americans seem to be able to do it, but in a series?  We seem to take ourselves too seriously to do it well.


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  2. I agree that Mayim should be more of herself, especially in the scenes she's doing the asides to the audience.  They don't seem as natural as when Miranda did them. Not that I'm not enjoying the show, but I want to see Mayim in the part, not Mayim trying to be Miranda Hart. The asides are supposed to be an "inside" joke between Kat and the audience (Or invisible friends as Miranda seemed to portray the audience in my mind). There's the greeting at the beginning saying hi to her friends, then we follow along. Mayim is doing asides to the audience, in typical acting style, but not to her invisible friends. Am I making sense to anyone?

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  3. 21 hours ago, Suzn said:


    My kitties love this one from Amazon and it's not very expensive.




    If that is still too much for you, I found out my cats like drinking out of a cheap desk fountain I got at CVS last Christmas It's small and battery operated, and my cats loved it even though that was not the reason I originally bought it! It was about $6. It's small so you would have to keep an eye on it, but as I said, my cats loved it.


    • Useful 5
  4. On 6/15/2019 at 8:48 AM, BradandJanet said:

    This end-times stuff is tied to very right wing U.S. political cult and operates on fear, hate, and suspicion--with ample doses of misogyny, racism, homophobia, and xenophobia.  It's scary because some of these Dominionists feel they need to hasten Jesus's arrival by taking over American institutions to make them "godly" (their version of what God wants, the correct version) and interfere with Middle East politics to fulfill prophesies they see in Revelations (e.g., tail wags dog). Last I heard, Trump was sent by God to help bring about the Second Coming (useful idiot?), and Obama and/or the Pope is the Antichrist to lure the faithful from their path. Who knows? The details are flexible when convenient. 

    The Internet is filled with websites and videos about this stuff. However, seeing it on Pinterest, home of folksy wedding tableaus and Stitch Fix wardrobe favorites, is very unsettling indeed. 

    And I agree that the Dillards are much more extreme than they would have us believe. The Duggars may fall into this group too, but they're well-practiced in hiding it. 

    Isn't that a big no no to try and force God's hand regarding the end of times? Doesn't everything happen in His time and only He knows when that time is? That's why horoscopes, Ouija boards, etc are looked down on because they are supposedly Devil tied because of fortune telling.  I have a feeling people are going to be real surprised if there is an afterlife.

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  5. On 5/12/2019 at 12:01 AM, Zella said:

    Back when I was in school--which was admittedly awhile ago--4 was pre-K, and 5 was kindergarten. I actually got into preschool at 3 and then was there for 2 years for reasons that have never been explained to me. LOL

    yeah, that happened to me. But, we lived on a small base overseas and they needed bodies. They wouldn't promote me even though I did the work.  My birthday was in Nov.,  so I was still the youngest of my class at graduation. 

    I wonder if the cousins would ever be home schooled together in one class? They would really show who is teaching.

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  6. 33 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

    For some reason, I flashed on Funeral Potatoes.  Do the fundies have them, like the polygamists?  

    Yes, Jill posted a recipe, and I think that's what she calls "Party  Potatos"

    I remember a lot of chatter when Jill posted the recipe.

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  7. 9 hours ago, sigmaforce86 said:

    Reminds me of after France disapproved of our invasion of Iraq restaurants started using the term "Freedom Fries" instead of French Fries.

    French fries aren't a French invention (there are two theories where the word came from, one that French soldiers introduced them to US soldiers even though they originated in Belgium, the other that I think is more accurate that it's an old Irish term that roughly sounds like the word french and means "to cut into pieces")  anyway - changing them to "freedom fries" had about as much to do with France as remove the word "Devil" from the eggs has to do with Satan.  To Devil something means to cook or prepare it with a lot of hot spices, that's it.  Oddly there are "Angel Eggs" but the term is used to mean they're not made in the spicy deviled tradition, it's an alternate recipe with less fat and cholesterol.  

    Shit like this is why I couldn't start an on-line discussion with someone in England about classicism in British food in the early 1900's.  We got flagged and deleted because there's a certain food we were discussing and we used the correct food name - to be nice I won't put it here but it starts with an F, as in F***ot and the word is now also a derogatory term for a homosexual person.  It was a food before it was a slur, it was also a term for a cord of wood or a cigarette but we still couldn't use it in the discussion.  Anyway before I digress to far just an observation that words can have multiple meanings that have nothing to do with the negative connotation AND it occurs to me if MeChelle was ever served that particular "F word" food and told the correct name of it we could enjoy watching her get the vapors then pass out cold.  


    I used to read my aunt's old Chatterbox magazines from the early century. They'd usually have a story about life in a public school. It surprised me to read the word f**, meaning to serve, as in a younger boy serving an upperclassman. 

    I also think French is a way of cutting such as French green beans.

    What ever happened to speak the truth and shame the devil?

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  8. 11 hours ago, Jeeves said:

    I'm not snarking on this child's appearance. Because, she's a child. I *do* relate to her appearance because at her age I also had flyaway blonde hair that looked scraggly most of the time. None of the adults in my life had a clue how to care for or style my hair. 

    I suspect that Josie's hair could be different enough from her mom's and sisters' that nobody in the TTH understands what it might take to make her hair look better. I can only hope that as she ages her hair will change to something more like the thick strong locks her sisters have. Because I really don't know that she could possibly grow that fine hair down to her butt, and we all know that in Duggarworld, growing your hair down to your butt is an absolute necessity and you will make Jesus cry if you don't, or if you cut it.

    ,It can be done. My sister has always had baby fine hair and hers grew below her waist. Our grandfather liked girls having short hair, however and mom cut it. Mom said she had a mad four year old screaming at the mirror, " Dam'  Granpa, dam' Granpa!"  It never reached that length again, however.

  9. 6 hours ago, emma675 said:

    It's tax season, so the number of fake calls is up. There is one going around right now claiming to be from Apple and spoofing an Apple Support number and it wants you to verify your user name, password, credit card info, etc. to avoid being locked out of your account. 

    According to the numerous messages I've gotten lately, my SSN has been hacked, my "person is under bodily arrest" for tax violations, and I need to verify my bank account information so a sizable refund check can be sent to me. *eyeroll*

    Just be extra cautious and do not give out any info EVER on the phone if you didn't initiate the call. Also, don't answer the call if you don't recognize the number. Make them leave a message and then block the number. 

    My sister received one today claiming she was a tax evader, etc. It wasn't a good day so she replied, "You lard ass piece of sh*t, I'll tell you what you can do..." Well, she couldn't since he hung up on her, so she dialed back and got a woman, who just answered, hello, then tried to continue the scam. My sister continued on the same vein, and she hung up on her. As my sister views this as a release, she called back again and they disconnected the line. She's had scammers block her. She says she doesn't want to yell at her partner, so she takes it out on them.  Just remember, the IRS never phones, it's always snail mail. 

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  10. 17 minutes ago, PradaKitty said:

    I had a pair of sandals like those Jill is shilling (jilling?) in the early 1070’s. They were called bear traps. 

    I wonder if Jill’s  siblings are secretly pleased at how far daddy’s favorite (and holier than this former snitch) has fallen.  She was pretty insufferable when she was engaged and taking all of the cute clothes (such as they were) in the shared closet with her when they moved into the McMansion JimBob provided. 

    Wow! You can remember that far back? Some styles never change I guess.

    Sorry, Pradkitty, the typo was to much of a temptation for me to resist! I also had shoes like that in the '70s.

    • LOL 12
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  11. On 3/20/2019 at 12:57 PM, Christina87 said:


    Has anyone else seen this drivel?!

    Already in the first paragraph, he has made me mad! He says he's a typical millennial, sans the bad stereotypes. How arrogant! I feel like a lot of the negative stereotypes don't embody me (love of hookup culture and partying, irresponsibility, ultra-progressive and in your face about it, etc), but no one goes unscathed by ANY bad stereotypes about their generation. I mean, even just thinking about innocuous stereotypes that apply to me, like being on my phone a lot...does Derick not do this? Last time I checked, he was glued to twitter, shooting down people left and right in his zealotry! Maybe he could have said, "although not every stereotype applies to me, I'm pretty typical," or something like that. No one is so special that literally no negative stereotypes apply to them!

    Also in the first paragraph, he says he hasn't had spring break in a decade. Yeah, right! His whole LIFE has been spring break! If he'd been steadily working at Walmart until now, he'd have a point, but he has only done ONE YEAR of real work in his life!

    Most importantly, everyone needs to go read his paragraph about marriage ASAP, and then tell me he's happy he married Jill! He said nothing positive about her, and while I agree to an extent that a lot of people out there have this notion of "the one," and it keeps them from committing to a decent person, that's not the situation Derick is in. He says the one you're married to is the one, and he talks about (hypothetically) having doubts before marriage, and then keeping them during marriage. He's basically saying to force yourself to be happy with your spouse, because you can't go back and change it...yet he claims to be giving advice to single people? We don't need your advice, because we didn't make that mistake! He also says nothing positive about being married to Jill, or clarifies that his "hypothetical" doubts aren't real. I actually feel bad for her, if she's smart enough to read between the lines! Also, his throwaway sentiment about not being sure sure his mom would be alive when they came back from their honeymoon tells me all I need to know about why he rushed to marry her. If she died, he'd literally only have one relative, which means even more considering that Cathy is adopted. Marrying Jill asap and having a baby sounded a lot better than that. If he weren't such an asshole, I'd feel sorry for him, but I do think he needs to get out. Even as a Christian, he should see how he was vulnerable, and basically tricked by the duggars into such a quick marriage, just for a tv show. That shouldn't sentence Derick and Jill to a miserable life. 

    To put it simply, if you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with. Crosby, Stills Nash & Young.

    • LOL 9
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  12. On 2/25/2019 at 6:36 AM, allonsyalice said:

    I own a jumpsuit, but it’s nothing like Jill’s. Navy blue, strapless, pedal pushers, its the perfect outfit for a night out. (The only bad thing is that I literally have to get naked to pee)

    the thing about Jill’s is that it does nothing for her. It’s not a flattering cut or colour, but i guess if she likes it, then its none of my business 

    The getting naked to pee is the reason I stopped wearing them in my younger, thinner days. I liked them because they were an easy choice of clothing on days I had to go somewhere and I couldn't figure out what to wear. For those old enough to remember Units, I loved mine as it was very comfortable and I had other pieces to change it up. Actually, Jill would do well if Units were still available. Long skirts, shapeless tops which you can add belts, sashes, jackets to switch around. All colors made to match and easy to care for with two kids. She probably could get by as maternity clothes with out the thin stretched out tops and skirts she wears.

    • Love 4
  13. On 2/16/2019 at 8:33 AM, Catfin said:

    Got news a week ago that former husband died. Hadn’t seen or spoken with him in 25-ish years.  Lot of water under the bridge, no hard feelings. We were so young. I always thought we’d have a closure chat. Oddly, the night he died, I was at an event for my son in a locale near where the ex and I lived. I mentioned him and the scenario to a friend dealing with divorce fallout. I do not think it was a coincidence. 

    Anyone else ready for Spring?

    You took it better than my sister and her first. She had been divorced for years, after a really bad break up, her eldest son called to say his dad had died. (Need to say he never saw his dad after the divorce and only talked on the phone with him. The younger son refused after a couple of calls.)  My sister responded, "What father? You don't have a father!" Son: "Mom! Remember 'Whatsis'" "Oh I'm sorry, yes you did have a father. I'm sorry."  Her son understood, she lived without him and even had in her separation decree she could live her life as if she never met him.  

    Which brings up a reason V day isn't really a great holiday here (besides my mom dying on the 17th after celebrating Vday on the weekend) My sister's second husband died on V day.  Sis retired early and contacted SS about benefits. She had lived with 1 Long enough to get some of his, and when the woman was looking up the information to see which would be more advantageous, husband 1 or 2, the woman made a little squee and said, "Oh my! They both died on Valentine's day!" So now, with her third, we all smile and say, "he survived this V-day."  Sounds ghoulish, but they both acknowledge it's a joke.

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  14. 16 hours ago, Portia said:

    It really is odd he didn't send something small for the younger kids. Some candy and mini Valentine cards wouldn't have set him back much at all, and he could have mailed everything in one package.

    Right? Buy a bag of holiday chocolates, even from the Dollar Store and those Valentines made for kids to give to friends.  His younger sibs would've loved it. 

    • Love 7
  15. On 2/5/2019 at 7:26 PM, Future Cat Lady said:

    So true. He could've open a can of tomato sauce and cooked pasta. What about making soup from those cream of soups cans they love so much, making sandwiches or eggs. How dumb are you if you can even make a sandwich.

    My mom was in the middle of preparing Thanksgiving dinner when she went into labor with me. Dad was able to get her to the hospital and finish cooking the whole dinner. He also cooked a Christmas dinner on the grill during a snow storm because he wanted a real roasted turkey. Mom helped with sides, although he was in charge of the kitchen that night.  All Jim Bob can do for his kids is open some cans?  Please! Also, Dad wasn't a stay at home dad, he went to work everyday, was at his desk by 6:00 a.m. and home by 3:00 p.m.  Jim Bob couldn't get his rear in gear that early.

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  16. On 1/25/2019 at 2:52 PM, Catfin said:

    I just sent a resume to a company several former colleagues work. I’ve loved my current job six of the past seven years, but an acquisition and subsequent culture change tells me it is time. Both exhilarating and horrifying at the same time. Not interested in an early grave due to stress. Once these kids get through college, I’m leaving the corporate world. 

    The year before last, I was let go from my organization after almost 35 years. I had a hard time getting a job, but posted online and got some responses from obvious "no ways", but signed up for a couple of agencies. I was working for agency that had an office in another state nowhere near my area. My interview with the company was based on my resume and a phone interview. The sent me to work for an organization on a long-term temp assignment.  (I did have to have a face to face interview with the organization, although one of the interviewers was in an different state nowhere near my area.) I am now working full time, as a contractor for the same organization I was working as a temp.  The company I'm working for is also based in another state nowhere near my area. Welcome to the 21st century.  Don't discount  agencies out of state, it's a different world out there.

    • Love 13
  17. 1 hour ago, leighdear said:

    My grandmother never watched a single airing of Dick Clark's New Years Rockin' Eve, but she knew what it was and that a lit up ball dropped into time square at midnight. 

    And I guarantee that Michelle, the teenage harlot, who was in high school back then, knew about it and probably watched with her cheerleader friends.  Jim Bob might have also, though he was less mainstream than she was. 

    So yes, these parents eliminated a lot of popular culture from the raising of their children, but they did not all live in a cave in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nothing.  There was a lot of control by Michelle and Jim Bob, but no way they were able to get away with a 100% blackout on any and everything non-Gothard with every kid.   I just do not believe that.  

    Well Dick Clark didn't invent the ball drop. I remember watching Guy Lombardo on New Year's Eve and watching the ball drop. Yes, I am that old.  So Grandma would probably know. I'm surprised at seeing the loving faces of Jana and Jinger when the gazed at the ball. I don't think they would fond memories of the ball.

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  18. 6 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

    Some friends of mine used to make Mexican-food lasagna a lot. And I like Mexican food, and I like pasta, and they were good cooks. Very good at seasonings. But the first few times I had it I still was somewhat disturbed by the cognitive dissonance of biting into something that felt like lasagna but tasted like a burrito. And I wasn't the only one. 

    So I imagine a fair number of people at the party would be weirded out by forkfuls of lasagna that looked as if should taste like strawberry mousse. (or whatever connection they had in their heads for pale blue food.)

    And how the heck do you color the inside of lasagna pink or blue, anyway? I suppose it's the cheese, but there's more stuff inside lasagna than cheese. 

    Good lasagne is more than just cheese. I don't think a good cook would even think of dyeing the cheese.

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