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Posts posted by Callie

  1. The triangle story in this episode is soooo awful, mainly because it would have made a heck of a lot more sense if Dylan and Kelly had already confessed about the Summer of Deception. Where is this "we both love you" and "I love you both" fucking nonsense coming from?! From Brenda's perspective, Kelly and Dylan have had exactly one date. One! So why is she even putting herself on even ground with Kelly?


    The first time I watched this episode (20+ years ago) I actually thought Brenda knew about it already. I figured that she must have put the pieces together when Dylan told her about a girl during the summer and seeing him with Kelly a few days later. It was the only explanation I had for her non-reactions during these declarations of "love" between Kelly and Dylan. So, imagine my reaction when I realized (a few episodes later) that she had no idea. So utterly ridiculous that Brenda wouldn't have been suspicious!

    • Love 1
  2. The song must have been a big success because I remember hearing it a lot on the radio here in Greece (and loving it), even though The Heights never aired here. I never realized that Jamie Walters was the vocalist until now.

    Also, was David's boss from the college radio station on this show? The one Donna and David went to interview for and ended up arguing about brie cheese? I'm pretty sure that was him on the video clip.

  3. I don't get Dylan's orgasmic reaction to chocolate mousse. Cheesecake, brownie sundae, apple pie...I would get. Another reason he's turning into the worst, he picks shitty desserts and then barely shares them.


    LMAO! The first "bite" he gave Kelly was basically an unlicked spoon.

    • Love 2
  4. What I always assumed Dylan meant when he told Kelly "you made it happen" was that (maybe?) he wanted to tell Brenda the truth and she didn't with her "there's nothing to tell" speech.

    And I know that Dylan was a total douchebag for not feeling any remorse for what he did but, for me, betraying your best friend was way worse than fooling around behind your girlfriend's back, especially when you're in high school. I'm glad that Kelly at least had the decency to feel bad about it.


    This episode also reminds me of a season 3 trend that I didn't like: Dylan and Kelly knowing each other FOREVER.  Before season 3, we were lead to believe that Dylan had been at the same schools but, otherwise, didn't know Kelly very well.  Now, we start hearing about how they have this whole history pre-Brenda as if they've secretly been in love and would already be together if not for the interloper from Minnesota.


    Yes! I hated this almost as much as I hated Dylan's douchiness from the moment Brenda returned from Paris (and I love Dylan).


    I'm probably biased since I was a huge Brenda/Dylan fan but I felt like the writers kept pushing some Dylan/Kelly connection that was never there. Kelly suddenly loves motorcycles but Brenda doesn't and actually tells Dylan that she HATES them while he's fixing his bike (like ok, we get it). Dylan/Kelly suddenly don't want to go to college but Brenda does, which is funny because in 4x02 *spoiler alert* we get the exact opposite dynamic.

    • Love 2
  6. Actually, when Brandon asked Dylan if he and Brenda broke up over the SATs, Dylan said it was more complicated than than, while looking right at Kelly (who was staring from afar).

    I can't believe those 2 assholes kissed on campus, before they even told Brenda. Was that tree next to them supposed to hide them from the hundreds of people walking by?

    • Love 2
  7. The only character who reached levels this low was Deacon. He deflowered Bridget while her parents and brother listened on the phone. I can remember the scenes vividly. He was like, "Tell me you like that," while in the throes of passion. Thinking back...I still have no words 14+ years on.

    See, but we were supposed to think what Deacon was doing was disgusting. His motivations were clear, he wanted to hurt the Forresters for "taking" Amber so he took Bridget instead. And he paid for it right after, by the way. Eric run him over with his car. (not that it stopped him for hurting Bridget even more, but I digress)


    With Thomas though, I think the writers just want us to think that no woman can resist him. I'm not sure if they are realising how creepy he comes off, starting with the fantasy of locking an immobile Caroline in her room, then with taking advantage of her and now with trying to bed his cousin.


    Would it have worked if Thomas had half the charm that Deacon had back in the day? Maybe, but at least Deacon showed remorse for his actions, he knew what he was doing was wrong. Thomas acts like it's perfectly ok to seduce his cousin, just because "there's no ring".

    • Love 13
  8. And I'm not holding my breath for a miracle baby with Ridge and Caroline. Unless he had the vasectomy reversed, I don't see how he could be the father with a vasectomy and low mobility. It's only a matter of time until Thomas finds out. I read that Brooke is going to be suspicious of her EDD. Maybe that will be part of November sweeps.



    Liam is the one suspicious and talks to Brooke about it.

    And according to next week's spoilers, Brooke "caves to pressure" from Liam (major eyeroll here, like the Waffler is capable of that) and spills about Ridge's vasectomy.

    • Love 1
  9. That's what always bothers me about the "oops, I got pregnant!" storylines in this day and age. I know contraception can fail but so often it seems the concerned couple got together without any protection at all. Pregnancy isn't the only thing which can result from that but soaps never address it unless they're specifically doing the rare STD storyline. It was never clear to me whether Caroline was even using birth control or at what point she may have stopped using it so she and Ridge could "try" to have children. I'm with squinty Brooke on that score: the timing seems way off.

    When the doctor told Caroline she was pregnant, she said she was on the pill but she was very stressed at some point so she might have forgotten to take them.

    It was never clear when she stopped taking them altogether but I assume she did right after Ridge told her he wanted a baby and they got back together.



    Why would Deacon continue to call his son Eric Forrester III?  When everyone thought he was Rick's kid they called him Little E, when his true parentage was revealed he was renamed Deacon Sharpe Jr aka Little D.

    Actually, Deacon was the only one calling him Little D. Everyone else used to call him Little Eric.

    I'm not 100% sure, but I think they called him Eric when he showed up on Y&R in 2010 for 5 minutes.

    • Love 5
  10. I could absolutely see Rick and/or Maya pushing for Nicole to be the egg donor/surrogate just one more time pllleeeeeeeaaassseee so that Raya baby #1 has a sibling or, God forbid, if Raya baby #1 isn't a boy, then of course, they need to try for a Rick Forrester III. 


    I can see it now, 12 years and 6 pregnancies later, Nicole finally produces the Forrester heir and comes upon Zende to tell him, "Okay, I'm ready now" and he's as squinty-eyed as Brooke as he asks, "Ready for what? And who are you?"

    LMAO, that was the funniest thing I've read all day.


    Raya's out of luck, though. There already is a RIck Forrester III, Deacon and Becky's kid that Rick and Amber raised.

    • Love 3
  11. We'll have to sort of agree to disagree I guess. I recall a couple of nascent pairings on AMC that never went far because it was clear TK wasn't having it. (And neither were the Zendall fans.) I was not alone in noticing it either.


    Hmm, I don't disagree with that. When I said he sells his pairings I meant the ones that actually came to fruition (like Zach with Kendall and Maria). The ones that were only teased, I didn't feel that his character was interested in cheating but I don't know if that was the writing or TK phoning it in.


    If anyone's interested here's his interview in SOD. The 3rd link has the part I mentioned before about KKL and Bridge.




    • Love 1
  12. In my experience watching him mainly on AMC and a bit on OLTL and PC, he seems to prefer being matched with younger actresses. Plus, he's real obvious when his character is in a pairing he doesn't like. I always got the vibe that he wasn't feeling either Ridge+Brooke or Ridge+Katie, yet with Ridge+Caroline he's all about it.


    In his recent interview in SOD he mentioned that one of his favorite leading ladies was Lynn Herring, who's 8 years older than him. So, no, I don't think it's about the actress' age. It's just that usually the actor is older than the actress he's paired with so his pairings were that way as well.


    I agree about him not feeling Ridge/Katie but I don't agree about Brooke. Ridge was written is pissed at her from the moment he found out about Brill so there was no time for them to show any romantic chemistry. I think they kissed once before he found out and that was literally the first time KKL/TK met so I can't judge based on that one kiss, which wasn't that bad given the circumstances.


    Having watched him on both AMC and PC, I think TK has sold all of his pairings IMO.

    • Love 5
  13. I vaguely remember KKL saying she didn't want a Bridge reunion with TK. With almost 30 years on the show, I would hope that she has some input on her character.


    I haven't read her thoughts on this but TK has been very vocal in his latest interviews that he's against a Bridge reunion because he thinks it doesn't work to try to recreate something that's been done by another actor.

    And since he speaks so highly of KKL I assume she's in agreement with him (meaning he wouldn't be so dead against it if she wanted it to happen).



    Re: Jessica and Natalie on OLTL. Yes, they had different fathers until the the last episodes when it was revealed that Clint was Jessica's father as well, instead of Mitch.

    • Love 2
  14. SORASing and deSORASING happens all the time on soaps. Children gets SORASed but the parents stay the same age.


    It doesn't even matter if they mention an age on a soap because everyone will believe whatever they want anyway. They'll either call BS because of said character's past or they'll go with it. They just mentioned on GH a few weeks ago that Sonny Corinthos is a 40-something male! Did it make his pairing with Emily 10 years ago less icky? No.


    If we go strictly by the history of the show. Ridge would be around 70, Brooke 60 (she's supposed to be 10 years younger than Ridge) and Eric would be pushing 90. Rick, who was out of college when Hope was born, would be around 45.

    None of these characters look those ages and I prefer to go by what I see. :)

    • Love 7
  15. Is it my imagination or has the flashback of Thomas and Caroline changed as did the video of Steffy and Aly? Steffy was made to look like she struck Aly for no reason and now they are making Caroline look like she was more complicit in Thomas' actions.


    As far as the Caroline/Thomas flashback is concerned, it's the same as the original scene.

    The only thing that was added in some flashbacks, was Thomas' voiceover "It would be great if I could just show you" or something like that.

    • Love 4
  16. Oh, so that's what Ridge meant when he said that Caroline has wanted to have kids for so long. After all, it is September.


    LOL, actually, there was a conversation between Ridge and Caroline last December where Ridge mentioned that Caroline always said she's like to start a family.


    This is what she said on August. It might not believable to some, but it was believable to me.

    I think just the accident really put things in perspective for me, you know? I'm just so grateful for every day and for every little moment, you know? But... before you know it, five years passes by and then -- and then 10 and... and I think that's when you start thinking about, like... the things that you wish you would have done and how much you wish you would have had, and I know, for me...that's a family.

    • Love 5
  17. Has anyone broached the topic of how strange it is that Carridge dated for about 3months before getting married and were married for one day before attempts to conceive a child?


    I don't disagree that the relationships move fast on this show. However, Ridge/Caroline have been together since January so that's 8 months (plus 3 months of having feelings for each other). About the same time Rick/Maya dated before their wedding and more than Deacon/Quinn dated.

    Yes, Caroline was gone for 2,5 months but the relationship still existed.


    Also, Caroline mentioned her desire to have kids to Ridge in August and she explained that her accident put things in perspective. I understand if she doesn't want to wait after having her life flash before her eyes. Yes, they could have waited a bit, especially since Caroline said that she wanted to enjoy being married for a while before they tried to have a baby, but I guess they wanted to move to storyline along.

    • Love 1
  18. I don't understand why they would cast an Irish (English?) actor and try and force him to hide his accent.  It's obvious that this is extremely difficult for the actor to do, which is why he seems to talk like a growling tiger. 


    LOL, that's actually how TK speaks in real life for at least 20 years. He's half German and half British and he joked once in an interview that his accent is so weird that the American people think he's British and the British people think he's American.


    I may be a huge Ridge/Caroline fan, but I do agree that it would be better if he just played a completely different character.



    Edited to add this tweet from Soap Opera Network

    #ICYMI: Producers confirm #CaRidge went to LA court house offscreen to get marriage license. They are legally wed #BoldandBeautfiul


    I hope, since the producers confirmed it, it's going to be mentioned on the show as well, maybe when it is a new day.

    • Love 4
  19. Not sure what that CaRidge ceremony was today -- but that was *not* a wedding.  I get the small intimate wedding thing, but that was just 2 people spouting their twu luv to the air and exchanging rings.


    And now they are going tell everyone they're married.  Um.... no .... they're not.


    Like I posted upthread, I don't know the laws in California, but Brooke and Ridge got married exactly like that two times. The first time there was a mistake in the marriage certificate but the second time it was legal.


    They just have to go to City Hall and do the paperwork.

  20. The "wedding reception" was not a real one. It was just done for the fan event, it's not going to air.


    Yes, LG/TK wore the same clothes but it was just for the fans. During the "wedding dance", JMW, PF and JMC were dancing with fans and when the cake was cut, LG had trouble with it and PF said, that's why they shouldn't actors do this stuff.

    Plus, if it was real they would have told Linsey not to cut her hair this short until after the event. :)

  21. Wonder why the video says 2009?


    Because that's when they got married. Now, I wasn't watching at the time so I may have some things wrong but, according to recaps, Brooke and Ridge got to city hall after the wedding and legalized it.


    That was the second marriage on the beach that year. From what I've read, the first one was declared invalid because Pam (who was working at City Hall) made a mistake with the marriage certificate. The second one was legit, though.

    • Love 1
  22. I saw the ET clip of LG. It was good to see her smiling and happy. LG said that Thorsten and Don came to see her but she did not mention Robert, her boyfriend. Maybe he was too busy solving Austin's murder or it was in direct response, to a question of who from the cast came to see her.


    She was probably talking about the B&B cast.

    SID had an article on Linsey's first day back. Robert Adamson was there at the taping and actually carried her from her wheelchair to the chair she was supposed to tape. :)

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