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  1. yea, guys are natural like that. me included. the first reaction is like, "eww...not sure i want a messed up chick like that." and over time a guy may overlook and depends... same deal with a girl that is whore, " oh geez..." like makes a guy look bad, reputation -wise. no problem making a whore out of a girl though. hehehe.... just the way it is.... i digress ...but just wanted to put in my two cents on that matter :P
  2. yea think she recoveed from chemo. maybe you missed that part. i think after recovery she went wild and did some drug and got knocked up. then child service came along and deemed her unfitted mother and told the child away. hohoho... pretty sure she confided in hal that... then hal had doubts about being with her....
  3. the whole finale is a distortion of reality. no, this is the twlight zone. "there is nothing wrong with your televison. do not attempt to change the channel." hahaha... this is how it happens. pope hates the masons so much ,he makes a deal with the esphenis. lmao! mwah ha ha... so they genetically engineer pope to the the instrument to wipe out the male human species to bring apart the extinction of the human race. a virus that GE pope's body produces. so the plague spread and men drop dead drove after drove until all are gone from the face of the earth :P. hal hold maggie's hand with both of his' and to his chest. maggie weeps, "hal , i love you. ah ha ha" . hehehe... then after hal passes over. cochise conveniently consoles maggie. hehehe... sneaky volm :P. then a light bulb appear over maggie 's cute little face. she begins to realize how sexy cochise is and this is how they can save mankind from total extinction by starting a new hybrid human race. hohoho.... maggie being in heat, "cochise, you done so much for us, for humanity. please let me show you the gratitude a human woman like me can offer. please help us to save humanity from complete extinction." and then they mate. hehehe..mwah ha ha...
  4. no , the theory was presented on "ancient aliens" but mainstream archeology wouldn't accept it. so we got cheated out of seeing it in our educational curriculum. ha ha ha...
  5. more failing contradictions came to mind: 1. "earth is the only habitable planet in the galaxy and makes it a stragetically important location." what about volm and skitter homworlds? lol. 2. another sore eyed element is how come skitters have never been armed, never short-range/long range weapon of any kind. no guns, no spears,blades. its like they are treated as expendable so heck they don;t need to be armed. lol. so of course they are getting to rack up in death toll but no one care about stupid skitters. or maybe its too hard to do CG-wise,lol? you know the saying,"never bring a sword to a gun fight." well they don't even have that, lol. had they ended it better, maybe spin-offs for volm and skitter can be open but with the non-sensical ending as it is.... humanity is boring as we have all seen with falling skies. let make a story focused on aliens instead with humanity on the sidelines.:P
  6. maybe they did. i think it is implied they did. assuming the expheni queen death wiped out all dependent esphenis. lol.
  7. glad enough people like me thought this show is dumb as something dumb. lmao! i mean not all sci-fi drama can be smart. dumb show give people something dumb to rant about , just for the sake of ranting. lol. now that that opinion out of the way...let get down to critizing...lol i sorta feel the whole last season was kinda rush like " oh sheet we are out of time, we only have 5 season room to tell the story and we gotta just get it all in in this last season no matter what" and i feel there are like some contradiction: 1. the skitter background is not explored well, like their planet and their role in the insurgency , like they were part of the story for insurgency and then abruptly dumped ad replaced by volm. 2. and the whole cochise's father being dead accidently for epicness was kinda unconvincing plot -wise like volm not advanced in biology to have organ cloning in spite of far ahead of human's other sciences. c'mon! 3.and the status of volm homeworld not explored much either and status of their base. you are told they pull their fleet back to base for defense cuz espheni discovered it. 4. lexi (like at season4 end, you get an suggestion that her and then no mention of her for a while, big disconnect in the story) 5. the mysterious alien(females) in tom's vision, her role and background . 6. espheni queen is a giant ass spider while underlings are humanoid,don;t make sense. i guess they took the idea from borg queen from star trek. you kill her and the whole cube ship blow to kingdom cum.lol. i feel you can get away with that better cuz they cyborg and all. but feel harder to get away for organics and before finale no sign of being dependant thinker and they just dropped this on you in finale. wtf! i gues they need some way for human to win so this is like wiping out lot number of dependent underlings when you take out queenie. not very convincing... one stone and many many birds. what in nature had such a stupid dependancy system , nothing known to man anyways, cuz it too damn stupid! bah! reminds me of another movie with dumb plot: "independence day". alien are very advanced but super dumb in common sense. find it hard to beleive a computer virus would easily cripple their whole computer system and they have no clue you bringing a nuke to their mothership. this movie always bug me for stupidity. such dumb plots make the movie: "dumb and dumber" look smart!:P
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