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  1. I feel the exact same way. The Brown wives believe they are entitled, especially Meri. They share one man because nobody else will have them, same with Cody. The first and only time I saw the show I laughed because it was so obvious. Quantity means nothing when there is no quality there, i.e. intelligence, compassion, contribution to society (as opposed to scamming for Govt. assistance the way they did). And they are completely unattractive. Their looks are last because some people who actually have humble personalities are beautiful. And they are disgustingly FAT. Yep, the F word and I am NOT fat shaming and anyone who thinks I am has problems with reading comprehension. People have weight problems. Hypothyroidism cannot be healed. People search for solutions for YEARS and decades to no avail. And sometimes a person's weight is hereditary. The Brown woman are NOT related and look at them. They are gluttons and raising their children to be the same way. Even Robyn is gaining weight because of the lifestyle she now lives. Sadly the most interesting thing to happen to or come out of the Brown family was the lowest type life form..a catfish. Meri wouldn't have acknowledged her existence if not for the money she claimed to have. Out of the ton of women in that family she is the very least attractive and has absolutely nothing going for her.
  2. I believe it was either one of two things, or the combination thereof. The basis of her character's personality was money. Lack of money brought about its demise. Karma in action and/or poetic justice.
  3. This is priceless! THANK you so much for the link! I hope JO chokes on every word she reads. I was so hoping Kate would do something like this, but am so happy someone did!!
  4. You are right. She's basically toast. I stopped reading her juvenile Blog days ago when I checked her lack of comments. I just check here from time to time because I have never had an interest in the Browns or the Duggars. Short of her getting a sex change operation or the twins getting leprosy I'm over the freak show, and maybe not even then.
  5. That would truly be poetic justice.
  6. Sam is saying Lifetime wants to do a movie about her eBook. She meets with them in 2 weeks. Just in case she is actually telling the truth, I'm already looking for proper Lifetime contact info for complaints.
  7. 'Lindsay' and uncle Ben (giggles) hurried to the hospital to see the "boys" and 'Lindsay' said 'Alex' is her favorite of the two. My real, non-imaginary friend had triplets. They were a huge surprise and rocked her world because she had lucrative career and 2 other children. She ended up being a well known marathon runner in this area because she started running to deal with the stress (she refused to have nannies). You can bet during my first visit to see those beautiful babies I picked one and said "that's my favorite"....NOT. Nobody can make this garbage up.
  8. I agree with all of the above. And I really believe Sam is more than one person. If not, she is much better at managing time than I am. All that bleeding BS takes time. The research..even though it's not as thorough as it was, the comments, playing games on the site, sleeping, eating..bathroom time. Even if she is on welfare, that's more than a full days' BS.
  9. The cockroach's blog this morning states she's putting sexually explicit voicemails with Meri on Youtube. 'Lindsey' has reworked them, whatever that means, and there's over 100 of them. This is beyond sickening. 'His lawyers' are writing up warnings to add as popups. Lindsey had them on the batcrap blog as private. WTF? Why don't the Browns do something??? This...there are no words. Someone needs to stop it. I really thought she had run out of steam where Meri was concerned. Sam is dangerous. 'He' can NO longer say he ever loved her.
  10. Her tweets are displayed on the side of her blog now. Last night she had "Rover" instead of "Range". She changed it because more people would likely know it's a Range Rover instead of a cheaper vehicle. Last night's tweets stated she has is having a nanny. "No one said much on the drive home. I'm taking my cousin to go buy a bigger vehicle. My Range (was Rover) won't fit everything and the nanny plus kids. Buying this for my Dadmobile. 2015 Cadillac Escalade. All black." So she not only is having super sized babies she has a super sized nanny. It's all about price and size. What. A. Freak.
  11. You are probably right. Surely there is more than one person making up the Sam character. Unless she literally lives and breathes online (poorly) researching her lies and bantering back and forth with her-selves. What kind of life is that? And what motivates her? If it was for monetary gain you might could half way, almost understand it. The only other explanation is that she is insane..and surely some family member must know. UNLESS it's the whole clan doing it.
  12. I'm sure it will come as a shock that Jackie mentioned a few entries ago (can't remember which because the entries on her rag of a blog blend together) that there would be no photos of the 'twins'...maybe..just a hand or foot. Because even a fourth grader knows that reverse-image won't bring up the location of an original image if it's only a small part of that image.
  13. Maybe pretend babies are larger than real ones? If she can own several buildings in Chicago, several planes and businesses, she can surely manage super-size twins. There is some sort of psychotic truth in Jackie's need for large and multiples, I would really love to know what happened in her pathetic life to cause all of this. She should be locked away and involved in intense psychotherapy. Or maybe someone should just beat the hell out of her? I would gleefully volunteer. She's needing the forums now because she's losing attention and needs a new angle. And another platform from which to find new victims. The crap networks need to come up with a reality based game show. Match the scenario to the sitcom...or something. It's clear to everyone she is ganking scenes from TV.
  14. Latest blog post (and most hilarious) by Sam the sham covers 'his' preparations for parenthood. Babies will be leaving the hospital in Batman onesies with matching hats! He took the 'girls' out to dinner complete with a violinist selling roses. He took them on a tour to show them all the buildings he owns in Chicago. Then he painted the nursery because the furniture will be delivered today (on a Federal holiday). He also hired an in home chef to make special foods for the white trash cousin and a private masseuse to come and massage her back for an hour.
  15. I only watched Sister Wives once, was amazed at the size of most of them, and of course Grody Kody. This forum is much more interesting to read than watching glorified low life on TV. I watched Honey Boo Boo once for the same reasons. I'm not ashamed of watching Sam unravel, but that kind of amusement can only last for so long. My favorite thing to do is read very intelligent people's reaction to his slow, painful demise. I love this forum because most her 'have Sam's number'..their critiques of 'him' are spot on. Sam has replaced the clan of Boo Boo for me. Same class of people, just doing the only thing they know how to do. Wallow in ignorance. "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear" comes to mind. No matter how much you research how upper class people live..the truth is in the 'pudding' which is Sam's writing. I love seeing 'him' struggle with it now...and watch 'him' running scared.
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