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12 Good
  1. A Year in the Life musings: -It looked like Lorelai had an unfortunate weave for most of the series. -Fall was the best-written episode. If it had just been Fall, I would have been pleased with the revival. -"Now your name is, uh, Molly....Why?" And Michel can't talk to kids how customer service people are supposed to without worrying about sounding like a child molester. So true. Love Michel. -No mention that Rory worked on the Obama campaign press bus in 2008? And they screwed up the fact that Yale didn't have a journalism major again? And Rory is Logan's side piece but she isn't even taking the side piece guilt house? Hey, and why the hell didn't Rory get a Master's degree? It doesn't take too long and it's not like she lacked the money, and having a graduate degree gives you better job and salary opportunities....I mean, c'mon! In seven years, Paris apparently did med school, residency, established a world-renowned successful fertility clinic, and had two kids! Rory published, like, five known articles? -All of Rory's exes are in pretty great shape. Logan: Nice bod, but I'll never actually find a blond adult man attractive. Would have liked to hear Jared's Smeagol impression. -Blue Hill Farms is an amazing gig for Sookie and Jackson. Good for them. I love the cakes wedding cake, but the milestone cake had some sad-looking, crappy marzipan art on it. -When I checked the subtitles during an Emily bit, it hilariously said "[Berta speaking her language]." The press said Berta and her family are Peruvian. Shrug. -Oh, god, the first time I teared up in this Year in the Life was Rory sitting to write at Richard's desk. That hit me right in the feels. -Where's my Kiefer Sutherland cameo, DAMMIT?! And when would Kiefer have spent time in Connecticut? Around when he headbutted that fashion designer in NY? -I literally cheered for Emily swearing and taking no bullshit from anyone and having a sherry every day in the afternoon. And of course her ideal occupation is enthusiastically lecturing about horrible whale murder while children cried and parents cringed. Fabulous. -"If I don't like it I'll just sue your ass." "It's good publicity. Sue me either way?" Awwww. -Yay, no Liz and TJ! And the only Chris scene was super short! -Hey 19 is a downer of a flash mob song: "Hey Nineteen No we got nothing in common No we can't talk at all Please take me along When you slide on down" I am bummed that Luke and Lorelai still have communication problems where they lie about certain major life things that inevitably lead to crazy emotional outbursts, but I guess those two goofballs need that drama in their lives. -Hi, Mr. Kim! Bye, Mr. Kim!
  2. Handlebar's Negan impersonation was so tedious. The drama queeny going from smiling and cheery-sounding to menacing is so overwrought, amateurish, forced and unnatural. Jesus and Sasha made this sort of tolerable at times, but this show is mostly unwatchable at this point. Nice punch, Maggie. And I thought for a second, "Oh, finally someone's riding a bike! The gas-powered vehicle thing was really suspending my dis-":Carl wrecks a car for no reason.:
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