A Year in the Life musings:
-It looked like Lorelai had an unfortunate weave for most of the series.
-Fall was the best-written episode. If it had just been Fall, I would have been pleased with the revival.
-"Now your name is, uh, Molly....Why?" And Michel can't talk to kids how customer service people are supposed to without worrying about sounding like a child molester. So true. Love Michel.
-No mention that Rory worked on the Obama campaign press bus in 2008? And they screwed up the fact that Yale didn't have a journalism major again? And Rory is Logan's side piece but she isn't even taking the side piece guilt house? Hey, and why the hell didn't Rory get a Master's degree? It doesn't take too long and it's not like she lacked the money, and having a graduate degree gives you better job and salary opportunities....I mean, c'mon! In seven years, Paris apparently did med school, residency, established a world-renowned successful fertility clinic, and had two kids! Rory published, like, five known articles?
-All of Rory's exes are in pretty great shape. Logan: Nice bod, but I'll never actually find a blond adult man attractive. Would have liked to hear Jared's Smeagol impression.
-Blue Hill Farms is an amazing gig for Sookie and Jackson. Good for them. I love the cakes wedding cake, but the milestone cake had some sad-looking, crappy marzipan art on it.
-When I checked the subtitles during an Emily bit, it hilariously said "[Berta speaking her language]." The press said Berta and her family are Peruvian. Shrug.
-Oh, god, the first time I teared up in this Year in the Life was Rory sitting to write at Richard's desk. That hit me right in the feels.
-Where's my Kiefer Sutherland cameo, DAMMIT?! And when would Kiefer have spent time in Connecticut? Around when he headbutted that fashion designer in NY?
-I literally cheered for Emily swearing and taking no bullshit from anyone and having a sherry every day in the afternoon. And of course her ideal occupation is enthusiastically lecturing about horrible whale murder while children cried and parents cringed. Fabulous.
-"If I don't like it I'll just sue your ass." "It's good publicity. Sue me either way?" Awwww.
-Yay, no Liz and TJ! And the only Chris scene was super short!
-Hey 19 is a downer of a flash mob song:
"Hey Nineteen
No we got nothing in common
No we can't talk at all
Please take me along
When you slide on down"
I am bummed that Luke and Lorelai still have communication problems where they lie about certain major life things that inevitably lead to crazy emotional outbursts, but I guess those two goofballs need that drama in their lives.
-Hi, Mr. Kim! Bye, Mr. Kim!