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Posts posted by grumpypanda

  1. Most of this has already been said but Aubree looked so freaking cute in her Ramones t-shirt and little glasses.

    I can't help it but I love Cole and Chelsea together even if Chelsea was done up Kabuki style for her doctor's appointment. Yes, I got a little misty during the heartbeat scene.

    Anyway, I also think Leah is tweeking. I had a friend that was real bad on meth and she acted just like Leah in tonight's episode. During the Jeremy freak out scenes I think her friend (or sister, whoever that was) was also high as hell.

    Does anyone really believe Leah was volunteering? That's hilarious! 

    • Love 6
  2. I thought this episode was boring. I feel like nothing interesting is happening this season and it's the same old shit over and over again.

    Why was Alison dressed so frumpy in her POV? Both her and Helen looked terrible at the bar. Oh my god those glasses!! 

    • Love 2
  3. I hate Jenelle so much, now she wants Nathan to prove that he has sippy cups and diapers for Kaiser. I know Nathan is no genius but I think he can figure out how to give his son something to drink and does she really think he's going to let Kaiser shit on the floor? 

    I don't understand why Nathan's mom can't watch the kid while he's with his dad either. She probably just took him to the park for an hour so Nathan could go to the gym and as always Jenelle blows everything out of proportion.

    I think most of it is because of her psycho boyfriend. I don't think Jenelle really cares who's watching Kaiser as long as it's not her.

    Anyway, I loved that Pete the pig was hanging out in the background while they were telling Aubree about the baby. Everything about that scene made me happy.

    • Love 19
  4. I'm a little late to the party and for some reason I can't quote but I'm a widow with a young child and I just recently went skydiving for the third time. Maybe I'm a bad mom, I blame it on the editing. I never lose my keys though. 

    On a completely different topic, Aubree's cat ear headband was adorable and Adam is still a douche. 

    • Love 9
  5. Something else really bothered me about Helen in this episode, I thought it was so rude the way she kept putting Noah 's parole officer on hold so she could talk to Whitney. I would have said “bitch I don't have time for your family drama I'm working" and hung up.

    She has this sense of entitlement that I really can't stand like her time is more important than everyone's else's. Maybe I'm just projecting my own shit here but I really can't stand the character now and I did like her before. 

    • Love 10
  6. What the hell is going on with this show? I hate the whole tone of this season. I loved the first two seasons even with its flaws but season three is a hot mess.

    This is obviously a minor nit pick but for some reason it bothered me that Helen poured the tomato sauce right out of the jar on the spaghetti without heating it up. Do people put cold sauce on hot pasta? Maybe I'm doing it all wrong.

    Anyway, I hate Helen now. How does she not see that Noah hates her? His contempt for her his practically oozing out of him. Desperation is a stinky cologne Helen. 

    • Love 13
  7. Juliette throwing herself at Noah is almost embarrassing at this point but she sure has terrible timing. I can't imagine anyone wanting to have sex right after a bad car accident. This wasn't a minor fender bender the car was totalled so what the fuck is she thinking? Plus the man is recovering from a stab wound to the neck, I don't understand why she finds him so irresistible. He looked so gross to me in this episode. 

    I also don't understand why Noah 's stab wound wasn't stitched up. I'm not a medical professional but that thing looked like it needed stitches. 

    • Love 5
  8. This was my least favorite episode of this season so far. I'm just not into this whole Noah's going crazy story line crap. Are we sure Noah is taking Vicodin and not PCP? Vicodin isn't even a super strong pain medication so why is Noah seeing shit and acting like a lunatic? 

    This is the first episode that I actually hated Helen. I hate her for using Max and for cheating on sexy Vic. Mostly I hate her for not getting over Noah. It's been years, get over him already!! 

    Even though Max is a scum bag for cheating on his fiancee I still felt a little bad for him for getting sucked back into Helen's bull shit for a minute. I cheered when he told her to “get the fuck out." 

    • Love 14
  9. For whatever reason I can't quote but I have a feeling chabelisaywow might be right and Bruce might be Alison's dad. I really hope they're not going there but I wouldn't doubt it.

    • Love 5
  10. Fuck you Cole you're dead to me! Anyway, I've always thought most of the acting on this show was pretty good but for some reason I thought Ruth Wilson and Joshua Jackson were awful in most of their scenes this episode. It was Days of Our Lives bad. 

    Is it just me or does Luisa look really harsh this season? I wonder if it's intentional to make her look more like a bitch. I don't like her hair and her make-up is too dark or something.

    Yep Alison you're a slut and you should feel like shit for sleeping with Cole. I hate her so much! And the peanut butter thing reminded me of the shampoo incident. Luisa might be a bitch but she has reason to be. She was right after all, Alison will destroy her life. Cole is dumb is fall for her act. 

    • Love 6
  11. Do you really want Daryl preparing your cheese plate? Gross!

    So is Sherry into having sex with Negan? Is that what we were supposed to take away from the kiss between them? I guess I can't blame her, he is a huge step up from her nasty husband.

    Rosita and her plan are stupid but I hate Eugene and the way he talks so I don't mind her taking shit to him.

    Anyway, will someone please peal Jesus's fake beard off his face because it looks ridiculous! 

    • Love 5
  12. I didn't mind Juliette's perspective. I'm easy to please I guess. I find her really sad and pathetic. Obviously she loves her old husband but she's lonely and looking for some kind of connection.

    I think the student (Mike?) and Noah are just an escape from her reality. I could have done without the masturbation and dinner party scenes though. 

    Noah sure does hate Helen. She was annoying as hell in the hospital. The kids are major assholes too! Nothing new there. 

    • Love 11
  13. I know it's already been addressed but Leah is so damn stupid, does she really think Corey drafted the legal paperwork himself just to screw with her? 

    This is typical shit that happens in court, it's not personal. Her dumb ass lawyer really should know West Virginia law so it's her fault for filing the order incorrectly.

    Jenelle and Uncle Dave were obviously getting high in the bedroom and that's why they didn't want to come out. I also think Dave is a controlling psychopath and probably threatened Jenelle if she tried to leave the room. There's some weird shit going on in that house. 

    • Love 8
  14. Based on the evidence that was presented on the show I wouldn't have been able to convict Jason.

    No one wants to believe that a seemingly normal teenager would kill his mother over a silly argument but sometimes teens do irrational things when they're angry. If Taylor did shoot his mother out of anger it makes sense that he committed suicide because he's not a psycho serial killer and the guilt would be too much for him to handle. 

    Anyway, I didn't find the rag all that suspicious but the color of the blood on the rag was somewhat strange. I'm not a blood expert but I've always thought that old blood turned a darker color. 

    I can't say with absolute certainty that Jason is innocent but I'm definitely leaning towards a murder-suicide scenario. 

    • Love 1
  15. I also thought it was strange that Charity's fiance didn't speak on camera. I did crack up at him chowing down on an ice cream cone in the waiting room while Charity was having surgery. I definitely got the vibe that he's mentally challenged. 

    Anyway, Angel did seem depressed but she also just might have a bad case of Resting Bitch Face. I suffer from RBF so I understand her plight. 

    I loved Angel and her husband out on a date. Unlike most of the couples on this show I think these two are really in love and it's nice to see a nice supportive partner on this show that doesn't seem like a weirdo.

    • Love 4
  16. The set up of this season is driving me crazy. I like James but it hardly seems fair that he's in the final five and he's tattooed exactly three tattoos and two of them were not even whole tattoos. So far he's done a Japanese dragon (his specialty), one wing and the outline of a ship.

    Anyway, I watch this show because I like looking at tattoos so it always bums me out when they do team challenges because it's less tattoos to look at. 

    I think Jesse's work is interesting but I can't imagine having some huge random  crazy looking creature permanently tattooed on my leg like that. I would feel kind of stupid with that thing on my body.

    • Love 1
  17. None of this shit makes any sense. How did Nick swim all the way to shore so fast and isn't the water supposed to be freezing? When did Strand tell Nick to meet Luis? Did they leave the boat together? I'm so confused.

    I still don't understand why Strand wants to bring Maddie and company to Mexico with him in the first place. Besides Travis these people have nothing to offer. 

    • Love 7
  18. Jenelle's bullshit excuses for not letting Nathan see his son are ridiculous and infuriating. Kaiser is like one and a half years old, it doesn't matter if he shares a room with his father for a little while.

    I don't understand why Nathan doesn't have any attorney by now. I would do whatever I had to do to get the money for a lawyer so that I could see my child. Is he that stupid or does he really not give a shit? I bet those two idiots end up back together and pregnant again by the end of the year. 

    • Love 6
  19. I didn't watch the plane episodes so I have no idea who Alex and the burned boy are but I already care about them more than any of the dimwits on the boat. Damn you Strand!

    Could those idiots pillage and loot and slower on that beach? If you find a medical bag full of supplies you grab the whole bag and sort through it later. You don't pick and choose what meds to take, you take them all you morons! You may not need blood pressure medicine or insulin now but it might be extremely valuable later. These people know nothing about survival.

    I keep hoping everyone will die and that's not a good sign for this show. I was rooting for the zombie with the crabs to bite Nick and I really want Chris and Alicia taken down. It's probably never going to happen though.

    • Love 15
  20. Except it was already in a bag of protein powder and was a different color. And why would you have a folded up piece of paper in the bag, anyway? At first I thought maybe he was using the folded paper as an improvised measuring cup, but I later saw him with something orange in his hand that looked like the kind of measuring cup you'd get packaged in with something that needed to be measured. I'm not accusing him of anything (since he has zero incentive to be seen with drugs on camera), but I can understand why the officers looked at it and decided it needed to be checked.

    Protein powder was my best guess but I really have no clue what the powder could be. Obviously it wasn't narcotics but it still seems weird to hide something completely innocent. I wonder why it wasn't brought up by the producers in an interview though.

  21. eta - I'm a terrible person but was I the only one who noticed that Zac was rock hard while being patted down?

    Not only did I notice it but I paused the tv for a moment to make sure I was seeing things correctly. It might just be the sweat pants but either way his wife is a lucky lady.

    Anyway, I wish they would have told us what the powder in Zack's bunk was. Protein power maybe?

    • Love 1
  22. I hate they way they write a script for these people and have them read the narration. Betty Jo sounds like a first grader trying to read aloud. It's terrible to listen to- she can't read! She has this terrible flat inflection like she doesn't understand what she is reading. Shopping for baby clothes, saying the baby meant more to her than use of her legs? Is she kidding, she needs to lose another 300 pounds which you can't do sitting in a wheel chair!

    Susan IS pretty old! She is NOT in her 20s. Two clues when she said she had not worn jeans since High School it sounded like a long, long time ago. Also she said she has not been horseback riding in TWENTY YEARS. I think she is in her early 40s or late 30s-not in her 20s. We think she is older because she acted like such a baby and a cry baby with the mother every minute.

    Early 40s and late 30s is pretty old? Yikes, I'm an old lady! I'm pretty sure Susan is in her forties which isn't really considered geriatric but she does look like she's closer to her mid to late fifties to me. It's mostly due to the sagging skin on her neck though.

    Anyway, I'm happy that Susan got the skin removal surgery and finally healed from it. She seemed motivated and happy so good for her. She has some nice friends to let her swim in their pool too.

    • Love 7
  23. That aftershow was awkward but it was actually better than listening to the moms talk about the same old shit. I have no idea why David was there and Nathan wasn't.

    I spent the entire show trying to figure out who David reminded me of and then it hit me, he's Early Grace from Kalifornia. I tried to post a picture for your entertainment but I couldn't figure out how to.

    Anyway, I thought Chelsea and Cole's vacation looked kind of boring. It doesn't sound like much fun having a camera crew following you around prompting you to talk about stupid shit.

    Leah must feel awfully stupid now for thinking Jeremy was interested in getting back together with her. Mtv obviously set the dinner up for drama but Leah is to stupid/high to realize it.

    • Love 6
  24. Speaking of GoT, it's ironic that Junkie Nick (Frank Dillane) is the son of Stannis Baratheon (Stephen Dillane) in Game of Thrones. Everybody already knew this probably. :)

    Perhaps they will be competing for screen time.

    I just binge watched every season of GoT and I'm completely confused by what you wrote here.
  25. Some good stuff, some predictable stuff and some truly disturbing stuff.

    The good, Hannah shopping with her mom. Yes, Hannah you do have the same body type. I thought she looked cute at the moth reading. The red lipstick looked good on her. I liked her story too.

    I also liked her little comment to mom about dressing like Pat Benatar.

    I actually liked Hannah and Tally together. I'm grateful that chose not to have sex though.

    I love what Shosh did to Ray's coffee shop. It's good for her and for Ray. Lets please put an end to the man bun!

    Elijah to Lorraine- 3 more beers and I might try to have sex with you.

    The predictable- Marni wants Ray back to make Desi jealous and Ray falls right into her trap like a love starved puppy. I felt embarrassed for him carrying her bags around and basically being her bitch. He can't even make her cum!

    That girl Desi was getting head from looked awfully young. Desi might end up getting arrested next season.

    So Hannah quits her teaching job without another job lined up, doesn't she have rent to pay? How does she plan on living without any money? Jobs are scarce, that's bananas to just quit without a plan.

    The disturbing- The fight, did both Jessa and Adam turn into other characters because yes they are both a little nutty but that fight was brutal. They were both acting deranged. Jessa was practically hunched over like an animal the entire time ready to attack or like she was sick. It was so bizarre. The post hate fuck scene was so repulsive.

    Lastly, shame on Tad. Either get divorced and screw who you want or stay married and be faithful.

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