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Posts posted by toodywoody

  1. She has had years to get herself together and if she has, it would have happened before now. She's too busy playing the victim and just over and over saying she has problems. 

    We all have problems. We all don't act shitty to the ones we love then say, oh I'm bipolar and I have so on and so forth to try to excuse how and what we do. She's never accountable for anything. 

    The birthday dinner was soooo sad. I feel so bad for Leah and can completely understand why Gary acted the way he did. He's not perfect. They all need to just put their foot down and not have any contact with her, she's harming Leah with how she's acting and Leah has tried to overlook and given Amber 500 chances, but it's time to let Leah be a teen without all the other drama that her mother brings.


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  2. On 6/7/2024 at 12:13 AM, Andyourlittledog2 said:

    Just watched episode three on June 6th. 

    Does Mack know how not to scream every freaking thing she says?  It's like she is a permanent cheerleader for the most mundane events in their lives. 'We're at the grocery store! Wooooo!'  She is exhausting.

    Amber is just the biggest piece of shit. She was about an hour late to the restaurant where they waited on her before ordering and she treated Leah like crap. It was Leah's fifteenth birthday and Amber made it all about Amber and her victimhood. Nobody talks to her right, everyone has an attitude with her, it's not fair, etc. She didn't even stop when Leah began to cry and asked Amber and the finally pissed off Gary to both stop. But Amber wouldn't stop. She never even noticed Leah was crying, it had to be pointed out to her and she very clearly didn't care. She just turned some of her irritation on Leah. She blames Leah and Gary for being difficult and says no wonder she can't have a good relationship with Leah. It's all Leah and Gary's fault. She is blameless. And even though she was an hour late, she knows she wasn't late. It's all them. Frankly, if I was Gary I would have ordered on time and let Amber show up whenever. I would never wait anything on Amber since she is notoriously late all the time. But an hour at a restaurant for your own kid's birthday and to show up with a stank attitude and a victimhood cloak wrapped tightly around her was over the top. Leah should quit trying with her and see if anything changes when she is an adult. I doubt it will, but Amber has broken her child's heart too many times. It's time to hit pause and cut Amber out.  What a crappy birthday.

    Well, I gotta go. Got to recover from the ignorance and also try to get my hearing back.

    I just watched the clip and omg! She is the whole reason I just can't watch. Leah just needs to quit trying with her. I felt so bad for her. Then Amber was oblivious about her crying, then was like Gawd, why are you crying. Because it's her day and all it is is Amber, Amber, Amber. She infuriates me. And Gary has every right to be pissed off, he was trying his best to not lose his shit!

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  3. 7 hours ago, ladyscorpio said:

    I agree, it's so hard to watch Gabe and Garrison hurting so deeply and trying to make amends with Kody, only to be rejected over and over. My heart breaks for Gabe and all of Kody's kids that he abandoned. On the Daily Mail website there was a story that says " a source" told them that Robyn is the most upset about this in the family and it really makes me mad. They don't name the source, but if it's Robyn or Kody, that is disgusting that they would try to make even this tragedy about her. It's not hard to believe that it would be her, because she makes every situation about her. I don't know how or if this will change anything with Kody, but I hope he will apologize and make amends with all his children and tell them how much he loves them, and includes them in his life going forward. 

    This has me fuming if it really happened. Somehow I knew Robyn would be like that. If it's true then that is complete and utter bullshit on her part. Sorrow isn't a contest and should not be made about herself. Jenelle lost one of her boys, quit making it a I'm the most heartbroken. I'm hoping this isn't true just because it's such shit to think, to say or even broadcast.

    I hope that Gabe gets into therapy. And I hope he doesn't pull away from his family and hating Kidney for the loss of his brother. I hope this is a wake up call to Kidney about not talking and taking part of his children's lives. I really do hope that.

    My heart aches for this family.

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  4. This is beyond heartbreaking. Gabe finding him breaks my heart even more for their family. RIP Garrison. Can't even imagine what Jenelle, Christine, Meri, all the kids,  Kidney and Robin are going through.

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  5. 42 minutes ago, applewood said:

    I  found the clip I was talking about. It was actually a mall cop that broke up the fight. And Kody said "he was going to beat both of them." Horrible example for his kids.


    Oh, also I guess I was wrong. Paedon wasn't involved. it was just Garrison and Gabriel. my bad.

    They learned it from him.

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  6. So let me get this straight. Kidney expected Jenelle to come care for him while he had a mild case of Covid, but how could she when she couldn't go anywhere near his rules or Robyn's house? He wanted everyone to bow down and give him the whoa is me treatment but everyone else can kick rocks when they had it. He is such a prick. 

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  7. I also think they rented and AirBNB so that people had places to sleep and be together. All Kidney thinks about is himself, so he didn't give a flying fuck about the kids that traveled there to spend the holiday, he just wanted to have his way. It's his way or the highway and plus they deemed the place not safe. Since it's obvious the Robyn/Kidney crew think the rest are serial killers or some shit, with their fucking safe talk. Plus he was all ass hurt because he said Christine wasn't family anymore, which is bullshit. She's mother to 6 of his kids. 

    He's such a dick!

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  8. 8 hours ago, 65mickey said:

    You must be confusing Savanah with someone else. Savanah was almost 18 when the last show was filmed. Janelle said he takes her to dinner every couple of weeks. I assume he talks to her when they go to dinner. But that doesn't earn him father of the year. 

    He probably grills her about her mom and if Christine has been around? Takes her for dinner to get information from her.

    And if Robyn does have dentures, does she not know they have glue that makes them adhere to your mouth? 

    Nothing surprises me with this family and the amount of things they don't know.

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  9. 9 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

    Yeah totally agree! Crybrows can't have it both ways! Either they have the family gatherings/reunion with everyone or be excluded from events because you say it "isn't safe to gather the whole family together". What are people supposed to think? Crybrows says they are not safe to be around so why bother inviting them??

    Crybrows painted herself and "her" fambly into a box and it is no one's fault but her own! Squeeze out a dry "woe is me" tear for that "Sweetie" and reap what you have sown.


    She says it's not safe or just doesn't show up and then when they do, they all act stuck up and like it's their first time meeting everyone and are standing off to the side. 

    No wonder Jenelle said it was easy.  Because they all have always been a family since they all started having kids. No one was excluded. Now they don't have to worry about the drama kidney and brows and their kids that either act stuck up and don't talk with resting bitch faces or are the little one that hasn't been shown to not be in other people's cakes, business, talking about stuff she has no clue about and just being a pest. 

    They wouldn't have shown up, if they were invited. And if they were, everyone would have been walking in egg shells not to upset King Kidney and Brows and not to set off the anxiety of the one girl or it not being safe.

    Which the not being safe is crap. Those two are acting like they are taking the kids to be around Josh Duggar for fucks sake.

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  10. 14 minutes ago, altopower said:

    But don't you realize that the point (in his mind) is that he shouldn't have to do any work at all?  He is the Pater Familias and everyone needs to recognize his importance as head of the family and take all the effort to maintain relationships that he forgot he had!

    That's why he left the majority of the parenting to the women. He was too busy claiming to be busy and running off on dates with Robyn or Meri until they divorced. 

    He never wants to do anything, complains when he does or makes excuses. Same as contacting his kids. He is always the one that everyone has hurt and couldn't possibly have hurt his kids or his wives. It's only him and Robyn that have feelings 

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  11. Just proves we all had that feeling about him and were right. Hus daughter looks like she's about to crawl out of her skin I'm that one picture where she's next to him. 

    Poor Jace. I'm glad they got a video of it. That's the only way those kids would have ever been believed. 

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  12. 3 minutes ago, Ms.Lulu said:

    What I think is interesting is that Christine, Janelle and Meri are all okay with a family reunion so the kids are all together.

    But of course, Robyn and Kody are against this.

    Well don't invite them OG3. Just get your families together and don't worry anymore about the other group, since the other group complains about the breaking up of the family and continues to not and find reasons not to participate or let things go and realize, no matter who Meri, Jenelle and Christine have in their lives, those 3 are still their family. 

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  13. You're right, he would say that to her. He always had the women handle all the hard shit, because he was just too damned busy. Hell, he couldn't even help Christine when she was working at night. Since Jenelle doesn't have any chicken tenders at home, he would say he needed to be there for them and would never be at her place. Plus he wouldn't be able to find solace in Robyn and be able to shower her with affection. So, he would be just as pissed as he was in 2022 and instead of blaming Christine, he would blame how Jenelle wasn't doing this or that.

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  14. 9 hours ago, Orcinus orca said:

    I think it's more the fact that he resembles Manson with the wild ass hair and dead, cold eyes. 

    That's exactly what I meant. It's been bugging me for some time of who he resembled to me and then I was like oh, shit and the crazy way that Manson would talk and his crazy hair. And damn that picture with the dead shark eyes and crazy ass hair.

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