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Posts posted by ocelot

  1. 5 hours ago, Uke said:

    Yes, Mark and Derek would have had gymnastics as part of their curriculum at Italia Conte (the performing arts school they attended).  Of course that is not Olympics level but they do have a competency. 

    Ok I just hadn't seen this but there's a lot I haven't seen. Somebody else mentioned they can tumble. Can you guys link me to a dance where they show off any gymnastics 'competency' because I'd be really interested to see it! :)

  2. 8 hours ago, Uke said:

    I'm pretty sure Val doesn't have gymnastics in his bag of tricks so he really couldn't go there.  I hope Sasha keeps it to a minimum. We already know she can do the flips & tricks. We need to see if she can do the dances.

    And Derek and Mark do? I'm confused by this statement. None of the three can do any gymnastics. It's not like it's difficult to choreograph an aerial or a leap?

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  3. On November 29, 2016 at 9:30 PM, kitcloudkicker said:

    Official word is that Broadway is theater locked for an indefinite period of time, with a long list of shows waiting for theaters to open up. Who knows though, but I would guess that's not happening until late 2017 at the earliest, if it doesn't get kiboshed. Harvey Weinstein's made an effort already of promoting it though which makes me think it wouldn't get killed completely.

    I think it's funny when people claim Derek only knows ballroom though, he's pretty cross trained with all his theater school background. And I'd imagine judging that show will be like judging Americas Got Talent. I mean, didn't JC Chasez judge Americas Next Dance Crew?

    The only dance style he has expertise in is ballroom. Some other styles he can do at an amateur level.

    That theater thing is just a bad excuse, shows are closing constantly. And if a show is coming to broadway, another show (that was struggling) will even close to make way for it sometimes. So I assume Singing in the Rain is just falling through.

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  4. 11 hours ago, Vinyasa said:

    Exactly, what challenge does an Olympic winning gymnast really have to learn these dances? Half of the dances aren't ballroom anymore on this show!

    I honestly don't think that gymnasts have as much of an advantage on this show as it seems. At least not that much more than any other athlete. Gymnasts lack the things that are most important for a dancer: they have horrendous feet and lines, and they don't have anything to do with musicality. If they were inviting rhythmic gymnasts on--that would be different. The only gymnast on this show who had nice lines was Nastia. The rest of them do really sloppy, visually unappealing leaps and again the feet. It's not like this show does a lot of tumbling and acro tricks in dances?

    I agree for base physicality, body awareness, etc it's very helpful, but I think people equate gymnastics too much with dancing when really they require polar opposite strengths.

    • Love 10
  5. Hamilton isn't 'colorblind' it casts people of color on purpose. King George is always played by a white person, the rest of the main cast is never white (there are a few in the ensemble).

    Not saying anything else because we're not supposed to get in political arguments here but your facts are wrong.

    • Love 4
  6. 2 hours ago, katha said:

    I thought the Laurie/Jana dance was good for "DWTS contemporary", which is basically nothing like actual contemporary as far as I understand? It was a lot of heavy-handed visual metaphors, a bit of movement, some lifts, some actual dancing and lots of angsty face. So in that DWTS specific "genre", I thought it worked. Jana and Laurie executed what they were given very well and I think the judges mark it as performance, not so much as a dance style, because they themselves have no idea what to look for anyway.

    Watching it over a bunch of times, I've come to appreciate it a bit for what it is. I won't discredit them for their work. It's not contemporary though lol

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  7. I'm surprised by the praise for the Jana Laurie contemporary. I didn't spot like any dancing? Much movement at all? The choreography was horrible, I'm sure that both could have been capable of more, but in the hands of Gleb and Val that's what they were gonna get I guess. The performance Sia did for that song on Ellen is such a stark difference in quality of dancing, maybe because I'd seen that one before this one just felt so extremely static to me. 

    like whether you like it or not you have to agree that there is like 500 percent more actual movement here

    that's something I don't get about dwts contemporary they really seem to think that you don't move in contemporary I don't get it

  8. 1 hour ago, Thalia said:

    The show isn't doing her any favors as far as editing.  I can't tell if she and Derek just rub each other the wrong way naturally or maybe he's upset that he didn't get a better partner and they aren't getting along because of that.  

    I really get the sense that he's mad he didn't get a better partner, and he isn't treating her very well (and I understand she might be annoying, but I feel bad for her in this situation).

    • Love 3
  9. 9 hours ago, TiredMe said:

    I wish they would disinvite Allison from being on this show. She is my least fav pro. Just doesn't belong. Poor Babyface

    I always defend Alison but that routine with the lighting really pissed me off. It made it really clear that she views DWTS as an opportunity to showcase herself and her choreography, and was doing that to the detriment of her contestant. It made me so mad how she was acting afterward, I felt so bad for him. I don't want her on the show either, because I just don't think the show works when they try to meld genres like this. I think if they want other dance styles represented, they should invite guests who do those styles professionally, because it's a disservice to everyone (pros, contestants, people who enjoy the style that's being butchered, people who don't want to see that style period). I think going over the top with elaborate routines every week has turned it into a show about the pros being genius choreographers when they're not? Most of them (current ones) aren't even choreographers? It's all about egos, of the pros (and it's not just Derek) and of the show itself--it is trying to make itself into something it's just not going to be, and it's so cringeworthy watching them try to act it out every week.

    All of that being said, I understand much of it is to do with ratings as well, and they have to do what they have to do to stay on air. Also, it's true that doing the same old thing would get boring quickly. So I don't really know what the solution is. Just complaining lol.

    I miss Mark a lot. I'm not a fan of his choreography (in general, loved what he did with the kids on sytycd jr this season though!), but he seemed so genuine in his wacky themes and dances that it didn't seem ego driven to me. Like that was really just what his mind came up with. But Derek for instance, it just seems like he's really going for a specific effect and a specific reaction (so the opposite of genuine), and it's always given to him which is just doubly irritating because he never creates anything actually good(edit: imo)? There's something colorful about Mark's work that even though I don't really like the choreo, I still enjoy watching it if that makes sense. It's endearing.

    Anyway not sure how I got onto this rant.

    • Love 4
  10. 1 hour ago, kitcloudkicker said:

    This is the full video for Derek's collaboration with Lindsey Stirling 


    Omg this is terrible. I'm so upset because I know he filmed another one of these with Chantel Aguirre I hope it's not this bad because I love her.

  11. I think it's interesting there is so much strong, strong dislike for contemporary. I guess probably because it is the most common dance style for trained dancers in the US, and there's a lot of it so people who don't like it start getting angry with it being shoved in their faces all the time haha.

    Like I really don't like pasos but I don't care that much, but if I had to see pasos everywhere I went I would probably start getting violently angry too, at some point hehe.

    • Love 4
  12. 16 minutes ago, boyznkatz said:

    Does anyone know for sure if Peta had no involvement in the choreography? If so, then yes, she should have picked a style that she could have at least partially choreographed. 

    None of the pros can choreograph contemporary, including Derek. I'm glad she got an actual professional.

    • Love 4
  13. 1 hour ago, TiredMe said:

    I am disappointed Wanya is out. 

    Rooting for Paige but I think she's got a snowballs chance in hell of winning. I find her to be a doll. 

    That jive from Nyle was the worst dance since Mishas last dance. Just a total disaster. But 9s? I guess why not? 

    I feel like with the system they have set up where it's half judges scores and half public vote, they almost kind of can't give low scores before the finale even if their dance was bad because it just guarantees they won't win. Imo it's not practical, I don't think judges scores should factor into it (at least not for the finale?)

    • Love 1
  14. 2 minutes ago, Hiacios said:

    Well the judges would have said something (especially Len and Carrie Ann because those 2 never liked Antonio to begin with) but didn't because it was a contemporary dance.

    No the judges don't know anything about contemporary though. How would they say anything.

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  15. 1 minute ago, Hiacios said:

    Yes it was, and Sharna did exactly what the other pros did when they where given contemporary, LIFTS.

    Ok but I don't agree, that wasn't contemporary literally at all.

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