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14 Good
  1. Well Nolan got his job back with virtually no explanation of any kind. So why not Datak I guess? lol EDIT: And for those of you that don't like the gore, I disagree. Nobody is really being eaten. It looks totally fake anyways.
  2. Datak proves how awesome he is. The whole Ywell mind control was getting boring. Glad that ended. I don't understand why people are complaining about the gore. At least it's something new and interesting. More action please. Why did Adina have to die...I liked her
  3. Wow. Really? WTF? Why make Nolan do that? I'm very unhappy that Nolan is now out of Defiance. How can you not have the main character in the town named after the show?! That just doesn't make any sense. As someone said above, these shuffle plots of major world players are just lack luster. They need to stay to the main core of characters. Nolan, Irisa, Datak, Amanda, Stahma. This is really disappointing. If I have to watch 3 episodes of Nolan and Irisa screwing around outside of Defiance, WHICH I CAN'T STRESS ENOUGH IS THE NAME OF THE SHOW AND THE PLACE THEY SHOULD BE, I might just stop watching. This show is getting weak in terms of plot choices. After such a great Datak episode with the death of Rahm Tak, I'm left wanting. EDIT: The only way they could redeem this for me is to have Nolan and Irisa overthrow the Omec invasion and be welcomed back into Defiance. If I'm forced to watch a Defiance without them, or if they are killed off, I'm done with this show. Sorry, but that's just how I feel.
  4. More Omec stuff. Just get back to Datak vs Nolan. That'd be great.
  5. Well this episode was a bit of a let down. What happened to Datak?! I mean come on, not even a sniff after that epic ending last week? I'm really disappointed by that. The Omec situation is getting boring. Not to mention the whole Doc Ywell being bugged thing. That's just lame. Hope next week is better.
  6. Why would the VC help anyone? They haven't ever helped before. And neither has the Earth Republic for that matter. They chose to take over Defiance instead of help, and after being tossed out, I highly doubt they'd consider helping now.
  7. Seriously? Nolan and Irisa are main characters. The day the kill off Nolan is the day the show ends.
  8. 1) Seeing a Votan home world was fucking amazing. I loved every bit of those scenes. 2) I'm a little disappointed how poorly Nolan fought back against the spy during the skirmish outside the tunnel. I can understand his trusting of an Indogene in disguise, but the main character (AKA: Head Badass) should be able to take some minor scrub in hand to hand combat. That was pretty disappointing. 3) My favorite character lives! And in such epic fashion! The Doors was a nice comical touch as he was sprinting to safety. That was absolutely fantastic and has completely redeemed a season in desperate need of awesome moments after the bunker/ bomb/ rape fiasco-waste of an episode. I sincerely hope that Datak and Stahma be allowed to return to Defiance. The show would never be the same without the two of them living in the center of the action. That being said, I don't see how they'd ever be accepted back even with a pardon. I'm just happy my favorite character lives on! 4) The Omecs. I don't know if I fully trust that Daddy Omec wants to change for the better. And even if he does, I highly doubt that his entire race (once woken up) would just go along with his new found views. Either he's going to go, or the daughter is. And speaking as a peaceful Omec wouldn't make for a very good plot, I think Daddy is going to die. Honestly, I'm growing tired of the Omec situation, so either make something happen or ditch it entirely. I'd love to see the "beasts" awaken, but I'm unsure it will ever happen. I did love seeing the Omec "savage" form though. The teeth looked fantastic. All in all, great episode! I can't wait for more and DATAK!
  9. Honestly, I don't see how they could kill any of the Tarrs. The transport of Stahma to the Omec ship is either to scare her or force the older Omec to kill her. I could care less about the romance in this episode. That character stopped being interesting when Tommy died. Everyone is forgetting about the force that tunneled into Defiance. The fight won't start next episode. That is the point of the Indogene disguise. He's going to infiltrate first and shut down the stasis net. Can't wait to see it though. Should be interesting.
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