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Posts posted by colorbars

  1. 10 hours ago, blackwing said:

    Even if she's not a twin, she looks enough like Bonnie that when Nate showed the nurse a picture of 15 year old Bonnie, the nurse instantly said that she was the person in the security camera photo who took the baby.

    I don't think we have yet definitively found out who Frank was talking to in last season's finale when he called someone and said "her kid is here".  Sounds more and more like it was Annalise.

    I don't think it was instant at all, the way I remembered it, she hesitated quite a bit before saying it was her, and even then it was kind of unconvincingly. Like either she wasn't sure or she was lying. Or it could've just been that she felt bad for selling them out and she genuinely thought it was her and was just deciding whether to be truthful or not.

    My thought last season was that he had called Annalise, but this season doesn't give me that sense at all, since Annalise has shown no indication of knowing who Gabriel is and Frank even tried to trick her into not letting him into her class. I suppose there's always the chance she doesn't know who the son is and doesn't want to, but that feels unlikely?

    I was going to guess maybe he's talking to the sister, who isn't actually evil or anything, and she just took in her sister's baby and raised it because she wanted to look after it or something, but I don't see how Bonnie wouldn't question that all these years and wouldn't explain why Frank would think he was there to hurt Bonnie, so I guess scrap that.

    6 hours ago, Neurochick said:

    One thing just popped into my head.  Maybe Annalise was lying to Nate.  Maybe that WAS Bonnie, and Annalise just lied to protect her.

    Would she need to protect her, though? Sine it was her kid she would have "kidnapped"?

    Pretty big bit of info that will help with speculating in the press release for the next episode:


    According to the official list of guest stars, Elizabeth Morton is playing Julie Winterbottom, presumably Bonnie's older sister. So I guess it's not a twin, just a strong enough resemblance at that age. But interesting, because Julie was the fake name that Bonnie gave Isaac last year, when she went to see him for therapy and didn't want him to connect the dots to Annalise.

    • Love 3
  2. 5 hours ago, Annber03 said:

    Right? I was sitting here trying to recall any prior mention of her having a sister. If she does actually have one, that's...interesting.


    Bonnie mentioned her sister on the stand, in the same episode where she first talked about the baby last season. However, it was never stated whether it was a twin, or whether her sister was younger or older. ETA: She also mentioned her sister in S3, when she went to see Frank after he killed her father; she lies to Annalise on the phone about her sister being there with her. But, I don't think it needs to be a twin. He was asking a woman about someone she saw once, 20+ years ago; I think a sisterly resemblance would be enough for her to think the picture he was showing her was the same woman.

    I actually speculated Bonnie's sister's involved in the last episode discussion thread, though it was in connection to a guess for who Frank could be talking to. Not sure how much sense this makes, though, based on what we know. So Bonnie had the baby and passed out during child birth, and when she woke up, her father told her that the baby died. When in reality, he took it to the hospital and then... kidnapped it again, with the help of his other daughter? To do what with it? Though, I suppose the person claiming to be the baby's grandfather might not have actually been the grandfather, maybe it was the father of the baby? Though that would suggest he's white, if he was able to pass as the father of Bonnie's sister, so then the baby wouldn't be Gabriel, and I just can't imagine it not being him at this point, so forget that theory.

    I don't know anymore, just like I have no idea who Frank could be talking to. I feel like if Bonnie's father was still alive, there would be more room for theories, but with him dead, and with only one previous mention of Bonnie's sister, it's really hard to guess much at this point.

    Don't think Oliver is dead, but he could be involved somehow.

    • Love 5
  3. I think they'll get through who is still alive a lot faster than they did in S3. I mean, it's only been two episodes and we already know that Annalise, Bonnie, Frank, Laurel, Michaela and Christopher are all alive. I think they'll drag it out a few more episodes but we'll either get to see that the main characters we care about are safe or they might even surprise us and show us who died before the midseason finale, and they'll just wait to show us what actually happened then.

    I definitely don't think it's either Connor or Oliver, since in the preview, they have Bonnie and Michaela looking at each other in the reception, and I highly doubt Michaela would have gone back into the wedding reception if one of them was dead. I can see the "where are the grooms?" bit being the quick shot in the beginning of the episode, and then in the end, we'll see they're both alive.

    • Love 2
  4. 20 hours ago, FozzyBear said:

    I have a really out there theory that it’s Laurel’s mom Bonnie kills at the reception. She comes back and tries to take the baby and Bonnie stops her.

    I could definitely see it. They're dragging the mother thing out too much for it to not come back, and her trying to kidnap her grandchild would definitely mirror Bonnie's past enough to both trigger her and/or justify why she's at the middle of the mystery. But I know Pete also said he was glad to see Laurel's family taking a backseat this season, so I don't know.

    • Love 1
  5. 7 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

    I'm just waiting for the scene when laurel finds out Gabriel is living in Wes' apartment..

    I actually think he's living in Rebecca's apartment, isn't he? I'm pretty sure Asher is currently in Wes' old apartment.

    6 hours ago, darkestboy said:

    If Gabe is Bonnie's son and I'd be shocked if he wasn't, then just tell us already so Frank and Nate can get other storylines this season. Was Bonnie going to steal Christopher in the flash forwards before Michaela and Laurel interrupted her?

    I don't think so? The beginning kinda makes you think she might be, but I think she was just taking him out of the snow (however way he got there) and was cleaning him up so nobody would notice that anything abnormal happened. The fact that she took him back to the building they were having the wedding tells me she was planning to bring him back. It seems like she was going to try to go back to the wedding to try to act like nothing happened, but then Michaela saw the blood on her leg and ruined her plan.

    • Love 6
  6. 12 minutes ago, possibilities said:

    I can't remember what the deal is with Tegan fearing Laurel.

    Tegan is the one that turned on Laurel's father and helped take him down, despite him being a client of the law firm. So if the other partners found out, she'd be in big trouble. But Laurel blamed it on her mother, instead.

    • Love 6
  7. 19 hours ago, Dancingjaneway said:

    I have a feeling it's Bonnie in the picture because Nate seemed to know who it was in that photo. I could see Bonnie finding out her child WAS alive & stealing him. Then taking him somewhere safe & lying about it so nobody would find out. 

    While I'm not ruling it out, I would definitely need to suspend my disbelief a lot to believe that 14/15 year old Bonnie was able to not only sneak away from her evil father so soon after giving birth, but knew where to find her baby and was able to kidnap it and do... something with it that he or all his city hall friends weren't able to find out about. Not impossible, but it's a bit hard to believe for me. But Bonnie is Bonnie, so you never know.

    My current speculation for the death is definitely her little boyfriend, whose name I don't recall. He probably accompanied her to the wedding as a date, which would explain why he's there. I have no idea why Christopher would be involved, but my only guess at the moment for motive would be that he sees something he wasn't supposed to. I feel like it has to involve Gabriel in some way, either he does something to the DA or he does something to someone else and the DA sees, and Bonnie kills the DA to protect him or something. All I know is that I feel like whatever happened to the person that died, I don't think Bonnie is the one that originally wounded them, she just finished the job. I can picture Gabriel doing something, running into Bonnie as he runs away, that's how she gets blood on her originally, while trying to calm him down and find out what happened; he tells her where the DA is, she goes to find him and finishes the job and takes care of the body? Again, no idea how Christopher fits into that theory, though.

    I definitely think Gabriel is Bonnie's kid, no matter how obvious. There's enough other mysterious things surrounding him to sustain the story for longer, if we find out the truth soon. Judging by Frank's words, that he's looking out to make sure he's not "here to hurt her", it's definitely someone there, so I really can't see it being anyone but Bonnie or Annalise, and I just don't think Annalise makes any sense, no matter how you stretch it. But I have no guesses on who he'd be talking to about it, unless he knows Bonnie's sister or something?

    I'm enjoying the Bonnie/Nate friendship now that I'm not worried about them hooking up, and the Bonnie/Annalise dynamic continues to be the most intriguing on the show to me. They're so messed up and complicated, but so fascinating to me.

    Loved getting to see one of the K4 actually taking the floor in a case, and I'm glad Michaela held her own, even if she needed to be saved. Also glad Oliver got over himself. What Michaela did was awful, but he was just being an asshole by making her live with them just to torture her and be snide. Like it's been said, he played a role in what happened to Simon, too. I wish this show would drop Laurel/Frank, but I know they never will. Would not mind one bit if they just wrote Asher off the show, he adds nothing for me.

    • Love 4
  8. 8 hours ago, DebbieM4 said:

    Yes, Kate pushed to discuss it in the car.  But Rebecca should have simply said they should talk about it the next day when things wouldn't be so rushed.  "I'd love to talk to you about this.  Let's have lunch tomorrow."   I certainly wouldn't be pushed into having a conversation that clearly neither side was ready for - Rebecca hadn't had time to digest the news, and Kate was still stunned that their secret had been revealed.  Not to mention that it's extremely inconsiderate to Kevin - who is also Rebecca's child - to go down that road and almost surely cause a delay and/or highly emotional/angry family members on a very big night for him.

    I also thought Rebecca was insulting in the way she presented her view, as though Kate and Toby were unaware that it was risky and hadn't spoken to medical health professionals about their decision.  Foolish as this decision may be, they are adults, and she would do well to treat them with some respect.  There's nothing wrong with a concerned mother voicing concerns, but it should be handled delicately - especially in this case, given the history.  Even though Rebecca has a big problem being tactful and not sounding judgmental, I have no problem with a mother/daughter conversation.  Just not at that moment.  It was the wrong time for many reasons.

    I do agree with you that Kate's comment about Jack was awful.  Sadly, I think that fits right in with what we've seen of her.  She's wrapped up in herself and her self-pity to the point that she often comes across as completely uncaring about the feelings of others.

    As if Kate wouldn't have continued to push Rebecca into saying something about it. We've all seen how Kate is when it comes to Rebecca; she's always the victim. She even made her concern about her daughter having a dangerous elective surgery into getting on her about her weight, as if her weight isn't what makes the surgery dangerous.

    Kate is an adult, she wants to be a mother, there's no reason why Rebecca needs to be responsible for deciding when to have the conversation if Kate is pushing her to say it.

    • Love 6
  9. On 9/27/2018 at 11:48 PM, Lady Calypso said:

    Also, how many episodes do you think it'll be before we find out Connor's fate? Because the last few mysteries, he's been one of the last to show up. Jack Falahee is extremely talented and sometimes underused, and part of me likes the idea that he keeps getting some focus with these mystery plots, but I don't want to have to worry about his fate for seven episodes yet again. 

    I'm not sure they're gonna go the "revealing a new person that's alive" every episode like in s3. I feel like each season they do something a little different with how the flash forwards play out over the course of the season and I don't see them doing it the same way they've already done it before. I'm sure different characters will pop up each week, to piece the puzzle together of what happened, but maybe not in a way that's about revealing their fate, if that makes sense.


    18 hours ago, nosleepforme said:

    My guess for the dead body is Bonnie's crush or Tegan or someone we have not met yet, I am not sure if they're doing another mystery with one of the main characters in jeopardy, that would kind of be a repeat of the third season. I don't think they will kill off Gabriel, it feels like they have bigger plans for him, though so far he just seems like an athletic poor man's Wes. Maybe it will be someone from Bonnie's past.

    Bonnie's love interest was my first thought, too. I don't think we've ever seen Bonnie be given an entire character for her own side plot, and since we know Nate is the one with the files and not him, that really does seem to be his only purpose. I can see her bringing him as a date to the wedding and then he witnesses something he shouldn't that the group does, and she kills him.


    17 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

    Also Bonnie strikes again.. I can't remember who knows she killed Rebecca.. I hope before the show ends everyone finds out so they can hash that out... And even if it is too obvious to be true.. I'd like Gabriel to be Bonnie's kid.. Just to see that relationship happen... And finally I'm still waiting for Wes' grandmother or his Dad if he's not in jail to pop in and see Christopher and The gang

    Annalise (and I'm assuming Frank) are the only ones that know for sure, but Laurel asked if she killed her in the S3 finale, during that convo when Annalise suggested they pin all their murders on Wes. Laurel said she assumed Frank killed Rebecca but maybe it was Bonnie, but Annalise blew up into a speech before it went any further. I feel like nobody but Wes cared about Rebecca dying or who killed her, and they all probably just assume it was either Frank or Bonnie and don't care too much since it saved their asses in the long run and they're much more comfortable now with murder and doing fucked up things to save themselves than they were back then.

    I'm hoping Gabriel is Bonnie's son too. Yeah, it's telegraphed and obvious, but I feel like there's so much more mystery surrounding him than simply whose son he is, not to mention story in general. Who's the father? Obviously one of Bonnie's rapists, but is he someone of importance? Was Gabriel even raised by him? Who is Frank talking to? How does Frank even know? How will Gabriel react when he finds out? How will Bonnie?

    I also think him being her son might play into what happens in the flash forward. With Christopher's involvement, I feel like there's definitely got to be some kind of kidnapping attempt, whether it's the person Bonnie kills or someone else or even her, and I could see Bonnie having some kind of mental break after discovering that her son is alive and/or that Gabriel is her son. That was obviously a hugely traumatic thing she went though, and his sudden presence could surely trigger something bad for her. They kind of did something similar after Annalise was shot, with her thinking someone dropped a baby off with her; I could see Bonnie thinking baby Christopher is her son that was taken away from her and tries to take him, or she sees someone taking Christopher (who might not even have ill intentions) and she thinks of her baby being taken away and snaps, etc.


    16 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Because this is How To Get Away With Murder, I'm not gonna lie, I thought for a moment that Gabriel could have been Annalise's son that never died. I laughed it off, because I'm not certain the ages match up anyway, but I'm ready to expect anything. The only other person Gabriel could be related to is Tegan, I think.

    The flashbacks of when Annalise was pregnant were only 10 years ago at the time it aired, so maybe 11/12 years now, so it's definitely not the son that was stillborn. There's obviously a chance she had a baby we don't know about pre-show, that she gave up for adoption or something, but I feel like that would make very little sense for her character. We saw how much Sam and Annalise struggled to conceive, and we saw how much the loss of her son informed her character and motivations for years after the fact; the idea that she carried a son to term and gave it away but it was never mentioned through all of that would be really bad storytelling to me. Which means it's not out of the question for HTGAWM but, I doubt it. Not to mention in one of those flashback episodes in S2, there was a scene of Bonnie giving Annalise advice on how to ease the pain in her back from the pregnancy and Annalise asked how she knew about that - which was both the first hint I remember them dropping about Bonnie having a kid, but also would suggest that was Annalise's first pregnancy.

    • Love 3
  10. 8 hours ago, dreamcatcher said:

    Plus, what bothers me with Kadena drama is that 1.it’s constant 2.they’ve erased Kat’s bisexuality. Last season she was struggling with her feelings and this season she’s a lesbian sex goddess who wants to sleep with more women for the experience? How did she go from “i can’t get past ‘this’” to getting all the ladies? 

    I don't think they've erased her bisexuality (assuming she is, she might not be, but I'm assuming that's what she is), she's exploring it. Like you said, last season she felt like she could get past "this" and now that she has, she's discovered she actually likes it and women. She's already had her experience with men, she knows that side of herself, but the women side is brand new to her, outside of just Adena. So she wants to explore.

    That being said, they've handle it all horribly. They honestly could've had this entire issue started in the episode where she was upset about how many women Adena had been with, while being totally new to the New York lesbians scene. Or at least introduced it then and had Adena realize, talk to her, and have them agree to take a break while Kat explores herself. But instead there needed to be sex dreams, and cheating and now an open relationships.

    • Love 4
  11. Their attempts to make me like Ralph were too little, too late and I did nothing but legitimately cheer when he finally died. My only though during his speech about caring about his new "family" was that HS did a good job there and it was a nicely written speech, but I didn't feel anything for Ralph at all. I'm not convinced they won't find a way to save all the metas that DeVoe has absorbed by the end, when they defeat him, but if they do, Ralph better leave because I can't stand another season of him.

    Killer Frost being gone is too easy and quick, and I'm sure there will be some way around that.

    Iris stabbing herself with that sword and telling Marlize to get out of her office was the highlight of the episode, that was a really great moment for her.

    • Love 9
  12. 22 hours ago, Trini said:

    Plus, giving Cisco a reason to leave at the end of the season. ( <-- speculation, not spoiler)

    I would have included that if I thought that was ever gonna happen, but I highly doubt it will, so it was kinda just a filler plot that will likely be resolved in the next couple episodes.

  13. Ralph needs to die about 15 episodes at this point. What a anchor dragging this show down. DeVoe isn't that great, but I could deal with a lackluster seasonal villain if fucking Ralph wasn't on here, too.

    I think the only thing of importance in this episode was giving Marlize more and more reason to turn on DeVoe by the end, which I imagine she will do. And I guess whatever was going on with Harry at the end, but.

    • Love 1
  14. 6 minutes ago, secnarf said:

    Just because we saw them in the ending montage, doesn't mean Frank wasn't talking to them. Those scenes don't necessarily have to have happened simultaneously. Remember the Wes flashbacks that meant he "couldn't" be the dead body?

    I agree. They're mostly likely all the same day, but I don't think they're meant to be the exact moment. They obviously want us to question who he's talking to, so they're not gonna show us who was on the other end of the phone, but that isn't to say it isn't any of the main characters just because we didn't see them answer.

    • Love 3
  15. 4 hours ago, Neurochick said:

    If Simon wasn't gay, would people feel bad about what Michaela did?  To me, him being gay came out of left field, we just found out this season.  I sense people felt more for him when they found that out, even though he'd done all kinds of shit to Annalise. 

    No horse in the Is Michaela Irredeemable Race, but Simon being gay wasn't really out of left field at all to me. The fact that he came out as gay was more out of left field, because I thought they already established him as gay in S3, when he had that line to Connor about hooking up with Oliver after they broke up.

    3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    I didn't pick up on that either and still don't understand what the speculation is based on. Do we have reason to think Bonnie had a kid by a Black man?

    We know she was raped by several men when she got pregnant, one of them could've easily been a black man or a man of any race. We only know two of the men that raped her; her father and the man on trail in the flashbacks.

    1 hour ago, Guy Caballaro said:

    When Nate was reading Bonnie’s file, weren’t there clippings on top about her abuse by a school janitor? I assumed that the kid was a result of that encounter, or another of her abusers.

    There were multiple press articles about her many cases, including the one about the specific councilman we saw being tried earlier in the season. But the Janitor mentioned in the headline of the article is her father. He was a janitor at City Hall and he would take her to work with him after school; his office was in the basement, and that was how so many councilmen were raping her. But yes, we know she got pregnant from one of the men raping her, but she doesn't know who.

    21 minutes ago, secnarf said:

    If Bonnie has no idea who the father is, how in the world does Frank know enough to recognize the child on sight?

    Well, as far as we know, Bonnie doesn't know what happened, just what her father told her - that the baby died. But the fact that she said she "doesn't know" what happened to the baby when asked suggests she didn't believe her father. It's surely something she talked about and discussed with Sam in therapy (and Annalise knows from working the case), so it's not hard to believe one of them would've investigated it and used their resources to find out if the baby was alive and then find them. Frank was their lackey, he could've been the one finding him. The fact that Denver was able to find the DNA results and investigated it tells me it probably wasn't that hard.

    • Love 4
  16. Yeah, Frank knowing about Bonnie's kid wouldn't surprise me. I can totally picture Sam (and Annalise) making a point to look into if the baby she discussed on the stand (and presumably in therapy) was actually dead or not and finding him. And we know Frank was their loyal solider, doing what they want without question. He probably helped locate the kid all those years ago, in fact.

    5 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

    Its gotta b bonnies kid… Frank could never come back to Anna if he had helped hide a baby.. Plus didn’t she hold the dead kid in her arms for quite some time.. Also she’s just putting Wes to rest.. They can’t throw that on her… Hopefully bonnies baby boy isn’t a stone cold psycho like mommy

    You have got to be shitting me... I can't even

    Annalise had her son when? It was only about 10 years ago or something, right? It's definitely not the stillborn son she had after the car crash, that's for sure. And I find it hard to believe that with how important that loss has been to Annalise over the course of the show, and how hard we saw her and Sam trying to get pregnant back in the day, that they wouldn't have mentioned her having a son prior to that one.

    5 hours ago, Shai617 said:

    Am I the only one that think it’s Nate and Bonnie son? Call me crazy. I think they knew each other when Bonnie was young and in the judicial system. Far fetched possibly, but this show has so many twists and turns. 

    If Nate is the father, then I'd think it's because he raped her, which would be awful. We know she had a baby at 15 (I'd say the ages match up) and she didn't know who the father was because she was being raped by multiple men. I'm not sure I'd buy she's had two babies. The only reason I could entertain the possibility of them going this route with Nate would be the fact that they just spent time showing us who his father was (which also served to remind us how little we know of him) and I thought the scene with Bonnie this episode, where he said Denver didn't have a file on him, probably because he's "too boring" was a bit strange and had me waiting for something shady about him to come up. But that being said, I cannot imagine they'd do that to Nate's character and Bonnie referred to all the males raping her as "men" and while we don't know how much older Nate is than Bonnie, I feel like it can't be so much so that he would've been a man/old enough to be running with congressmen/councilmen when she was 15.

    • Love 8
  17. 5 hours ago, Amethyst said:

    Interesting how neither Rebecca nor Miguel were seen in the flash-forward.

    I definitely noticed that. I was really surprised they didn't try to pull something vague and mysterious with Rebecca in the future. Or I thought they'd show most of the futures of the younger characters, and then end on the shot of Rebecca in the present, watching everyone, and leave us to assume what the lack of flash forward for her means. She's already pretty old, so it wouldn't be surprising if she was dead by the time the flash forwards are, but she could very well be alive, too.

    5 hours ago, anna0852 said:

     Is anyone looking forward to Beth reaction when she finds out that Kevin is interested in her cousin?

    I always enjoy her reactions to anything Kevin related, so I'm sure it's gonna be good.

    Speaking of her cousin, I'm wondering if she's the sister Beth has referred to before, since the kids call her "Aunt Zoe" and she said in speech to Deja that they were like sisters. I can't remember if she mentioned another sister in that speech too.

    • Love 3
  18. Maze being in love with Linda but not realizing it is literally the only way this storyline can be even a little bit redeemed. The entire love triangle is all so pointless. It feels like the entire purpose of Linda/Amenadiel getting together has simply been to facilitate this Linda/Maze drama, as they threw them together romantically in one episode (after Maze's prompting) and I'm pretty sure every single conversation we've seen them have onscreen has been about, you guessed it, Maze. Yet they continuously have Linda or Amenadiel saying these lines about how real and amazing and strong their feelings are, even though we've seen none of that. This storyline was an awful idea in general, but the way it's been written has made it even worse. End it already, please. 

    • Love 2
  19. 3 hours ago, Moxie Cat said:

    To be fair, though, the plot with Frank killing Sam's sorority girl preceded the K5. Annaliese might have dealt with the fallout from that somehow anyway. Wasn't Jessica originally the girl's friend and already looking into it? (Memory fades!)


    But yes, technically everything started with Sam, Lila and Frank and snowballed from there.

  20. Just when I thought I couldn't hate Ralph more. I have not warmed to him in the slightest despite their attempts, and I really hope he disappears by next season like the other seasonal white men they bring it and then write out (,maybe I should just be glad he isn't a Caitlin love interest yet?). But I have a feeling I'm going to be stuck with him. Let's go, DeVoe!

    Loved seeing Iris be a speedster (the purple streak was so nice!), but I wish it had either lasted for another episode or they hadn't wasted so much time with the lead up. I feel like we didn't get much of her being a speedster. It was of course more realistic that she'd struggle a bit, but with only one episode of her, I would've liked if they sped through that a bit so I could've gotten more of her actually suited up and stuff.

    So is the new bus meta gonna use gloves? Or, I guess it doesn't have to be skin on skin to transfer the DNA, so that seems rather inconvenient.

    • Love 5
  21. Don't believe Bonnie is dead for a second. If she was, I see no reason for why they'd leave the episode with it merely implied instead of having Nate outright say it or show us the body. It would've been a much stronger/shocking ending leading into the finale that way, instead of leaving it as a question and then starting the next episode with it.

    I think it's either Tegan or Denver, which would make the K4 looks super shady with their current investigation.

    • Love 1
  22. I wouldn't be surprised if the writers just felt people guessed the


    Mystery Girl/Dawn

    stuff too easily, so they're trying to create some doubt about her identity/motives.

    She's met Barry, Ralph, Cisco, Caitlin and Harry so far, I'm guessing Joe will probably be next, and they'll save Iris for last.

    It does feel drawn out but I don't mind because I've been a huge fan of Jessica Parker Kennedy and her face for years, so I'm always happy to see her when she pops up on my screen.

  23. 2 hours ago, doram said:

    He's training a girl.

      Hide contents

    And maybe I'm reaching but with the promo (and spoilers I already knew), I felt it was pretty obviously Earth-3's Iris.

    Doesn't Iris just get her speed from


    a meta-of-the-week that switches her DNA with Barry's? I don't think it has anything to do with Jay.


    I do have to think the emphasis on who he's training is going to mean something going forward. The reaction to girl was weird, considering it's not like they don't already know a girl speedster who is protecting another earth (she was even in this episode), so I can only assume they wanted to make a big deal out of Jay training someone else.

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