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Posts posted by annabel

  1. Mickey Diamond? Seriously?

    Nina in shortsleeved catsuit and heels attacking cardboard boxes with a crowbar? I am starting to get embarrased for the actors.

    My sis has watched Y&R for years. I will have to ask her opinion of the Staff.

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  2. Duke is worse than Shawn in justifying Sonny "oh, so you're doing this to protect Michael and Morgan, that is so wonderful, you'll do anything for your children. I don't have any children, thanks to Julian Jerome, so yes this is personal."

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  3. Why Levi doesn't work is sort of confusing to me. I don't have a problem with his hair length on men but his is just the worst. I love me an Australian accent (see Jacks, Jasper and/or R!F!S!), but again, his voice is nauseating and awful. And he is is relatively decent shape, but seeing him shirtless today made me cringe. And he has inspired these same feelings in a lot of us! There is also his general tendency towards emotional abuse and control and attitude of superiority. If he had been introduced as a more likeable guy would we not be so grossed out by him physically?

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  4. Cattitude, are you a brand new viewer, or just a severely lapsed one? I just wonder how this all plays to brand new eyes; I'm only hanging on due to 35 years of on and off watching. I have no idea how I'd react if I'd just tuned in.

  5. It's been mentioned before, either here or at TWoP, or both, that Julian doesn't really seem to have thought about either Duke or Anna A'TALL since arriving back in town. All Duke's blustering today seemed rather ridiculous. I was not watching regularly during his heyday, so I am not at all invested in the character, or him and Anna as a couple. Ms. Devane is on very thin ice with me, so if he goes back to Sonny and she does not immediately drop him? Not sure what I will do.

  6. Y&R was my first soap back in the 70s, and my sister watches it still, so I have been subjected to some Staff whilst visiting her over the years. Based on that and the past two days, I can pretty much guarantee she is FF for me.

    Ava making semi-veiled threats to Carly was hilarious, as was Morgan going off on Sonny again.

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  7. Yeah, I couldn't see much blood either. For some reason it reminded me of the bus crash from a few years ago, when everyone was thrown clear and the bus itself disappeared, and as they were panning around at the end, I was all "WTF am I supposed to be looking at??"

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  8. Hi! nice to see everybody. I vote for keeping just one discussion, at least at first. On the nighttime show forums at twop, I would only ever read the episode thread, there were too many others and I probably missed some interesting stuff. Though, conversely, I can also see the value of "Liz: saint or slut."

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