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Posts posted by annabel

  1. ok, so Marlena had signed a DNR or other "do not take heroic measures" document, this could possibly be interesting

    I did like being reminded of the ways that so many characters are related that I sometimes forget

    also back to the Steve stuff, I did not know that he was still a spy/with the ISA? I thought he was running the BlackPatch PI agency with John and Paul, and now he has been seeing classified documents with his bionic eye? what did I miss??

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  2. 4 hours ago, Happytobehere said:

    For the first time, I’m actually interested in the Kristen/Susan story. I never cared for ED (in any role on any show, I find her off-putting) and hated when she became the monster who ate the show. In fact her ascent was one of the first times I went through an I’m not watching this show anymore phase. I just hope the show sticks with Stacy, who is doing a terrific job because I’m sure they are getting pressure to bring Eileen back.

    Random thought: Every so often, I see actors/characters in scenes and always find myself thinking, “Why is this person there?” Today was another one of those moments with KDP as Eve. I love KDP back from her OLTL days, but as great as she is, nothing changes the fact that she is woefully miscast as Eve. It doesn’t help that this incarnation of Brady is a charismatic-less, moronic, a-hole.

    I was not watching back when she ate the show, but I feel the same way about ED, I don't think I would have enjoyed today's scenes so much if she were playing them. also you and I are on the same KdP page, she is marvelous, but she should have been a new character

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  3. when he puts his mind to it, Ron can really write excellent soap. remember the Day of the Hat on OLTL? some parts of that week had me in a puddle on the couch and I was not even super-invested in alot of the characters. Also the premiere of the David Vickers movie, that was also excellent.

    anyway, I totally loved today and did not know that Sami was going to show up (thanks everyone who did not feel the need to spoil that here [and grrr to hearing that Kristen is going to show up, shouldn't that be a spoiler and not mentioned in this thread?]) so that was awesome!! why doesn't she want Marlena to marry John? 

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  4. I want Marlena's pajama top

    Kayla's dress would be great if the whole thing was softer and not such a stiff top and crinoline skirt, the colors were lovely

    I think this new actress is way better as Susan, I always thought that Susan was all teeth and wig and not any acting at all (though to be fair, I was not watching during her original run and have only seen the returns in the past few years)

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