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Posts posted by Turtle

  1. I know Felicia isn't suppose to be bright & all but any parent worth there salt would be alarmed as fuck by this.​

    Well, Felicia is not exactly known for her superior parenting skills, so it's not really a surprise to me.   

  2. I'm trying not to get too attached to them because I don't know if they'll last once Amanda finds out about Stahma killing Kenya.

    But how will Amanda ever find out?  Isn't Stahma the only one who knows?  I don't see her 'fessing up anytime soon.  


    I'm still confused about the ending - was everyone at the club only dressed up as a Castithan?  Or was it a Castithan club with just a few pretenders?  Like I said - confused! 

  3. I have discovered that I do much better if I do something else, like play mindless video games on my tablet, while sitting in front of the TV and listening to GH. It keeps the rage down.​

    My trick is a bottle of wine.  Although sometimes that just leads to irrational rage.


    I think I could maybe get behind a Ned/ Olivia pairing, especially if it calmed her down a little.  That character has been hit and miss with me, and it's mostly miss when she's al fired up, especially when it's about Sonny.  I'm really not looking forward to more Carly/ Franco/ Sonny angst, though.  For pete's sake, she has a million reasons to stay far far away from both of them, and yet she struggles to choose between them?  

    • Love 3
  4. Frankie wants to lose BOB

    So, that would be three times this season?  Geez, it's almost like he has a plan to have some control and influence on the nominations, yet avoid actually being the bad guy...


    Don't even get me started on the whole "Amber sometimes has her period and so is crazy" situation.  

  5. So Snarly thinks that Morgan will come around to Sonny. What about when and or if Sonny kills Ava after she births either Morgan's son or his brother. Somehow I don't think that he will be ok with that.​

    Well, Dante came around to Sonny after Sonny shot him point-blank in the chest, so it's not really out of the realm of possibility that Morgan will get over it.  Mind you, I'm not condoning it, just saying that in the show's reality, everyone eventually forgives Sonny for everything, so Carly isn't completely out of her mind for thinking Morgan will eventually be okay with Sonny killing Morgan's baby mama/ Morgan's sibling's mama.  I hate it, but it's true.  


    Which brings me to yet another Sonny rant.  It's just such total bullshit that everyone always forgives Sonny.  Sure, soaps have such outrageous stories that characters have to be forgiven for some stuff that we would never forgive people for in real life, but on this show it is so totally uneven.  Look at AJ, for example.  His bad acts were, on the whole, nowhere near the level of Sonny's.  NOWHERE NEAR, even counting the kidnapping of/ faking death of kids.  And he was never forgiven.  Sonny almost kills at least two of kids, and is at least indirectly responsible for Mikey's coma and rape, not to mention shooting Carly in the head and a thousand other terrible awful no-good things, and he is always forgiven.  Even worse, in my mind, he's forgiven without ever having to express any remorse.  It's maddening, and I hate it. 

    • Love 8
  6. I couldn't care less if we see people banging under the covers in night vision, but there's something about hearing close-up slurp-sounds from kissing that grosses me right out.​

    It is so gross - I hate it on reality shows, in movies, whatever.  I'm all for kissing, don't get me wrong, but that sound - ugh.  


    So disappointed in this HOH comp.  I was really hoping for a Donny win, not only because I fear he is going to end up on the block again, but also because I really want someone to start targeting the Detonators.  How much longer is this dual HOH crap going to last?  


    I'm sorry for Frankie's loss, truly.  But throwing the comp to him because of it?  Bullshit. 

  7. Would Zach target Caleb?  I hope so, but I am reluctant to hope.  Zach does seem less under Derrick's influence than Cody, but Frankie sure pulls Zach's strings.  I don't know if the Detonators are ever going to put Caleb up, not until everyone else is gone.  That way they can rely on his sure vote every week, while also knowing that he's a likely target anytime they aren't in control of the house.  Plus, Derrick and Frankie might both be thinking about taking Caleb to the end, knowing he'll never win.  So, I guess I doubt Caleb is going on the block this week.  

  8. Oh, Caleb - is he now going for a CreepModeVampboy look?  


    I'm sure Christine and her husband are very happy together (because anal sex!), but I'm not sure how I would feel about my spouse cuddling up in bed with other people and flirting with people all summer long.  Cameras or no cameras, gameplay or not, regardless of how much trust I had in my partner, I'm just not sure I would be okay with it.  

    • Love 5
  9. I don't get this fear of Brittney somehow "coming after" them.  She's an army of one.  The chances of her winning HOH and getting a veto winner who will do what she wants are small.​

    Absolutely agree - why are they so afraid of her, if the whole house is against her?


    As a straight man, I wouldn't NOT let Frankie be touching my ass constantly like Cody does. ( Hell, I'm a gay man, and I wouldn't let Frankie be touching my ass like that!

    I'm not entirely sure that Cody is a straight man.  Not that it matters.  And he seemed perfectly comfortable with Frankie massaging his ass, so who am I to judge?  :-)




  10. I need at least one person onscreen to explain to the Moobster that you shouldn't want to kill a pregnant woman regardless of who the baby's father is.​

    Right?  Or maybe even that, gasp, killing or threatening to kill everyone who gets on your nerves is maybe, just possibly, not exactly healthy, moral, or legal?  


    The more I think about it, the more I think a Sam/ Patrick/ Returned Jason Q (I'm hoping against hope that he won't return as Hitman Jason) story could be really interesting to watch.  There's a lot of history there on all sides, and there would be a lot of complicated feelings to explore.  And I think the actors could pull it off, assuming the new Jason actor is good.  Sam still loves Jason, I'm assuming Jason would have his memory but be different and would still have (mixed) feelings about Sam, Patrick and Sam could be in the throes of a new relationship, the Patrick/ Robin/ Jason history would complicate it - it could be really interesting.  


    I've come to the conclusion that I just do not like the actress who plays Nina, nor do I like the character.  She really annoys me, with the way she talks, her mannerisms, the writing, the .. everything.  And I'm kind of sorry they didn't do more to explore what it must be like for her to all of a sudden be physically 20 years older but mentally/ emotionally in her, what, mid-20s?  If they had explored that aspect of coming out of the coma, maybe some of her breathless immature plotting and scheming and over-acting wouldn't have turned me off right away.  But still, don't love the actress.  

    • Love 4
  11. If Caleb wanted the trip instead of the money, why didn't he just take it during the competition? Zach would have veto, probably wouldn't have used it, and Cody could have avoided that whole re-nom mess. Caleb is everything that Zach and Donny said about him.

  12. Oh, yeah- Caleb with that plastic dagger while stating at Cody and Amber!! God, that was amazing. Is Caleb for real with all this, or is he playing it up for tv time? Because the former? Is terrifying.

    I don't even think Cody is interested in Amber romantically. And I KNOW Amber is not interested in Caleb romantically. So this is not so much a triangle as it is a .. Nothing.

  13. Well, that sucked.  Stupid move, Cody.  It won't surprise me at all when one of his "allies" wins HOH next week and he goes home after Frankie and Derrick convince the rest of the Detonators that Cody was ready to go after Caleb this week.  Even though Cody didn't do it, they'll paint him as not loyal, and, heaven forbid, as "a threat."  Just dumb dumb dumb.  


    And Frankie - ugh.  I'm so tired of him winking at the camera and even more tired of him running around being such a little weasel (is that what Cody called him? - already forgot!).  I really wish he had not gone to wake Derrick up.  Why is he so invested in Caleb?  

    • Love 3
  14. Is seeing Sonny blather repeatedly the price we must pay to see Julian's Briefs?  What a cruel world.


    I wish like hell they would move that Sonny/ Ava murder story along - it's been hanging in limbo for quite a while now, with no one finding out what's going on and no progress being made one way or the other.  Instead, we've been "treated" to months of Sonny reminding her that he's going to slit her throat before she even passes the placenta.  And the biggest UGH in the entire world to Alexis saying anything supportive to that shitty little murderous grease ball.


    Rosalie was a completely different person today than she has been.  Crappy inconsistent writing, or is Nina's awfulness contagious and infects anyone in proximity?

    • Love 1
  15. Also, I can't be sure, but it was my impression that he thinks Mothers' Day and Thanksgiving are always on his siblings' birthdays.​

    I didn't catch this on the feeds, but this comment just made my whole day. 


    My apologies if [Derrick] has some sort of forearm disorder that I'm not aware of...

    Hilarious.  I hadn't noticed the forearm issue before, and now I know I won't be able to stop staring at them.  

    • Love 1
  16. I don't care how wrong it is... I like Joss and Harry together.​

    Me too!  Sure, in reality, it's a serious no-go, but I agree that they have chemistry and might work.  


    Karen..sigh.  I'm pretty sure that, as a therapist, if your personal life accidentally overlaps with your patient's personal life (oh, I don't know, maybe you're both sleeping with the same guy or something...), the only option is to move the patient to a different therapist.  You certainly don't ask the guy who you made break up with your patient to call her, and then let the patient go on and on about the dude when she shows up.  Of course, I'm beginning to doubt that Karen is actually a trained therapist of any kind, because she really does not seem to have any skills or ethics or common sense appropriate to the job. 


    I now find Savi to be the most boring and most irritating of all of these characters, and that's a pretty high bar.  

    • Love 4
  17. I can't help it, I continue to be somewhat amused by all the Spencer antics.  I mean, I know he's terrible, but he's terrible in a way that I find myself enjoying, even though I don't really want to.  And I really enjoyed Nik reading that note - he apparently finds Spencer as ridiculous and melodramatic as I do, and yet also finds himself somewhat inexplicably liking that kid.  I don't even know who I am anymore, really, because I also find myself wanting Britt and Nik together.


    Oh, the horror, the outrage, at the possibility of heroin!!  I mean, coke is fine and all, but GOOD GOD NOT HEROIN.  Whatever.  I'm just not sure why Julian couldn't have had that conversation wearing nothing but his briefs.  


    I have no comment on the rest of today's dreck.

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