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Zung Li

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Posts posted by Zung Li

  1. We have to have some cannon fodder but there are still some quality guys there. Jokey McJokersons bought themselves nothing but a quicker trip home. Ellen was talking quietly with Rachel while they were watching the guys- they were analyzing their behavior and Ellen pointed out that Bryan was a kiss and tell type so the ridiculous dates do serve a purpose. It's also smart for the show to give us glimpses of the guys because it gets people interested and invested in the show. We already have some favorites and some douchebags to root out. I'm trying not to read the spoilers from RS too much because I don't want to know the final 4 or anything but I like getting to see the contestants before the show. It will help with remembering their names too because that's always an issue the first few episodes and since she's starting with 31. Speaking of names, I like the name Willy. Come on- Willie Mays, Willie Nelson- don't be hatin' on the Willies! http://www.ranker.com/list/famous-people-named-willie-v1/reference

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  2. 55 minutes ago, operalover said:

    It's amazing what a good weave can do!

    I was disappointed that they made her hair so Bachelorette-y.  I want to cut it off above the shoulders. I liked her hair before when she would put it up on top of her head. I think there might be too much now to pull it up. That's my only complaint though. I thought she looked really pretty last night.

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  3. Nick and Vanessa aren't worth commenting on. I'm over them and ready to move on- like Rachel. The fuck off my TV you two.

    I loved Rachel's guy who danced with her- the one from Baltimore. He was cute and had personality. That had to be hard coming out live to meet her and he was able to do it without making an ass out of himself (I'm looking at you, white boys) Rachel meeting the guys was the only reason I stayed awake to watch. I'm as bitter and jaded as they come but when Rachel is on my screen smiling I'm smiling with her. She makes me happy.

    • Love 8
  4. I only glanced up from my video game a couple of times during the caterwauling of WTA but each time I saw Josephine's pie hole moving. I feel like I can't comment because I will be accused of t***** shaming. If I comment on the horse-headed Hailey I'll be accused of equine shaming. I didn't remember her until I saw those teeth and had a flashback from the wedding date.

    Rachel is a pretty crier and has a nice normal voice- good choice for Bachelorette. They better get her some decent men or I'm going to have to put my foot down and.... still watch.

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  5. I was hoping Nick and Andi would start making out so we could end this charade.

    Vanessa crying: "I don't feel special" LOL! She's such a pain in the ass.

    Usually when the rejected one gets in the limo they start off trying to be stoic and then break down in tears. Corinne started out kind of crying but then quickly shut it down and decided to take a nap. Ha!

    It's interesting that all the final women on this season don't wear much makeup- especially compared to Ben's season and BIP= it's kind of refreshing.

    I hope Raven does spill what happened on her overnight. We've watched (and suffered) this long we might as well know the whole story.

    • Love 11
  6. Rachel's mom didn't ask if he knew what everything was- it was the little sister, Heather. They all joked and gave her a hard time for saying it. The cousin, I think her name is Angela, said "Like he's been in the mountains" I really just took it as a regional thing. My dad is from TX and I only ever laid eyes on Okra once- visiting his side of the family. I grew up in the NW and we just don't eat that here (yes I'm sure there are exceptions but I'm saying in general) I have never seen it in the grocery store.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    Kaitlyn was Canadian.  What's the big deal?  There's a lot I don't like about Vanessa, but her being Canadian is not one of them.  Geez.  Kaitlyn and Shawn have really made it work so far so I don't think her being from Vancouver was this disastrous thing.

    I didn't say I dislike her for being Canadian. I said I don't think she should be on the US Bachelor is she wasn't already planning to move here.

    • Love 3
  8. Raven's date was so painful for me to watch. Everything just made me focus on the discomfort. Nick's painted on jeans and Raven's micro cutoffs already looked excruciating before they were drenched with swamp water. I kept wondering how he was going to pry those jeans off when he got back to the hotel. It gives me a panic attack just thinking about it.

    Vanessa needs to get over herself. Why didn't she just go on the Bachelor Canada if she isn't actively looking to move to the US? I don't think we should be having people who currently live in another country on the show. Yeah she said she would consider moving but she isn't actively looking to do so- so why is she on the show? I guess it gives Nick an easy out. If he picks her he has a built in excuse for why the relationship didn't work out.

    • Love 6
  9.  Nick doesn't believe in knocking does he? He has barged into their room 3 times now. Then he did a secondary barge into Kristina's bedroom. Rude.  Raven would look way better with her hair cut several inches and parted more on the side. Then again what do I know? Just a couple of weeks ago I thought Danielle might make an interesting Bachelorette. I thought maybe she was mysterious and we would find out there was more to her than meets the eye. Apparently there is less.

    • Love 4
  10. 5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

    This episode was truly hilarious. The volleyball date might have been my favorite thing ever. I was rolling. I think I actually am glad that the editing was so horrible and left out the reasons why they all went nuts because it just made the whole thing funnier.

    As for the bathing suits, I personally hated all of them except Rachel's. I hated Vanessa's bathing suit so much. Like it irrationally offends me how ugly I find it lol.

    I agree- I liked that the editing just made it seem like Nick was trying to have a fun game of volleyball (if there could be such a thing) and the women just lost their shit for no reason. It was the perfect segue into the nighttime part of the date when Jasmine has her psychotic break with reality.  

    Corinne's suit looked like it might be underwear and Jasmine seems to wear the smallest bottoms she can find but I was impressed that the others' managed to hold everything in during an unexpected sporting competition. That's one of the things that drives me nuts on Survivor- women wearing unsupportive bathing suits when they know they are going to do serious physical challenges.

    • Love 2
  11. 1 hour ago, hnygrl said:

    Don't shoot me. I didn't buy all of Kristin's story. Too many gaps, too much left out. I'd love to hear the real, chronological story of how she ended up in an orphanage and her other siblings ended up with their dad. Gotta be the real story and not that thing she gave the cameras. Good story though

    The siblings she was talking about were her adopted family siblings- she said her adoptive parents had 4 kids of their own and 4 adopted (including Kristina). There was only one Russian sibling- an older sister who lived with her father (meaning the sister's father- not Kristina's)

    • Love 9
  12. 1 hour ago, Lemons said:

    Is she popular on YouTube ?  I hate upspeak a thousand times more than vocal fry.   It gets on my nerves when 11 year olds do it, never mind grown women. 

    I don't know- one minute I was looking at potential contestants and the next I was sucked into a world of import models and go-go dancers. I'm guessing she's more popular for the soft core porn...?



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