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Posts posted by ImpinAintEasy

  1. I was spoiled on the winner a couple of weeks back. He’s okay.  He said he tried not to go all out throughout the season to avoid being seen as a bigger threat. And to be honest, his performance in the final does lend some credence to that. 

    Glad the season is finally over.

    • Like 6
  2. The producers want Jay or Michelle to win. That repelling challenge was tailor made for Jay, the known rock climber. And a couple episodes ago there was a puzzle that was eerily similar to ones Michelle had won on Survivor. What a crock! 

    I’ve never seen an episode where the top 3 favorites to win went home. Switching from only one of the 3 going home in elimination to now 2 was absolutely bullshit! 

    I’m still not crazy about Nurys either, and she has zero shot of winning a final where water will almost certainly be involved.

    All drama has been removed from the season. Only 3 players left have been in an elimination, I think. Michelle is the best realistic option to win. Jay would be disgusting. Fucking rat. 

    • Like 5
  3. Best episode of the season, by far. I loved everything about the conquest portion of the game. Last in the daily is purged, awesome! Schoolyard pick, great, although they should be forced to do it immediately, so as to not meticulously plan it out. Lastly, finally no more peanut gallery in the elimination!

    Horacio beating Kyland on the puzzles definitely surprised me a bit. He’s probably leapfrogged back to being the favorite in the final, though it will be close between him and Ed if they are both there. 

    Fuck Jay. That is all. 

    • Like 10
  4. I think Ed,Michelle, and Kyland are the favorites to win right now. I know it’s difficult to read the edit on this show, but Jay’s is not favorable for a win. IMO. 

    I really like Ed. I would not mind him being a semi-regular contestant if this show continues. I’m pretty sure he has a real job, so we’ll see if he continues to appear. 

    Asaf is a prime example of one of the problems with newer contestants on this show. He’s not being authentic. He’s clearly playing a character and being over the top cocky and making grandiose statements and trying to create drama in an attempt to be cast for future seasons. 

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  5. This season is going to necessitate the return of the skulls. So sick of seeing the same people go into elimination. If they’re not going to make it mandatory to win an elimination to make the final, they need to go back to last place in the daily automatically going in. They also need to go back to anonymous voting.

    Having them go against champions has dragged this shitty season on way too long. If I didn’t know any better I’d say the producers favored the younger Champs(Devin/Tori/Kaycee) and gave them advantageous eliminations compared to the older ones. 

    Honestly, would probably prefer an Ed or Kyland win over Horacio at this point if it’s a male winner. That dude just doesn’t bring any personality to the show. Great competitor. But I don’t think I can remember a contestant who is clearly a contender to win that just won’t give the producers anything to work with.  


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  6. It’s clear given these eliminations, the producers want the new crop of Challengers to beat the veterans. Outside of Jordan and Devin, none of these eliminations have really been catered to the vets. Maybe Tori too. I get it, they want new, cheaper blood.

    Michelle is clearly their new darling. She does basically what Tori has done, become friends with a large group of people outside of the show and use it as cover during the season. Which isn’t exactly a new phenomenon, but there is a lack of rogues who can upset and destroy their plans the way a Jordan or Evelyn or CT could. Horacio could be that, but he’s way too passive in the game. 

    Ed and Horacio continue to be the only semi-acceptable winners for me. 


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  7. 17 minutes ago, LaurelleJ said:

    On twitter, Jemma said that the production dropped the ball and had a cast of newer people to become champions, when they should have picked long time challenge favorites instead. I agree, it's hard to root for and be invested in these new people becoming champions when there are vets that I would have rather seen on this season become a champion for the first time. 

    It had to be just a cost saving measure. Just thinking of how many non-champions who have come close and never been able to get over the hump, it’s crazy how much better it could have been. 

    • Like 2
  8. Horacio and maybe Ed are the only acceptable winners at this point. The only ones whose victory would seem legitimate and not because of a weak cast. 

    The peanut gallery being able to help out during eliminations continues to be bullshit. 

    The best part of the episode was about something that didn’t even end up happening, which speaks to the quality of this season, or lack there of. 

    Laurel is my all-time favorite Challenger. She brings everything to the table. Crazy? Check! Great competitor? Check! Attractive? Check! Total package. 

    • Like 3
  9. The cast has come out and questioned the edit of the elimination. Made it seem like production changed the rules after Jordan lost the first two rounds(it was best of 5, not 3). Supposedly the lights went from automated to manually lit after there was a malfunction. Ciarran claims that he was also waiting at a lit up light to drain the time down, but the producers would shut it off quicker for him. They all say Jordan won, but question the way it was edited and how it was portrayed. 

    • Useful 5
  10. Wes and the Survivor women are the only ones I care about. I just don’t like the Big Brother players, never have. The Amazing Race doesn’t really produce the type of players who can succeed at The Challenge. 

    So I’m obviously glad Wes is still in it, even though it’s odd that Wes thought he lost. Did we ever find out if the law that is supposed to prevent game shows being rigged applies to shows like this? I’m sure Dusty would be making a huge fuss if he truly felt he won. 

    At least this version of trivia didn’t include any sabotage. You miss, you’re penalized for it. I hate when a player or team can literally not miss a single question and still lose. 

    • Like 3
  11. 18 hours ago, mojoween said:

    I thought Paul’s last throw looked way fake too.  He hit the target confidently with every one, and then throws that weak ass shit?

    It should be pointed out that eliminations and challenges are highly edited. Case in point, supposedly Bananas had 5 mores bags when Paulie threw his final one, but the show made it seem like Bananas had thrown all of his already. 

    Edit: I should’ve read all of the posts, as I’ve seen this was already stated. 

  12. 4 hours ago, AntFTW said:

    I think Total Madness was his worst season. He didn’t make it very far. At least, he made it to the final last season.

    He lost to Fessy in pole wrestle. That just wasn’t fair. In ‘Ride Or Dies’ he was bad in dailies and was eliminated before being brought back and ended up blowing the final by losing to Bananas in ‘Balls In’. To me he seemed checked out because of his partner. 

  13. I’m assuming every time they don’t show half of a final it’s because one team was dominating and they want to make it appear like it was close. But then again, the producers don’t reward people who win a leg with much of a lead. A team could have a 30+ minute lead and it will be reduced to a minute. 

    Jordan and Kaz were the heavy favorites going in and once Kaycee started having issues the writing was on the wall. Jordan now has won 4 of his 9 seasons. A person on Reddit has that as the highest winning percentage of any player with 5+ seasons. Coming off of his worst season, it was a good rebound for him. I think he’s proven that as an individual, he’s probably the best in finals, though CT’s ability with puzzles and math is an equalizer. It’s a shame CT wasn’t in good shape on Dirty 30, as that was the only individual final that they competed against each other in. 

    I’ve had enough of pairs seasons. Give me large teams or individual seasons for a couple of years. And please keep automatically sending the last place finisher in a daily into elimination. 

    • Like 3
  14. All of the stuff with the “poachers” and Russians is so obviously scripted. I don’t really watch for that kind of thing. I understand why they do it. They need drama. It’s the same reason every boat always seems to catch a ton of crab right when they need it most, usually at the end of the season. 


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  15. 15 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

    *sigh* Another season in the books. Well, this and two weeks of Reunion "fun." I had a unique experience because I was at a finale party that night, hosting by ChallengeMania. Very loud, no captions. It was cool. I got to met Roni and Jonna. I'd post the pics, but I'm so humble that i possess the humility Fessy should have.

    Seriously, though, this was a rough ending. The 100-hour format felt like a way to show up the guys on Challenge USA who bailed out on the final mission, and BMP is lucky that no one got hurt any worse than Olivia's busted face. They had two teams forming a puzzle with 200 30-lb cinder blocks. It was like they wanted a fatality. Instead, they got Johnny & Nany fucking up so hard, they basically quit the game. And you just know TJ will never bring that up. Not that I'd blame him or them . . . but listening to Johnny talking about how it looked like someone snatched Nany's soul? My reaction was basically, "Oh, like you did with Sarah?!?"

    Olivia got seriously injured twice. Aneesa probably had to get extended medical attention after Nany essentially went all "sweep the leg" on her. Thinking about it . . . . even if Jordan & Aneesa had advanced to the final few hours, you have to wonder if things would have been altered to make sure his having the one hand wouldn't impair him too much. The real irony that given the stretch run wasn't a foot race, Aneesa would've had her best chance ever to win.

    Tori and the Wannabe Bananas finally got their first titles, and they become the first AYTO alumni to win the game AND get money out of it. The sharing of money was nice, though I wonder if that was just Devin trying to jump on CT's shoulders in being a nice guy. I get how others find him entertaining, but he's still a clout-chaser to me, his greatest achievement being getting distance between himself and real hopeless cases like Nelly and Fessy.

    Great idea with the cornfield. I wondered what the over/under for dead baseball players would've been, but this was Argentina. Balls In? Not a great idea. I didn't understand the rules changes, and I don't think Teege explained them. Credit to Nany for amping up the drama by fucking up slam dunks twice. Not as sad as those two guys playing Balls In at the end of Challenge USA, but still pretty damn sad.

    At least we'll be getting a break. If you don't have Paramount+, you can spare yourself the drama of seeing the "world championships" and the next iteration of All Stars. I keep rooting for the franchise to collapse once and for all, but this series is the Jason Voorhees of reality TV properties.

    When you go to these events do you tell the contestants you get to mingle with that you hope the show is canceled? I’m not crazy about a lot of things, but I still get entertainment from it. 

    • Applause 1
  16. Aneesa could have won this final. Being slower didn’t matter because the running wasn’t at the end. If Jordan doesn’t drop the ball, literally, they are in the final 2. And I think they would have been better at the puzzle than Banany. 

    I didn’t mind the final giant walls of puzzles, but I do think there should have been something more endurance related at the end. I don’t think it changes the outcome, but had Jordan and Aneesa been in the final 2, it would have felt unfair for them to win. I have to imagine Devin and Tori were hours ahead of them if you combined the times. 

    As someone else mentioned, I find it endlessly hilarious that Devin is a Challenge champion and Fessy isn’t. There is even a clip of them arguing at one of the reunions where Fessy says Devin will never win. 

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  17. I’m assuming they would have had an elimination between the 3rd and 4th place teams had Olivia not been injured. And supposedly they edited out two legs of the final this episode, but even so, what is the point of going hard and pushing yourself before the final stage if  90 seconds is the only lead you get? 

    They need to make the final a straight up race held over 1 day. Whichever team or person finishes all of the legs first wins. No condensing a 30 minute lead on one leg down to 30 seconds on the next one. 

    I think Banany is going to win. Whatever.  What’s an 8th title at this point? You can’t convince me this shit isn’t at least tilted in their favor, if not out right rigged. If it means Nany retires, at least that’s some consolation. 

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  18. Olivia and production are so lucky that wasn’t worse. She could have easily lost an eye or even had serious brain damage. I can’t believe they didn’t have goggles on. This show is intent on killing someone. 

    Aneesa is so full of it. It wouldn’t shock me if she’s exaggerating the extent of her ankle pain to use as an excuse for why she is walking. She actually said on the Challenge podcast that her endurance is just as good as Jordan’s, but it’s just that he’s faster. Jordan had to know if they made the final this was going to be the outcome. 

    Can Devin outrun/have more endurance than Nany? Because that’s what the final is going to come down to. Just going by the edit, I’d say he will. 

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  19. Can you imagine if Jordan and Aneesa were in that elimination against Fessy and Moriah? They would have never finished. But I think the producers knew who was going in. Of course the one time they give Fessy a non-strength based elimination it is against the one guy the producers love more than him. 

    If I’m guessing purely from the edit of the entire season, Banany or Devin/Tori will win the final. They’ve made a point of featuring Olivia mentioning Horacio struggles under pressure. And we know Aneesa isn’t winning. If I had to guess I’d say Devin and Tori win. 

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  20. Say what you will about Jordan, but his strategies in eliminations where he was undersized is as impressive as anything I’ve ever seen on the show. Not to mention only having one hand. It’s nice to see him have at least something that was impressive from this season. If he wasn’t tethered to Aneesa he’d be the heavy favorite in the final. But I’m not upset about it since he was eliminated already and I don’t support second chances in these type of shows. 

    Banany is totally going to win, unfortunately. These idiots are seriously going to let a 7 time champion get to a final without seeing an elimination. And only Jordan is better in finals than Johnny, but we all know he’s not winning with Aneesa. I refuse to believe Fessy is winning with the edit he has received. So that leaves Horacio/Olivia and Devin/Tori. They’ve teased Horacio crumbling under pressure all season. And I just don’t believe Devin has the endurance to win a final. I hope I’m wrong. 



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  21. 2 hours ago, aghst said:

    I think I predicted somewhere that Leroy would be back, at least in the seniors tour.


    Problem is I don't even remember half these names.  Well I may recognize the name but can't associate with a face.

    This show has been around too long or I've been watching too long.

    Same. If I saw their faces it may jog my memory, but by name alone, I can’t place most of the male cast. Who is Derek C.? And why is Jay, Jenna’s ex who quit during the final allowed on? I know they’ve always had questionable ‘all stars’, but this male cast is incredibly forgettable. 

    2 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

    I am not disappointed in Kam nor Leroy. They want to come back, I say leave the light on for them. Maybe they'd be allowed to bring their kid. With appropriate accommodations, of course.

    I just don’t like having contestants who weren’t on Real World,Road Rules, or Fresh Meat on this version of the show. Because that means it won’t be long until it is just like the regular show with the CBS and international contestants. The camaraderie that was so refreshing the first two seasons would all be gone. Kailah and Silvia did their best to ruin it last season. 

  22. The women’s cast is absolutely stacked with Laurel,Cara Maria, and Rachel, just to name a few. Kam and Nicole Z are also very strong competitors, but probably not threats in a final. Though, I’m not happy about Kam,  a non-RW/RR/Fresh Meat person being included in the cast. It’s going to open the door to turning this into the regular show. 

    The men’s side is weak. Brad is the only real consistent contender in the cast. 

    We’re never getting Coral,Landon, or Evelyn back, are we? Those are the 3 I keep hoping will pop up on the cast lists. Coral and Landon have hinted that they’d be willing to return. It’s a shame they haven’t been able to work out a way for them to appear. 

  23. This is Jordan’s worst season. Unimpressive throughout. Maybe he should stick to All-Stars. I’ll say one thing, the producers never do him any favors in eliminations the way they do for a certain someone. I’m actually surprised he was able to score twice on Horacio. All Horacio had to do was go after his one hand that could grip the ball. 

    I don’t like it when players that were eliminated come back into the game. Apparently Jordan wasn’t too happy about still being in after he was eliminated either, and that’s why they didn’t air the footage of TJ telling him he was still in the game. 

    I’m rooting for Amber,Horacio, and Devin. But I just know the producers are going to pull some fuckery to enable a Banany win. 

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  24. At this point I’m rooting for Amber and Chauncey. I’m good with Olivia and Horacio too. It’d be interesting to see Devin win, but I can’t root for Tori. 

    Devin and Johnny seem to be the only ones who think to protect their partners, outside of the ones in relationships. I don’t know why everyone doesn’t try to throw the dailies to keep their partners out of elimination.  Surely they have to have some inkling they’ll be paired back up in some way. 


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