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Posts posted by Juliegirlj

  1. If Tom Girardi is faking dementia as a plan to minimize prosecution then he deserves an academy award. He is far too vain to allow himself to be viewed in such a light, and there are some things one cannot fake. I’ve been a nurse for over 35 years and have cared for many dementia patients- in my opinion he is not of sound mind. The entire situation is a mess, and sadly will probably not have a satisfactory outcome for anyone involved. 

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  2. Financial problems are very common with a diagnosis of dementia- Tom Girardi had lots of balls in the air as his condition worsened. I believe Erika was likely concerned about Tom’s cognitive health for quite a while. Of course she knew he was a shrewd, callous businessman and was probably proud of his financial prowess no matter where the money came from. Now the gig is up and it’s time to pay the piper. She flaunted and wasted so much money. All she needs now is a cheap gaudy necklace that says “ Karma”. 

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  3. Gizelle was right when she said that Wendy might not belong in their group. She’s way too sensitive and reactive. If someone told me there were rumors of my man cheating I would probably laugh. If there’s no truth in it, then why over react? Despite all her bragging about all her degrees, and acting all tough, I think Wendy is insecure and unsure of herself . Probably not a good fit for reality tv. 

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  4. Erika may not have had any idea where all that money came from, but the question is- did she care? I think not. 

    In my opinion Tom Girardi is far too vain to fake dementia. The photos of him looking feeble, frail and confused look legitimate to me. 

    If there was any love in their marriage why did Erika bail when Tom needed her the most? In sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, in good times and bad… 

    I hope the forensic attorneys go ham on all the RHOBH footage and document every lavish, braggadocio second. Tom and Erika are greedy, vapid posers. 

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  5. I sympathize with Teresa’s pain from missing her mom, but, it’s weird that she has no relationship with Kathy Wakile and her Mom. Isn’t Kathy’s mom Teresa’s aunt ( her father’s sister)? I think there may be a long-standing feud going on but one would hope that a death in the family would bring the family together. 

    Jackie doesn’t seem ok. It’s really sad- she has everything she could dream of but still seems to be battling her eating disorder demons. 

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  6. Seems like the two youngest Browns are the ones Kody and Robyn are worried about protecting. Solution: Robyn and her spawn should quarantine in their home, but the rest of the family could responsibly see each other. It’s obvious that Robyn and her kids are Kody’s biggest priority. 

    The topic of having more babies and or adopting is so ridiculous. Robyn has likely entered peri menopause, and has her hands full with her youngest very high need children. And who would ever choose them to adopt a child when half of their bio kids barely even know their Dad. 

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  7. I think it was crappy for Teresa to start and spread the rumor about Evan. However, if Jackie really wants to end all speculation then perhaps she should stop behaving like the rumors are true. If there truly is no cheating going on then why is Jackie so unglued? I think there’s something going on with Jackie other than the stuff on the show- she doesn’t seem ok at all. 

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  8. The stress of reality tv cannot be good for Danni- she seems to have something neurological going on ( MS, Parkinson’s??) She probably should have left when the others did. 

    Madison is obnoxious but not as obnoxious as Leva. 

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  9. Jen Shah seems truly insane and meaner than a junkyard dog. Aside from doing their job and filming with her, I’m not sure why anyone would ever want to be around her. What an embarrassment she must be to her husband and family. 

    Speaking of instability- what is wrong with Mary? She seems so physically frail she can barely speak. 

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  10. I agree with the concerns about Danni’s health. She clearly has something neurological going on. She hasn’t looked healthy for quite a while but this seems to be an entirely different level. 


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  11. Franklin is an admitted “ cocksucker”, - the vindictive kind. Maybe he killed her, planted the hammer on Jonathan, and Henry found and hid the weapon thinking he was protecting his Dad. Sylvia slept with Jonathon, and may share secrets with the defense attorney. 

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