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Posts posted by Elle8

  1. I think she responded to that girl to pretend to acknowledge the fans. If she really wanted acknowledge the fans, giving them the answers they rightfully needed and asked for, Shonda should have done an interview, or write a post like on her blog (like she did when she killed mcsteamy and lexie) to explain her choices, at least creatively. She'll never say anything about patrick's firing, and I'm okay with that, but I think she should explain why she decided to go with the Derek cheating storyline and then his death; or other choices she made: for example, I don't see continuity or the sense for most storylines in all season 11 -consider the transgender storyline, the love interest policeman for callie, and others. 

    To acknowledge her fans, She should have picked tweets with interesting questions and answer to that, instead of responding to stupid, racist or insignificant tweets (that I agree are deplorable). She chose that hateful tweet like she needs to show that she's mistreated, and she's sassy and fierce about it. And it's her right to do that, don't get me wrong; what bothers me is that she finds time to responds to hateful people, but she never responds to tweets with relevant questions, or rightful critics (not during and after the dempseygate at least). She avoids any kind of criticism, even when is constructive. To me, the heart of the matter is that her relationship with the public is unhealthy, but that's my own very personal opinion.

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  2. I wanted to add something about selling the dream house: I know that there are valid arguments on both sides. But I wanted to point at one thing, that maybe was underestimate. I have a cousin that lost his father when she was ten, in a car crash, and her mother soon moved out. She was terribly traumatized by that almost as much as she was by the death of his father, and for years she kept asking her grandmother and all relatives to give her something that belonged to him: photos, objects, postcards. She felt like moving out was losing the last link she had with him. Of course every person mourns his own way, but consider that those kids lost their father, and changed house three times in one year. I know they're very little, but a kid like Zola in the real world may be greatly traumatized by that. I may be not totally objective considering my experience, but I think selling the house that Derek personally designed and built was a loss for his children, who probably growing up wanted to know more about his father. 

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  3. Ok, let's assume this is all true and he is a cheater of the worst kind. His wife knows and divorces him. You fire him because...? There was no scandal before he was (presumably) fired, not even after the news of the divorce. I still don't get why the need to "suspend" him for six episode and then get rid of him in such hurried, sloppy way. Is Shondaland so puritan? Considering that all her shows are about affairs? The only way I could believe he was fired for that (always assuming the blind item is true), is if he was cheating and consequently unprofessional at work.

    • Love 2
  4. Unless Amelia buys it. Her brother designed it and worked on it himself. It would make sense. 

    Karin Gleason said last night on twitter that they "need the space to built other sets." They're definitely getting rid of the house. And I really, really hate that. 

    • Love 3
  5. Probably, but still, the fans were angry at her for ruining their ship, and she's acting on twitter like she doesn't know how bad was the reaction to derek's death was. I'm not sure this is an appropriate choice. but she obviously doesn't care about that. After all that's her show, her twitter, her pics. 

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  6. because in stories they often lay out and good guy/bad guy scenario.


    And who benefit this? Just the newspaper that satisfy people's curiosity with lies and earns money with that? Sorry but I don't understand the logic of tabloids, thankfully I don't buy or read them. I am pragmatic and what I thought I read from that article is a free publicity to Shondaland. Again, This is just my perception, I may be wrong about it.

  7. I'm not sure why some are determined to attribute these rumours to Shonda/ABC. Patrick's contract was terminated. We don't know why and we might never know why but I'm not going to suddenly find Shonda/ABC the most evil of evil because Patrick's rep released a statement that makes him the innocent party (it's their job to do so). Neither will I sit here and believe the rumours about Patrick either. I just think people's love for Derek is stopping them from seeing that tabloids make up stories all on their own, they don't need any outside help.

    I reapeat, I don't know in the specifics how the smear campaigns works, so you maybe you're right. I'm just thinking, if the tabloids are making up stories on their own just to buzz around topics, why should they say:


    "But the source insists, “The Grey’s Anatomy set is one of the most family-friendly in the business. Shonda has nurseries, not only for the star’s babies, but the crew as well. Family members were always welcome to come by the set."


    while talking about cheating and unprofessional behavior. Unless he did cheat in the nursery in front of the kids, I don't see the need of those details. They sound like publicity to restore Shonda's image talking good about her work environment (and I agree that she didn't deserve the defamations she had).

    Those are my own thoughts about this umpteenth ridiculous article, and I acknowledge that I may be wrong. I'm just sharing a point of view.

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  8. I don't know how those things work in the specifics, but who else could have the interest of making up those rumors, also using details of how great Shondaland is? I'm sure that Shonda is sensitive to parenthood and her employees, but was this information really relevant in this context? Patrick may be a cheater, but still, you fire him for this when the affair was well hidden to the public? They're talking about it now that people are curious and speculating about why he was fired , mostly blaming Shonda. Would you be surprised if those benevolent anonymous sources that came out of nowhere were ABC pr that try to do some good damage control? After all, the spoiler about a "major character death" came also from a cheap gossip website. In my opinion, this is total BS and ABC is just trying to muddy the waters.

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  9. I'm posting this just for fun at this point: the new chapter of the telenovela ties the diva and the affairs rumors, and leaves Ellen Pompeo out of the picture. Now is just Shonda is the one mad at Patrick. 


    "But the source insists, “The Grey’s Anatomy set is one of the most family-friendly in the business. Shonda has nurseries, not only for the star’s babies, but the crew as well. Family members were always welcome to come by the set.”


    This is hilarious, the anonymous source insists! He/She was contacted for more details and has to insists on the story, and talking good things about Shonda's working environment. It's ridiculous. 


    Looks like ABC's PR and Shonda are more creative when they create smear campaigns than when they have to write the storylines for their own shows.

    • Love 1
  10. where there is smoke ,....


    There has been stories for years about him and younger girls. His wife got fed up.

    Maybe the Amanda Jordan blind/story is true. 



    May be, but why ellen should care to the point of get him fired? why the network should? After all, it's the fact the he was fired that started the rumors, not the other way around. they could have handled this without the mess. Also, If every actor had to be fired for having affairs, Hollywood would be a ghost town.

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  11. I don't hang out with all my coworkers, but if someone leaves, usually everyone participate with a little gift and we organize a little goodbye party. It's not about being buddies, it's about politeness. I'm not saying that cast and crew are all bad and PD is a saint, we don't know what happened, i'm stating that they can't hide using the excuse of privacy; it's the policy ABC/SR choose to deal with his departure. And it backfired.

    • Love 4
  12. Or they said their goodbyes and well wishes privately, as most people do.

    They probably did, and of course what it's private it's meant to stay private, but at least Ellen could have said something more meaningful to the fans, as his costar for eleven years. Instead she wrote that tweet about the dealing with loss and exploring a new chapter for Meredith, basically asking to keep watching. And they didnt throw a party, which would mean nothing if the crew didn't publish a photo of a cake with the phrase "where is Derek shepherd?" To celebrate the storyline. That was rude. I'm trying to say that they all are giving the impression that they can't talk about his departure, and not for a privacy matter.

    • Love 5
  13. Kevin Mckidd wished him well and it was a nice tweet at that



    Only Kevin and Kelly did that. Everybody else (both cast and crew) just posted old backstage pics or tweeted things about moving on, trust the journey, or asked the fans to say calm and keep watching. Those who made official statements, like Chandra and Shonda, made formal thoughts about the character, not the actor. Ellen instead just talked about the next chapter in the life of Meredith. 

    • Love 2
  14. Now this is a statement:


    JESS ‏@Quin_JESS 12h12 hours ago

    According to @shondarhimes "Don't tweet me ur craziness", I just have to ask, why did you let Dr Yang n Derek Shepard go? They were fun

    shonda rhimes ‏@shondarhimes 2m2 minutes ago

    Um @Quin_JESS Because human beings AREN'T property and I can't keep them as hostages.  You know that right?


    So, the party line seems to be "They both wanted to leave." Seems more like the letter, not the spirit, of the law for Dempsey, but certainly true for Oh.



    Interesting spin. So she blames him for wanting to leave, while he stated he would have stayed (also, lynette rice, the interviewer, wrote a tweet that confirmed that, then deleted it). Can't wait for more (passive-aggressive) tweets from Shonda.

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    I'd like to see Meredith unattached as the series winds down. Not because she's cold like Ellis (although that too, maybe) but because being a whole person doesn't always necessitate being attached. Meredith can be extraordinary by herself.

    Good point, completely agree. Didn't they killed Derek to explore the chances of Meredith standing by herself? Right? I think Shonda implied this in her statement (let's pretend to believe that killing derek was a creative decision). If so, I don't see the point of introduce  a new romance for her -on screen at least-.

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