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Posts posted by Elle8

  1. It certainly reads like something a dozen publicists and studio execs worked all weekend to create.



    exactly. that means they are in the middle of a super storm, they surely estimated a big reaction, but not that big. they're using the leading lady to fix the damage. shonda is still silent (since is the main target). i'm very curious about the way they're going to handle this. surely looks like a huge mess.

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  2. shonda uses death as a shock factor and as a punishment for her actors. but she used this expedient so many times that if she would have wanted to respect the characters and deal with their loss, the show would be a psychiatric wing. she abused and abused death, so many times that for her the mourning is nothing. total indifference. i guess she had the luck of never experience that in her life. i guess she really doesn't get it.

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  3. In regard Patrick and his supposed spoilers...that ferry pic wasn't the first time he tweeted a set pic that spark conversations among the fans.

    I just can't recall what those pics were in the past.   Was there one he tweeted and wound up deleting it? last season, maybe??  anyone??



    I think you mean when he tweeted a pic of mark/eric dane in the bed intubated/in a coma at the beginning of season 9. i just think that patrick is not a machiavellian guy, he doesn't overthink things. he must be overcharged with questions, and sometimes he just slip things up. he's human. it still does not justifies this whole mess, to me. 

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  4. Just because, I want to mention again that Lexie was eaten by wolves. EATEN BY WOLVES!!! It really isn't funny but I'll be damned if I don't crack up every time I type it.



    I agree, that was so horrible it's almost hilarious. God only know what Chyler did to make Shonda so furious! 

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  5. Well, she indeed created a very big buzz, with petitions, threats of not watching anymore and a lot of bad publicity. you're right, destroyed is not the right word and maybe she actually wanted to create all of this, but still, she damaged the show with no doubt. i don't care how long the show can resist after this, she ruined it irreversibly. i don't know how many deaths and jumps of the shark this show can bear anymore.

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  6. I agree, Windsprints: it could easily have been brushed off with a "he misspoke" statement. That happens all the time. And that's why I think this really was a creative dispute that became personal, versus a personal dispute that resulted in a change to the character's arc. That is, Shonda wanted Derek to die in S11, PD (and ABC?) disagreed (he did have a contract, and maybe PD tried to play ABC against her or something) and that's when their relationship soured, not before. It would explain the "what changed?" and the timing of everything.


    May be. But God, if so, that woman is the queen of resentment. To the point of destroy her own "first-born" show. I can't image that this issue couldn't be solved in a more diplomatic way.

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  7. I still think, jmo of course, that the diva behaviour is a very weak and easy excuse. he worked there for eleven years, if he was a troublemaker, disrespectful or insubordinate guy, he wouldn't last that long on the show. and it wasn't the right time for him to leave, he just divorced without prenup (not our business of course, but i'm sure it has a weight in the matter, at least from his part). there were other kind of issues, and the diva thing is just a cover up. and i think that if he was fired to resolve whatever the problems were, now they have even bigger damages to fix. i'm not sure shonda discern being bold by overdo anymore (from a long time, if I may say).

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  8. Except that he stated clearly that he would have stayed. the journalist that interviewed him also confirmed it, then deleted the tweet. there are still a few screenshot of that. My guess is that something very big happened and both abc and shonda decided that the best way to resolve whatever the situation was, was killing derek and release patrick from his contract early. in addiction to that (bad) move, she also did it in a way that didn't fulfill anyone's tastes, both critics and public, with a few exceptions of course. My bet is that we'll never know why, abc is very powerful. And shonda has become that Godfather of TGIT. that's the only explanation i can give to the whole cast silence. Patrick and Ellen always said that they are good friends, so comfortable with each other, etc etc. either that changed in the last few months (and that would explain why he teared up talking about her in his interview), or she's been told by big bosses to shut up.

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