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Posts posted by BOOgen3

  1. Cynical since birth, I called shenanigans on Wanderwoman several weeks after "Maisie's"'birth. In her post announcing the birth, she gave the time of the birth and weight of the baby but never mentioned the length. Several weeks later she wrote that the baby was 13.5" long. That is the length of a 25 week fetus. She declared "Maisie" to be 30-31 gestational weeks. A 30 week fetus averages 2.91 lbs. and 15.71" while a 31 week fetus averages 3.31 lbs. and 16.18" in length. Her imaginary infant was very heavy while being extremely "short." The other red flag for me was the way all her posts were rather clinical descriptions, almost textbook-like in nature, most showing little to no emotion. SMH. Wanderwoman is a disgusting excuse for a human being.

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  2. Arkansas DMV requires one to "Bring your parent or guardian" along with a birth certificate, proof of legal presence in the US, proof of identity, SSN, and my personal favorite "Proof of school enrollment with at least a 2.0 GPA." "If you have already graduated high school, submit proof of graduation." School enrollment? Graduation? Perhaps Michelle and Josie could have some quality mother-daughter time and make James a colorful certificate with Crayolas and magic markers.

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  3. Long time lurker, first time poster. These two special snowflakes have finally gotten on my last nerve. Jill and Derrick, it is time to grow up. You are adult parents of a helpless infant. The two of you are not children and have not been for many years. Derrick, a grown man that has procreated needs to learn to drive himself wherever he needs to go. It really is not scary to be in an automobile all by yourself. Jill, you need to go back to the TTH and dig through the communal closet for a pair of big girl panties. You are a grown up now and you need to learn to live like one. Just because you gave birth does not mean you need to have someone braiding your hair for you and staying with you overnight at the hospital. Just like a car, the hospital is not a scary place and is quite safe to be alone. Perhaps you were worried about defrauding someone with that gorgeous Johnny you were wearing or that a male nurse may have needed to check sutures or staples in your neither regions. Again, quite safe. I had my only son 24 years ago by c-section, was hospitalized for 5 days, with just my husband present. He visited during the day, popping in and out from work and went home every night. That was all the quiet family bonding time we needed. I got myself showered and presentable for visitors and enjoyed passing out occasionally on pain meds. There is just something about hearing about people treating any female at any time like a delicate little flower that drives me mad. If only these two would just grow up and act like the mature responsible adults that they believe themselves to be. Sorry for the rant.

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