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I watched this "Married To Murder' thing that aired on I.D. some day this week, it's basically an episode of Bride Killa with a different name. I know I.D. likes to take an episode from an I.D. show that has already aired and air it again under a new name and pretend it's a new special (I think it's stupid and it comes off like they're trying to insult their audience's intelligence), but doing this with a show that just debut this year. Really?! SMH.
I.D. is at it again. "All New" (Not really) A Deadly Divorce = The Perfect Murder episode title 'Deadly Divorce' from 2015. They are trying to insult the I.D. watchers intelligence again with this taking old episodes and claiming them as all new specials. They're too lazy to get rid of the things that stand out about The Perfect Murder like the detective's theory that they do every episode and their go to commercial theme that they do every episode. I don't know what 'Little Girl Gone' is from (I was watching Murder Made Me Famous on Reelz), but I'll find out later. Fatal Vows better actually be a new episode.
Watching this "Lethal Lover" special, I tuned in a few minutes late and my first thought was how does Nicole Blackman keep getting true crime narrator gigs. She did Suburban Secrets, Scorned: Love Kills, Dates From Hell, now this. Then I saw that they did those name pop ups that Scorned: Love Kills usually does and realize this was not a new special this was a rip off of a Scorned episode. I looked up the episode and it was Season 1 Episode 5 named 'Afternoon Delight". "A Fatal Affair" special is a ripoff of "My Dirty Little Secret" named 'Diary of an Affair' and they were too lazy to take out the woman doing shhh at the beginning of the episode. I know this isn't the first time I.D. has done this, but this seems stupid to take old episodes of I.D. shows and present them as new epidoes. You're not fooling people who watch this network.
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The Tanya Hughes/Sharon Marshall/Suzanne Sevakis murder has never been solved. No doubt this Franklin Floyd character is the lowest of the low. Sad that this POS ruined that young girl's life.
So basically "The Scientology Cure' is just a rerun of Deadly Devotion renamed as something new.
I've been keeping up with true crime stuff for 3 years so alot of the cases when it comes to A Crime to Remember I don't recognize, but this Starkweather one I recognize immedately, and that's because I first saw this case on American Justice (I think the title was Spree Killer) Scorned: Love Kills already did this story. I recognized it immediately as soon as I saw the preview on my DirecTV and the first few minutes of the show. Married with Secret has done to my knowledge 2 rehashes in a row. This story then the previous week the Shawna Nelson case which Deadly Affairs, On the Case with Paula Zahn, and Snapped already did.
Deadly Sins was the only other time I have seen this case. I actually didn't recognize this case until nearly 50 minutes in because I forgot the name of the people involved.
Killer Clergy? I guess they didn't like the name Sinister Ministers. And their first episode is the Tracy Burleson/TyonnePalmer/William Fuller story that was done by 3 other ID shows like Scorned: Love Kills, Fatal Vows, and Facing Evil. I'm not against rehashes if they have a purpose, but the spamming for the sake of spamming is ridiculous.
On How NOT to Kill Your Husband, it took 3 episodes and 9 cases to finally get the first case of a wife killing her husband and it took 3 episodes and 7 cases to get the first case of a husband in general being killed. So out of the 9 cases this season, 7 involved the husband killing his wife, 1 involved the husband killing his husband, and 1 involved the wife killing her husbands. They need to stop with the false advertisements of this show and call the show what it is.
Will never understand why they don't call the show 'How Not To Kill Your Spouse' instead of 'How Not To Kill Your Husband' considering that the show does several cases where the husband kills the wife. Their season premier had all 3 of their cases involving the husband killing the wife.
To me the 2 worse ones involved Deadly Sins and My Dirty Little Secret. The Deadly Sins episode was the one where they were profiling the Los Gatos love triangle between Tessa Donnelly, Paul Garcia, and Mark Achilli. They had a really hot woman playing the role of Tessa Donnelly, but the real Tessa Donnelly wasn't even close to being good looking and looked like a boy. They had a handsome man playing Paul Garcia, but the Paul Garcia wasn't much of a looker and chubbier. Mark Achilli was the only good one that was close to looking acurate. Here's the Deadly Sins episode below. https://vimeopro.com/user2451780/jonathan-moser-crime/video/121586856 Paul Garcia (left), Tessa Donnelly (middle), Mark Achilli (right) The My Dirty Little Secret episode involves the one where Delores Eggert murders her mom Polly Devor and her stepfather, Bob Devor, who she was having an affair with covering it up. They had a young sexy red head play Delore Eggert, but the real Delores Eggert was about 50 years, not even attractive, not even close to being a red head. THey had a handsome gentleman who like he was in his 50s playing Bob Devor, but the real Bob Devor was in his 70s and not even close to being handsome. Somebody did something weird to this video and distorted the voice of the narrator, but this was the best i could find. The real Delores Eggert and Bob Devor. http://murderpedia.org/female.E/e/eggert-delores-photos.htm Some of these shows don't even try to get it right.
I Am Homicide and Homicide Hunter are the exact same show which the only difference being the personalities of Garry McFadden and Joe Kenda.
Tonight's episode of Scorned: Love Kills will feature the John and Ruby Ruffolo story that I have only seen featured on Snapped. Ruby Ann Ruffolo looks like an uglier version of Bruce Jenner so knowing Scorned they'll probably have someone that looks like Kate Upton playing her.
It's not a new promo. They used this promo in late 2014. The promo looks more like a promo for a soap opera than it does for a true crime show. It's like Melrose Place on I.D.
I was sick of it in 2014, 2015, now in 2016. Are they just too lazy to make new/better commercials for this show? Luckily for them the actually show is way better than the commercial.