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Posts posted by lah715

  1. 19 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

    Tiffany - the gal who made it to finals last year and gave us all BTS info on her IG stories - said she doesn't know yet if she will try out this year.  

    Here is what she looked like three weeks ago, so hopefully she is planning on it.

    They should have listened to Charm LOL!!! She told them she would tighten up


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  2. 1 minute ago, allitator said:

    I thought Madeline Salter was super gorgeous and seemed very humble.  I really hope that she comes back with more power next year, because I think she has everything else.

    Me too I liked her a lot ... I can understand how Amy gave off a vibe she had wished Madeline finished at the dance college and then tried out she would have been stronger ... I am hoping she comes back stronger like Erin did 🙂

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  3. 1 hour ago, MrsEVH said:

    Yes she did. She was called into Kelli's office before auditions about her weight. She got upset that it was being filmed by cmt (footage was never shown) and quit.

    wow didnt know that thanks! I would never guess she would have a weight issue ... interesting ...

  4. Every time I see season 1 and see Kelli's pet project Kalli ... I roll my eyes 🙄 The Briana season was a repeat of no one else voting her into camp but Kelli pushed her through anyway ... The blonde girl (forget her name ...darn) deserved to go into camp for a try more than Kalli Fulerton .. I have a feeling CMT thought she was a cute face for the camera if you thought VK was shoved down your throat it ranks right up there with her 😩

  5. 2 hours ago, UnicornKicksBack said:

    Don’t even want to bother guessing a rookie of the year cause prob going to be Vick. Prob will also be vet of the year at the same time and already named next four years pro bowl.

    Its not going to be VK 🙄 but for all the pouting about her ... at least she is there because she wants to and not a user can we say Kalyssa  or quitters Alexandria or Milan ... I dont get why you go through camp take a spot someone else would have love to have and then leave?  BTW did Mandy actually finish her rookie year ???

  6. 1 hour ago, DCC fan said:

    So, what happened between former besties Tara and Savannah? Their rookie year they were all over each other, even crying when they were just thinking the other might not make the team. The following year, they were never shown together, and Savannah was noticeably absent when Tara was called into the office and subsequently cut from the team. All the other teammates rushed over to comfort her, but not Savannah. Just wondered if anyone else noticed, or if anyone had any insight. Thanks


    That's a great question ... I was wondering that myself ..  hmm

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  7. 1 hour ago, mizzhyer said:

    So do we still only have 3 confirmed retirees (Amy, Molly and Heather) and 2 possibles (Bridget and Christina)?  I know I've said this before, but I think this is either going to be one of the smallest retiring groups we've seen in a long time, or we will see a mass group of retirement announcements closer to banquet/audition time.  If the other 32 return, and they get a good group of potential rookie TCC, this could be a rough year for vet cuts (and I hate seeing vets cut, even if I don't really care for them).

    I'm wondering if any of the cut TCC will return besides Madeline Salter (the other legacy).  Maybe Shaina or Lauren ?  I liked both of them and I really liked Madeline. 


    Does anyone think Julia will out again or has that door been shut after the interview debacle and f bomb incident ???

  8. 1 hour ago, chabelisaywow said:

    I think VK is a hack with no technique - but she's not the first hack who has made the team.  I don't care that Kelli and Tina are friends - give her a spot and let it go.  The fact that she was asked back to training camp and featured so heavily is what pissing me the fuck off. The spa scene, the tour scene, the solo, the spot light.  In the end - all this does is damage the credibility of whoever is making these decisions. World class, my ass.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion - but don't try and tell me that Miss Neigh Neigh deserved any of the recognition she has received.  13 other seasons of seeing random girls being nit picked to death (LILY WAS CUT DESPITE NEVER HAVE BEING SHOWN EVEN IN THE OFFICE ONCE, YET VK WAS IN DAMN NEAR EVERY WEEK) insults my intelligence.

    I don't think she's having fun - I think she's smug that she can do whatever the fu*k she wants and get away it - at other people's expense.  


    Breathe !! Its just reality TV.... 😮 Its up to CMT how they edit.  Wonder if they are watching these boards and laughing 🤔

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  9. 16 minutes ago, Jennv said:

    The constant rebuttals to any and all Victoria criticism have the same effect on me as Kelli and Charlotte singing her praises does. It makes me dislike her even more. 

    Feel the same about Gina gushing (but I dont hate the poor girl)  .... She assumes everyone is jealous of her said so to K&J her rookie season 🙄 then told the camera crew she couldn't believe she rubbed someone the wrong way seems her rookie team mates had issues with her so I highly doubt her personality trait has changed and she is now more humble  .... when I see her I think of Regina George 🤣 ... She also thought she had tip of the triangle in the bag the look at her face when they announced Amy priceless or again CMT editing  .... a little too shallow for my taste but whatever

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  10. 6 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

    About the "thyroid" issue, 7 weeks ago, Victoria said the following in response to a question: "Hi! About two months after I was cut I quit taking my thyroid meds and quit going to the nutritionist that put me on the meds. I didn’t like the way the meds made me feel. My thyroid is on the slower end but it’s ok!"  I'll take that as proof for some of the claims about her thyroid issue.  She was confronted in a highly-edited segment about the doctor's office and the fact that Kelli couldn't bring herself to actually say Victoria was lying when she said "something happened prior to rehearsal between Jinelle and Victoria.  Jinelle volunteered her time to help Victoria with nutrition and I'm not accusing anybody of dishonesty but there is something not adding up and I want to explore that."  Sounds like someone knows a certain person (and it isn't Jinelle) is lying, doesn't want to call her out on it, but wants to find out what is going on.

    I think that was highly edited also ... but anyone that has a weight issue knows we beat ourselves up worse than any comment from strangers/colleagues/friends.  I wouldnt wish that situation for anyone ...its uncomfortable to address and admit you feel like a failure even strict diet and exercise or stress binge eat 😥 There is no way Jinelle could ever understand what that is like she can sympathize and advise but unless you are in that situation you cant really know it.  Its like trying to explain to a guy about cramps with your period 🙄😏🤣

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  11. 9 hours ago, TxBex said:

    Because we've seen her dance! We've seen her fall out of turns. We've seen her heavy leaps. We've seen her miss her marks. We've seen her dance without precise control. We've seen her pop her head early. I have yet to be impressed by any performance I've seen from her. There's a general consensus on who good dancers are like Gina, Bridget and Holly Powell. But there's a general consensus that Victoria is not as good as she's been made out to be. Still waiting to see anything that shows me she's best in the room good.

    I think you had it right. Whats that phrase that the easiest explanation for something is usually the right one. In this case, Victoria received preferential treatment and a very complimentary  tv edit because of her close personal relationship with Kelli (DCC Director and Executive Producer of DCC:MTT).

    Complimentary tv edit???? The girl will be forever on Pluto TV and CMT with mascara stained face 🤣🤣 (once 13 is on there)

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  12. 3 minutes ago, TxBex said:

    I agree, but I don't even think it's a legacy issue though. Victoria gives off a level of entitlement that I didn't feel with Dayton or Madeline Salter. Her preferential treatment by Aunt Kellie has given her show group, triangle positions,  social media exposure, etc. before more deserving DCC vets . Every DCC accomplishment she has comes with an asterisk because it's been handed to her, and not rightfully earned. If she feels isolated, she has no one to blame but Victoria. She doesn't exactly come across as concerned with anyone but herself.

    I think the reason it comes off as entitled is drama from CMT ... had the cameras been the other legacy Meredeth (Season 2) constantly we might have a different opinion about her. There is assumption of special treatment but no one knows that truly if so she would have been put on first season no matter what ... special treatment would be say blowing out your knee and sitting out all season and still being kept on (Brooke) that still gets to me.

    1 minute ago, go4luca said:

    Nor am I.  Having worked in the film industry since 1988, I am far too familiar with the tricks of editing. 

    Everyone's milage will vary.  I'm not here to convince anyone.  I've made my judgment of Victoria based on many things.  My own eyes and gut have rarely failed me.  That is enough for me. 

    Agreed I have no real feeling if she is or not on the team ...everyone will have a different opinion that what makes the boards so great ... if there is unnecessary roughness that gets to me though 

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  13. 32 minutes ago, go4luca said:


    Any legacy knows going in they are going to be under the microscope.  So when I see someone shoved down our throats and given Gina's spot ahead of better veteran dancers, then no, I can't consider how isolated they feel.  I'm guessing nor can many other ladies on the squad. 

    A legacy knows going in it isn't going to be easy.  It was her choice to audition.  Along with Tina's.

    Wow tough group ...  As for being stuffed down your throats ... that was CMT's choice ... notice this year because there was no drama from her so they latched on to Merideth and Kat . 

    I am not easily swayed by editing to make assumptions about a person ... or hear say by "anonymous insiders".  This girl has done nothing to gain such disdain ... yes she has a foot in the door for being a legacy but beyond that what exactly has she done??? Its not like she pushed someone down the stairs or had a knee taken out to gain a spot .... if we are talking show group (again) that is on Kelly and Company. 

    Anyway we saw the judges they were brutal first year and yes that was Kelly's choice to put her into training camp anyway just like her other pet projects that dont turn out (Briana) ...at least she came back prepared and more mature ...  judges noticed that .. some of the negative social media post come off as jealousy and petty . 

    No I am not Tina and no I am not a friend of the family ... I am someone that does not have horse in this race as to where anyone is in the triangle or show group ... just an avid watcher of the show 😏

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  14. So season 2 they took 38 so two girls could alternate Brooke's spot since she was out all season ???? Sorry but she only had 1 year under her belt she should have been told to come back once knee healed and try out again ... this is special treatment staying on a squad and you didnt even cheer that whole season  🙄 At least Cassie had 4 years in and was on the mend at the start of training season her 5th year and proved herself ...yes people dont like her but put that against a 1 year anytime  .... apples and oranges ... 

    5 minutes ago, ByTor said:

    And Loni's

    I just saw Loni ... yikes you are right LOL!!!! Looks like Reiner had a bang fetish that season LOL!!!!😂

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  15. 23 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

    He also butchered Sara Clay's, and chopped Kristen's bangs too short.

    He seemed a little full of himself during season 7 with Danielle's hair Kelli called him testy ... I say he was being a** arms crossed and the daggers he was shooting at her when she brought in the colorist to get another opinion  ... glad there is someone else these past few seasons ... he has such a great sense of humor.

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  16. 7 minutes ago, go4luca said:

    If the squad likes her so much, where are all her BFF photos? 

    It's weird how lacking that content is.  If Victoria wins ROTY, I will forever believe TPTB  overrode the popular vote.

    Has anyone considered maybe she feels isolated ... I feel bad for her ... if she was not known she would not be such a target for mean posts ... social media has made it clear that anyone that dares to befriend her is a suck up or open to the same social media hazing.  She is not going to get ROTY .. its gonna be Lily ... 🙄

    • LOL 5
  17. 12 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

    TPTB can override the vote of the girls -- hence, Victoria will likely win ROTY, which is ironic given that she is the LEAST liked person on the whole squad.

    Or seems maybe LEAST like person on this board 😏 

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  18. 1 hour ago, TB12 said:

    Ummm we had nipplegate now we have nipplegate 2.0 & this one requires nothing more then a quick glance ummmm Gina’s dress here for Lauren’s wedding you can see through it & she’s about to pop out of it... just sayin...  Wowza... scroll through for some reason it wouldn’t let me attach it here...


    So Gina and Savannah's dresses yikes ... what were they thinking 


  19. So watching season 1 ep 7  they are quizzing the girls and Kalli is up and cant answer about Bill Parcells ... the girls are trying to help her out and she tattles she hears whispering (?!?!?) Now Kelli calls them out for it ... great team mate 🙄 makes me think its a good thing she was not put on the squad .... she would have definitely been a spy for K&J and would be ratting them out for anything she deemed bad behavior 

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