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Posts posted by cryptaknight

  1. That's interesting about Cassie. Given the nature of the other series, I don't think she's necessarily wrong reasons, though it does shed some light on her weird virginity conversation with Colton. I've liked Cassie since her intro package and mentally made her my frontrunner at that point. I think she's probably a good match for Colton.

    • Love 3
  2. Teddy went to Grey-Sloane because at that point, she was looking for Owen and going to tell him about the pregnancy, but he wasn't there because he was at Alex and Jo's wedding. This was also why she initially accepted the position as interim chief. Then she went to Owen's house, Betty answered the door and said something about Owen and Amelia and "the baby"; Teddy leapt to conclusions and booked it back to Germany after telling Bailey never mind about the interim chief position.

    At 15, Betty is not too old for the system, and it's probably where she should be, since Amelia has no wardship or guardianship rights and can't even sign a school permission slip, much less authorize medical treatment for her should it be needed. And, in fact, Betty should be on CPS/DCS/whatever they have in Seattle radar, since her own child is in the foster care system and she was doing some sort of visit with Leo when she met Amelia. She's a mother, but she is also a minor. In the real world she would be receiving services and probably in some sort of residential rehab facility so she could work toward reunifying with her child once she is an adult.

  3. Oh, also? I liked the callback to Dr. K telling Rebecca to give Randall his own name, and Rebecca repeating that advice to Randall when Tess was born. I bet she was thinking of exactly that decision to let Randall be Randall instead of Kyle.

    • Love 5
  4. I'm a parent. I dress up for Halloween. I also went trick-or-treating last night with my 11 year old, a group of his friends, and assorted parents. We hung back at a respectable distance, though. I'm a couple of years older than the Pearson kids (39 to their 37); I do remember trick or treating without my parents after about age 12 or so, but parents accompanying 10 years olds seems reasonable to me. I grew up in the suburbs on the east coast, fwiw.

    My parents both joined Facebook around the time my son was a toddler. He was born in 2006, so grandparents on Facebook in 2008 seems about right to me.

    I think the theory that Miguel was hanging around for Rebecca and the kids to lean on after Jack's death - and that it wasn't exactly appreciated - is probably right. Then he moved to Texas, they fell out of touch, and then he and Rebecca reconnected in 2008. Sophie seems like she was practically an honorary Pearson; friends with Kate, and dating and marrying Kevin, she would have been around a lot and that probably accounts for her comfort with Miguel.

    I liked the episode. It was nice to see Rebecca have a chance to shine in both timelines, and it was interesting to see where the kids were ten years ago.

    • Love 5
  5. 1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:


    And my thoughts on Viserion:

    Mostly, I’m just heartbroken and Viserion’s death has hit me harder than any loss I’ve seen thus far. I don’t think it’s an unpopular opinion that losing Lady, Grey Wind, ShaggyDog, and Summer have always hit us harder than any other human death except, perhaps, those of Shireen and Hodor and as of last night, Benjen. But seeing him fall and hearing his screams and those of his brothers, powerless to help him, just killed me. So yes, I am crying over a CGI dragon and I will take a moment to give Viserion his due.  Named for Dany’s brother in the hopes he would be the dragon the crazy, evil Viserys wasn’t, he, like Rhaegal, seemed to always be in the shadow of Drogon, who is clearly Dany’s favorite. And this is not to doubt how much Dany loved him. Her grief is painfully obvious.  It just makes me sad to think of all those months he and Rhaegal were locked in a crypt when it was Drogon who killed that little girl. How both cried for the mother they believed had abandoned them and finally refused to eat they were so sad. How they are half Drogon’s size because of being left to languish, chained in the dark.

    I think of how Viserion, along with Rhaegal, took to Tyrion, sensing a friend, and my heart breaks to think of him sidling up to Tyrion after Rhaegal was released as if to say, “Me, too! Me, too!”


    And when the three of them were just babies (sniff!):


    And when they were still small, notice Viserion right by Dany’s side and turning his head to look at her but, of course, Drogon gets all the petting and attention:


    I can’t believe I’m saying this but I’m almost glad he’s been turned into a wight dragon so at least he’s not completely gone and maybe there’s some magic or trick up Bran’s sleeve to somehow turn him back again once the WW are defeated and so help me if Drogon and Rhaegal don’t get revenge and roast that motherfucking NK or Viserion, himself, kills him, I will burn shit down myself. I know that that line of thinking is foolish as it would be too much like a happy ending and I have a feeling the ending we’ll get with this show is bittersweet at best. I don’t even want to think about the possibility that Drogon and/or Rhaegal will have to take their own brother out. Because the heart wants what the heart wants and I want to see an alive, thriving Viserion flying high above King’s Landing with his two brothers with “cousin” Jon on the Iron Throne below.

    I can’t even say RIP Viserion…damn…

    Well, I wasn't too broken up over Viserion, but now I am! I was sad for the loss, of course, but this analysis is both spot on and heartbreaking. I hope Rhaegal gets the love and attention he deserves from Jon.

    • Love 10
  6. Sounds like they're taking the Next Gen format and using it with the older dancers. If so, that's a bit of a bummer because I enjoy seeing people pair up with dancers from opposite genres and the magic that happens for a few couples each season, and we'll lose that (especially if, as with the kids, they dance mostly in their style, which is also their All Star's style). Those are the same All Stars that were on the Next Gen season.

    Also, interesting that Fikshun is an All Star since he is competing on World of Dance as well.

    • Love 3
  7. Hrm. It depends what brand she used. The one I used when I was pregnant with my son had the straight line as a negative, and it turned into a plus when it was positive. There were two windows, one with the straight line as the control. The second window had the result. A second straight line, not pregnant; if it became a plus sign, pregnant. I'm trying to remember what Lorna's looked like now.

    • Love 1
  8. Ouija et al were part of the Dominican group that came in last season when MCC decided that adding more inmates to an already overcrowded prison was a great idea. 

    I liked that in this episode instead of a flashback, we got a little glimpse of the people these women have on the outside. 

    I wonder how Lorna will react to the negative pregnancy test. I'm irritated with her "pills are bad" speechifying. Some of those women are severely mentally ill, and need the medication to prevent them from harming themselves or others. We're already seeing how bad Suzanne can get.

    They need to put the dead guard back in the medical wing. Does anyone know where the doctor went? He wasn't with the meth heads anymore. Maureen seriously needs medical attention, or they'll have another death on their hands.

    • Love 2
  9. It's funny you say it's not a realistic show, because with the exception of hearing someone get raped, I went through pretty much everything Hannah did (or the mid-90s equivalent) when I was a teenager. I was suicidal, and the only reason I wasn't successful was because my boyfriend interrupted me and took me to the hospital. Some people have very different experiences of high school than others. 

    I really liked the series. Parts were tough to watch and a lot of old trauma was dredged up, but it was worthwhile. Kids need to know that they are not alone, that shitty things happen to so many people, and that sometimes things are not always as they appear. I think the show was clear that so many people did care about Hannah, even some of the people that hurt her, and that what she did left a lot of wreckage in its wake.

    • Love 22
  10. Rebecca was not 46. Rebecca would have been 39 or 40 at that point. Jack is 46. It might be a risky pregnancy, but not outside of the norm completely. My grandmother was 40 when she had my dad in 1952. As for their hair, well... hair dye is a thing.

    I don't know if Miguel is wealthy, but he had a very nice house when Randall stopped by to talk to Rebecca after their falling out. He's comfortable, at the very least.

    • Love 2
  11. I feel like "cheese pasta" is the plain noodles with butter and parmesan that my young child likes to eat. Corinne is childish enough to share a similar palate with an actual child.

    I feel very sorry for poor Raquel. I heard one of the other bachelorettes say that Corinne doesn't even know how to wash a spoon. And we saw the meltdown when Nick rejected her trenchcoat clad advances. That nanny earns her paycheck, I have no doubt.

    I like Vanessa an awful lot. I hope she gives Nick a reality check with her conversation with him.

    • Love 6
  12. 7 hours ago, Christi said:

    Guess Tara just had a baby IRL...whatever. ..we didn't NEED her right now...and she looks "udderly" ridiculous ?

    Okaaay okaaay but couldnt they at least put a baggy jacket on or something??

    This is two comments you've made about the episode, only to complain about Tara's appearance. I'm sorry this woman doesn't meet your post-apocalyptic beauty standards. 

    Oops, sorry- you also wondered why Eugene was sad when Tara returned because you thought she'd been at the Negan line-up. Maybe you should focus on plot instead of criticizing the body of a woman who just had a baby. Personally, I like seeing different, realistic body types on this show. Not only the trim and Hollywood-perfect survive.

    RE the actual episode- it was a slower episode. I like Tara, but I think this could have been woven in with Alexandria plot, much like last week's episode was. I'm having flashbacks to the Terminus season, in terms of pacing; lots of "bottle" episodes before everyone comes together. For me that slows the momentum of the actual plot.

    It does seems a bit like they're damned if they do, damned if they don't, though. If the episode advances the Saviors plot, people complain about Negan being on their screen. If it doesn't, it's slow and boring and time was wasted. 

    placate, we don't know if Heath is dead or not. He and Tara got separated, and when she went back to the bridge, she found only his broken glasses and a plastic card with PPP on it, along with some tire tracks. I think it was silly for her to think he'd still be hanging out at the bridge, unless she was expecting to find his shambling corpse, but the implication when she didn't find him was that he got away, or was taken away by a third party. I suspect he'll pop up at some point later in the season.

    • Love 17
  13. I felt like Julianne's attitude was super stank during the whole Amber conversation. Even when the situation was mentioned before Amber and Maks' intro package, she did a snotty head nod sort of thing. It really rubbed me the wrong way. I'd love to know what made her "uncomfortable" and how else she thinks Amber and Maks should have danced to a song called Big Booty.

    I was surprised the 10 paddles were pulled so soon. Laurie's dance was awesome, though. She's got this in the bag. I did enjoy James' dance, too. It was very Broadway, which was fitting.

    I still have a soft spot for Vanilla Ice, so I hope he survives the double elimination tomorrow. Tom did say double elimination, right? My guesses would be Amber and Babyface but this show surprises me sometimes. I'd rather see Maureen, who annoys me with her freaking out and delicate nervousness (I liked her better when she was on Celebrity Fit Club, lol) or Marilu go, to be honest.

    • Love 4
  14. 9 minutes ago, McManda said:

    Welcome to DWTS, where everything is made up and the scores don't matter.

    No one really stood out to me, at least celeb wise. That's not promising. Glad to see Cheryl and Masks and even Derek back, but Artem is sill my favorite currently. I can take or leave Gleb, especially because apparently his role with Jana is apparently that of sexpot. Eh. 

    Marilu seems like a head case already. That's also unfortunate. I'll take Maureen over her, but probably only because of Artem. 

    Someone rushed the dance floor while Ryan was getting his scores? Plus the boos? Come on, it's an entertainment dance show. Not worth the hate or the effort for the guy. He made a lot of mistakes and dumb decisions, but he's hardly the worst person they've ever had on the show. That's an unbelievable reaction and it's likely someone is getting arrested and security is being beefed up. Hopefully whoever it was thinks the assault charges were worth it. 

    There are worse people on this season. I mean, Rick Perry is there.

    I love me some Vanilla Ice, but this is Laurie Hernandez's season to lose.

    • Love 15
  15. Idk I enjoyed Wells and his Harry Potter and Lord of the Flies references. BIP and whatever happens between Ashley I and him there will probably kill my enjoyment of him, though.

    Chad was, um, interesting. I did crack up when he said maybe he was going to bring Jordan candy. I think it's pretty obvious he's 99% calculated for the show of it all.

    • Love 9
  16. 2 minutes ago, gwhh said:

    I don't like Arya becoming Hannibal lector.  Jut kill them, don't cook them and let someone else eat them!!

    So we know who Lord Snow mom is.  But who is father?

    I think the Starks should finish the series by all having a group kill on littlefinger.  He started this all by betraying there father when he went to move against the Lennisters.  Remember, he was suppose to bribe the city guards to support the Starks, but bride the city guards to go against them!

    What was the mountain showing that woman in the dungeons, as he took off his amour, what was so bad about it??

    I think it was more a Shakespearean maneuver, right out of Titus Andronicus. She didn't partake of the pie, after all. ;)

    I can't imagine who else would be Jon's father, if not Rhaegar.

    For me it would be more satisfying to see LF brought totally low, all his machinations for nothing. 

    I'm fairly sure it was his penis, unfortunately.

    • Love 4
  17. 13 hours ago, Daisy said:



    13 hours ago, Daisy said:

    Was he punching him? or was he doing CPR? (i was kind of verklempt). Also. how much time went by that Mary got knocked up by Jonathan? We left the Duke's house, reached Inverness, and poof, Mary is pregnant?

    In the voiceover, Claire said it had been several months of retreat. So there was enough time for Mary to reconnect with Alex (who is the father of her baby, not Jonathan, as Jonathan is BJR), get pregnant, and for her to know about it before she ran into Claire again at Inverness.

  18. Loved the episode for all the reasons everyone has already covered, and I agree with those who liked the changes to the LJG scene.

    Also loved the genuine smile Murtaugh bestowed on Jamie and Claire when they arrived and the warm interaction between Claire and Fergus.

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