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  1. I always thought she got the bad end of the publicity. He always seemed like another child for whom she was responsible, starting with quitting the job with the state. He could never stay on track and be depended on to finish the task at hand. Had he been smart, he would have realized that his bread and butter was in good behavior. Keeping his pants zipped meant financial stability. He didn't have the maturity and sense to realize that pretty obvious fact. That he doesn't pay child support... send him to jail. Their are consequences for actions, and failing to take financial responsibility for your children, when you did everything possible to ruin their stability, is part of it. In the original show, she always seemed to me as over stressed and over whelmed, and alone, with no one on whom to depend to do the smallest of tasks. He has had multiple opportunities to be an adult and purposefully ruined every one. There is more to being a parent than donating sperm. It's being there for them and providing for them. Sadly, he is again getting away with irresponsible behavior. Perhaps jail would scare him into growing up.
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