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Posts posted by theatremouse

  1. I agree she didn't know. That's why I thought it was interesting. Because for once it wasn't about trying to get the competition axed - which only works if other people are voting with the same thing in mind - but about trying to fix herself at the top. In other words, going into the ranking she thought the top vote-getter based on the overall rankings would automatically be the winner. So if she figured she'd be voted 1 or 2 by a few, by downvoting the other people she thought might also have 1s and 2s made her more likely to land on top, not guarantee it, but skew the math. 

    It's possible when she said that it was bullshit, but it seemed real enough to me.

    • Like 1
  2. I don't know why Ru keeps hiring Derek Berry for stuff. He's so one note and uninteresting. But he keeps showing up.

    I thought Plane Jane's strategy was somewhat interesting in that her goal wasn't to try to "get rid of the competition" - which is what usually comes up when people bottom vote whoever they think is strongest. It was that she A) believed everyone who said they were going to rate based on what they really thought and B) assumed she'd be in the top. Her strategy wasn't to try to oust the competition, but to ensure herself the win. She's still a jerk, but hey at least that was a tiny variation on the usual villain business.

  3. When Teddy first said collectible candy dispensers I did not at all think he meant Pez. Only when we saw them near the end. I was expecting, like. antique gumball machines and other random stuff.

    I was irrationally annoyed at Bob trying to write down the math problem when he was trying to help for a second. Gene has it written down! You don't need to rewrite it! Just ask to see the paper!

    I expected the double fake wall, but thought it'd be behind the intentional fake wall, not to the side, so they got me.

    I couldn't stop thinking about how expensive that burger needed to be given how much they put into it. They needed something more like a 25 person baseball team, not a basketball team. I mean, I guess they didn't given the group was willing to order it. But seriously, how much did they charge? I bet they forgot to do the math for profit and it was just about the fun-factor.

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  4. I appreciated Miriam's Now Understanding Pronouns, but I cringed when she was talking to Greta Lee about speaking Korean. It was a very Older Person Tells Younger Person What To Think About Their Own Experience. And I don't mean "older" as in she's 82. I mean just that she's older than the person she was talking to. Very squirmy for me. I have relatives that do this and it drives me nuts. Greta was extremely graceful about it. But I just kept wanting to say "Not your turn now, Miriam!" To be clear, normally I don't mind when the people on the couch chat with each other, in general. It frequently leads to good stuff. But this was not one of those times. It was interference instead of camaraderie.

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  5. I get what they were going for with the Bob existential dread, but my knee jerk reaction is "but you don't do the same thing every day! you make a burger of the day every day! the one-hit-wonder business is more akin to having to make the same one burger every day and nothing else".

    It still makes no sense to me they do all these episodes about stuff happening in front of the restaurant and the implication that is bad for business rather than good. As long as people could get in the door, they'd be packed.

    • Like 2
  6. Bob said something about the cheese holding the balls together, which made it sound bad. Plus Mort's reaction.

    Jimmy described the pizza "balls" as basically the pizza version of cake pops? I also find cake pops gross from a methodology standpoint, so this seemed just as bad. If they pizza balls were like teeny tiny calzones it wouldn't be gross, but it'd also be too time consuming to be worth doing. The "using up scraps by making them into a ball" thing isn't for me.

  7. I did not miss the Jimmy Pesto dynamic. It feels stale.

    Also both of the ball pit specials sounded gross.

    I really didn't need the gross-out factor in this episode. I know it was supposed to be tension-cutting but I cannot take the queasiness.

    • Like 4
  8. The explanations I was referring to were text on the screen during the 10 seconds singing unmasked. I get why they don't do it if the judges had guessed the person at some point earlier, even if it weren't their final guess, because then they would have discussed their thinking outloud. But when the judges are all completely wrong, it's sort of annoying we don't get the blurbs anymore.

  9. I miss how they used to do a chyron at the bottom when someone was unmasked, explaining what various clues were supposed to have meant . The Friends thing made sense in the end, but a lot of the other stuff was either red-herring overload or I have no effing clue what they were trying to imply. And since nobody guessed right, it's not like the judges preemptively explained much.

    • Like 5
  10. On 9/30/2023 at 3:30 PM, dleighg said:

    I'm too lazy to go back and check, but did the baker of one of the signature bakes (the vertical spiral) say that it was inspired by a Cosmopolitan cocktail-- but it he didn't mention cranberries???? It *was* pink as I recall.

    He said cherries, which I found puzzling.

    I also could've sworn broken-buttercream-guy literally said outloud the butter was too cold, so it's not that he didn't know what went wrong...

    • Like 3
  11. On 9/7/2023 at 6:56 PM, TexasGal said:

    Brandon couldn’t make the FINALE?  Mmmmkay

    On 9/7/2023 at 7:01 PM, Lassus said:

    WTF is up with constant absences all fucking season?  Brandon couldn’t make the finale why exactly?

    My understanding is "couldn't make it", "couldn't be here today" etc this season were all on-camera shorthand for "has COVID or has symptoms that could be COVID and no test result yet".

    Bishme's red and white look screamed 1993 Papa Gino's tablecloth.

    I was underwhelmed by most of the collections in the finale. Everyone had one or two looks (Laurence had more, probably) that were great and the rest I was like "really?" But when they do the All-Stars finale looks on the short timeline they're clearly not expecting anything groundbreaking. It's basically 8 one-day challenges. Yeah they have help, but it's still a time crunch both from the coming-up-with-ideas stage and the execution. 

    I was somewhat confused by the "8/8" discussion with Elaine and Billy about Brittany. The way it came out sounded like he was rating on a scale of 8 and she was surprised he was giving top marks. But given he used the number 8, I thought he was saying he loved all 8 of the collection, and Elaine was incredulous there wasn't one look he thought was a miss - in a way that implied there was at least one look in Brittany's collection she thought he was forgetting/overlooking/was very surprised he didn't have problems with.

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  12. On 9/1/2023 at 1:57 AM, shok said:

    I hope they're testing the players who are sick for covid. There's a strain of it hitting New York hard right now.

    It's certainly not a bad idea to test players for COVID given the current state of things covid-wise, but it seems the sick players are vomiting, which last I checked was not a common symptom of the current variant.

    I am loving the Woz Gauff match. It feels more like a semi than 4th round. This is good times.

    • Like 3
  13. The second Prajje went with the copper mesh turtleneck, he lost. And Christian warned him, too.

    The third time someone said "Gucci" re: Brittany, she wasn't going to win.

    Laurence was safe because she called it a Lenny Kravitz red carpet look, and I'm 90% sure I've literally seen him wear something roughly that outfit on a red carpet. So if Brittany wasn't going to get aufed for a copycat look, neither was Laurence.

    I didn't mind the idea of the hat kinda deal Bishme was going for, but I think the specific hat he delivered was not the right hat for this to work.

    Rami's didn't fit quite right, but that was apparently a lesser sin than copying Gucci or the not-quite-right hat, so I wasn't surprised he won, even though I didn't especially like it. I did think it met the challenge, though, and it screamed Rami, but to me did not look exactly like everything he's already done. So, ok fine, I guess.

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  14. On 8/10/2023 at 7:08 PM, Lamb18 said:

    Did Korto say that Brittany's look was something you could find at Target?

    Do you mean after they were declared safe and went back to watch? I thought she made a sarcastic comment then while complaining about being told they were too safe, like "yeah sure you can get that at Target". In other words, she was kvetching about the judges, not commenting on anyone else's look.

    Meanwhile I didn't like any of the looks in this episode. Rami's wasn't bad and it was well made but the second I saw it I was like "yup, Rami gonna Rami, what else ya got?" Praje's "do whatever you want" challenge was apparently "show us your take on the Haunted Mansion uniforms" challenge. Brittany's was half exactly what I expect from her based on what she said her aesthetic was half Brandon Kee. Kara Saun's needed to be about 10x more ridiculous to go far enough to be interesting instead of a hot mess. The middle third of Bishme's made me not like it. It all kinda boiled down to: you got to do whatever you want, either wow me or crash and burn spectacularly, but nobody did either.

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