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Posts posted by Lassus

  1. 1 minute ago, snarts said:

    Couldn't disagree more. Much like this expectation that Ariana immediately forgive Sandoval, why wouldn't Katie be angry with someone who acted like friend, claiming to love her, who then immediately moved in & on her ex before they were even divorced? 

    I get it, sure.  Perhaps it's subjective, and for me with Katie it's a body of work over time.  But it's not like Raquel and Ariana.  When, ever, did Katie ever do anything with Jo at all?   

    Anyhow, again, I hear you.  I don't feel massively strongly on it, I mostly feel bad for the weirdo and dislike Katie.  But even if I don't like Katie she can't approach the toxic shittiness of Schwartz.  

  2. 6 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

    Meanwhile, I actually do believe that even decades from now Tom would drop everything to help Ariana, because that’s just the kind of person he is, as he’s always gone out of his way to go above and beyond for his friends, both monetarily (even off camera when Scheana and Brock were struggling) and being “most extra” in planning things for them (the engagement, the sound guy)

    This is in fact both monetarily and.... monetarily.  I don't see much else.

    Tom's lying and infidelity is abusive behavior.   If you buy your wife the dress or car or vacation of her dreams and then cheat on her,  you are not going out of your way to go above and beyond.

    I can be fair and say that I'm not sure we've seen him be terrible to his friends in the same way he was to Ariana. But for the above, the "I'll always be there for Ariana", that's NOT good or going above and beyond.  It's just a creepy thought about future intrusive, showy behavior.

    11 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

    Like the rest of them [Ariana] lacks talent and drive.

    Have you ever seen a Broadway show?  

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  3. Regarding other matters:

    Ariana's friend's yellow/gold suit was awesome.

    I know the reaction is more split, but Katie's interaction with Jo was the horrible unjustified full-of-herself bitchiness that the anti-Ariana camp has been accusing her of.  "You moved on someone I didn't want anyhow too fast!"  Enough, Dark Cloud Katie.  There was no need for Schwartz to push her at Katie, but he needed there to be a fight for the clicks.  I think the hate for Jo is weird, she's not particularly lovable, but she's far far far more clueless and legitimately weird than evil, so.

    As above, Brock, while well-meaning, is simple, and definitely thought money = friendship, plain as day.

    I admit sympathy for Scheana.  Tom WAS good to her when she was the outsider and she really is trying to play close - not duplicitously, but honestly - with each side; but she simply does not have the game for it.

  4. Regarding Lala's "truth telling", this is 1000% coached by Bravo, I'd imagine.

    Someone somewhere in business attire decided on a NYTimes Pitchbot BOTH SIDES strategy for the season.  They needed someone to close it off and make it work and tell their story.  Only, hilariously, Tom went batshit and it ended up even better because now it will just add to the drama.  They care over all - even more than whatever their preferred edits were - about eyes, and they will have them going forward.

    I am also of the opinion that the season delay is a hedged bet.  They want and need Ariana, who is absolutely a beloved success, and they are delaying in order to hopefully have her back following her Love Island gig.  I would love it if she tells Bravo they Had it Comin' and nopes out over the break.  But it's a check and she's a performer, so I wouldn't really make any bets there myself.

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  5. 10 hours ago, ZettaK said:

    Do you get the impression the show is over

    It is the most popular show on Bravo.  For it to be over would be insane.  $$$


    The show is on pause not because of Ariana filming another show, but because of Bravo trying to decide if the show will continue with, or without Ariana.

    I understand that you think or want this to be true, but Ariana is massively, enormously popular.  The show will last longer with Ariana than without Ariana, and Bravo is in the business of making that happen.  Look at RHoNJ.  Melissa and Theresa both back.

    There is no chance in this universe where Bravo willingly, actively decides to jettison Ariana.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Jennifersdc said:

    Apparently Ariana couldn’t have shared the video if she even wanted to. Sandoval deleted it from her phone right after she confronted him. She has a text she sent to Logan right after that confirms it (Exhibit). 

    Be curious if that can be proven.  That exhibit 2 seems to prove she said he did, not when (or if) he actually did.  Pretty sure that would require greater meta-data. 

    Fully granted I'm basically making up both legal AND technical stuff here, but that's why the internet was seemingly invented.

    • LOL 2
  7. On 5/5/2024 at 2:49 PM, hoodooznoodooz said:

    Now that Ariana’s and his attorneys have responded to Rachquel’s lawsuit, I wonder how many women are realizing that Sandoval recorded them in intimate acts.

    I wonder what sort of threat Ariana has leveled at Tom regarding any recordings of her/them?  A very very serious one, I'd imagine.  They were together a LONG time, I have to believe it occurred at some point, if not multiple.

    15 hours ago, AnnieBananie said:

    Ariana will be returning to "Chicago" this summer.

    I thought this was kind of a funny time-frame, I wonder a bit how it came about. Just barely over three weeks; not that I'm any kind of expert, it just seemed odd. 

    Maybe it's nothing, but I like to imagine weirdness behind the scenes - another casting canceled, some fan in a corner office somewhere enabling it, etc.

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  8. 11 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

    Did Sandoval not live with Kristin for several years and then cheat on her with Ariana? Why did Ariana think she was different and above the same behavior?

    This is not an invalid point.  I think the caveat would be that these events occurring at 18 months in a ratty apartment in your 20s is certainly different from them occurring at 10 years owning a house at 40, though. 

    Yes, I did not check the tape and those are certainly estimates.

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  9. 13 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    I hope when he tries to get back with Katie (because she's right, he will) she doesn't go back. She's really blossomed so much without him bringing her down.

    I fully agree, but she might be one of those caretaker/savior types who just can't escape.

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  10. 8 hours ago, caitmcg said:

    Well, there's also the fact that all kielbasa is Polish sausage, but not all Polish sausage is kielbasa.

    I did wonder about this.  My grandparents and ten trillion Roman Catholic relatives seemingly never in their life referred to anything EXCEPT kielbasa.

    EDIT:  Although the article already confuses me with it's first sentence - 


    1. Kiełbasa myśliwska (keow-BAH-sah mish-LEEV-skah) Kielbasa is the general term for sausage

    - which would vaguely imply that all Polish sausage could certainly be referred to as kielbasa.

    And then number 2 in the list of Polish sausage isn't quite a sausage? 


    2. Surowo-wędzona (soo-RO-voh ven-ZO-nah) Surowo means “fresh” or “raw,” and wedzona means “smoked.” The name is somewhat confusing, because technically it’s not a fresh sausage; it’s been cold-smoked, meaning smoked at a lower temperature, yielding a moister texture closer to raw meat.

    And a few of the other ones are even called kielbasa also.

    Anyhow, my purpose is not to be combative, just that I still found the whole thing interesting and consistently weird (to me) while watching.

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  11. On 4/30/2024 at 11:08 PM, ZettaK said:

    Translation: the ratings were low, and this cast is boring. Bravo is thinking about canceling the show, or not. 

    It is their most popular show.  Anyone at BRAVO suggesting it be cancelled would be rightfully fired.

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  12. On 4/23/2024 at 2:31 PM, RealHousewife said:

    I’m surprised Tom lasted so long with Ariana. She comes across pretty confident early on. 

    Pretty sure the years of reality TV attention turned him slowly but definitively from an actually decent self-centered guy to one of those narcissistic evil "I'm a good guy!" guys.

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  13. 58 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

    they do refer to the sausage as Polish sausage which is probably why Top Chef did.

    This actually makes sense.  It's LAME of the Brewers and even a little surprising, but it does make sense to use the same terminology that the stadium uses.  Thank you!

    I'm a little surprised none of the chefs randomly referred to it as kielbasa, though.

    • Like 6
  14. 49 minutes ago, Tess23 said:

    My love for Danny only grew larger when he side-eyed Laura and had a few well-chosen words about how shopping was going to go. 

    I also really like Danny, but whining about this immediately after you had just won $20,000 seemed kinda over-bitchy.  It made me wonder if we're getting a pre-villain edit.

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  15. 1 hour ago, Heathrowe said:

    Maybe someone “owns” kielbasa as a brand it tm’d it?

    Not a crazy thought, but it certainly doesn't seem so.


    It's very weird to me (and maybe no one else) but it just seemed so weirdly purposeful, like there had to be some actual reason.

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  16. I wish I could have posted this last night, but I have what may be the most important question in Top Chef forum history, if not the most important question in the history of television itself.

    Why, why, WHY were they able to drop BRATWURST and CHORIZO, and even PIEROGI, but they refused to use, even once, the term KIELBASA?  "Polish sausage"?  What am I not understanding?  Help me, please, you're my only hope.


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  17. On to the episode!

    First off, Tom Schwartz's hat DIDN'T FIT and just made me hate him even more than his idiot one-night-stand bullshit with Katy and his super coked-out conversation with Jo, who he made actually seem normal.

    Scheana's conversation with Tom really made Scheana seem very, very adult even if it went in one tone-deaf ear and out the other.  And he may be a douchebag, but at least he knows how a hat fits.

    Lala was a great example of how reality TV life has warped the brains of those on it.  Her face while Daniel Wa was acting like a normal, mature, adult human being was as if she was being asked to divide by zero or explan string theory.  Utter, complete, massive disconnect.

    999% team Ariana (her conversation with Brock was awesome), although I do think some day when it's not 6 months old she may understand how every last person she knows cannot be AS ANGRY as she is for as long as she is.  (Noting this from the face she made on the boat and her talking head after, regarding Scheana talking about Tom.)  I felt kinda bad she didn't see the part of the conversation where Scheana read Tom (before the trip) regarding Ariana doing nothing wrong.

    22 hours ago, mytmo said:

    We thought it was odd that Daniel went on the trip but didn't show up for anything.

    Sane.  The word you're looking for is sane.

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  18. 17 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

    They wisely stuck them down at the Wharf and Pier 39* rather than downtown.

    Meh.  Disagree.  The wharf is massively lame, and I'm among those former residents and frequent visitors who find the complaints kinda overwrought.  YMMV.  I'd move back in an instant.

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  19. 4 minutes ago, princelina said:

    So are you saying he "fell in love with her" after the reunion?  I agree with James - we all saw him when he was actually in love with Ariana, and none of his interactions with Raquel showed me "love".

    It was more a response to the idea that he actually said these things a year apart from the reunion.  

    I think that it's difficult to get into the brain of a weirdo liar scumbag, but I'm sure he thought he was in love with R. at some point.  I think him being such a clueless hypocritical selfish drama queen is pretty hilarious; but him being legitimately sad about it - of course, for the most self-centered reasons - I find no massive reason to doubt it.

    I didn't mean for my response to be a YOU'RE WRONG, just an alternate opinion with some timeline confirmation.

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  20. 22 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

    He also said some weirdo thing about cutting Mya in half

    It fell flat, because he's a fucking gross idiot, but this may have been an attempt to reference the Solomon tale of how to solve the custody debate of a baby.

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  21. On 4/16/2024 at 10:40 PM, princelina said:

    At last year's reunion when. Andy asked him if he was in love he could barely choke out an obligatory "yes" so I'm not believing his grand passion this year.

    To be fair, the time between the reunion and this whatever from him is like four or five months?

    On 4/17/2024 at 7:51 AM, snarts said:

    The fact that I've come to literally adore James still shocks me...but he continues to spit facts. #1 guy by a mile.

    Counterpoint:  Very VERY low bar, and it's not hard to find endless footage of James being a massive asshole.

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  22. 16 hours ago, princelina said:

    Oh it was clear - the girls had been out drinking all day, Tom picked them up and "Lala" hollered from the back seat for Sandy to send Ariana back there because she wanted to "eat her cookie" and Ariana went.

    I get this, but talk is talk, especially beforehand and with drunk people.  I'm not saying I want film (har) I just mean this is what I remembered, and it qualifies to me as a drunken makeout/groping.  Maybe I'm just off as far as what I consider "clear".

    6 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

    Yeah I don’t like Tori.  She’s THIRSTY!  Desperate to be on the show.

    Unlike everyone else who's ever ended up on these shows?

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