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Posts posted by millahnna

  1. Yeah Amazon is apparently airing them in original airdate order instead of the intended order.  But they're also apparently doing some marketing stuff connected to the show here soon (toys, events, etc.) so I'm crossing my fingers that it's all a marketing test to see if there's enough audience for that sequel; Amazon is an obvious place to shop that.  It's been 20 years.  That's about how long (not counting films) between Star Trek TOS and TNG, which doesn't sound right but there it is.  So let's all go Scape some newbies.

    • Love 4
  2. My main gripe with the finale was that last glance to imply Matthew maybe let go or got lost in the time walk or something. It just seemed unnecessary and cheesy. The cliffhanger was established well enough with everything before that moment. 


    It kinda felt like everyone getting together to help Diana needed another episode to breathe a bit. 


    But on the whole I was entertained and I'll be back for the 2nd and 3rd series. 

  3. Some clunky dialogue in episode 7 (even Matthew goode came off awkward in the scene where they realized he was part of the spell) but I still liked it overall. I'm looking forward to the finale and very much hope the show is given a second season. 


    When Diana landed from her flight and pins Matthew to the ground, Goode let out this little "oh" that was just so perfectly prom and English. I crack up every time I rewatch the scene. 


    I liked the song they used in the sex scene. Also Diana's lingerie set. 

  4. On 10/14/2018 at 11:04 AM, Turtle Wexler said:

    Speaking of accents, I'm so used to hearing AK use her own on Doctor Who, so it's so odd (but neat!) to hear her speak with an American accent.      

    I got used to this when she was guesting frequently on Arrow but I totally feel you, here.  Her American accent is pitch fucking perfect but damned if it didn't take some getting used to.


    It's funny... Romance is definitely not my primary genre of interest in fiction.  There's a lot of romance I enjoy but I'm very picky if that's the main genre for a story.  If it's an element in a scifi story (or whatever) I'm all good usually but "supernatural romance", "romantic comedy", etc...I get real particular.  But when a romance hits me just right and I get into it, it hits me hard.  I have rewatched these first 5 episodes at least a half dozen times and the scenes pertaining to the romance itself even more than that.  And I keep fiending for the next episode to hurry up and drop already.  They got my number hard core.

    • Love 2
  5. Weird coincidence for me; I'd been recommended the books and started reading them a few weeks ago and then suddenly find out a show was premiering. The same thing happened to me with Outlander. 


    Enjoying it so far. I'm not deep enough into the books to have a solid grasp on what to expect. I really like the dude playing Matthew. 

    • Love 3
  6. The weird flirting they had Talon and what's his nuts doing really threw me as I was binge watching these first 7 episodes. I actually got confused and thought he was a second character there in episode 3 or so. And then he saved notGwynn's life and was back to making out with her. In really curious to see if the writers have a otp in mind for these characters and where they're going with it if so. I liked the chemistry with Talon better so even though it's written haphazardly, I could go for more sword fights and innuendo with those two. 

  7. This episode was suspicious from the get go; we didn't see the judges try Jinhee's dessert at all during the quickfire (anyone else they skipped?) and then the team up thing.  Tin foil hat time; Jinhee had the best dessert but we weren't shown her stuff so they could give that prize to Matthew again only to kick him off after about 9 million comments all episode that he's won so many challenges. 


    Like seriously I know that sounds ridiculous but the whole thing played as just so obvious and constructed.

    • Love 2
  8. On 4/11/2018 at 9:04 AM, SnarkAttack30 said:

    That makes a bit more sense about the whole activist thing but they didn't make it clear what she meant in the show itself. I found Kyla immature and air-headed at times; a true millennial who thinks that her words actually matter and her impact is changing the world when really, posting on social media and whining about life is far from that truth. 

    She's older end of Gen Z, not a millennial. The youngest of the millennials are solidly into their 20s. 


    THat said, dafuq did I just watch?  I was happy that Jeana lost because she was so awful but at the same time, it seemed like bringing her back was solely for the purpose of letting her get to the finale and be gutted by the loss.  I mean when I think of everything I know about how reality tv is constructed, well awful as she was I still ended up feeling bad for her. 

    • Love 1
  9. I haven't seen the movie in a long while so I didn't make the connection that Kasuf was Daniel's father-in-law.  I didn't quite get what the deal was with the baby (who's totally dead along with everyone in the temple with Aset right?).  I'm assuming this connected to something I don't remember from SG1?

    • Love 1
  10. Vinnie Jones I knew from roles in Guy Ritchie flicks.  That's why him being on Galavant tickled me so much.  I got a little giddy spotting him here, too, to be honest.  I love when former athletes go actor and turn out to be hilarious. He seems like such a genuinely likable dude but always plays these gruff assholes.  I love him. 

    • Love 1
  11. Is Maggie supposed to be 40?  I thought she was barely older than the interns when she showed up (who seem to still be interns so presumably we've got some time dilation going on like back in the earliest seasons of the show when 1-3 was like barely a year).  So like late 20s early 30s?

  12. I loved the young woman playing Maggie in the flashbacks. I sometimes forget that Maggie was some kind of child prodigy so the reminders of her relative age (to the other attendings) and seeing some of that experience from her view was really nice for me.

    I was open to but not sold on the Jackson/Maggie relationship idea. Like others I wasn't seeing great chemistry for it but I blamed a lot of that on the way their chem test scenes were written; even in Greys terms, all of the set up for this was pretty clumsy.  The kiss last week made it work for me, though, and their awkwardness this episode was charming. I can totally relate to Maggie's general clutziness under the circumstances.

    I'm always gonna be a little sad we never got to see the Jackson and Stephanie pairing but I'm open to seeing where this goes.

    • Love 3
  13. I was going crazy trying to place the chick playing Cameron's producer and finally broke down to look her up.  Annie from the U.K. version of Being Human (and White Bear, the most jacked up episode of Black Mirror).  I feel much better now.

    • Love 2
  14. Shanice is wild; I wasn't trying to tell them how to do their she says just before she details how she told them how to do their jobs.  She wasn't wrong about that wig, though. 


    Since they've commented once or twice that Erin has a bit of a Donna SUmmer thing going on, I wish they'd given her a 60s/70s dream girl makeover and given Rio the 90s hip hop.  I feel like both women would have done a better job than they actually did with both of their looks being outside their actual life experiences in that way.  I liked Rio's photo fine but I didn't think it deserved FCO.  I'd have put it 3rd behind Krys and then Jeanna. 

    • Love 7
  15. That's pretty common, though, for peeps who have been bullied to at least go through a bullying phase. 


    Did we see Brendi's photo?  Did I blink and miss it?  I really wanted to see it since it sounded like she felt good about the shoot itself. 


    I think I strongly dislike all of these women except for Krys and Erin, now.  Huh.  Didn't see that coming. 

    • Love 5
  16. Not to defend Kyla because I don't really like her much; she reminds me of the corner of Facebook that's known as Leftbook (please stop being on my side, you make my side look bad, kthxbai).  But there are all sorts of brain injuries that aren't concussions.  Those terms are not synonymous.


    That said, Rio did not come off well this episode in terms of the personal house drama.  The weird thing for me was that I was vacillating on which of the two of them annoyed me more in their stupid little argument.  On the one hand, totally get why Kyla would dislike the term.  I was a school nerd kid, too, and I can only imagine how hard it was to suddenly struggle like she described.  On the flip side, sometimes what we heard of their discussion sounded, as I said, very Leftbook self crit nonsense and the entire thing was sparked by heresay from stealth shit stirrer Sandra about something Rio allegedly said.  We all know good and well that the cameras caught whatever the real conversation was there.  This whole debacle was edited to holy hell and back and, frankly, both young women looked a little silly for it, even as I agreed with some of their individual points.

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