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  1. Hehehehehehe I agree, Beden! Browntown's population may very well dwindle to three! Matt, Bird, and Rainy, are the only 3 that weren't dumb enough to sign government documents that mommy and daddy layed down in front of them. Bet, after this little fiasco they'll read the next set of papers. They would throw me under the penitentiary and throw away the key. But, if I was afraid of getting in serious trouble, like the Browns.....a tv show might help me out of "as much" trouble. They're smart.....not bright....but smart. As, my mammaw used to say, smart on some things, not smart enough on others
  2. NEGirl right back at you! I've laughed out loud over your posts too. I try every other day or so to research anything I can find out about our grifters. So far I haven't found to much more than what's been posted. But, I'll keep looking and keep you updated. One of my jobs doesn't require to much more than putting info from paper files into computer files. So I usually have a little time to kill on Saturdays and weeknights. And yes, Beden will keep you rolling. If I get ever rich I'm gonna pay her to write a biography! You get the 1st copy! Glad you enjoy our rants:) You can be in our M&Ms & Doritos club;) We'll, maybe, one day skiff our way to Browntown. With orange stained fingers and teeth, and M&Ms filling the pockets of our winter coats. Offering them up as peace offerings to our grifters. Of course, we'll save some to keep the Bears at bay, as well! This is totally off subject but, did you know there is such a thing as "bear spray?" Bear spray!? Saw it on the show, Alone. Not sure how well it works, but I'm glad I wasn't on the spraying end, of testing that out. Anyhow, just a "food for thought" kinda moment. Lol! But, if you find anything about dates...court or premiers...please post. And, I'll do the same. Until, next time....
  3. Hawk, indeed my friend....I'm more apt to call it a fungus among us! Hahahahaha!
  4. Indeed Beden! Lesson learned! Never in a million years, could you have convinced me that, much like the bears, in the Brown's living area, a lurker was awaiting to pounce. I would've never guessed that a combination of humor, M&Ms, Doritos, mittens, and a splash of gypsies could anger some one, enough, to spurt vulgarities on my email that could only equal those of "Reagan" from The Exorcist. But, since it'll only pleasure, the moron, all acknowledgement of "IT'S" presence stops here. Everything is being reported. Lol unread...unacknowledged. Thanks for all your advice with that BEDEN! As, always you're my hero! Back to the forum, I can't wait!!! The next season could be an endless cluster of adventures and mishaps. The sky is the limit! And our Friday's will be a bliss! Whew Hew!
  5. http://when-will.net/tv-series/1557-will-there-be-alaskan-bush-people-season-4-premiere-date.html Here is the closest thing I've found and all it says is, that if you give your email (beware of pathetic imbeciles, that get your email address and believe me, they are out there....with no life what-so-ever to speak of), but, they can let you know as soon as the premier date is released. But, it's like the home page for the Brown's or Discovery....so it should be legit and safe? Lol, right Beden? But, I'll remain on the lookout to see dates, courts or otherwise. In the meantime I'll enjoy myself, AND MY MINT M&Ms!!!! Shout out to post!!!!!! Or imbeciles....whichever the case may be!
  6. So was I Clod! Could've swore they advertised unseen footage. Maybe this Friday coming Beden, I'm with you on the money thing. It's handy to have, as in, M&Ms, mittens, & Doritos! But, not worth getting on television and making a total jackass out of yourself! Where could they ever go, that people aren't going to either laugh at them, or cuss them out. They've down graded Ketchikan, the "lower 48," and accused the government of burning down their house. Their not exactly in good graces with anyone. Think I'll go see if I can find any new dates or what's on the Brown agenda. Lol
  7. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Yes, indeed Handsomebullet3333.....THEY ARE SLOW!!!!! Yes HalcyonDays, scripted to say the least!!! Joe Jitsu913, that is their daughter, and Ami is 53-54..she was 18 years old when her and Romeo got married, and Matt is like 34-35. Now, not in the least, am I comparing my mum to these dips but, she was 40 when she had me and there's 20 yrs between me & my oldest brother. So Ami would have been around 40 when she got prego with Rainy. And yeppers they indeed act off, shady, mental, lazy, and self righteous most of the time. I still say this was all a plot to have Discovery, to help them get out of the trouble they're in. SHOUT OUT TO POST!!!!
  8. Hehehehehe "mittens for morons" sounds 100% suffice, and not mean, at all! Also, let me know how you'd like to exchange payment and shipping info, please Did we all love Matt's talent of making artwork, with the utensils? According to his girlfriend, they use to make those same pieces for her jewelry store. How nice of him to make money selling her ideas at the local stores in Hoonah. Mr. "That sounds like a fair price. I've got one sold to someone, on the way home, too." I have a feeling they've stolen many, many ideas. Made money off some one else's goods, blood, and sweat plenty of times. But, anyway, I shall look to see if I can see a season 4 premiere date
  9. Sing it hawk sing it!!!
  10. Bahahahahaha omg!!!!! Yes Beden I noticed you were gone and was having freakin' withdrawls:) BAMMMM!!!! Thank you........it is Pinocchio!!!! Hey, I LOOOOVE SEWING! I hemmed 12 pair of pj pants and two pairs of jeans and made a sweet "frog eye" also known as a $100.00 bill. SHOUT OUT TO POST!!! I swear, no mittens to the north, Beden my sweet soul mate!!! You just let me know how much cash I need to send and consider it...money in the bank. I'm with you you on the fact that after listening to "NOAH the Great" recite poetry every night for a bazillion campfire dinners, one could memorize a couple lines here and there. I memorized the, "I'm a Nut" song from hearing it twice in 6th grade! It went: I'm a little acorn brown, lying on the cocoa ground. Everybody steps on me, that is why I'm cracked you see. I'm a nut. I'm a nut. I'm a dog-gone nut. Called myself on the telephone, just to see if I was home. Asked myself out for a date, said I'd pick me up at half past 8. I'm a nut. I'm a nut. I'm a dog-gone nut. Took myself to the picture show. Set myself on the very front row. Wrapped my arms around my waist, got so fresh I slapped my face. I'm a nut. I'm a nut. I'm a dog-gone nut! Now does that make me an expert at poetry or song? I'll say pretty darn close!!!!! Hahahahaha I swear I get so cranked up this time of night!!! The M&Ms ice cream is as good as bought tonight! My diabetes is bubbling as we speak! I shall return momentarily P.S. Hawk......rotted Slim Jim sounds to be totally believable!!!! His whispers sound more like a Macho Man Randy Savage and Sean Connery hissssss....really quiet "ooooooh yyyyeah.....snap into it!"
  11. Thought for the moment....there are women/girls/sad little things, out there that think NOAH is the bees knees....ooooooooo that makes my butthole cringe. They should have a slap-a-thon, with people like that. Like those dances where people slap each other. But instead of the traditional music.....re-mixes of his voice, poetry, and stutters. Then.....let the slappin begin.
  12. Hawk..........YOU SHALLLLLL NOT PASSSSS!!!! Couldn't stop myself! Now, visualize with me.......Gabe....entire head shaved! EXCEPT THE SIDEBURNS!!!! Crouched down, naked as ur hand, pastey, pale skin, illuminating from a small cave. Little stream trickling through, and he pets something, there in the dark. He cuddles and pets it, HISSING: "MY PRRRRRRRECIOUS" TO IT! Now..........WHAT IS IT? Just for fun......c'mon entertain me folks...for the Good Lord's sake...I gave you people poetry, plucked from my soul! Anyway, I think it's a bag o' Doritos........no..screw that....it's these damn mint M&Ms!!!!!!! (Just look at the change they've made in me)!!!!!!! Speaking of hyper what's the name of a song that goes... "Hi diddle ly deee....something........something.." It's got an Irish beat to it....it's stuck in my brain....going to look on YouTube. Why are there so many......... ......... ... In this snark? Feel like Matt a little........"hey that's shiny!"
  13. Oh yeah......Beden I want to buy some mittens:) really
  14. A new poem for the family dinners around the fire: Welcome to our world, meet 9 bums. No talent to speak of, not even a green thumb. Dress as casual as you want, you'll hear no fuss. But, wear more than a tank top, and be considered a puss! "Brown luck" is what we've named it, drab, is our plan. Lazy you may call it, but, we say, "down with the man!" Yes friends all I can say is pure raw talent!!!! Lol
  15. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! He touched the poop then popped his entire poopy finger into his mouth, and out, to test the direction of the wind!!!!!!! He said he'd wash them before he ate, he said nothing about washing them before checking the direction of the wind!!!! Hehehehehehe just saying! See Beden.....it is fate! I too, am pretty snazzy on a sewing machine. Awesome and handy little thing to know!! Be back after this goes off!!!! Whew whew bike elevator
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