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Posts posted by Sienna

  1. Re: The cop gun...

    It's been established that Kevin would steal for drug money, could he have gotten a hold of his grandfather's old gun, and either sold or traded it to a dealer? If it was being passed around the lowlifes of Easttown, virtually anyone could have shot Erin with it (assuming she was shot with that gun in particular).

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  2. 15 minutes ago, IgotThis said:

     yes, it doesn't mean he left anywhere but they sure gave the impression he did.  He had a change of clothes too.  Did he get up, smoke, and fail to realize Erin wasn't home?  I guess we may never know.  The body was found by a jogger and she was officially pronounced dead at 7:14 am by a medic.


    What I took away from that scene is that he was bleary-eyed and staring into the distance, projecting a vibe of "I'm a pissed off drunk, it's daybreak, and my teenmom daughter never came home last night, she's in deep shit the second that bike hits the driveway."

    Then he's shown walking through the front door and into the living room, but not unlocking the door, which suggests he was home and stepped out for a cig/to look for signs of Erin coming home, rather than just getting in himself.

    50 minutes ago, Snapdragon said:

    Normally, I would agree with you but I think there are two things to consider here.  One, all of the local adults have known each other since high school (if not all of their lives) and seem to be in the same expanded friend group.  So Freddie isn't just a neighbor or something, he's someone Kenny's been friends with for years.  Freddie had to have either visited or called him in jail, so they must be (or were) somewhat close.  And as we've seen, Kenny isn't exactly the smartest or makes the best life choices, so I could see him thinking it's fine to let his junkie friend go through his house unattended.  

    The second thing is, Kenny is awaiting trial for kidnapping and attempted murder (unless he's already been sentenced?  I'm not really sure how much time has passed since the first episode.  I mean, Dylan has already recovered from a bullet wound that almost paralyzed him so...), so he's looking at what, twenty years at least?  I would imagine his house and all that's in it are just going to be sold or given away anyway, so he probably figures why not let Freddie take what he wants.

    Could be, but this is also a dude who wouldn't pay for his grandson's surgery, and bitched about having to buy diapers and wipes (which he apparently wasn't super regular about, if the story of Erin crying to Frank about needing baby supplies is to be believed). It's quite possible that with all he's lost (and what he's facing) he decided nothing really matters, but somehow he seems like the type of guy who'd be too petty for that. Let Freddie have Erin's things? Sure. Tell him to go over to the house, knowing he likely wouldn't stop at those? I just don't see it. He also sounded a bit stilted when he said that to Mare, like he wasn't being totally natural/honest.


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  3. 23 minutes ago, IgotThis said:

    Where was Erin's dad?  He was shown entering the house in the early morning that Erin's body was found.  Are they going to address that?  He said he had been home the whole night.

    I thought that early morning scene of Kenny was of him smoking a cigarette outside, and looking pissed off as he presumably waits for Erin to get in. I figured it was supposed to show him waiting up for his daughter and stepping out for a smoke, rather than just getting home.

    That said, the story he gave about letting Freddie take Erin's things doesn't remotely check out. First off, Kenny does not seem like an altruistic dude. Second, "I told him to go over and pick something out of Erin's stuff" everyone in town knows Freddie is a junkie, is he really gonna just give him free reign to go over to the house and take what he wants? Third, why the fuck would Freddie take a reunion tshirt? Not exactly a good birthday gift, and not something you can pawn. It seems obvious someone told him to get it out of the house.

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  4. 55 minutes ago, MBayGal said:

    I can understand how Siobhan felt. She was what, 14 or 15 at the time?  When Mare told that story to her shrink, I thought Mare would say that she felt guilty that she had put Siobhan in that situation, inadvertently of course, but it would have devastated Siobhan and Mare should have realized that.

    Yeah, I mean think about it, we've already seen a flashback illustrating how he got angry and physically violent when desperate for drug money.

    Mare gets a call from a neighbor informing her that Kevin is at the house; she assumes he's there to steal something, yet somehow thinks it's a good idea to send her young teenage daughter over to check on the situation? I get that Mare was carrying heavy load, she's only human, we all make bad calls, etc., but that wasn't exactly a mother of the year moment.

    That said, I don't think Siobhan's outburst was so much because of what happened the day Kevin died, it's just the fact that they've never properly grieved him. I actually really liked the bookends of Mare finally breaking down and being comforted by Helen, and Siobhan by Mare.

    Zabel's mom can fuck right off, though.

    • Love 18
  5. 15 hours ago, Teri313 said:

    So he's not divorced yet? I missed that. And he's proposing to anyone who will spend an afternoon with him? Wow. Ricky's got serious maturity issues.

    Word is he's not even separated. He and his wife co-own a production company, and his appearance on the show seems to be a publicity stunt on his part (his social media IDs are the company name). 

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  6. 7 minutes ago, hisbunkie said:

    I’m not sure where this came from. If I remember correctly, Jorge said the young woman was his high school girlfriend.  He is not denying the relationship just the timing of the pregnancy. 

    Let’s not blame the female and jump to conclusions so quickly. 

    I think the theory comes from a comment she made along the lines of "You (Jorge) were only 17 and I wanted you to be able to live your life" (or some such, I'm heavily paraphrasing). I'm pretty sure it came up twice, once during the call between her an Jorge an episode or so ago, and again during her call-in to the host for this episode. It seems an odd thing for a 17 year old to say about a fellow 17 year old, but if she were older, it would make sense. It could also explain why she didn't push harder to legally establish paternity.

    That said, it's just speculation, like lots of other things in this forum.

    • Love 11
  7. 9 minutes ago, Sofiyya said:

    Jorge is 26 now, so, if the child is nearly 10, he would have been 15 or 16 when she was conceived.

    I think he was 28 when he was arrested in Arizona in February. The alleged baby momma made a comment about wanting to let Jorge have a life because he was only 17, or something to that effect. If the daughter is past her 10th birthday now, that would fit.

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  8. I don't think people automatically assume Annie is a prostitute because she comes from Thailand, I don't recall that assumption being made about Kyle and Noon, for example (or if it was, not to the level of David and Annie). The reason it comes up, frankly, is because David doesn't seem like someone Annie would be attracted to unless the alternate situation was pretty damn bleak. It's not just that he's older, overweight, and not what most would consider good looking, he's got the personality of Eeyore, with zero drive and no sense of responsibility.

    Annie's personality isn't exactly perfect either, but with David, there's just nothing to recommend the dude. Not to mention Annie wants children, and doesn't seem at all likely to have them with David, for multiple reasons. Throw in the fact that Nikki apparently said that's how Annie and David met (I believe that Nikki knows the real story), and Ashley's assertion that David has a history of seeking out sex workers, and I'm inclined to believe it. I don't judge Annie for it, but I do think the relationship is skeevy. And while I usually tend to defend Annie, it pissed me off when she was so quick to jump on Anfisa over the webcam stuff, especially when Anfisa had already said that she didn't think it mattered if Annie had been involved in sex work.

    I was also incredibly annoyed when everyone jumped on Anfisa for saying that she would divorce Jorge if the child turned out to be his. I think David said something about that not being what marriage is?  Yes please, Obi-Wan, share your relationship wisdom with us. You're our only hope.

    I might have some sympathy if Jorge genuinely didn't know he had a kid out there, but he knew about the possibility for years, ignored it, and lied to Anfisa when she asked him about it specifically. As horrible as I think it was for Molly to move Luis in to a house with children he'd never previously met, at least he was aware of their existence when he came to the US.

    I am super curious about the baby momma's age. If she was older and Jorge was under 18, that's statutory rape in California, isn't it? It's one thing if it was just a question of a few months age difference and one was just on the wrong side of a birthday or something, but if she's considerably older, I would absolutely place the responsibility on her, though it doesn't change the fact that Jorge should have been upfront about it to Anfisa.


    24 minutes ago, magemaud said:

    Apparently you can rent Louboutins by the week 


    I bet Pao has a punch card. The Tell All was number 10, so they threw in Roos' rental for free.

    • Love 13
  9. 9 hours ago, lucy711 said:

    Yes, I heard this too, but I mean she should have forced him- as in sued him in court to establish paternity.  I understand what people are saying on here that maybe she was a minor when she got pregnant, so that may explain it.  But I couldn't imagine not taking the man I thought was the father of my child to court.

    Given Jorge's profession, I wonder what the odds are that a court order for child support would get her very far? It's not like he has a paycheck to garnish, he's always driving a different vehicle (so who knows if actually owns much of anything in his name) and didn't seem to even have a permanent residence when he first appeared on the show (possibly making it difficult to have him served). Maybe she could attach a bank account or tax returns, but I assume if his business is mostly cash, he could hide a lot.

    My personal theory is that in the beginning Jorge gave her money (at least periodically), and she knew that her chances of getting much out of him via court order were dicey, so she figured it was better than nothing. Then Anfisa came on the scene, and suddenly ALL of Jorge's money (and then some) was spoken for. Jorge completely ghosted the baby momma, leading her to track down Anfisa on social media, because Anfisa was easier to find than Jorge.

    • Love 6
  10. 1 hour ago, Umbelina said:

    There is no such precedent on the show.  Fred was dreaming.  All he said was "it might be on the table."  IMO, they only invited him for information, and to use him, they certainly wouldn't give back the people that escaped Gilead.  Even Serena practically rolled her eyes when he boasted about that.

    WAIT, it was in the book?  Where?

    The part about refugees being extradited is in the "Historical Notes" section at the end of the book. When speculating about what happened to "our narrator" there's the question of whether she made it to Canada, and from there, to England, which "would have been wise" because "the Canada of that time" didn't want to antagonize it's powerful neighbor, and was known to roundup and extradite refugees such "Offred" would have been.

    It's also theorized that one of the reasons the tapes weren't made public knowledge during the narrator's lifetime was due to concerns about her family in Gilead, Luke (if he were still alive), or their daughter. There's mention of refugees being sent body parts purported to be from their loved ones, as an incentive to keep quiet. Something like that might add credence to June staying behind on the show, if she not only hoped to rescue Hannah, but feared that Hannah would be endangered specifically because June made it out.

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  11. 8 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

    I think her issue is because he never put her & Jacob's  mom 1st like he is doing with Annie  


    I think David deliberately stokes Ashley's resentment. He rubs it in because he knows she's sensitive about it, and it gives him an ego boost to imagine that all the women in his life want his attention so badly they'll get catty over it. It only works because Ashley is so damaged in the first place. In reality, he treats Annie like crap, and they've only been married a few months. It will get worse with time.

    • Love 15
  12. 5 hours ago, zenme said:

    Molly married a young 20-something from a macho culture. He thought he was getting vacation Molly, and didn't realize he was going to be Alice from the Brady Bunch.  This is a big cultural change for him. I don't know what either of them were thinking. One day he's a club- going, childless and single bartender, and the next day he's expected to be Americanized father, who helps with cooking and cleaning, and understands how to manage kids. Tall order, Molly. I blame her. Her kids and their needs come first, she's older, and she should have thought the whole thing through. 

    I do place the greater blame on Molly (she's older and *should* be more mature, not to mention more cautious, since she has kids to consider), but I don't think Luis is blameless here. And though I agree that trying to make him an insta-stepdad/childcare provider is a HORRIBLE idea, I have no problem with the idea that he should be helping around the large, comfortable house he's living in for free, especially considering the fact that he's not working yet. If he doesn't like it, he's free to fuck off back to the DR.


    5 hours ago, lucy711 said:

    Ashley has a poor way of expressing herself, but I understand her point.  Her dad, aka the weeble, abandoned his family for four years.  He has to acknowledge the pain and the difficulties that created before pretending that everything is normal.  And yes, she has the right to be mad that she, her brother, and her kids are essentially an afterthought to his new "25 year old" wife.

    I really hope most of these story lines are scripted.  But that is just as bad because no self-respecting person would want to be party to any of this.

    I agree, I don't blame her for being angry. I know she was an adult when he left, but it sounds like David wasn't exactly there for her even before he decamped to Asia.  And the four years he left are pretty formative ones when your son is 13 or 14. I do think it's unfair that Ashley focuses so much of her bitterness on Annie. Frankly, Annie is going to get put through the same ringer as everyone else in David's life, and it's already starting. They've been in the US for all of what? A few months? And he's already pawning her wedding jewelry. He's a slimeball, and at this stage in his life, he's not going to change.


    4 hours ago, annewithaneee said:

    Family Chantal reminds me of some classic Judge Judy defendants, thinking that with some (hilariously bad) styling and plenty of two-dollar words nobody will be able to see through their BS. Her mom with all that "be it, or otherwise, monetarily" nonsense, just amazing. 

    What was the wine they ended up pairing with dinner, Mountain Dew??? It was bright yellow and full of ice cubes. They truly are the epitome of class.


    You NAILED it.


    4 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

    Anfisa should return to Russia.  I  get the impression she is genuinely unhappy but maybe has signed a contract and must stick around with dough boy. 

    I actually suspect the opposite about Anfisa. She wanted to be in the US, and she'll be fine as long as she is. I think she knew perfectly well that things were not on the up and up with Jorge (IIRC, she hacked his phone and cancelled his plane ticket when he refused to buy her a Chanel bag). I think she only came because she wanted a Green Card, and Jorge was already lined up. Plus she mentioned wanting to be like the Kardashians, and she knew that there was a reality show waiting to film her as soon as she landed in LA. I think she'll stick with Jorge until the Green Card comes through, and stick with the 90 Day franchise until/unless a better offer comes up. Either way, she'll be fine.

    • Love 7
  13. 4 minutes ago, Happyfatchick said:

    Ewwwww.  That’s all I got to say about that.

    @Sienna:  I am old.  (Not THAT old, but over the speed limit).  I actually made a FACE reading that.  The grandma nasty face. 


    I had a roommate who did it when we were in our 20s. As I was posting, I realized that was almost 15 years ago, and felt ancient LOL

    Anyway, it may have changed a bit since then, but that was the jist of it back in the day.

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  14. 5 minutes ago, Happyfatchick said:

    Ok, someone needs to bottom line me (please).  Tell me like I’m slow:  what exactly is the webcam thing that Anfisa does, and how does she make money from this?


    It varies a bit, but basically you join a camgirl site, then sit around half naked and video chat with dudes until one of them buys private time, private shows usually being masturbation. The site takes a percentage, and you're paid whatever is left after that.

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  15. 1 hour ago, MakingBacon said:

    I think it’s possible David doesn’t want a real job because he owes back child support and/or alimony. His ex-wife may have obtained an order to garnish his wages. If I was her, I would fight until I am in my grave to get my money after the way he has behaved toward his family. 

    Exactly. If he owes back child support, his paycheck is getting garnished.

    As for Paola, she has a video up on Youtube of a trip she took back to Columbia to see her family dated March 2015, so unless it was seriously old when she posted it, it's been less than 4 yrs between visits (and probably less than 3, since I assume the trip to see her grandma was filmed last year).

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  16. On 5/14/2018 at 8:14 PM, chocolatine said:

    I seem to remember that in the book there was an age limit for handmaids. June is 33 and says her time is almost up.

    When they first meet in the book, Serena Joy says "This is your second, isn't it?", meaning second time posted in a commander's house. When Offred replies that it's her third, Serena comments "Not so good for you".  Later, Offred says "I am thirty-three years old. I have brown hair. I stand five seven without shoes. I have trouble remembering what I used to look like. I have viable ovaries. I have one more chance." Because of SJ's previous comment, I took it to mean that Offred was near the end because it was her third and final posting, rather than due to a hard and fast rule about her age.

    On 5/14/2018 at 8:14 PM, chocolatine said:

    If Rita had a son who was old enough to be a soldier, she would be at least in her late 30s. To me she looks like she's in her early 40s.

    To me she looks no older than Elizabeth Moss, so I've always been a bit confused about how old Rita's character is actually suppose to be (she could have had her son as a young teen). In real life, the actors are four years apart, but Elizabeth Moss looks a lot rougher for her age than Amanda Brugel does.

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  17. Quote

    Guilt stricken Paul Getty, thinking in paranoid state, that he might be arrested in connection with Talitha's death, fled Rome and came to London. Several dark years followed. He never completely recovered from Talitha's death and he succumbed deeper into his heroin addiction.

    That wasn't entirely paranoia. JP2 went to Thailand for 2 months immediately following Talitha's death in July of '71, but he did return to Rome afterward. It wasn't until a magistrate decided to hold an inquiry the following March that JP2 fled to London to avoid being questioned. Italy had fairly strict drugs laws, and Paul (who was still heavily addicted to heroin) could have easily done prison time just for possession.

    I do find the story around her death suspicious, but I can't say I blame him for leaving Italy. Of course it had unintended consequences when Gail ended up alone in Rome trying to deal with the kidnapping.


    10 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    Another account I read said that Talitha wanted to divorce JP2 and went to Rome in 1971 on the advice of her lawyer who said that it would be easier to obtain a divorce if she could show that she had made an attempt to reconcile with him. She had gotten herself off heroin which is why people in her inner circle were surprised (and slightly suspicious) that she died of an overdose while in Rome. JP2 knew it looked bad that she died of an overdose while she was in Rome seeing him which is why he fled the country and said in one of the earlier episodes that he couldn't go back to Italy.

    Yeah, in one of the early episodes JP1 told JP2 that he had arranged a plane to take him to Italy, because surely JP2 would want to be there seeing to the safe return of his son.  JP2 said something like "You know I can't go back there" and JP1 made a snide comment about "Oh yes, you're wanted for drug trafficking, or is it manslaughter?" It was a good line, but probably a bit wasted, since they didn't introduce the story of Talitha's death until several weeks later, and it doesn't make much sense unless you know the backstory.

    Another interesting thing that didn't make the show (or hasn't so far) is that after Talitha died, it was Gail who ended up taking care of the unfortunately named Tara Gabriel Galaxy Gramophone, a toddler at the time. Supposedly she volunteered, saying that he belonged in Rome with the rest of the family. After JP3 was kidnapped, Talitha's parents (who were living in the south of France) were the only members of the extended "family" who actually flew to Rome to see Gail. They eventually took Tara, then 5, back with them (by mutual agreement) and pretty much raised him from that point on.

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