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Posts posted by samhalliwell

  1. Now that it's been brought up, I'd really like an episode fully devoted to making Nealfire likeable. Not in the way they try to make Regina seem all victim-y, but actually have the guy get his come-uppance and then try to Fix What Once Went Wrong and have everyone else react realistically to it. Sure, it'd be depressing and a little too "real" for our Disney Fantasy show, but if they're making it such a central point of the story that Emma's life in the Land Without Magic was so sucky, fallout from what happened/was done to her during that time should mirror that suckiness.

    It really is a shame how the show gets so caught up in The One Narrative Line of the new Big Bad or Curse that everything else gets pushed aside way too often, especially the characters we're supposed to love because they're the frickin' protagonists.

    ETA: totally agree with Camera One on the supporting cast focus wishes. Part of what made me excited about the show at the beginning was the possibility of including and fleshing out all the fairy tale/Disney characters available, but then the budget and actor-related limitations showed us why it's a very difficult format (and the reason why people like Ruby, Mulan or Tink are now glaringly absent even though their very nature and the plot itself kind of make it organic, if not essential, for them to just be there). Yeah, a mini-series of one-offs would be amazing, if only to provide us with selfish closure.

    • Love 1
  2. I love Daddy Charming was next in line in getting his thread back, the new title (so very him and full of win!), and the acknowledgement that monitoring his hair-styling is of the essence going forward. Priorities, I say.

    I do hope we get more frequent/numerous Charming-centric episodes, as 3x14 really reminded me (as it did a whole bunch of people, if the TWoP thread is any indication) how great he can be when the writers actually put some effort into the character and give Josh Dallas material to work with. Ditto for Snow, whose current Idiot Ball-holding is almost criminal.

    Also, not sure if anyone agrees, but I would love to see the show revisit Prince James the Jerk either for plot or character exploration purposes, via comparison/contrast with David. The sheer weirdness of seeing Josh D in full princely attire and acting so Charmless in Tiny was one of the great things about the episode, IMO.

    • Love 3
  3. Well, like I was discussing with Camera One over at Wonderland (love how that looks when actually written down, BTW), the idea of the showrunners getting to do more anthology mini-series that simultaneously stand as single stories and interconnect with the main show.

    Yeah, the whole "stand-alone" thing kinda becomes moot if the connection is too strong, but if the mini-series are supposed to work as bridges during OUaT's breaks, they'd be actually fulfilling a purpose. Plus, more Disney character appearances (without cramping them and then forgetting them at the main show)!

  4. On my mother's third or so of re-watching the series, she reveals to me that she's just now getting why Dr. Hopper's dog was named Pongo.

    Oh, mom...

    LOL, I suppose that's the beuaty of a show like this one. Some new little detail for anyone upon watch or rewatch. Heh.

  5. I'm a crier, so when I think of all the Emma scenes that could potentially make me teary eyed, I think the both the death of Sheriff Graham and Jen Morrison's devastated look when Neal left Emma in Tallahassee did me in, badly, even if I didn't actually cry. 

    I love Emma, and I know she's very clearly our Straight Man reacting to everyone else's mojo, but I really wish they could find a way to let her show a wider range of emotion more frequently.

    Regarding Regina: Barbara Hershey's half of a minute of a death scene and Lana Parrilla's interaction really got me, even though they are clearly horrible, largely unredeemable people.

    • Love 1
  6. Yes, Camera One, that would be the kind of thing I'd love them to do and which could work amazingly well both for the story as a whole and for the network/crew/cast as it'd maintain buzz about the show(s) going. The thing is, wherever/whenever they placed it would be tricky: in the winter timeslot it'd run directly against the Awards season (which really hurt OUaT S2), and in the summer timeslot it'd be hard to place a shorter series that interests people unless the next season of the parent show begins like, the week following its ending so everyone actually remembers/cares about what happened.

    I really hope Wonderland's broad-strokes flop doesn't hurt the possibility of anything like what we're discussing here too much.

  7. I agree with you all. I sincerely hope that in the end, after all the realm-hopping that is very likely going to ensue for however long the show lasts, Emma manages to get her happy ending with a whole family.

    Also, this just came to mind and it might be a little overkill, but how'd it go down with everyone if Emma's memories were once again rewritten to never have been cursed at all (not sure how, by whom or to what end)? Considering she (and probably soon, Henry as well) joined the We Are Both parade, would that be too much or would it be a way to get more drama from her character (those season-long arcs DO need something to stand on) and thus make an eventual all-out happy ending all the better?

  8. I sincerely hope ABC does a testrun of another Once Upon a Time (somewhere else) at the parent show's timeslot, to see if it fares any better. (Promoting it a little more wouldn't hurt, either). Also, I think it would be really cool if the writers managed to make it an actual bridge inbetween the parent show's seasons, as in, the spinoff does a self-contained story that can be viewed on its own and, additionally, ties into the inevitable cliffhanger of either the season finale, premiere or both of the original OUaT.

    It sure sounds complicated, but when has anything done by these people not been complicated or involved cliffhangers? It's what keeps most of us coming back, anyway.

  9. Hi everybody! Longtime TWoP lurker who first came about the site reading Demian's Charmed recaps. (Yes, in case anyone noticed my username contains the "Halliwell" from that show and I continue to use it proudly. If you didn't, I just told you and I regret nothing. LOL). I signed up at TWoP but always lurked, and then got back to read Game of Thrones, True Blood and Gossip Girl recaps (because Jacob's recaps are amazing, if a little... disorienting, at times).

    I've found myself fanboying like there's no tomorrow over both Onces (Wonderland decided to get amazing just in time to be unnoticedly cancelled, natch) and Cindy's recaps on the main show kept me coming back and waiting for it giddily every Friday. (I even tweeted at her when the site shutdown was announced, despite my total lack of participation before). Hope I can be more of a noticeable and constructive presence this time around :)

    ETA: silly grammar/ortograph faux pas continue to be the death of me. Also, I signed in through my Twitter account, so, apologies if it bothers you that I'm perennially sticking my tongue out at you all (as long as my avatar remains the same, of course).

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