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Apocalypse Cow

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Posts posted by Apocalypse Cow

  1. Fwiw, I have several aunts and cousins named Dixie. It's a pretty common name in NC--- for girls and pets. I've never really seen it used as a racially charged word--- rather just a cute name for a Southern girl/pet or in reference to the South. 


    There's enough racist crap in the workd without trying to make everything southern into something racist. 

    • Love 16
  2. I liked Adam's routine, although it was an obvious rip off of her and Mark's kpop routine from her season. However, it wasn't a great freestyle. Jenna outdanced Adam, he wasn't as sharp, and they weren't in sync. Definitely not their best work. But it didn't bore me... and the other routines did.

    • Love 4
  3. 1 hour ago, lezlers said:

    Breastfeeding a one year old is actually very very common.  Most breastfeeding mothers wean between ages 1 and 2.  What I find really weird is why a breastfeeding mother would voluntarily leave her nursing child for nearly a month.  

    At NINE??????  There is NOTHING normal about that.   

    I breastfed my second until 4. Americans have a very sexualized view of breasts that is not shared by most of the world. Breastfeeding beyond 1 is normal in the majority of the world. The benefits of breast milk are many, and they do not end at 1. 


    (Steps off soapbox)

    • Love 11
  4. In regards to Paul and his addictions, he may want to remove himself from the restaurant scene completely for a few years until he maintains sobriety for a long period of time. It's too high stress and drug use runs rampant in restaurants.  It's just too much temptation to fall back into the same habits.  

  5. 1 minute ago, pivot said:

    Yeah, it was bad. Thrilled she didn't medal and not just because her routine was crap. She also said some incredibly racist stuff about Biles last year. 

    Love this lineup. Nice to see Tinkler get a bronze. And for Biles to become the reigning Olympic Floor Champion. She truly is out of the world on this event.

    Was it Ferrari or Ferraro who said the nasty stuff about Simone?

  6. I was coming here to comment on Gabby's reaction to Simone and Aly winning. She looked completely peeved to be there, while Laurie was about to jump out of her seat.  I feel bad for Gabby--- she should have been there competing... that two per rule is dumb--- but that's life.  Simone's floor was the best I've seen her do it all Olympics, I think. Her musicality was better.  I still prefer Aly's routine, but Simone killed it. 

    • Love 7
  7. I'm not wishing Simone to have a disastrous meet.  I just want there to be a level of competitiveness to it.  And yeah, I'm pulling for Aly to have the meet of her life.  I just want the AA final to be exciting. If this makes me a terrible person for wanting some drama in the AA final, then I'm a terrible person and I own it. I'm not taking my Simone voodoo doll and breaking legs on it or anything, but I am hoping for this competition to not be a complete runaway.

    • Love 3
  8. I know Americans are supposed to put the hand over the heart, but nbd if she doesn't unless she's doing it to be disrespectful, which i completely doubt.  Idk why Gabby is the poster child for social media slams.  She's barely an adult, cut her some slack, dang it. lol


    I was very ambivalent towards Aly until this Olympics. I actually like her a lot this go round, and I am totally pulling for her to be an upset in the AA. (#teamdrama ) Her parents don't bug me at all because I'm basically the same way watching my kids play little league. Olympics would have me on the floor in convulsions. 

    • Love 5
  9. 1 hour ago, choclatechip45 said:

    None of the other girls are consistent on their current vaults.  Laurie had a bad knee injury that kept her out all competitions in 2014. She also suffered a knee injury this spring. Aly has been performing the Amanar since I think 2011 and just started landing it consistently within the last couple of months. Gabby was trying to get her amanar back in 2012 she had issues with it. I'm sure those are the reasons. 

    Yeah, but most of the competitors aren't super consistent either.  I'd rather have stuck landings and lower difficulty, tbh.  This system of judging rewards mediocre execution.

    • Love 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Jillibean said:

    I would love for Aly to defend her gold on FX, but I just don't see how it's realistically possible. She's been scoring five tenths lower than Simone, and that's with Aly landing well and Simone landing a bit less well. It was interesting to see that Lauie's FX scoring was basically consistent with the way she was scored at Nationals, while at Trials she was scored much closer to Aly. I love Laurie, but I suspected at the time that those big floor exercise scores would never hold up in Rio and was not surprised to be right. 


    It's going to take a big mistake from Simone for Aly to sneak in.  I love Laurie's fx, but I agree it's not on the same level as Aly's or Simone's.  

    • Love 1
  11. I'm asking again: Why is Simone the only American competing in the vault finals? Couldn't Aly or Laurie be in there also?

    I'm a member of #teamdrama also.  I'm totally rooting for Aly in the AA and the floor finals. I honestly like her floor better than Simone's.  But I want to see something other than a Simone Sweep in these events.  I love watching Simone do her tricks, but her floor routine isn't my favorite (I'd rather watch Laurie or Aly). I'd love to see Flavia or Catalina sneak in on the beam, and I want a battle on the bars with Madison, Gabby, and the Russians/Chinese.  Vault is Simone's no question.  Unless she flubs it terribly, she's got it. I like all the girls and it's nothing against Simone, but I want to see some DRAMA!

    Re: Laurie-- She is a doll. Seriously.  I hate that she couldn't compete in the AA, but she's going to make bank with endorsements. She is precious and very camera ready. She was the most naturally polished in the interview with Costa as well.

    The Chinese hate--- call me a bitter Westerner all you want, but I just find Chinese gymnastics boring af.  They aren't great on vault, their tumbling isn't all that great on floor, and they've been inconsistent.  Add to that the age controversy from the past, and it makes me very meh on them.  And they just don't have the personality of the Russians for me to overlook all that.  

    NBC's coverage sucks. That is all. 

    • Love 2
  12. Why did none of the other American women go for the vault event finals? Didn't they score higher than some of the other women?


    RE: Aly's likability. I've never really liked her all that much, but she's definitely grown on me  in competitions lately. I think she's genuine and hardworking. I loved her floor and thought her vault was amazing.  All of Team USA seems to be a good group of girls.  Laurie is an absolute doll, Simone is incredibly athletic, Gabby and Madison were stunning on bars.  I love the diversity of the team, and the different strengths that each girl has. 

    • Love 6
  13. Lol, here's the thing... I don't usually mention anyone's involvement on the show with the people on the show.  It's awkward and they are asked about it ALL. THE. TIME. I don't like to be that person. But if I run into one of them, I'll try to work it into the convo. But again, I'm not super close with any of the staff (more like we went to high school together or our kids play ball together type friends, not share personal gossip about your boss type friends). I will ask my dad though if he's heard anything.  He goes to TCATF almost weekly for dinner and talks to her on occasion about pigs. He is a man, however, so he may be oblivious to a bump or not.

    • Love 1
  14. I'm not close enough friends to them to pry like that. I will say that in a recent picture of Viv, she did look like she had a small bump, but that may have just been the apron. If no one had mentioned that she may be preggo, I wouldn't have noticed it, so it may be nothing.  

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