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Posts posted by xls

  1. 8 hours ago, chessiegal said:

    Not buying and using a product that's working for me would be like cutting off my nose to spite my face. My husband and I both use Secret, have for decades. Not changing because of a commercial.

    I don't see why people need this at all unless you work a sweaty job in close quarters with other people. Or you just like to go days without showering! 

    • Like 3
  2. On 5/29/2024 at 10:37 PM, ams1001 said:

    "More golden buzzers than ever before"...were there two? The comedian from Zimbabwe and the singing janitor, right? Clearly I was not fully paying attention. I did like both of them (what I heard of the comedian, at least; I was partly listening from the kitchen and between that and his accent I didn't quite catch everything he said.

    I started writing some notes while watching but I didn't bother for a lot of them.

    High School dance group: too many people and too many different camera angles to even try to keep track of what was going on. Bored. Also I hate that song. I don't even know what it's called but please make it go away.

    Two-year-old math kid is adorable. Why do I feel like the judges had no idea if 7x9=63 was correct? Him staring at Howie for talking was hilarious. He's ready to be a sub in a middle school math class with that look. And when he went back to the first board to cross the sevens his dad wrote. 😄

    "There's not enough ballet on this show." Proceeds to do 12 seconds of ballet and then walk across a row of bottles in toe shoes.
    Simon: I don't like ballet but you found a way to make it interesting. By not doing ballet. (Because during the actual ballet segment he was clearly bored, or at least pretending to be for the "drama.") Just because you're wearing ballet shoes doesn't mean you're doing ballet.

    Country singer: I couldn't hear and/or understand 90% of what she was singing.

    The 13-year-old dancer/contortionist from India...reminds me of the Mexican dancer around the same age from last year.

    Richard the janitor/singer from Indiana: This is gonna either be really good or really bad.....okay, he's good. 

    I have a feeling this show is going to be a lot of background noise for me this season...

    Sounds boring!

  3. 8 hours ago, Haleth said:

    On the other hand, cats are so finicky you have to pray you can find something they like.  I can't tell you how many brands and varieties I've tried and she turns up her li'l pink nose at all of them except for 2 flavors of Science Diet.  Cat food commercials are a waste.  They can try to influence what you buy all day but the cat has the final word.

    My cat loves Little Sheba trout! Try that

    • Like 4
  4. 2 minutes ago, For Cereals said:

    Do we know she’s not one of the undead?  Agreed, stupid storyline.  I’m sure they will need to pay a ton for this and that detracts from attorney’s fees for the kids.  I’d rather see Jasmine get a job to help cover that cost or see Gino try to get his job back.

    We're just not used to looking at naturally aged women; she's probably same aged as the Silva twins.

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    • LOL 2
  5. 20 hours ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

    Since there's a thread for irritating kids in movies (and there have been lots of irritating kids), I thought it would be just as fun to acknowledge that there have been good, even great, performances by child actors. Let's give the under-18 set their due here!*

    Judy Garland in The Wizard of Oz: Even if you're sick of it or hate it, there's no denying 16-year-old Garland owned this movie.

    Natalie Wood in Miracle on 34th Street: Wood's Susan is definitely precocious, but never in the molar-grinding way most kids are made to act. I also have to give it up for the scene where Kris Kringle has Susan pull on his beard to see if it's real. When she sees that it is, Wood's reaction is the sophisticated brand of subtle acting that some adults can't pull off. You see every thought in her face, questioning everything she thought she knew, and it's a beautiful moment.

    Hayley Mills in Pollyanna: "Pollyanna" has become a derisive term for a relentlessly positive person. Mills had the daunting, unenviable task of bringing the "Glad Girl" to life, and brought a vibrancy, intelligence, and authenticity to the potentially cloying protagonist. Not once does Mills's Pollyanna ever feel saccharine, phony, or self-righteous... and she rightly won a special Academy Award for her performance.

    Jodie Foster in... damn, practically anything she was in. People still rave about her in Taxi Driver, but I actually prefer her more lighthearted roles, such as the scene-stealing Tallulah in Bugsy Malone, and Casey, the scrappy con artist who sees the light in Candleshoe.


    *Yes, I count teenagers as kids.


    So many brilliant performances by kids-thanks for creating this topic! 

    • Like 3
  6. On 1/14/2024 at 9:51 PM, TwirlyGirly said:

    Sam and Citra:

    Sam showing Paul Staehle vibes with his choice of mate.

    What is it with these American 90 Day Fiance cast members who have a troubled past hooking up with a foreign woman whose father is a police officer (or part of any law enforcement group)?

    In the early stage of a relationship, it's common to ask "Do you have any brothers and sisters? Then: "What does your father do for a living? What about your mom?" 

    If the American has been in trouble with the law, and their foreign love interest says one or both of their parents is in law enforcement, the logical thing for the American to do is move on.

    But they'd have to be smart to realize that's what they need to do, which explains why they don't do it. 

    Cause the 'reality' is fake & set-up, we all know it

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