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Posts posted by ava111

  1. On 8/6/2021 at 10:01 PM, Blackie said:

    I loved Theresa's parka, or was it pawka, or was it pokka.......anyways it was great, I wonder what it was made out of. If she can get 1400 calories a day out of roots and berries, that is not too bad if she doesn't have to walk to far to get them . and then just spend the rest of the time in your warm shelter.

    I hope Colten eats both of those fish with in 2 days and doesn't ration it out. At this point, regain some energy and then put your net out again, it worked!! (although in previews it looks like there is boat trouble), why doesn't he bring his boat up on land at night? I wonder if he will ever be able to get himself clean. I am looking forward to seeing him in the after interview!

    It is tough for Biko, not getting any fish, at least Clay still has deer jerky.

    How many episodes in total ? 10? Is next week the finale? Has it been down to 4 on the finale episode before?


    On 8/6/2021 at 10:01 PM, TVbitch said:

    Theresa said she was getting 1500 calories a day of roots and berries. Really?! Cuz that would be a big bucket of roots and berries. She seems in great spirits, and she is tough as nails. But the accent thing was annoying me, too. She mostly has it in the voice-overs where she can think about it more. She doesn't need it, she's bad ass as is!

    Next week is the last episode, right? I guess they start dropping like flies.  


    On 8/7/2021 at 2:54 PM, Quilt Fairy said:

    I know she said that, but she definitely mis-spoke.  At best, a half a can of berries (and she did say half a can) would give her 150 calories.  She wouldn't be starving if she was getting 1500 calories per day. 


    On 8/7/2021 at 11:27 PM, rmontro said:

    I was expecting Biko to tap, with the title of the episode being The Troll.  But he didn't, even though he seemed close to it at times.

    I don't think she's faking it.  When I was younger, I used to intentionally change the way I formed my letters, like the e's, g's, j's, k's, m's, n's, r's, s's, etc., often in the same word.  I don't know why I did that exactly, I just liked exploring the options.  It interested me that there were different ways to make the same letter.


    I'd be fine with any of the four winning it, I don't really have a clear favorite.  I kind of like Theresa, because of her shelter, but I think Clay wins because of the deer.


    Yeah, there's no way.  It's not unusual for people to live very long term on 1500 calorie diets.  But her diet isn't very balanced.

    I wonder if she misspoke and meant to say kilojoules. Most of the world uses that instead of calories. 1500 kilojoules would be about 400 calories. 

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  2. 20 hours ago, kristen111 said:

    Maybe she breaks out from foundation?  What else can it be?  Some sort of allergy to makeup?


    20 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    Maybe. It seems odd to me that she has such heavy eyelashes and the rest of her face isn't done at all...

    I think she is into Asian skincare trend where the point is make the skin beautiful and translucent and show it off without makeup. It's total opposite of American trend where you cover your skin and make it matte. So I think she wants to show off her hard work. I do Korean skincare myself for last 5 years so I'm familiar with the trend. It can be pretty time consuming if you build your routine to have up to 10 steps. And I bet she uses the most expensive products too just because she can. (I get my skincare straight from Korea or Japan and you can find great quality stuff from smaller brands for cheaper than buy either American or European stuff which is extremely overpriced in my opinion. Of course you can buy extremely expensive brands in Asia too.)  

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  3. 10 hours ago, ams1001 said:

    Exactly. I'd think we all know why they brought out his children. But his story package made me cry, so... (probably because it's a story that was in the news; most of the sob stories aren't well known incidents like this was, even if the "others" on the helicopter didn't get much attention).

    In the past they've often mixed acts from (apparently) different audition sessions; you'd see the judges' clothes go back and forth between 2-3 outfits over the two hours.

     I guess it's not in the past (I never watched this before so wouldn't know). Just paid attention to Heidi and she had at least 5 different outfits through the show.

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  4. Leah's segments every week are just public service announcements. Covid this week, health insurance last week, checking for breast lumps... It's just so forced. If it wasn't every single week it would feel more natural and more like real life. Also it' like she is just reading them and not saying something in her own words. I guess miracle happened and she doesn't have any story this year as her life is too normal now.

    And btw another PSA since we are at it: women after 40 get your mammograms! I had no lump that you could feel but my last year mammogram discovered issues. More mammograms, biopsy, cancer diagnosis 6 months before my 50th birthday... Then lumpectomy and radiation. The worst part was going to hospital in the heights of Covid every day. And then the horrible pain I experienced after radiation was over. Nobody ever said anything but that radiation makes you tired and you might have skin problems. No pain was ever mentioned by any doctor or the brochures they gave me. I still experience pain in my breast daily 5 months after my treatment ended just not so intense like the first 6 weeks. Supposedly people don't talk abou it because they are scared that their cancer is back and doctors don't take it seriously when we mention it. This needs to change!

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  5. On 4/22/2021 at 7:23 PM, Jack Terrier said:

    Agreed and I like your theory.  One question: she did say (as you noted) that there were 2 wills.  Why would the most currently dated will not supersede the older will? I just can’t figure out how D’Andra actually pulled this off...🤷🏼‍♀️


    On 4/22/2021 at 8:29 PM, albarino said:

    Inheritance is a tricky thing when parents divorce.  My mom died first and inherited the wealth from her family.  My step-dad threw away the will leaving the estate intestate and his kids then inherited everything.  As a kid, I knew where the will was in the filing cabinet and it was pretty simple.  Spouse gets everything and then kids get everything. *Because I knew where everything was, I knew where the copy of the will was in the filing cabinet.  Copies don't count but one can read them.*  I hope my step-dad rots in hell.

    Back to Dallas, I don't understand her story as she tells it.  There was an original will and then a subsequent will and the estate went to court and the original will was ruled valid?  As in D'Andra inherited everything?  *Scratching head*

    Among the mysteries is why D'Andra would want to make amends with her step-family.  At this point, it is water under the bridge.  My advice to her is to just keep moving on with her life.

    I think the fact that her father didn't have to pay any money for child support makes the difference. If it wasn't just shaking hands kinda deal between them but it was done through their lawyers and it was legally binding. That later affected the second will's validity.

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  6. On 3/30/2021 at 7:18 PM, monagatuna said:

    I think I'm just confused. It may be the way it's phrased, but it just comes off as your choices are "religious ceremony" or "elope/courthouse wedding" and nothing in between. Clearly that's not the case, it just seems strange to me to default to ministers performing the ritual whereas actually anyone can. But it may just be a function of ministers and religious leaders already being qualified to perform the ceremony with the state as part of their job function, and anyone else who isn't will need to be, so that's why non-clergy people are being called out.

    I think I'm reading too much into this. I'm very tired.


    On 3/30/2021 at 5:31 PM, StatisticalOutlier said:

    In the statute I linked to in my post, there's a provision for judges officiating at weddings without the need for authorization or posting a bond.  Think of people eloping and going to the justice of the peace to get married.


    Zied said he liked it, and theoretically he's the one who really counts.  But then again, he likes Rebecca...

    I live in northern Virginia and got married to my husband 5 years ago. We decided just to elope after 17 years together so I thought we would go to court to get married. But Virginia doesn't do court weddings. You just pick from list of officiants and contact them and tell them when and where to show up. So we ended up with the perfect wedding - just two of us and our dog on the dock of our condominium wearing birkenstock and corduroy pants in middle of January. Then we went to Silver diner for brunch and then home watched the movie we went to see on our first date  - L. A. Confidential. All for under 150 USD (including marriage license, officiant fee and food).  Officiant took few pics of us with our phone. Then we emailed our families and friends the pics and that we got married. 

    No stress and waste of money. Wouldn't have it any other way.

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  7. On 2/25/2021 at 9:43 PM, LuvMyShows said:


    Binginia - who is taking care of her dog and cats while she spends her every Thursday, Friday and Saturday binging and sleeping on friends couches? I remember her friend mentioned that her dog is just like her and has abandonment issues. No wonder why. It gets abandoned every Thursday. And the fact that she is always late for work means that she also gets drunk on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday but does it in privacy of her own house instead bars or clubs. I'm surprised they didn't get rid of her yet. She should seek therapy if she can't imagine going without alcohol for more than few hours. It's obvious she is self medicating. She only lives to party and drink. What kind of life is that??? And why would you want a husband? Just to have someone to hold your hair while puking in the toilet? Or maybe she decided she finally needs pet sitter? Then marrying pilot wasn't the best decision. Although it definitely helps with the budget for alcohol. I think she already decided she doesn't want children because she is not willing to stop drinking. I give them a year unless she starts changing...

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  8. 22 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    I could happily live without Tony and Lizzie on my TV talking (bragging) about how much they conned out of people while they were in prison.

    I just consider it PSA to people not be so gullible. Unfortunately now all the famewhores that want to get their 15 minutes are scrolling prison pen pall websites to find someone to give their money to just to get on TV. 

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  9. On 12/14/2020 at 9:52 PM, MrBuhBye said:

    There was a voiceover when they were walking to the Seattle hotel that he had whittled the debt down significantly since his visit to Ukraine.  I would assume the land is mortgaged and he didn’t buy it outright.

    I think that's the reason he is still trying with Natalie. Money from the show will help pay off the farm.

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  10. First of all - just don't understand why is it so suspicious to them that Anjeanette mom would contact Karen's brother? Why if she just wanted to say hi to their new extended family members?

    Obviously it's producer's set up. They probably made that catfish fake account with Anjeanette's mother's name (first without Luna) and are trying to stir shit and the family performs just like the clowns they are. Now they added the name Luna just to fuck with them a little more and make the "conspiracy" even bigger and get them to the new boiling point. Then when they arrive after that 2 day trip they will be bored fucked out of their mind with their conspiracy theories reaching far and wide. Then they will immediately cause conflict with the welcoming Filipino village and Anjeanette's family showing their "ugly American" and snobbery and toxicity for our entertainment. 

    Now back to rest of the shitfest. I'm only to the first commercial break.

    I can't decide whose family is worse. Mama Pedro and sister Pedro and that awful new still married by or the Americans. At least I kind of like Pedro. He is the only semi normal person and not a caricature of the worst possible character traits. Except these people are not characters just dumb idiots with overblown egos.


    It must be the money. I still wouldn't do it. It's disgusting. That tells me everything I need to know about her.

    6 hours ago, Real4real said:

    I cannot understand why Chantal, after going through this exact same ridiculous scenario with her family accusing Pedro of all sorts of nuttiness and seeing how it hurt him and their relationship, would turn around and do the same thing to Angenette.  That and I’m thinking she had more than ‘just a little’ Botox—she is completely expressionless in every scene!

    Sorry forgot to add the quote first.

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  11. 14 hours ago, Pattycake2 said:

    Does anyone else notice the similarities?image.jpeg.9cc86fbf7e238ff0d42d959d94cfe7a0.jpegimage.jpeg.3746ba135b5f67c747c0dd494944e772.jpeg

    All I could notice is Shannon looking beautiful and comparing her to this awful, drunk, bloated mess we just saw.


    13 hours ago, nexxie said:

    Yikes! Shannon must’ve pissed off the editors somewhere along the line.

    They must got tired of her drunk, sloppy,  miserable, snotty and "cultured" ass and decided to portrait her in the same light they have been seing her for years... Probably they even decided it was worth it even though Shannon would decide this to be her last season. Unless she really really wants to promote her products on the show. But in that case I don't see people wanting to buy a lemon tincture from drunk. Poor kids...

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  12. On 11/21/2020 at 9:04 AM, SweetieDarling said:

     As despicable a person as Tamra is, she saw right through Braunwyn from the beginning, on the tour bus in BH with confrontation about the phone call to Lizzie and Gretchen(?) that she denied, then fessed up to, cried, ran to another seat, and was followed and comforted. Tamra made a comment about it then, I can't remember what she said, but she recognized the m.o. right away.

    Of course Tamra did see right through it and recognize the m.o. Its right out of her play book. 

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  13. Is Shovel dating two Quaylon's? Becouse she said he has word loyalty tattooed UNDERNEATH his eyebrow when in fact it's above his eyebrow. So the one cheating has it underneath and the non cheating above the eyebrow? Wtf?

    Shawn was positively giddy when he was showing to producer that Density left him. He actually loves all the drama that comes along with dating and trying to marry her. Month later and Density is still using his credit card and car? Not reported stolen? We already got that storyline with Goddes Tracey and Clint. (Even the dramatic weight loss when back on drugs after being released plus they share the Vegas location.)  But in that case Tracey actually did look like she liked him and wanted to be with Clint when they were not fighting and Density is just constantly annoyed with Shawn and you can feel her contempt through the tv. He really must be also a masochist besides being loser and idiot and liar.

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  14. Jade conveniently forgot that she could ask her drug addict mom and dad to take the same drug test she gave to Sean to see if she was fit to visit her granddaughter. But no. She is putting her daughter into dangerous situation just because she wants free babysitting. Except it won't be free. It will cost you sanity and puts your kid in danger.

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  15. No -  Kail' friend on the phone - Kail was not put into that situation. She put herself in that situation. She should not fuck Chris without protection. Especially now that she was finally enlightened to the fact that he doesn't care about her or their child. Plus the domestic violence bit. The only time she would be as you said put into that situation is if Kail was raped. If that happened we all would hear about it when it happened and Chris would be in jail. So I don't want to hear any of this Kail is the victim again crap!

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  16. 20 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

    I get what he was saying - that their relationship hasn't really been tested yet, but that's not exactly fair to expect that when they've only known each other for 4 months, and two of those were spend in quarantine. It's actually pretty stupid. They got more time than any other couples in the history of the show. If they still want to stay together on Decision Day, why should this guy poo poo that? Wouldn't the smart choice be to stay together and see where it goes? It doesn't mean they are now obligated to stay together forever if they change their mind!

    Isn't being together in quarantine during global pandemic a test itself? People everywhere sick and dying. Add on the top the shit going on in White house and the protests for racial justice. How you deal with all these situations will definitely show your partner who you are. 

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  17. 13 hours ago, Suzy Rhapsody said:

    Karen has never been attracted to Miles and she certainly doesn’t respect him.  His “sex with my wife” was definitely a boneheaded misstep, but she has her easy out in hand now.  

    But isn't that what she wants? "Manly" head of the house husband that tells her what to do and what he wants and she will obey?  The first time Miles tries that she makes it into this horrible thing he wants to do to her. Unsafe? Ffs. I think Miles was trying to be more that way after his talk with her friend in previous episode. I noticed also he told her what to cook in the grocery store. He is trying to tell her becouse she supposedly wants to be told instead of discussion.

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  18. I had to watch that pile on in the restaurant for second time and it just confirmed what I thought about it the first time: this seemed to me like some very badly acted horrible melodramatic soap opera. The overly dramatic gesturing and Erica's line - "I asked her point blank: is Brandi laying? and she said yes!" - that sounded like she practiced with an acting coach for her role of Roxi? Totally unnatural voice for her. The second "coincidental" occurrence of Brandy when she is needed to help with the oh so dramatic story line... "What's happening?" Ready to provide "evidence". Poor Rinna being "so uncomfortable" becouse Denise is not there while they are talking and can't defend herself. Those text messages sounded just like what I imagine people in showbiz would be like - overly familiar with each other and like the fake "love you's"  and "you look fabulous" or "Dorit designed this amaaahzing Capri room" the Housewifes talk to each other all the time. Why is the only person making any sense Garcelle and... Dorit? Those friends of Tedi had to leave the room becouse they can't learn their lines and to not witness how orchestrated by Kyle, Rinna and producers this whole shitshow was. Wonder how many takes they had to do...

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