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Posts posted by Alapaki

  1. On 5/6/2024 at 10:44 AM, Stuckathome said:

    Was I the only one who felt a bit uncomfortable watching her basically force him into her car?

    There have been several scenes over the course of this franchise that, if the genders and nationalities were switched, would cause a firestorm. 

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  2. 11 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    I don't know how anyone can be called dishonest about their diet if they've never divulged what and how much they eat.  Is she on record anywhere telling the world she's on a diet or that she's eating x amount of calories every day?  

    Some others follow her closer than I, and would have a better idea. 

    But as far as I’m concerned the STRONG (and intentional) implication of her constantly blaming her weight on her phantom PCOS diagnosis (which we’ve never heard confirmed by an actual endocrinologist) is that she is the weight she is DESPITE a healthy diet. 

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  3. 3 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

    I sometimes doubt if she would want kids at this point.  I mean who would raise them she  doesn’t seem like she has the energy to take care of all her cats or cook or clean without paid help.  I guess she could get a nanny, but I’m not sure how much money she actually has.  Her pregnancy would still be high risk because even though she’s lost weight she is still morbidly obese and her age would make it a geriatric pregnancy which I guess has it’s own risks.   

    And she’s so self-involved the only value she places on a child is as an accessory. And this point the costs probably outweigh the benefits on that front 

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  4. 5 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    Whit was prediabetic at one point. Has she mentioned that in the media lately?  
    The weight loss should help her blood sugar numbers,  if she’s type 2.  

    This got memory-holed after the 1st or 2nd season.

    Back then Whit’s shtick was basically “HAPPY at any size”. Then she decided to hide behind “HEALTHY at any size” (which expressly DOES NOT include people in her weight category) so she had to nix any talk about not actually being healthy.

    Given the fact that the franchise has been waddling on fumes, I’d be surprised if she doesn’t decide to parlay her weight loss into a storyline (if not a whole other show) 

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  5. 7 hours ago, Dibs said:

    I call BS on "without medical intervention" if she's denying using one of the new WL drugs.  Funny that so many women could never lose an ounce and keep it off BEFORE they came into widespread use, but now magically can!

    Yes; pretty sure she meant "surgical intervention," but is basically lying to us -- again -- this time implying that she isn't using the stuff everyone is now using.

    The funny thing is, if she thought she could make a penny by endorsing the medicine she’s obviously taking she’d be shouting its praises from the rooftop. 

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  6. 9 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

    On one of the shows they showed her getting some dental work. It was complicated because she had so much gum disease.  I think she got dentures for one set and then was getting implants for the other where she had less bone loss.  But she was smoking up to and after the dental work so maybe it never healed properly.

    I remember on one of the Tell Nothings she had a mask over her mouth pretending to have not had dental work done 

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  7. I actually had to research this for a lawsuit I recently handled.

    It’s not entirely as straightforward as saying that it’s legal in the U.S. if it was legal in the country that it was performed in. 

    For example, in many countries polygamy is legal. It is not clear (and indeed may be doubtful) whether a 2nd, 3rd, etc wife’s marriage would be recognized in a State in the U.S.  

    I believe different States have different rules on the degrees of consanguinity that are permitted. A (legal) foreign marriage that violated those rules might not be recognized. 

    None of these factors would seem to apply to Angela’s marriage.  But I just wanted to point out that it’s not always that clear cut 

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  8. 34 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

    Our neighbor worked at the rectory and they ate prime rib on the regular.  Vow of poverty in name only.

    Technically parish Priests take vows of chastity and obedience. Vows of poverty are usually taken by Priests in religious Orders. 

    No Priests that I’m aware of take vows against alcohol or dancing. Maybe if there’s an Our Lady of Footloose out there somewhere . . . 

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  9. 1 hour ago, Back Atcha said:

    Exactly, and since I was baptized in 1940, one might think I lived by those rules. NO!  Maybe Nicola joined some off-shoot with strict rules and snakes. 

    There is a significant cultural overlap in America between right-wing Catholics and right-wing Protestants who adhere to those sorts of restrictions. I wasn’t aware of that being the case in Israel however. 

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  10. 1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:

    I thought it was the case that the Catholic Church did NOT recognize marriages outside the church but they still somehow prevent marriage inside the church. I don’t understand how the Church could annul something it didn’t recognize in the first place (or bless or whatever…).


    This, on the other hand, makes perfect sense to me. 

    without turning this into a theology thread, the Church recognized non-Catholic marriages as valid. The question with annulment is whether (grossly oversimplifying here) whether the parties freely intended to to enter into what the Catholic Church believes about marriage.

    Annulment presupposes a divorce, so the prior marriage has already been ended, or undone. The question is what, is any, sacramental effect it had at the time it was entered into. 

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  11. 30 minutes ago, magemaud said:

    In just a few minutes of research, a Redditor dug up quite a bit of info about who Meisha follows on SM including Real Donald Trump, MTG, Flat Earthers, Covid deniers, etc etc etc

    That’s tracks with ultra-“orthodox” Catholicism. 

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  12. 4 hours ago, EtheltoTillie said:

    Yes but how would this catholic convert get her earlier non catholic marriage annulled?  The Catholic Church would do that?  The previous church?  Some step is missing here. 

    I think it’s a matter of the Catholic Church declaring that the prior dissolved marriage does not constitute an impediment to the planned marriage.  

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  13. 2 hours ago, EtheltoTillie said:

    I had the impression that Meisha’s first marriage was not in the Catholic Church and that she was a later convert.  Can anyone confirm?  And if so, I believe no annulment would be necessary, or even possible. I’m not Catholic, so I don’t know how they handle that. 

    Incidentally, Jews have a similar process. You have to go through a Jewish ceremonial divorce to be married again by a rabbi, even if you have a civil divorce.  There is a scandal in some religious communities because some men won’t grant the Jewish divorce, so the women can’t get married again. 

    Isn’t religion interesting?  

    My understanding is that the Church recognizes the validity of marriages between non-Catholics and so considers married-and-divorced non-Catholics to be not free to marry unless the prior marriage is annulled. 

  14. 11 minutes ago, cynicat said:


    So she's the reason they fired Bob Kelly?  Dopes.

    I think there were a few months of fill-ins between Bob Kelly leaving and Meisha starting. I don’t know whether that was some contractual delay on her end or is CBS fired Kelly without having a replacement lined up.

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  15. In that article Meisha really paints herself as a loon. 

    it sounds like she cut off an older non-English-speaking lady in traffic who low-key road-raged on her. Interpreting that at a demonic spirit speaking an ancient language trying to divert her from her conversion is just nuts.

    And having the wherewithal to photograph this divinely-induced celestial phenomenon, and then not saving the picture (or having a Cloud backup) sounds a lot more like bullshit than God’s plan. 

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  16. 15 minutes ago, magemaud said:

    I agree. Because there's no couples' page for them, I'll spoil tag this story about what she claims happened AFTER the Vacuuming/Two Suns incident. I'll admit, not the most reliable source, but the story is wild and makes her sound like a loon:  


    If she claims to have seen 2 huge orbs in her window, I’d be asking if she was vacuuming topless. 

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  17. 31 minutes ago, Shrek said:

    Not sure what you mean here by "compared to what?". I said nobody appears on every episode in a season, simple statement not comparing it to anything never mind a well paying job. 

    On a side note, do you really think people wouldn't turn down a well paying job to be on reality tv & have their 5 minutes of fame? Plenty of people have quit their very well paying jobs to be on various reality tv shows.


    I was responding more to the idea that the per-show fee isn't much rather than your particular comment. 

    I do think at this point most of the people on this franchise are on it solely to be on the franchise.   They can get several seasons of "before the 90 days" out of it before they break up, and then I'm sure many of them now anticipate at least a season or two of "single life".  Plus the free travel, occasionally "for promotional consideration" discounts on plastic surgery, etc.

    It's made it really difficult, if not impossible, to take any of the relationships seriously.

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  18. 13 hours ago, Shrek said:

    Nobody appears on every episode in a season, they always miss at least one couple out & very often more than one per episode. 

    But compared to what?  None of these folks are turning down good-paying jobs to be on this show.

    9 hours ago, magemaud said:

    Are we really supposed to believe that Meisha went from dating rich “sexy singles” to this? 


    What I can believe is that "sexy singles" weren't taking her to 4-star restaurants to hear sermons on chastity and abstinence.  

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  19. 48 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

    Mostly they concentrate on why you were unable to make the best decision for marriage and not so much what happened after the wedding, unless there was abuse which, in my case did not happen. 

    Correct.  The Church is looking for some impediment to marriage at the time it occurred.  In law that would be called a contract that was void ab initio (invalid from the start).  

    Annulments have expanded because the Church has taken a broader view of "consent" at the time marriage.  A party has to enter into the marriage freely, and that means consenting to not only the marriage (i.e. no "shotgun wedding") but consenting to what the Church holds marriage to entail.  This isn't the forum to debate the merits of that; I just put it out there so people understand the theory.  

    FWIW, no annulment is guaranteed.  The Diocese will try to contact and interview Meisha's ex, and if he fights it by, for example, saying that she understood marriage to be a lifelong commitment, etc., she may have a tough time. 

    Also, fwiw, I have to say that when she was doing traffic in Philadelphia I followed her on social media.  She posted a lot of socializing pictures, but I had absolutely no idea that she was previously married or had two children before this season started airing.  I bet there's a story there.  

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  20. 4 minutes ago, Drogo said:

    I'm with you on all this.  Might be an unpopular opinion but... I think it's great that Amanda is doing something for herself and I fault her zero for the short time period between losing her husband and meeting Razman. 

    I don't have a problem with it either.  Being a 31-year-old widow has got to be tough.

    BUT, I think being fatherless-children at 6 and 3 has got to be a lot tougher.  And I think her priority right now should be to help them adjust rather than running off half-way around the world.  

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  21. So Amanda spent this episode making very good arguments for why she has no fucking business being in Romania!!!!!

    If she thinks that having Razvan visit on a tourist visa is more disruptive for her kids than her traveling half-way around the world, and then popping Razvan on them a year later when they have only 90 days to get to know him before he becomes their step-father, she's even worse than I thought.  She's repugnant.

    And, is it just me, or do all of those filming lights Razvan has set up in his bedroom give really creepy vibes?  

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  22. On 6/18/2023 at 3:18 PM, magemaud said:

    The other women behind Meisha when she is dramatically praying look like they've had enough of her over the top religiosity. 

    Let me tell you, I've been to a few of these group rosaries.  They are (primarily) older (usually) women, and there is NOWHERE NEAR the over-the-top performative nonsense that Meisha was spouting.  That sort of production actually defeats the purpose.  The goal is to attain a contemplative state through repetitive prayer, not to put on a community theater production of Godspell.

    The one positive thing I can say about Meisha and Nicola is that, unlike certain couples we've seen in this franchise, they are both serious about their faith and found like-minded potential partners whom they aren't going to try to change.  

    Although her daughters seem to have Nicola's number down.

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  23. 14 minutes ago, Cementhead said:

    Meisha can't be real, can she?  Is she a human person?  Is she a robot weather lady gone rogue?  She is horrifyingly too much.  Too much of everything.  But no doubt hollow and empty inside.  Apart from the batteries.

    She wasn’t even the weather lady. Iirc she did traffic updates. At least she made snow days interesting. Let’s just say certain parts of her entered the frame loong before others. 

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