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The Real Real

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Posts posted by The Real Real

  1. On 11/8/2017 at 2:16 PM, JennyMominFL said:

    She didnt quite say squeal like a pig. It was something like squealing like little piggies... That's accurate as one of them did say something similar and they wrote death to pigs in a the LaBianca house and pigs  was written on the front door of the Tate house. They got the idea from the Beatles song Piggies. The y did a pretty good job of depicting the actual crime. A couple things I sort of wish they included Abigail saying "i'm Already dead" and Susan telling Sharon""Look, bitch, you might as well face it right now, you're going to die, and I don't feel a thing behind it." Those were the words I thought of when Susan Atkins asked for  compassionate release before she died. I really wish they had repeated those words back to her.


    Yeah, I've spent way to much time studying this case and I've been to Cielo Drive

    When one of the comes up for parole, it’s hard not to get back into that crime

    i found the re-creation of the crime way too realistic...... the room where most of the murders took place looked exactly like the real crime scene. The scene stayed with me a few days.

    • Love 3
  2. 4 hours ago, skotnikov said:

    I stopped watching AHS last season after the 1 episode, but will definitely watch this one till the end. I just love black sarcastic comedies, and it definitely will be one, because f*cking and masturbating clowns are not scary, they're funny! 

    I watched last season half way through then it lost me. I agree, this season is very funny, over the top, horrid in a cartoonish way

    • Love 2
  3. On 8/21/2017 at 10:18 PM, nexxie said:

    And did Gigi really have to wear an outfit that looked like military fatigues on that particular day?

    Wow,  what a good observation! 

    On 8/22/2017 at 0:21 AM, Willowsmom said:

    I have family with R.A and one day they're in a wheel chair and next week they're walking better than I do. It goes through phases and she appears to be in remission.

    You are so right! You do have flare ups.... some days are better than other. I think the producers are the one that decide if they are going to focus on GGs RA or not

    • Love 2
  4. Tonight's observation ....Asa looked beautiful at the Dead Sea. Pregnancy suits her when her makeup isn't overdone

    Shervin, guess what? You look exactly like an  Jewish Israeli... I've been there

    GiGi, just grow up.... people of all religions pray at the Western Wall... you stood out like a sore thumb because you were sulking and being a bitch

    why do I find this show the best of all Bravos crap??? I will never understand it but I love The Shahs!

    • Love 7
  5. 5 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

    My superficials:

    Ramona - Kill me.  I thought she looked good.  The woman is 60 and managed to look like a sex kitten.  Not my style, but what the hell?  Lots of cleavage, but it was symmetrical and much, much better than Sonja's.  The gold looked good on her.  Hair and makeup were fine but for the iridescent eye shadow.  Again, her hair is super long, but looked so much better than Sonja's stringy stuff.

    Sonja - She looked so much better with the shorter, bouncy hair.  Her face can look harsh, and the more middle her part, the less attractive she looks, IMO.  She can be absolutely gorgeous at some angles - none of which were struck in part one.  Dress was absolutely horrendous.  She seemed to have multiple nip slips.  I can't believe this was the best wardrobe had to choose from.  The color is great, but who can see it past the poorly constructed cleavage.  Makeup was fine except for the dark brows, and too dark eye makeup.

    Dorinda - Normally I love her overall look, even if I don't care for individual things.  I feel the extreme spray tan combined with the bleached within an inch of life hair color, was just a toxic combo.  I like how Dorinda styles her hair better than whoever did it here.  Her makeup seemed to overcompensate for the tan.  Blush too dark, eye shadow too shiny, lip color too pale.  Dress was pretty , I guess.

    Lu - The creamy complexion was to die for, just the perfect amount of dewy.  Looks like her forehead was freshly toxed, but who cares.  Makeup was great.  Hairstyle is old and tired, but so flattering it doesn't really matter.  I did not like her dress, and it had nothing to do with any connection with her wedding.  I am built similarly to Lu (broader shoulder, slimmer hips) but bigger boobs, and I wouldn't be caught dead in that bodice style.  It does nothing but broaden the shoulders more.  But good for Lu for being confident in it.  The blue rocks glued on plastic - not sure if it was a necklace or part of the dress - looked rather cheap.

    Beth - Loved the dress and the color.  Her hair was fine, but more flattering an inch or two shorter.  Makeup was nice except a little too matte, and I wasn't crazy about the overdrawn upper lip.  I have thin lips, too, and that look is fine in photos, but very obvious when talking.  I think she looks better when she's less tanned.

    Carole - I like the shorter hair, but really wish she would experiment with a side part.  Side parts are flattering on everyone, while middle parts just aren't.  Loved the dress and color.  Color would be great on my pale skin, but I could never wear that style of bodice.  Makeup is fine, but not as subtle as Carole does herself.

    Tinsley - I have to disagree on the color being flattering.  Maybe I'm just so offended by the dress style.  That color would typically look good on a blonde.  Hair is fine, but boring, looks healthy and shiny.  Her makeup is okay but I really disliked her lip color.  Her earrings seemed overkill when seen with the overly busy, gauzy beaded mess.

    you are 100% spot on. Tins has the worst taste ever. I think "Jessica  McClintock"  when I see her ruffled costumes.

    Ramona never looked better. Bethenny has had the most flattering work done. Dorinda is no beauty but knows how to work what she has to perfection. Lu  and Sonja are naturally beautiful and Carole.....well...

    • Love 7
  6. 20 hours ago, Neurochick said:

    Why did they allow the camera to stay behind and film them?  That doesn't sound like something a security conscious place would do.

    As for children changing people, it, like most things, is a crap shoot, some people will change, some will not.  I think all of these folks are narcissistic, all of them are ME, ME, ME.  I wonder how any of them would cope if they had a child with special needs.  


    Neurochick, They only filmed the waiting room, we didn't see they actually filming their questioning. I think it took them hours to do background checks...remember, they have to ask them who they are, who they are traveling with, terrorism is terrible within Israel, they have to ensure the safety of the Israelis and their guests. We had armed soldiers come on our plane before they let us off!

    • Love 1
  7. 5 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

    My apologies.  I totally misread your post.

    I was really just trying to make a conversation off your post. :-)

    That said, Shahs for some reason is my favorite of all the Bravo shows...go figure LOL

  8. 4 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

    I think (I may be wrong) that the poster who said, "you would think that wouldn't you?" meant to say it like, "one would think so," not that you, WALNUTQUEEN would say that.  That's how I read it.  

    Thank you... I thought I was making conversation. I don't get insulted if someone doesn't share my opin an individual cast member. The Shahs are here to amuse me. We should support fellow posters. I just laugh at the ridiculous antics of the tv people

    • Love 6
  9. 42 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

    Excuse me???

    I don't know you, you don't know me.  Perhaps we both have opinions and experience with parents, "narcissistic" or otherwise.

    Reza is often larger than life and a messy bitch, but he seems to have an ounce of humanity, while MJ is just as awful as her mother; utterly self involved and resentful.  And Adam?  An insipid cypher, at best; and I'd suspect, not all that nurturing.  

    Goodness knows, they could all surprise me, because, as I stated, children change people.

    Reza, is that you??? Taking your Shahs a bit too personally I think LMAO!.. 

  10. 27 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

    Well, take me to the woodshed & beat some sense into me, because I actually think Reza would make a "better" parent than Adam.  I've seen children transform seemingly narcissistic people into doting & devoted parents too often to discount this possibility.

    I hold little hope for MJ, on the other hand.

    Oh my, you would think that, right?? They make the worst parents. Reza is too self absorbed as is MJ to make good parents...I was brought up by a narcissistic parent and you never never live up to their expectations....

    15 hours ago, Neurochick said:

    Why were they detained in the first place?  Didn't the airport security people see the cameras?  Or were they detained because of the cameras?

    Ive been to Israel security  is very very strict..They don't care if you are aBravo celebrity. This is for the safety of all.

    • Love 2
  11. 13 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

    I had a feeling from that long lead-in, this might not necessarily be something earth-shattering.  It's interesting, but it isn't necessarily earth-shattering.  What's weird to me, is him admitting it's true.  WTF?  Still drip, drip, drip.  GAH!!

    You know, Rach said last week, in one of her sign-off chats with LOD, that she was glad Trump never singled her out by name to insult (as LOD has pointed out many times Trump has done to him).  Will Trump now mention Rach?  Hmmmm.

    I'm usually annoyed by her lead-ins, but I liked this one.  She was basically summing up what she's been talking about for the past few weeks & why it's so vitally important for EVERY American to see those damn tax returns.  It was kinda like Rach was answering back the vile Smellyanne when she oh-so-casually said nobody was interested in seeing his tax returns.  Really, Smellyanne?  Fuck, no!!!

    ^^^^^^ This^^^^^^ for those who aren't up on why it's  so important to see those returns!

    • Love 6
  12. On 10/16/2016 at 11:42 PM, CognitiveDiss said:

    Didn't see  anything about the official website yet here.  It has a map of the entire amusement park, does anyone have any idea where the stray was lost?


    Also,  The bottom has the chat box with a host named Aeden  as your guide. He mostly does not want to answer personal questions, but you can press him on certain things and he will give an interesting response about violent ends. I also asked him about Arnold and the maze… Try it.

    Westworld HBO Site

    and what does "Delos" refer to?

    I haven't been to the site...but now Im going to check it out. Delos was the original park. I have the worse short term recall but my old memories are good. I saw a fleeting glimpse of the Delos sign in Epi one or two and knew it was a reference to the original movie

  13. On 10/23/2016 at 0:37 AM, Charlesman said:

    He was playing the same type as he was in 22 Jump Street. I didn't hate him. 


    But man did this episode get me good. So screwed up. So messed with my head. Had to walk around and then lie down for a while. Hit all my triggers. 

    As it did mine...after watching the first "sherbet toned" epi 1, this was a real shock to my system and I felt like I was on a bad trip. I haven't had a movie or TV show do this to me since I was seven and thought The Blob was going to come in through the radiator in my old bedroom! By the time it was over, I almost cried for young Wyatt.

    • Love 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Paddywagon said:

    Me too.  I didn't know you could get a discount if the bag has a hole in it!

    Many pet stores discount slashed bags of food , too...Moving right along, I think I've had enough of MAFS....last night was as good as watching paint peel. I can't get into any of the couples at this point.

    • Love 1
  15. 1 minute ago, breezy424 said:

    Unbelievable.  What if Jules was very obese.  Would this writer, a woman BTW, have to say.  Would she call her obese or fat?  Would she state that her belly was hanging over too tight pants?  Talk about weight shaming.  This is it.

    It reminds me of when Carole asked Jules how much she weighed.  Would she have asked that if Jules was very obese?

    Who is that bag of skin and bones to ask ANYONE how much they weigh? Carole needs to watch her own weight and go eat something....... Does she and Beth shop the little girls section of Marshalls together?

    • Love 10
  16. 19 minutes ago, Ellee said:

    OK.  HOLY CRAP!!!  I must really not have a clue about the RHONY's.   Not a real fan of the Inquisiter but here's an article re:  Ramona/Sonja.  Then if you make it down to halfway there are links to other articles pointing to ....oh, say....some of Sonja's resentment.  LOL, haven't read them but Ima gonna.  :D



    All I have to say about any of this is , Jeez, could Sonja be more gorgeous? No wonder they hate her and feel the need to put her down constantly.....jealous much Moner, Lu?

    • Love 1
  17. 16 hours ago, Knuckles said:

    Dorinda for the win...telling Carole she was old enough to be Jules' mom. And it's true. The only ones making age shaming comments are Bethy and Carole...both under the delusion that they are still younger than springtime. And no, Carole, you are not in the same generation as Jules. With an 18 year age difference, Jules is in an entirely different cohort. Being well past 50 myself, you gotta love it. Most of the crazy is behind you, and finally, you have a sense of who you are and what you love. 

    Bethy thinks reunion means show and tell...after her phone call with some ditz claiming to be her lover's daughter, she has a little video of herself crying over some empty apartment. Yeah, very moving.Probably remembering all the good times screaming at Jason. She probably misses the divorce...four years of endless fighting, what could be better for our Beth.

    Jules is just gorgeous...and she presented herself with dignity. Loved Dorinda standing for her as well. 

    Ramona is a geriatric adolescent. Her evidence is some initials she wrote on her palm?? Is this being filmed in a mental ward?

    And Sonja...STFU. If you want more than a hook-up, then change your game plan. 

    Lu is actually having a life...whether anyone approves or not...good for her. Carole, Sonja and Ramona got nothing. Bethy is just her ugly self. Dorinda would be fun to know, and Jules is doing fine.

    Yes, yes, yes and yes!
     Why oh why does Carole still believe she is the second coming of Carley Simon? She is way too old to play the young hipster.

    Jules IS just stunning

    I hate Beth.....Lu is OK

    • Love 5
  18. On June 20, 2016 at 10:15 AM, bichonblitz said:

    My neighbor has RA and has chemo treatments. I think she takes a pill, though. 

    Its not really chemo...The pill is probably old school Methotrexate and that is used as chemo drug for cancer but when taken for arthritis, its taken differently and not considered chemo. 
     I think Gigi is getting a dose of Remicade next week in IV form to....it is not considered chemo but she can call it that if she wants...it is serious, heavy duty stuff

    • Love 3
  19. On June 20, 2016 at 2:38 AM, voiceover said:

    This is no defense of MJ -- Shervin totally called her on the self-sabotage -- but I know firsthand, the power of an Iranian parent yapping in your ear about the mistakes they're JUST SURE you're making.

    (This is all noted with sorrow and affection.  I miss you so much my darling Papa-joon, and would give anything to hear you boss me around again.)

    I know what you mean. I have a friend form "Persia" as she calls it and she is wonderful...full of life. Reminds me of Asa

    • Love 1
  20. 1 hour ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

    girl you're killing me.  It wasn't intended to be an insult lmao!!  Your baby-man notwithstanding (sorrs btw), I actually think John, Doug and Ray are too good for this lot.

    p.s. if it's any consolation your bachelorette night sounds like it was awesome lol!!

    The guys from Queens are edgier which makes them a more fun than that Manhattan Harry they were all sharing a few years ago. 
    Dorinda is typical of a 14 yr old girl who is way too influenced by what her buddies think of her boyfriend.
    I kinda think the dimwitted, way-post menapausal Ramona thinks she's gonna nail some wealthy guy by getting knocked up....pssssst Ramona.
    But seriously, how fun would that be..Ramona having a baby.....

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