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Posts posted by RescueMom

  1. I have read no spoilers, and this is probably way off base. I was thinking about the advantage in the challenge that the EoE people can buy to get back into the game. It costs one token and you can buy a maximum of three, right? I wonder if the advantage is being able to penalize another player, like Keith did to Chris, rathe than help yourself. That would work with multiples - you could penalize three different people. There are probably a million holes in that theory, but it is interesting to think about what kind of advantage you can buy.

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  2. I've been quietly mourning because I know I'm one of the very few Tyson stans on here, but over the years he has become my favorite player and I'm super bummed he got voted out. But I have to give credit where credit is due - that was a smart move by Sandra. She is so good. She is such a dangerous player because she can orchestrate moves like this without seeming like she is running things. The minute she heard Tyson had thrown her name out, she said "he's got to go next" and she made it happen.

    This is the best season and the worst season at the same time. I love all of these players and don't want anyone voted out!  I read a post on Twitter: "Jeff Probst tried to warn us, but we insisted." But I'm still glad we got a winners season.

    Now I want Natalie, Ethan, and Tyson all to come back from the Edge! I hate the Edge but I'm glad to keep seeing my faves at the same time. I equally look forward to Wednesdays and dread them this season. So many contradictory feelings!!! 

    • Love 8
  3. 10 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

    I guess but don't see it.  Rob obviously has his detractors and yes many of them have repeatedly gone on about his winning after four tries. But he also has his supporters and is to many viewers one of the greatest Survivor players of all time. Not to mention the many who thought he should have won All Stars, which was only his second season. 

    Again, Rob may have his detractors but people weren't vocally grumbling and challenging his win in Redemption Island the way they did with Michelle to where she had to defend her win that same night and every time after. I still think that scene was there maybe not because Michelle wins (though again how crazy would that be) but maybe a hint of a hidden alliance between her and Rob that some may not be aware of that will come to play down the road. 

    I'll respectfully agree to disagree on part of this one 🙂 I think Rob gets a lot of derision for his win. I notice it because I like him and have always disagreed with the idea that the win was handed to him. 

    I could easily be misinterpreting the conversation, though. Like you say, it would be an interesting thing to throw in there if Michele did win or if they end up working together. 

    • Love 2
  4. 19 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

    So an interesting thought just occurred to me. Anyone else think that scene with Rob and Michelle discussing how her win was controversial and essentially people didn't think she should have won, was totally random and out of place in the episode?

    I thought it was shown because Rob's win is also controversial to many - how many times have we heard "it took him four tries to win and he only won that time because his tribe was full of sheep."  If I have heard/read it dozens of times, I would bet Rob has heard/read it thousands. Many people respect him as a player but not as a winner. So I thought that scene was him basically saying "fuck 'em if they can't take a joke, we both won and we both deserved to win."

    • Love 14
  5. 2 hours ago, Eolivet said:

    Australian Survivor had this advantage at least last year, where it was used as basically a "block a vote." If I recall correctly, they had someone leave who was going to be a number against them/their plan. But I think how they phrased it was (paraphrased) "You can cause any person to leave the tribal council area. That person will not vote and will be immune from the vote." (all I remember is the person who had the advantage didn't use it to send themselves to safety).

    Not sure if in this case you must play it for yourself. That changes its scope dramatically. If you yourself leave, you're depriving yourself of information. Then it becomes a "this is not an advantage" advantage (and you might as well give it away to someone else).

    But if you can play it on someone else, that's more interesting. Then you can put plans into play and eliminate numbers against you.

    That would change it dramatically. I only watch US Survivor so haven't seen this advantage used before. Thanks for the info!

    For some reason, I thought if someone used it they would leave right before the vote - so they wouldn't lose out on much information. But I have seen several references to losing out on TC info so I must be mistaken.

    • Love 1
  6. 5 hours ago, SVNBob said:

    Unless both idols are identical, which makes the 4 halves identical.  Meaning that any of the 4 holders could pair up with any other holder to make one complete idol. 

    I can't remember where, but I saw a screen shot where The poster said it looked like there was a bit of tribe color on the split idols. I couldn't see the whole thing clearly so I'm not 100% confident, but I think they may each be unique.

    Unrelated: I have been thinking about the Safety without Power advantage. I think it will really only be useful In pretty specific situations. One would be when you really are desperate: if you are in a situation like Karishma last year when she knew she was in trouble and she had no allies she's be leaving in the lurch by using it, or if you knew everyone else in your minority alliance is safe as well through other immunities, or you flat-out know you are one of two/three that are going home and you don't have the numbers to make a move.

    Another would be at the final 5 vote if you are in a position where you aren't part of a majority trying to get out a specific person, so you only care about making it to the fire-making challenge.  

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  7. 1 minute ago, tinderbox said:

    I haven't read the entire thread but I have a question that’s killing me.

    When Amber and Natalie were reading the extensive clue on the board and the first letters of each word on the left hand side were highlighted I missed what they spelled out.  WHAT WAS IT?  


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  8. Welp, once again I'm just the super fan on here who loved every minute of the episode!!

    Never was a big Tony fan before but this season he is delightful! That ladder bit was hilarious!!! His lunatic ladder escapade was a great juxtaposition with Yul's rational and methodical method of accomplishing the same thing.

    I honestly think Rob botched that puzzle so badly because he was emotional about Amber being voted out. Even though he pretty much knew it had to be her when he got the fire token, it was confirmed right before the challenge. That is the first time that I can recall that he didn't just blast through any puzzle he was in.

    Adam is playing a smart game. I would have selected him pretty low in a draft for this season before it started, but I've been impressed so far.

    Also super impressed with Ethan, and I adore him now even more than I did in Africa. I wasn't expecting that. He seems to be involved in almost every conversation of >2 people, old school or new school.

    • Love 22
  9. I expect there will be a tribe swap soon (not spoiled, they just usually swap pretty early these days.) A swap could really mess with the split idols if the pair holding the halves gets split up. 

    Also, if one of the holders gets voted out, that would make the other half worthless since neither half has any power by itself, yes? 

    If they have to have a zillion idols in the game at all time, I am glad they have at least started diluting their powers in different ways. 

    • Love 1
  10. 10 hours ago, Maverick said:

     What hunger?  They haven't starved them in years what with the upfront food, unending rewards and lavish "milestone" meals.  Dehydrate them yes. Starve, not too much. 

    Allison from DvG lost 27 pounds in 37 days. I expect she was pretty hungry for most of those days.

    • Love 3
  11. Having food items on the Fire Tokens menu intrigues me a bit. At first I thought nobody would waste their currency on food, and I still think it is likely nobody will. BUT - it is one thing to be starving when no food is available. I think it is a very different thing to be starving and know in the back of your mind you could get something to eat any time you want. I don't think anyone will do that, but I think it could make the hunger more difficult to deal with than it already is. 

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  12. 1 minute ago, fishcakes said:

    Honestly, that's such a bad take and always has been. Everyone on his tribe except for Grant and Natalie were gunning for him at some point. The idea that everyone just laid down for him is pure fiction. I don't think it's even that widespread, but the people that do think so say it incessantly. He's shown over and over again how good he is at this game, and just because he didn't win his first time means nothing. I mean, Ben won his first time, Adam won his first time, Chris won his first time. That doesn't make them better players than Rob.

    I agree with you 100% - I must have written my post poorly. I have always Just thought he got rid of and/or neutralized the threats before they could get him.  

    • Love 3
  13. I just read something I agreed with that I think will be an unpopular opinion around here: the real winners last night were the cast of Redemption Island. Watching Boston Rob play Jedi mind tricks so effectively on other winners  maybe gives some credence to the idea that the RI cast wasn't just a bunch of dummies and sheep.

    • Love 5
  14. Ah you guys, I unapologetically and unabashedly loved every minute of it!! Super disappointed I didn't get to watch at a premier party as planned (got a bad cold), but that is maybe for the best because I got a little teary at times.

    Boston Rob and Parvati? The alliance I didn't know I needed until it happened. Ethan, happy and healthy and looking like a kid in a candy store to be playing again! Yul calmly kicking ass and taking names. Ben acting like the star-struck fan when we all expected it would be Adam. Danni handling Ben's blabbing perfectly. And I love Tyson and was on the edge of my seat thinking we were going to lose him the first night. I for one am glad he made it through and hope he can find a way forward.

    So excited for next week!

    • Love 22
  15. 23 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

    Hi RescueMom, I am planning to go to the Premier. I've been sick since the beginning of the year so I was waiting to see how I felt before deciding. Anyhow I feel fine! Are you planning to go? 

    Yes I am!! I will DM you.

  16. 8 minutes ago, Mrs. P. said:

    So do I. I fell in love with Boston Rob while watching that season and still adore him.

    I love it except for the Richard Hatch / Sue Hawk incident. And after season 39, I suspect it will bother me even more on subsequent rewatches. 

    Edited to add: I was immediately angry at myself for calling that an incident. Makes it sound like they were both at fault. Make that "Richard's extremely inappropriate behavior toward Sue" instead. And some of the reactions to it.

    • Love 9
  17. 2 hours ago, simplyme said:

    This has happened quite a bit. Well, not the not watching the show bit. But at least three winners have been replacements and some more players who made the jury. 

    Off the top of my head, along with Earl and Davie:

    Tina Wesson (S2, Australia) was a last minute replacement.

    Bob Crowley (S17, Gabon) was originally an alternate who made the cast when Jimmy Johnson failed his medical exam. (Jimmy finally appeared on Nicaraugua, S21.)

    For S34 Game Changers, Sierra Dawn Thomas (previously seen on S39, Worlds Apart) was a last-minute replacement for Natalie Anderson (S29, San Juan del Sur) after Anderson sustained a concussion and had to pull out.

    I believe Candace and John were a replacement couple on the first BvW season too - I am pretty sure I read it was supposed to be RC and her dad, but her dad had medical problems right before taping started.

    I had not heard about Natalie being asked to Game Changers and it makes me happy that she was. I am excited to see her play again this upcoming season!

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  18. 5 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

    Wasn’t that Earl’s deal? He was called in last minute AND he had never watched the show.

    I don't know. The only two seasons I still haven't seen are Fiji and China. Amazing that he won if he had never watched the show and had very little warning!!

    9 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    And...I got to episode 5....and I got to the moment. 

    Natalie? Natalie? Natalie? 

    • LOL 5
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  19. Fun fact about DvG - Davie was a last-minute addition to the cast when another contestant couldn't play for some reason. They basically called him and said "uh, can you get on a plane right now?" IIRC, it was maybe 40 hours before filming started. 

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  20. 16 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    I just got to the end of the fourth episode of DvG, the episode with the tribe swap....and I got a grin on my face over who just got voted out. I don't know if I've been this giddy about someone getting voted out since...I don't know, Scot from Kaoh Rong? And then before that, Colton's evacuation from One World?

    Ok, you got me, DvG. I can see why you are so well respected in the Survivor community. 

    Going spoiler-free has been the best decision I've made. 

    "You really trust these girls?" "No."

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