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Posts posted by nb360

  1. Yes, I have a feeling that the multiple Succession nominations will work against them. I think Bob Odenkirk might win Best Actor for Better Call Saul. He’s been nominated multiple times but has never won. 

  2. 2 hours ago, BlackberryJam said:

    Shiv, for all her faults, didn't kill anyone.

    No but she did convince a female whistleblower connected to the cruise line to not testify. Logan asked both Rhea and Shiv  to speak to the woman -- only because they were women. Rhea, however, refused to be used.

    • Like 7
  3. I initially couldn't understand what Greg meant when he asked Kendall, "Can I quad it up?" But now I realize it was a reference to the "Quad Squad" (The Roy siblings and him) from a few episodes ago.

    • Like 1
  4. A part of me is sad that Kendall didn't get it. He seemed destined for it, from the first episode of the series to this last.

    I feel bad for Roman - hope he gets some help.

    [But these are fictional characters, so why do I care??  (rhetorical question) ]

    • Like 12
  5. On 5/25/2023 at 9:34 AM, KittyQ said:

    I've wondered if Greg is the "Bran" of this series, ending up on the Iron Throne (so to speak) after all the bigger players have taken themselves down. 

    Let’s revisit this after Sunday’s episode 😀

  6. 3 hours ago, Jennifersdc said:

    So is it wrong how funny I thought that episode was? Gerri had some great lines too. I love her.

    Not wrong at all 🙂. As Naomi says in “Tern Haven,” “watching [them] melt down is the most deeply satisfying feeling on earth.“

    • Like 1
  7. In Season 2, episode 3 - "Hunting":

    Logan humiliates Greg, Tom, and Karl with the "Boar on the Floor" game; Roman takes out his phone and tries to record.

    Perhaps it was really Karl who taped Roman's breakdown at the funeral (and not Ray, who is also briefly humiliated in this episode)?

    If so, it would be payback.


    Edited to add: pure coincidence! I did not see the post above when I typed this up.

    • Like 2
    • LOL 1
  8. 4 hours ago, MBayGal said:

     I have only now begun to wonder how old Conner was when his mother was committed, and who raised him.  Did Marcia raise him? A nanny?

    I assumed Connor sort of "raised" himself -- part of the Logan/Caroline household but not shown much affection by either of them. As the oldest child, he took on the fatherly role for the others, especially Roman.

    • Like 12
  9. 1 hour ago, aghst said:

    Greg may also be playing that game, like he will me more of an overt suck-up than any of his cousins, stick his nose into any and everyone who has power.  Seems too clumsy to succeed but maybe people like Mencken or Mattson doesn't care, the more competent the ass-kisser, the better.

    Or in the wonderful words of Hugo... "woof, woof." 🐕‍🦺

    • Like 1
    • LOL 9
  10. 2 hours ago, Earmuffs Mom said:

    I also think Greg will take the US CEO crown. The sibs underestimate him.

    And it's curious how much of Greg appears in the "previously on Succession" clips. This last one, he was there more than usual. As if the powers that be want us to remember all of Greg's previous actions....🤔

    Greg's the "puppet."

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  11. I didn't enjoy this episode -- too much like real life and real election contests. I watch "Succession" to kind of fantasize about living the life of the 1%. This... just wasn't it. I have to think about it, a little.

    • Like 12
  12. I liked the episode but I agree with those who said this one episode was "off," for a lack of a better word.

    It makes me wonder if perhaps Logan's passing should have been in the 4th or 5th episode:

    He is such a powerful figure, the planets get out of alignment without the gravitational pull of the sun (I hope my science is correct 🙂)

    • Like 4
  13. 8 minutes ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

    YES!  That was my first thought.  I figured  they would  just add a  building  to Living+ for cyrogenics/research (or whatever it's called).

    That's interesting -- cryogenics is one of Conner's interest, at least in the first season.

    Living+ sounds like an upscale assisted living facility or a continuing care community (CCC). At a certain age and if you don't have any children, it's comforting to know that certain things will be taken care of, as you get older.

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