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Posts posted by laddibugg

  1. 7 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    Why does Chris own an abandoned fire house? That isn' even a quaint one that could be refurbished into a home. That place was bleak.


    There is info on David's faith in their thread.

    A Catholic priest will tell you that you need to talk about sex with your future wife!

    • Love 5
  2. On 10/5/2017 at 11:21 PM, RogerDodger said:

    The thing that bugs me about DeLuca and his sister is that they are not that far apart in age and they presumably grew up in the same household, the same neighborhood, listening to the same people talk  -- yet, she has such a stronger accent than he does that it is distracting.  I presume that is the actress' real accent, but seems like some kind of effort would be made to make them sound somewhat similar.

    I knew a brother and sister in high school that was like DeLuca and his sister. The girl had a heavy British accent rand and the boy spoke English with zero accent. At first I had no idea they were related. 

  3. 20 hours ago, Morgalisa said:

    "If" Abby is a sex worker, it has not beaten her down. She still looks very fresh faced and attractive.  I know shes very young, but that is a hard life and puts a lot of mileage on a vagina and on a face. Just sayin.

    I think there are day to day sex workers and then there are women who are in it for the long con. If you think Abby is a sex worker then she  is probably the latter. That's no different  than having a lot of partners...just now there's money involved. 

    • Love 1
  4. Ok my first thought is the son should never have relied on being home in time... Work from home on full moon nights.. Set up some sort of barrier that locks automatically from the outside.. I mean if you're buying $500 anniversary gifts you should be able to afford that. But then we wouldn't have an episode.

    Did anyone catch how baby Kelly looked at Renard? Babies have the most hilarious unintentional side eye faces.

  5. I think Devar's excessive PDA with Melanie was my first clue that he's not into her, but is trying really hard to prove that he is. But I think it's a mutually beneficial relationship, so I don't fault him. I find the PDA gross though.

    Yes! He was stroking her arm in a really weird way.

    • Love 1
  6. I agree! I had a baby at 36 and I can tell you that I don't have nearly enough energy for what a male toddler demands (little sleep plus non-stop on the go mischievous behavior). I have to say that I did have that much energy in my early twenties!

    I'm pregnant now for the first time at 36 and lord I wish I did this ten years ago!

    • Love 3
  7. Lauren and alexi are cute together but I'm not a fan of her being a spoiled girl. (Not a woman imo)

    Dewar and what's her name I'm not sure they will last.

    The other 3 couples seem good together and I wish them the best.

    When it comes to mark and nikki I'm appalled by how many people here disapprove of their age. My husband is 31 years older than I am and we met when I was 20, I see no problem with the age difference as long as they make each other happy. I hope they have people on their life like my hubs and I do that won't judge them and make them feel awkward bc of their age. No I don't like how he treats her but we only see what the TV shows so until she says different I'll have to wish her the best of luck. Older men can be some of the sweetest most loving men. Hopefully she found a good one. And no kids may not be apart of the plan but that can change as it has change with us. And maybe he is worried bc of what happened with his ex my hubs was the same but after a year or two of us dating and then marrying everything we had planned changed. Good luck to them.

    For me the age gap between Mark and Nikki makes him seem creepier.. Of course he could try to pull the same crap with a woman his age but IDK, something about a man doing it to a woman 40 years his junior just looks terrible. Plus, remember he said he didn't want a woman over 35? And his reasons why? Ugh.

    I know a few couples with an age gap, and they seem to have healthy, equal relationships. Mark just seems to use his age to treat her like a child, as evidenced by his comments.

    • Love 11
  8. Why did she have to ask for a new bed, though?! I'm not saying change everytime you date someone new, but I'm willing to bet that's the same frame and mattress from marriage one.

    After 20 years it's time to change that mattress anyway!

    • Love 7
  9. Oh Nicki.... What a beautiful caged bird. Mark kept going on about her leaving him but what about the opposite situation? And owning NO property together? That's just weird.

    I knew someone was knocked up... My boyfriend thought it was Noon and Kyle but I called it not being them for the exact reason they said. They look great.

    Melanie and devar... I guess they'll be OK though I said I wondered if he had an onion in that handkerchief.

    Josh and Alex... I'm happy for them and they look super happy together.

    Loren and Alexi... Her dress was gorgeous... I think they might be OK because although he's quiet he's definitely not a pushover anymore.

    Fernando and Carolina had a lovely affair. Glad to see his mom is warming up to her.

    • Love 4
  10. When Nikki asked what Ocean City is like, I wanted to tell her "crowded as all hell." I was so glad when I became an adult so I wouldn't have to endure another summer driving over the terrifying Bay Bridge with my family and sitting out on that crowded beach with Maryland's finest.

    Fernando's mom = Estelle Costanza. I hope Carolina can become friends with the hated neighbor lady. And I hope she feeds all the stray cats in the neighborhood.

    All Devar's statements end with this sort of Cheshire cat grin that kind of cracks me up.

    Aleksandra's mom is kind of a babe. I'm glad she researched what her daughter was getting into.

    I'm going over that bridge tonight lol

    Nah I think Fernando's mom looks and sounds like Everybody loves Raymond's mom, Spanish edition. Just mean. I swear I was convinced she was going to claim she didn't understand Carolina's Spanish 'because she's firm Colombia' or some crap.

    • Love 2
  11. He was?

    I don't know if it's the effects of aging or just the petulant boredom the character has riding his face all the time, even or especially when he's breaching Olivia's boundaries for sex on demand, but there's something a little lizardlike about his face for me at this point. He just reads human iguana sunning himself crankily on a rock waiting for someone to catch a bug and feed it to him.



    I see how some could find him attractive but I will never not see him as that snake like Carl in Ghost. 

    • Love 2
  12. I have a quibble about a plot hole in this show full of plotholes: the first scene we see is Mellie testifying before Congress. But the whole episode centered on whether or not Olivia should marry Fitz to get out of testifying. Technically, Mellie was still married to him in that first scene, which has me wondering why she just didn't use that privilege in the first place. Maybe it's too much to ask for sense on Scandal, but this just seemed glaringly dumb to me.

    She thought they were going to stick to the the questions on the list. She wanted to take Fitz down... Therefore she couldn't stay quiet. She didn't expect them to sandbag her.

    • Love 1


    Am I the only one who couldn't stop looking at Coulson's hair.  I know the guy is mostly bald, but it looked to me like he had a new toupee, or they dyed his hair or something.  It just looked a bit different to me than it normally looks.



    I knew SOMETHING was different. That's probably it! 

  14. This episode was bleh for me, but I did notice that Callie seems to have lost quite a bit of weight. I actually think Sara Ramirez looks better with more curves, but regardless, I noticed it. Is it just me? Also would prefer her and Owen dating, I think it would be cute, though I may be alone. I despise Owen and Amelia together, yuck.

    She also looks a lot older than she did last season. I don't know if it's makeup or lighting or the weight loss...the saying is that you have to choose your face or you a$$ lol

  15. I liked the song at the end.  



    Me too. We rushed to Shazam it like we couldn't just replay the episode. It's called Warm, by SG Lewis


    I thought Jason's mom was a bit delusional. Not because she's old, but from jump he seemed like a user. I though they would have revealed that later.  But, I did say to my boyfriend that he's young enough that uh, things have to be at attention for sexy times so that would be a sign that he's not turned off by the idea of sleeping with an older woman. 


    Can't stand Ricky. Petty and childish. 


    I agree with Spencer--the sit down should have been presented from the start. But where did he get $150K?

  16. I guess I'm the only person who felt bad for Linus/Stacy? S/He didn't mean to kill the guy--s/he was protecting himself/herself. It was so sad seeing him call for Stacy and know she wasn't coming back anytime soon. 

  17. Sasha and her bullet-wasting are boring me now.

    Me too. I get that she lost her brother and lover in a relatively short time span, but she doesn't get a monopoly on grief. Michonne lost her child. 

  18. Ok, while i was watching this episode, one thing kept running through my head: If you know your kind is being hunted for one specific body part, why not preemptively get that part surgically amputated? Like women who have family history of breast cancer. But that's probably me thinking too much 

    • Love 1
  19. Ehh show, just blerg. My youngest asked why SHIELD didn't go full Fury on the wannabe villains. She said, "Cut off the girl's hands & cut out the guy's voice box. Problem solved." I agreed. Violent but effective.


    ...how old is she? :-0

    • Love 1
  20. A LOT of black people still think of mental illness, therapy, etc as white people stuff.  That's not some "old black people from back in the day" stuff, this attitude is prevalent NOW.  Black people in the hood are not going to weekly therapy sessions, they're not going to counseling.  A lot of people are self medicating or told by their families to just pray it away.



    Did Rhonda say she and Andre had been married for 10 years or together for ten years?  Because if both Andre & Rhonda entered college at 17 (late birthdays) and got together freshman year, they absolutely could've been college sweethearts and together for 10 years at 27 years old.

     Yep, there is a huge stigma in the black community WRT mental illness, and ESPECIALLY in young Black men. 




    They've been TOGETHER for that time. Rhonda has never said married for that amount of time, she's always said 'with' or 'together'

    • Love 2


    The one thing I didn't really buy is that nobody went down to Haley's room to see if she was there.  I guess I get that Phil wouldn't think of it and I guess Alex probably didn't care that much, but wouldn't that be the first thing you would do?

    My parents have come into my room and not noticed I was under the covers, and I am probably 2.5 Haleys. It can happen. 

  22. I'm admittedly anti-Apple (go Android!) so I found the episode gimmicky.  I thought Alex looked absolutely gorgeous though and Haley doesn't look good with lighter hair.



    I actually said to my boyfriend that Alex looked really pretty on this episode. I don't think she's ugly at all, but she looked radiant. The bf doesn't really watch the show so he was unaware of the the whole 'Alex is the ugly sister' thing the show seems to push.

  23. I'm rather confused by Rhonda though.  She may have hated her husband pimping her out to an old goat, but why didn't she feel equally the same when she asked to be screwed the same way her husband screwed some lawyer bimbo in a previous episode?  She should've saw that as very offensive.  I can't help but wonder what she'd feel if Andre sexed up another man for business purposes?  These two are just.............I don't even know anymore.


    Just because a couple isn't monogamous doesn't mean that they blithely have sex with anyone and everyone in sight, or that neither cares about who the other has sex with.



    This, plus in the first situation, Rhonda asked about the other woman. With the guy in the chair, her husband literally whored her out...those are VERY different situations. 

    An earlier episode showed Andre singing as child. I don't know what the actor's background is regarding singing, but I could see him belting out something at some point and having the rest of the family just gape with open mouths for bit. And I can see why, unlike all the rest of his family, Andre speaks with what we can call a standard white middle class accent (you know, college and stuff), but why does Anika, the supposed "debutante" raised in an upper class white world, not? Her mother, in the brief time we saw her, didn't exactly sound like she was from the 'hood.

    She's working for a hip hop label and might code switch. I don't think the actress does a great job of demonstrating that, though. 

    • Love 1
  24. Am I the only one who CANNOT with Becky's blonde wig? I just can't. It really bothers me.

    Otherwise I'm loving this show. Everyone i have told about it, is watching it.

    I can't stand the wigs, and the way she seems stuffed and spanxed into every dress. She looks like a sausage (even skinny girls can look like that, so that isn't a comment on her weight)

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