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Posts posted by Darkpool

  1. He's like a petulant little child at times.  Don't get me wrong, I desperately love him and would love to somehow meet his approval, but I'm not sure I can (doesn't mean I don't try).


    I know this is incredibly easy for me to say from way over here on the sidelines, but: stop trying. As you said, petulant little child. Also, jerk. Also a lot of other uncomplimentary words that I won't use only because he's still your dad and you love him.


    You, on the other hand, are awesome. Many people here have met you and can attest to that. If he's so wrapped up in whatever is wrong with his head that he can't recognize what a bright, amazing, thoughtful, talented, generous daughter he's got, then the hell with him.


    Sending vibes to Harvester for smooth sailing through the situation. Also adding to the vibes for LittleVoice and family.

    • Love 4
  2. Relatives - I bet we all have a few that are exhausting to deal with.


    Not me. But then I have only three, so that really improves the odds.


    What fun things are people up to right now?


    Reaquainting myself with classic Trek via "Mark Watches." I haven't seen most of the ST:TOS episodes since high school. Watching them now with a lot of first-timers and commentary, I'm seeing stuff I either forgot about or never noticed before.


    I'm a big fan of LED bulbs. I've been gradually replacing the old bulbs as they wear out.

    • Love 1
  3. I'm very tempted to take you up on your offer if I can get up the courage (I'm somewhat shy about meeting people) and get my schedule sorted.


    I strongly recommend it. Every person I've met through these forums turned out to be awesome. Do it if you get the chance. Nobody here bites.


    (Okay, a few of us have been known to drug people and steal their organs on occasion. But we don't bite.)

    • Love 2
  4. Valny, I love that your Photobucket handle is "yamsham."


    This talk about dusky's ex is starting to remind me of an old George Carlin game show routine. "Welcome back to Jerk, Douchenozzle, Jackhole. Our first subject is a divorced absentee dad who subjects his daughter to emotional abuse on the rare occasions he's not ignoring her entirely. He likes to send her cheap gifts that are so thoughtless and insulting she'd prefer he forgot her birthday altogether! Our panel will decide: is he a jerk, a douchenozzle, or a jackhole?"

    • Love 5
  5. Thanks, trudi. I'm fine. Shooting was in east county, just outside Portland. I don't know anyone at the school, so this didn't touch me personally. But I'm seeing shock on Facebook from folks whose kids used to go to Reynolds High or will go there someday, or who know people with family at the school, or who just live close by.


    One freshman (14 years old) was killed. People are rallying around him; there was a candlelight vigil for him tonight and a GoFundMe campaign to raise funeral expenses that's almost fully funded in less than day. I can't imagine what his parents are going through right now.

  6. Gaymo is in Toronto now, I think. But she hasn't been around these parts in quite a while.


    As for "must-do" in Toronto it really depends on what interests you. CN Tower if you're into views from great heights. I like the Art Gallery of Ontario and the Royal Ontario Museum, personally. But that's where my interests lie; when I'm in NYC, I always visit the Museum of Natural History and the Met. The Ontario Science Center is a really impressive science center, but primarily kid-oriented.


    Visit Casa Loma if you're into castles. If you like markets/market districts, Kensington Market is pretty cool, and St. Lawrence Market is a good indoor farmer's market. If you're a sports fan, there's a hockey museum (I've never been). And there's a shoe museum if footwear is your thing (also never been).

  7. My condolences to buffyjunkie and family.


    Also: pain-free vibes to AnnieF, job vibes to Earl Is Dead, family comfort vibes to Barphe, kitty comfort vibes to Bleu and Bunny, and general vibes to everyone who needs them.


    Remind me: when will folks be in Chicago?

  8. Gotta wonder what Margot is thinking, sending Simone out to murder someone while the operation is underway. She already has the drones, and everyone knows it. She's already told the whole world she's the mastermind. The only thing she needs to keep secret for the next few hours is her actual current location. And there's no reason to think Naveed's sister knows where they are -- and if she does know, the cops might already be on the way.


    On the other hand, Simone is one of the few people who can blow the whole thing. So Margot puts one of the only people who can expose them out in the field, after giving Simone a couple of really solid reasons to turn against her?

  9. Joining the group hug. I'm gonna miss the old place.


    Also, I got in there in time to see the last batch of messages, but not in time to add one of my own. So I didn't have the chance to let valny know it's cool: I am not (and never was) the slightest bit bothered to be mistaken for a lesbian on-line. It's actually kinda neat to think my writing doesn't have a distinctly male voice.

    • Love 4
  10. I started watching when it was on the air. A friend of mine recommended is so I gave it a try. My first episode was "Go Fish."


    A couple of years later another friend recommended it in very strong terms so I gave it another try. I think my second episode was a summer re-run of "Hush." I stuck around after that.


    I found my way to online fandom and this community (at our old home, of course) after the end of Season Six. I needed people that I could talk to endlessly about the show without looking like a complete lunatic.

  11. Really? The CIA runs a tactical operation on British soil, out in the open, without any clearance from the Brits and not a word of complaint from anyone? Nobody worried that British nationals might die under American gunfire?


    Better approach: send an MI5 team, with Navarro and Ritter and a couple other CIA agents tagging along as advisors or something. Same number of extras, a few minor changes to the costumes, one more actor (heading the MI5 team) to say a few lines and then die in the blast ... it wouldn't have cost much more, and would have made a LOT more sense.

    • Love 2
  12. every new person in the house was a new person she attempts to dominate, which requires people training every time


    I remember Boliver briefing several of us on the "invisible dog" before we entered her home. Nobody was to acknowledge Cordy's existence, no matter how much of a pest she was, until Boliver gave us the go-ahead.

    • Love 3
  13. I keep wondering if Heller's Alzheimer's is going to get worse throughout the season


    Probably won't get worse in the course of a day. But they've already established he forgets stuff, so I figure that will come into play before the day is over.

  14. a humongous pizza with chocolate chip cookies


    That sounds almost as bad as circus peanuts on a sweet potato casserole.


    I didn't they'd be over $100 for a matinee!


    Reason #1 that I don't do Broadway any more.


    Hee, small safe skunk. It should stay away from me, I'm the rodent killer


    But -- skunks are carnivores, right? You have nothing against carnivores, do you?


    Guys are stupid (present company excluded).


    Sure, we're not all bad. In fact, something like 90% of the men out there give the rest of us a bad name.


    Don't do anything rash to achieve the weight loss, KPC. And, you don't need a boyfriend. You may want to be with someone, but it's not a necessity.


    What Lnb said. Personally, I think you look great, but I'm still vibing for you to hit your weight goal.


    As for a boyfriend, there are far worse situations than being single. I bet you can easily find a few dozen divorcees who can attest to that. I wish you all the luck in finding love with someone awesome (and I'm pretty confident you will, just because like attracts like), but I hope you'll never look at "boyfriend" as something that has to happen.

    • Love 4
  15. People who think the quizzes are too hard should suggest alternate topics so my brain won't make that funny ping! noise every Friday or so.


    How about a weekly "non-BtVS fandom" day? Pick a dozen or so SF/F subjects (Trek, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Galactica, X-Files, etc.) that likely are known to many people here, and just rotate through them over the course of several months?

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