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Posts posted by catmomtoo

  1. i also found it funny how producers of the show had to create a "couple" photo of danny and mo because they apparently don't have any where they are super cozy like the other couples when they show their photos and names/locations before their segment. they basically took two headshots and photoshopped them together to make it look like they took a photo closer together.

    Lol, good catch!! How could you tell? I totally missed that.

    • Love 1
  2. Oh I'm sure the cats have all died in that death trap of a garage. I've seen enough Hoarders to know that there are probably a good 5-7 dead cat bodies in that mess, probably a few raccoons not wiley enough to make it out, and most certainly a nest a rodents, the money will be on whether they are mice, rats or something a little more exotic.

    Poor kitties :(



    Did anyone think that Darth Vader - aka sister-in-law Jen - might be a drunk? Watching the pool party clips and the dinner party clips over again she has that exaggerated way of speaking that drunk people do when they are trying to hide how plastered they are. Something is just not right with that woman. God bless Evelyn for handling that barrage with grace.

    I think that Justin really does love Evelyn. It seems like he was very sincere last week when he told his brother she makes him a better person. Plus, when they interact and the camera catches them "off guard" it seems like he's his genuine self with her. I hope it works out for them.

    She just looks and talks like an ugly former sorority girl way past her prime. As I mentioned previously, she has danielle arms.

    • Love 3
  3. Amy's mom is torn and frightened. She is an intelligent, sensitive person who loves her only child with a true depth. Mom wants Amy to be happy, but she is frightened for Amy and what may lie ahead.

    To me, Mom's face and words personified the terrible effects of living with and knowing the immorality of racial bias and discrimination. Mom broke down in two separate interviews/THs. And I don't believe her tears had much to do with happiness for her daughter or with sadness for losing her daughter to a new marriage and life in a faraway country.

    Mom said she cannot imagine that Danny's parents might not help but love Amy, despite their reservations about Amy's race and color. But Mom KNOWS better than that! A bigot doesn't care if a feared and hated "other" is a good person, accomplished, educated, kind, or, even, the President of the United States. The bigot hates for one reason, and that won't change.

    I saw a mother who respects and admires her daughter, and the very thought that Danny's family could reject or ostracize Amy on the basis of irrational hate and ignorance tears her apart. I think Mom will have many sleepless nights when she returns home.

    On a lighter note, I gotta say that I laugh and laugh whenever I see the lunacy that is Jason and Cassia. Two fashion plates! Chubby, short Jason in his clingy polo and ill-fitting shorts, and white socks and sneakers, greasy hair and greasy skin, just boggles. He looks to me to be 38 going on 75, with a slow, doltish demeanor that could bore a saint.

    Luckily, Cassia has a good bod and can get away with her fave wardrobe from Whores R Us, but with her fried hair and calculating glint, I love it when she holds hands with her father -- I mean, her fiance -- and strolls with him or sits in his hot (yeah that's right! Lol) El Camino. Such a lovely, genuine couple! Oy.

    And Jason calling Cassia, "honey," at every turn is so delusional. Just stop it.

    Lmao at Jason and the fashion plates comment!! And every time he said "honey" it sounded like he was vomiting it out his mouth. Honestly, he's so awkward and condescending. I dated a guy who liked to call me honey - I felt like he was talking down to me, the way jason seems to be doing.

    Btw, i'm still pissed about that fatherlike shake he gave her in the furniture store, when she liked the more expensive piece. He's so gross, those big, rheumy eyes, slow, unappealing demeanor...I still don't see what Cassia sees in him, besides a dullwitted doughy meal ticket (not even, cheapskate) and green card.

    I agree with previous poster about the creepy ass shark comment. Look, I have the same weird humor but dude - it's all in the delivery. Seriously. Don't quit your day job - oh, wait....

    • Love 6
  4. Oh my goodness y'all, I'm watching this show called Blue Bloods, and season 4, episode 22 features this couple (the girl is the one in the bottom picture in the purple dress)


    He is a "Syrian National" in the US on a student visa that is going to expire in 48 hours, so he needs to marry his girlfriend who is the "love of his life." Her father thinks its a scam because he is mr. tall, dark and slick, and she is a "little pork dumpling"

    I'm not sure if TLC found Dani and Mo first, or if this episode of BlueBloods inspired something, or maybe its just a total coincidence. Its just funny that its not just a middle eastern man and a white woman, but even the coloring on the female characters is the same. Very pale, very white, with reddish hair.

    See?! I'm telling you, it might be some fetish of some sort.

    Thank you very much for that image. Here I thought sleep would happen tonight, guess not.

    Sweet dreams :)

  5. Not really related to this episode, but my brothers and I were talking about the lack of Dani and Mo on this episode and I was filling them in on her money woes, my youngest brother wants to start a Kickstarter or a GoFundMe for DaniMo. I'd be onboard for that. If we get to watch their married life, I would. We are mean people.

    Amy is so sweet. Chelsea is awful. I mean, you can't leave your parents? They are not infirmed. I honestly don't know what foolishness Yamir was doing in that recording studio, but they'd both probably be able to have a better chance of making something of themselves in Chi-town than in Bumblefuck, Il.

    *breaks out wallet*

    • Love 3
  6. Venezia 54 says: They speak Arabic and French in Tunisia--she [Danielle] can barely speak proper English!

    I must have missed the episode she used proper English. Hey, I'm from the deep south. Although I speak proper English - with a decidedly southern accent - I also speak fluent redneck, Ebonics and general cracker with ease. I'm multilingual (ha!). Danielle's weekly butchering of English grammar makes me wish Mohammed would punch her! Or at least correct her. The whine and the pitch of her voice is the proverbial nails-on-a-chalkboard. I confess: I watch every single week for the sole purpose of watching Mohammed's face when Danielle talks to him. One day, he's going to throw up, I just know it. Every week, while she's clinging, I'm thinking RUUNNNNNNNNN, FORREST!!!!

    I truly think TLC stooped too low to include Dani/Mo this season. I am actually a little embarrassed for myself that I can't wait to see groveling, sniveling, pathetic Danielle every week. She's quite obviously a little slow and it's not acceptable for her to be exploited. (But it's SO entertaining!) I know better, and I'm obsessed. What was Mo thinking? He saw her in Tunisia, he knew what he was getting - and yet he came to America. His FACE is priceless to me at every turn. Every.Single.Week. I think he's going to say (with a snort he's been holding back since the airport scene) "You know what? Just kidding. See ya!!!"

    Then again, maybe the "face" I'm seeing is just Mo processing what Danielle has just said. He's processing an English translation for whatever mumbo-jumbo she just has spilled with her face mashed against his sleeve... Maybe what I'm reading as gas or nausea (or even slight desperation) is actually just "Huh???"

    Lmao @ watching to watch Mo's face!!!

    You think those kids are headed for college? I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say "technical school fund" -- just kidding, those kids are total Rhodes Scholars, I can tell.

    It seems to me like she was desperately trying to hide her financial status until the marriage. Like someone else said, when they finally get around to cutting off your phone, its because you haven't paid in a minute. Which means Danielle likely knew there were bad financial times coming before the cell phone got cut off, but she didn't want him to leave so she kept her trap shut.

    I think Mohammed realizes he is on TV, and if he behaves kindly towards someone who is as hard to handle as Danielle he may actually get a couple of better offers out of it.

    Lol!!! I was being hopeful. Where else would she pull it from? Her 401k? Lol.

    Good point on Mo. He might actually have a fetish for middle aged fat women. It's weird but true.

    • Love 1
  7. Chelsea, wow. Selfish bitch. Really, she was moving all around and is worried about being far from her parents NOW?! you can't say you want his music career to take off, and then not make one sacrifice for it to happen...even though he sounded like he was shouting at us in Spanish, come on.

    I got so excited about the toaster strudels, I actually cheered to my husband.

    Liver Lips is everything that's wrong with parental guilt. Discipline is not jail, you dumbass. I also fear that if him and Daya had a baby, it'd be one giant lip for a head.

    Dude, Jason just gets uglier and uglier each episode, and it's not just looks that make a person hideous. He's so boring. Those photo booth photo strips made me laugh...she's all animated and he's the same boring face each time. Lmao.

    Justin's bitch sister in law is hideous and has arms similar to Danielle's, who I totally missed this week :(

    I love Amy, it's too bad she ended up with such a douche.

    • Love 11
  8. I have to agree with you. I think Danielle is just as much, if not more of a con artist than Mo is. My feeling is that there is sort of an unspoken agreement in these sorts of things. Danielle gets to have a guy at least 15 years younger than her who is out of her league, both looks wise and in terms of intelligence. I'm not saying he is Brad Pitt, nor Stephen Hawking, but comparatively for her, he is a catch both in terms of looks and intelligence. The trade off is that, in exchange for basically having that man under her thumb for at least two years, she is supposed to sponsor him so he can get his green card. She knows that this is an exchange because she failed to mention her financial difficulties to him, knowing that he would have stayed home because he is not that into her, but he is into getting the chance to get a green card. So far, he has kept up his end of the bargain, he has gone everywhere with her, put up with her ignorant family, and her constant clinginess with understanding, kindness and respect. She, on the other hand I think has sold him a defunct bill of goods, I feel like she gave him the impression that she was doing good financially and could take care of him. I think this is why he was somewhat put off by where she lived and her vehicle, because I can imagine that in order to get him to agree to come to the US, she probably misrepresented a lot of things to him just to get him here.

    Honestly, I think this is giving danielle way too much credit. I don't think she thought that far ahead. I couldn't even picture her fudging too much to get him here; I just don't think it's in her abilities. She doesn't seem that crafty to me, because if she was, she'd at least hide it until after he got the green card. I don't think she's got enough going on upstairs to be that conciously manipulative.

    Meh, Mo's alright. If he's a con artist, he's not a very good one lol - so they're matched in the sense that they're both dimwitted.

    I do think if he WAS a con, he could have done better for himself. I've seen them on Dateline and shit where decent looking, articulate, childless(or with grown children) women with money get conned - He's batting a -100 here.

    I mean just reading that Tunesian Love Rat site, there are lots and LOTS of women to choose from for these con artists. You mean Mo couldn't pick one that had at least:

    - outer beauty (so he could at least get sex out of it)

    - money (or at least not be living last month's paycheck to next month's bills)

    - childless (for me, the idea of a childless man taking on a woman with FOUR kids is crazy - especially for a con)

    - intelligent/articulate - hell, at this point I'd settle for literate

    - lived in a more cosmopolitan city (ie. NY, LA, Miami) where he could work his next con if this one didn't work out

    I mean he's really getting NOTHING out of this - except perhaps the ridicule of his friends.

    Sometimes I wonder if he actually does have a glimmer of love for her. If he were a beznessman, would it behoove him to go on this show? He can't be that dumb, can he? Lol.

    I wonder where Danielle got the money to fly to Quatar and stay in a hotel. She seems to live quite a hardscrabble life. I wold think she would barely be able to afford the passport fees, much less travel expenses.

    Children's college fund.

    • Love 3
  9. Autographs are big bucks. I paid 80$ back in August for Sir Patrick Stewart's autograph and people were getting Matt Smith's at 125$ a pop. There has to be someone out there who may pay for Neve's - you never know as long as it is authentic.

    Getting back to Jason's ebay - I agree with the other posters, it's pretty much junk. Unsure how he is making this in a full time job but then he lives rent free, eats for free, and drives a crappy car. So his expenses are really low. Selling bras on ebay. Ummmm ew.

    Ugh, the more we talk about Jason and his depressing house and depressing job and depressing lifestyle, the more sad I feel. He just seems like such a deflated person. I mean, just looking at him and listening to him talk...I just can't help but wonder if he was always this much of a stick in the mud or if something made him that way.

    Looks aside, I can totally see the appeal of jason to a girl like Cassia. He'll put up with her shit and she can pretty much get away with anything. He's older, so his pickings are slim in her mind. He lacks self esteem, she's a border line psycho who no normal guy would put up with for long. In yet another sad way, they're perfectly, depressingly, and equally matched.

    Ugh. Now I'm deflated. Lol.

    • Love 4
  10. It looks as if Mo has a second FB account under the name Med Jb, where he says he lives in Norwalk. The cover photo is a nice shot of Shaftesbury Avenue in London so maybe I stand a shot at getting him to come over and live with me ...

    Does anyone else notice that he wears the same damn uhlsport shirt, all the time??? Lol. On the show, in the Facebook pics...lol.

    Sigh...my new Quatar Lover has not been on OK Cupid since 9/28....come on lover boy..hit me up!

    You're too young and thin. Lol

    • Love 4
  11. I can't help but feel that Mo wanted someone who would love him enough to believe anything he said and go with whatever he wants to do (for example, I think he could absolutely convince Danielle that he shouldn't be living in that house with the teenage girls, or can convince her that his religion really prevents him from having sex with her even after marriage because of some obscure Islamic law that mandates he can't have sex in a house with chicken patties even though he really, really wants to). Unfortunately, the flip side to that kind of desperate obsession is going to be that he will never be able to shake her, he may end up in witness protection after he gets his citizenship.

    I think Jason was in the service, so I thought he would have picked up some social skills, even if they were from fellow officers.

    ITA about just cleaning your place, I don't think I've heard too many "this place is too small!" but I've heard quite a few "this place is a mess!" And unless there is a body in there, I can't understand that pool. I know it would cost money to drain, but that just looks like a health hazard, like a West Nile virus thing.

    I agree to some degree about foreigners probably assuming that every American is living in NYC, California or some other bustling city. I mean, even our "reality shows" are filmed in more metro areas. But, I just can't imagine agreeing to go someplace for 90 days and not doing a basic google search.

    Lmao they're so a chicken patty house.

    • Love 2
  12. Danielle and Mohammed. *sigh* I just . . . don't get it. Danielle's tears and fear disgust me. Both of them are deluded. Assuming his intentions are sincere (which they are NOT), Mohammed has every reason to regret his decision to come to America. Danielle can't even care for her underage daughters. She should be ashamed of herself for taking food out of their mouths so that her Tunisian gigolo can sleep on her couch, refusing to sleep with her under the pretense of respecting his religion. If I were her sister, I would have washed my hands of this craziness long ago, but not before offering for one or more of the kids to come live with me.

    Jason and Cassia. I don't understand this relationship at all. The whole nudie magazine storyline was seriously boring and ridiculous. Jason is 38 and lives in a retirement community in what I would describe as borderline squalor. I don't think a 23-year-old girl has any right to come marching into his house and demand that he get rid of some dusty old magazines. Come on, girl. (Side note: That dresser was $1,299?! Wow. It looks like my old bedroom furniture from 1985. Jason was robbed.)

    Chelsea and Yamir: Chelsea and her ferocious vocal fry still irritate me, but God bless me, I still find Yamir to be endearing. I think it's his vulnerability. He's so young and blinded by love, and therefore not thinking clearly. Hey, some of us have been there. I get it, but at a certain point, you have to grow up and consider the nuts and bolts of a situation before diving in headfirst. I hope he's okay. His old manager was absolutely right when he said that life would be hard for someone like him in Iowa.

    Daya and Brett. Ugh. She's a bitch and judging by the previews for next week, it looks like Cassidy realizes it. Cassidy is with her father for a couple months per year. The last thing she needs is the disruption of some random woman in the house. If I were Brett and my betrothed called my daughter a "pain in the ass," she'd be on a plane back to her home country within 48 hours. He's a fool and aside from the impact on Cassidy, I really couldn't give a crap about their relationship.

    Justin and Evelin. I kind of don't care about these two. I find him off-putting, but I like her. Their relationship, or the failure of it, impacts no one in a serious way. Meh.

    Danny and Amy. Amy is easily my favorite fiancé. I feel sorry for her. How must she feel in a strange country, unsure if she'll be accepted, and constantly bombarded by his family to the extent that she can't have any alone time with her fiancé? As sorry as I feel for her, I'm also the least concerned about her. Regardless of what happens, she seems to have a solid safety net back home and a good head on her shoulders. She'll be fine. As for Danny, I think he's fooling himself on a couple of different levels.

    I miss last season!

    Lol about the dresser. Did you see how he condescendingly shook her when she wanted the mode expensive piece? That made me sick. He had no social skills.

    • Love 3
  13. I can't help but feel bad for Mo. All he wanted was some citizenship, some cash, and a semi-attractive, semi-sane woman. Instead he got grannidani.

    I bet all of his friends are laughing at him.

    Hey, she did go visit him once so he knew what he was getting in terms of attractiveness. Lol.

    • Love 4
  14. Also, Jason seems to be borderline hoarding. if he's not careful, he'll end up on that show, what with the tubs of crap and multiple pets in a tiny, messy area...at least they seem decently cared for, unlike the rest of his house.

    As he should by now, (grin)! However, the US government is equally concerned that he not end up broke here and unable to leave if his visa expires. That will come down on Dani, his sponsor. I wonder if she has enough cylinders firing to understand her financial obligations in this matter.

    Mo's conversation with Dani about money was like a parent talking to a child. The age difference shrinks every episode.

    That was odd how much more controlling and mature he was than her. Something struck me that he was trying hard to pretend to be concerned about her feelings, while remaining very obviously pissed for himself, and not giving a crap for her. It took him forever to reply to her whiney don't leave mes.

    • Love 1
  15. "That's worth $10!": Jason, when Cassia rolled up his Playboy. Truly made me lol.

    Tamir and Chelsea wedding baband shopping: Strange they didn't know each other's tastes beforehand? I feel for Yamir but at 28, I think he's past the age where it's okay to be smitten and not make rash decisions, like leaving your career behind. But he does seem genuinely sweet.

    D and Mo: Not enough of them in this EP :(. Lol @ him being more worried about lack of money for him to get back.

    What's amazing to me is that the golddiggers of the cast never seemed to pick up on the fact that none of these Americans seemed super stereotypically wealthy. They saw them in person at least once and chatted online. There had to have been some hint, based on affect or whatever, right? Mo's a scammer for sure, but not a very good one, unless he was trying to screw himself.

    Justin and E: meh. They bore me. Justin annoys me because he reminds me of those dicks with big egos who peaked in college and is still trying to live out those glory days. Ew.

    Amy and what's his name: Glad to see he's seeing the light with her. She's so freaking cool, shEs the biggest catch of them all, hands down.

    Daya and Liver Lips: Not enough of them, sadly.

    Same here. Bingo at noon, knitting club at 1, metal detecting at 3, then driving 20 miles under the speed limit to the buffet for dinner at 4, a Murder She Wrote rerun at 5, and it's off to bed. Cassia will not last long there.

    Bahaha, metal detecting. They so seem like those types.

    • Love 5
  16. I guess they, like so many of us, have "unimpressive domiciles," despite doing the best we can in life. I don't feel like the Americans have misrepresented themselves in this area.

    I apologize if I came off rude here! I meant that if the fiancées were coming here expecting the rich American way, they may feel duped.

    • Love 4
  17. Heh! Swamp Murders, I'm sensing a fellow ID fan :)

    If Jason's dad wants to kill her, he just needs to push her into that pool, she will either die or emerge with superpowers.

    The two of them are such odd ducks, I can imagine him trying to scare her to death by dressing like a clown or something.

    And I agree, there is something way off about Jason, he is just so.....flat. Something is off about him

    The fact he's 38 and lives with his fathee who dressed like a clown to scare Cassia seems pretty off to me.

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