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Posts posted by catmomtoo

  1. I used to live in Philly too, about 6 years ago. On the south side. I've also lived in Bridgeport (right between Norristown and King of Prussia), Reading, Pottstown, Gilbertsville.. All within an hour drive to the city. I just don't get the mindset of the "big bad scary city". There's so much to do and see...museums, cafes, shopping, restaurants, street fairs, concerts. All sorts of stuff. Cutting yourself off from that because you're scared is pretty lame. Especially in your twenties. That's the time in your life where you're supposed to go out and experience things. So...Danny can fly around the world to Australia yet he's too pussy to go 25 miles into Philly? He wouldn't even have to drive. That's insane.

    Love south philly :) I get Pho there, yum! We live in the Fishtown area :), which brings me to this point....

    If he's looking for a foreign girl, there's plenty in his own backyard. A better perspective would be to have her help him expand his horizons a bit and get into the city, nearby Atlantic City, even NYC. I'm hoping she starts gaining some sealegs and starts exploring on her own, or she's going to kick herself if she ends up going back and realizes how much she missed out on because of that douche.

    I don't get the "scared of the city" thing either. Maybe if you're 80, but didn't his school or homeschool group take trips to the Liberty Bell or whatever? Stay away from Kensington but lord, his inability to even suggest a day in the city for Amy's sake just screams shortsightedNess.

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  2. No, that is not the case. I've handled all manner documents recently for gov., private and public sector. Those questions are still there. That is not to say the ones you handled weren't as you say but I do work for a gov agency. But the term White Latino/Latina is not unfamiliar to me either.

    I know we're getting OT here, but I thought there was a non-white/Hispanic category or something?

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  3. I grew up in the Philadelphia suburbs and then went to school in Philadelphia. I will say there are tons of suburban families who never go into Philadelphia for shopping, entertainment, education or anything else -- to them it's the big bad city with high crime and they're happier staying home near their suburban malls. Danny's family strikes me as that type -- I mean you have to be pretty unexposed to ask someone to speak African. Though if Amy's option is to sit in her future sister/bro in law's house 10 hrs a day just so she can get 2 hrs with Danny and his entire family at night -- she really should tell Danny or his bro/sister in law that she needs a ride to the train station a few mornings a week. She's from Cape Town -- I highly doubt Philadelphia would overwhelm her. While she could spend some time just sight seeing and looking around, I think she'd love the "International House" -- on UPenn's campus but open to students and professionals in Philadelphia which caters specifically to young people who have moved to the U.S. from other countries. She'd be able to go to events there but I think she'd just enjoy hanging out and getting coffee with people who've moved from Africa or anywhere else in the world; it would start off some friendships for her that would honestly be more worldly than what Danny and his family can provide. I imagine that Danny's friends are all people he's known since kindergarten who probably are just as unexposed as his family.

    I was specifically thinking of the Ihouse, how funny. I can't believe that that's how the city is viewed by some in the suburbs. Surely she'd have gleaned the isolation of her new fiance?

    If this girl did a Google map search and saw how close the city was to Norristown, she probably was totally deflated when she realized fun was so close, yet so far. Sad :(

    I grew up in the Philadelphia suburbs and then went to school in Philadelphia. I will say there are tons of suburban families who never go into Philadelphia for shopping, entertainment, education or anything else -- to them it's the big bad city with high crime and they're happier staying home near their suburban malls. Danny's family strikes me as that type -- I mean you have to be pretty unexposed to ask someone to speak African. Though if Amy's option is to sit in her future sister/bro in law's house 10 hrs a day just so she can get 2 hrs with Danny and his entire family at night -- she really should tell Danny or his bro/sister in law that she needs a ride to the train station a few mornings a week. She's from Cape Town -- I highly doubt Philadelphia would overwhelm her. While she could spend some time just sight seeing and looking around, I think she'd love the "International House" -- on UPenn's campus but open to students and professionals in Philadelphia which caters specifically to young people who have moved to the U.S. from other countries. She'd be able to go to events there but I think she'd just enjoy hanging out and getting coffee with people who've moved from Africa or anywhere else in the world; it would start off some friendships for her that would honestly be more worldly than what Danny and his family can provide. I imagine that Danny's friends are all people he's known since kindergarten who probably are just as unexposed as his family.

    What's ironic is that they met while traveling to Australia, but can't seem to start getting cultured at home.

    OT: I live in Philly :) small world.

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  4. I got the impression that Brett's wife cheated on him because he said he picked the Philippines because "they're loyal". And yes, I agree, going from divorce to an international dating site reeks of someone looking for a wife who won't talk back and won't mind his crazy maniacal laugh. Or the two roommates.

    Hated Baby Huey lips and his racist comment on Filipinos and their marriage values. Ugh. Sounded very Asian fetish if you ask me. Did you see the cheap motif in his room?? That was all Japanese stuff. Wrong asian. Lol.

    Oh dear God, this was painful to watch. I'm amazed Mohammed even got to the point of being granted a K-1 visa. I say this because I have friends who met online through a big forum we're on (not a dating site). She was in Oregon, he in England. He went over to visit her, she came over to visit him. They fell in love. She came to live in England and they got married in the UK, and two years later they decided to live in the USA.

    You wouldn't believe the hoops they had to jump through for him to get a visa to live in the USA - and this is after they'd been married and living in the UK for more than two years. I swore an Affidavit confirming that I'd attended their wedding, and had been to family parties at his parents' home where it was clear that they were happily married and she was loved by his family, that they'd visited me and stayed at my home many times. I had to go to the US Embassy in London with photos of all these occasions confirming all of this, so they could be satisfied it was a genuine marriage.I was interviewed and questioned in some depth about my friends' relationship. And they also had the interview where they're each questioned separately about each other's likes and dislikes, "what's his favourite food?", all that kind of thing.

    So if that was needed for people who were already married, and who were so obviously in love, how did Mohammed and Daya manage to scam their K-1 visas?

    I really thought Mohammed had skipped out at JFK and disappeared in NYC. And the instant I saw him I knew he was only in it for the green card. Likewise Daya. Clearly her sad sack of a boyfriend is batting way out of his league, and he obviously has issues with American women. But he has so little to offer a woman that it's no wonder he can't find a wife at home. The NotAlecBaldwin idiot seemed to have a genuine relationship with his girlfriend, but all that 'dishes in the sink' malarkey was so staged that it was pathetic. I don't care enough about the pop star couple to have any opinion on them yet. That may change.

    And I'll sign off by dropping this in here. Sorry, couldn't resist ...


    Bahaha. He looks like he's at the prom aND lost a bet. Lol.

  5. Danielle' s arms need sleeves at all times.

    Danny the Marionette is quite diminutive.

    Jason is 38 going on 72. His Dad seems more youthful than Jason. When Cassia said she likes that Jason is quite patient, I wondered if that means sex hasn't been a part of their life yet? I wouldn't blame her, but she's a player.

    And Jason couldn't be bothered to clean his room and the pool before hot girl came home! For godsake! I guess he thought that just his animal-magnetic personality and sex appeal would blind Cassia to the filth and pestilence. But at least he made up for it at that 5-star gourmet salad bar, where he wore his formal tee and shorts! ATTN American single ladies: look at what you are missing out on!

    Too many ignorant buttinsky in-laws tonight. I had to laugh at Brett's mom dissing Daya and expressing concern for her special-snowflake son. She should be happy that any woman has a romantic interest in him at all.

    And Jason's dad is way too overinvested in his son! It's as though he's in love with him and jealous of Cassias attention. When he wore the clown getup because he KNEW Cassia hates clowns...whoa! I'm sure she'll split in 90 days or less, so dad will be fine.

    The nonsense in the bar with the working girls hitting on Mohamed was comical. A producer setup if ever I saw one.

    I really hate seeing Mo and Danielle next to each other. She is so cloying and clingy, and he's always got an invisible bubble over his head that screams, "You disgust me!"

    Lmao, Danielle in those dresses made me die a little inside. I saw they actually had to use a clamp to get the fit correctly, which meant the ones she tried on were actually too big. Ouch.

    The unimpressive domiciles these people are coming home to makes me sad and depressed. I mean, really? What kind of person do the fiancées think they're getting if they're spending this kind of time online and whatnot?

    Mo's scene didn't strike me as contrived until I read this forum, but now yea, wow. Although the woman was severely haggard, it just seemed ridiculous that she'd zero in on him. I was just waiting for some backhanded racist compliment to spew forth from her mouth, and was actually quite surprised no similar remarks were made by the footballers.

    That whole Danielle thing just makes me so sick. I mean, wow. Her ignorant family made me facepalm so hard...I know people like that, who think anything foreign sounding or different is comical somehow. They've mostly never left their own towns, and I'm from New Jersey, so proof that idiocy isn't limited to random bumfuck regions.

    Dying at the hilarity of it all, but your comments make it even better. Lol.

    • Love 3
  6. What is with Danny's family? They act like they're from Hicksville with the whole -- you're tan and speak African nonsense -- yet they live 30 min outside of Philadelphia, which is one of the top 5 or 10 metro areas in the U.S.; there are plenty of Africans, biracial people and all kinds of other diversity in Philadelphia. How are they so unexposed? And I cannot believe the amount of references made to sex with a perfect stranger. Are you worried about the wedding night? Who the hell says that?? And then when they went to go look at that farm/barn for the wedding, there were a few references made to -- you can consummate the marriage right here. I get that Danny is the youngest in a large, overly close, over bearing family, but the interest in their little bro's sex life is kind of creepy. If Amy doesn't put a stop to this, she will have people in the hotel suite saying "no no Danny, that's not how it's done, let me help you."

    As for Mohammed -- the one thing I don't get, if he is SUCH a religious Muslim -- i.e. won't eat non-halal and won't engage in any pre marital sex -- why is he ok with marrying a Christian woman? I'm Muslim myself so I am not criticizing, but Muslims who are "non religious" enough for an interfaith marriage typically aren't sticklers for things like halal rules. Has she thought about this (of course not)? Does he expect her to convert? Religiously a Muslim man can marry a woman of any faith bc he can make conversion a requirement of marriage. Has she thought about whether he intends to do that and would she be ok with that -- not saying she is going to mass 7 days a week but a small town Christian who laughs at someone's religion forbidding pork, who also has a cross tattooed on her finger, does not strike me as the type who'd be ok converting to a "foreign" religion. Shouldn't she be wondering why such a (hot) religious man is with someone like her (not hot and not of the same faith) and take a hint that maybe something is asunder and a scam is underway?

    So much was wrong here and with this episode I can't even...first of all, Norristown is a Damn train ride away from Philly, which is a diverse city with a university district full of international students who would love to connect. You don't need a license to at least get dropped off at a train station. I feel so bad for this girl, because her Damn hosts seemingly have not been influenced by the diversity of the nation's first capital. I get being religious, but there's no need to shelter yourself! Didn't God have a hand in all these man made creations?

    Ugh, I wanted to vomit at the "speak African" thing. Really?! Africa's a continent you idiot. I've gotten that - "Do you speak Asian?" - yes, the entire region developed its own tongue after the continental drift. So Damn ignorant, but not surprising after the clearly awkward sex questions at dinner.

    I am so embarrassed for the fiancées,except Mo, who's obviously in line with the 409ers, except in his own flavor. America is not like this everywhere.

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