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Chasing Whitebeams

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Everything posted by Chasing Whitebeams

  1. Of course "I's" doesn't exist in on its own, and you have put forward alternative ways to say it, but one could certainly treat "Melissa and I" as a syntactic constituent, therefore applying the "'s" to it. (Similarly to "Doug and Katsuji's room was dirty.") (Similarly, if your phrase ends in 'me', you can still apply 's to it, even though one would never apply 's to a lone me.)
  2. Why? "Melissa and I's" is correct.
  3. I understand that Padma isn't well-liked around here, but any talk about her being past her prime in any context is utter nonsense. The woman is drop-dead gorgeous not only for her age but for any age, and I can only imagine she's even more amazing in real life. PS. I actually like Padma as a host and as a judge. I often think her dumbest comments are fed to her by the producers-in-the-ear to highlight the challenge at hand. Like in this challenge, when she kept going on about interpreting the literary work.
  4. I've been very happy with the season so far, but this episode with its twistiness... Last episode I was patting the show on its back for once having more women than men left, and now they let in someone who obviously deserved to go and is a bit of douche, to kick out someone who, while patchy and at times in above her head, also really explored cooking and pulled out interesting things. Ugh. I feel I've been feinted. And why did we do this? We have Last Chance Kitchen and this totally random "hey, let's obviously put the first guy in because he deserves it" (deserves it how?) Then we lose Adam, who I really liked.
  5. I just saw the third episode of All Stars in reruns, and there was a quickfire where each team handled three components and then, in under 15 minutes, created a dish out of them. Richard's comments: "There was no time for democracy, so I just started yelling orders at people." And his orders were, e.g., "Get the plates." Then, after the challenge (which they won), Spike and Tre seemed congratulatory and having a good time. Cue Richard's talking head: "Sure winning the challenge and 5,000$ was nice but most important was gaining some trust from my teammates on my leadership, since I took the leading position." Cut to Tre and Spike just having a good time, probably thinking "got 5,000$, happy now, awesome!". I think the leading position existed pretty much in Richard's head. This was such a Richard moment. Always focused on himself and looking to prop himself up against something. None of these qualities have subsided with him becoming a judge. Richard, relax.
  6. I'm loving this season. The editing is so good. I was sure either Doug or Melissa was going to leave. Then, when they announced Doug in the top, I thought he was going to win - so I was surprised by both Katsuji's win and Stacy's PYKAG, but enjoyably so! I wish more reality shows trusted the audiences capability of surviving an episode without knowing the outcome in the first 5 minutes. The food seems really good, would love to try everything! My favourite remains Mei. Often on cooking shows I'm a bit peeved with people who are familiar with Asian cuisine sticking to Asian cuisine and then flying through simply because Asian flavours and textures are, in themselves, rather pleasing to western judges (in short: I feel Asian is often an easy cuisine to do in a cooking show. I'm not a chef, though, what do I know!). However, I really don't think this is the case with Mei (or Melissa either). Her food seems like elevated Asian cuisine with twists to this and that direction. I also like how potty-mouthedly confident she is about it. (Mind you, she saves that to talking heads. In the kitchen she's seen consulting other chefs and being nice and respectful.) Would've loved to see Katie in the top since she is the dark horse and did two insane dishes this episode! It's always nice when the chef just goes outside the box without resorting to gimmicks. The little "Aaron was an asshole, you guys" -get-together in the beginning was lovely, too, and highlighted how jovial the rest of the episode was. Such a good-spirit episode! Also loved Tiffani's "wah cry me a river" -face when Reese Witherspoon complained about her less-than-satisfactory pantry. I think and fear Melissa is next, since she seems a bit clueless about what the show is looking for. "Perfectly diced vegetables", uhm, whether I'd be a judge or a diner at a restaurant, I'd expect flavour and innovation, not display of knife skills. EDIT: While I'm no expert on Native Americans, I thought the depiction of Wampanaug this episode seemed contemporary and respectful, and not at all mystical or whimsy (none of that "ooh Indians, with their earthy connection and overwhelming spiritism of the past" that is so often found). So I enjoyed that - Padma's repeated "it was such an honor" seemed like a bit of an overkill, though.
  7. While he's an inspiring, talented chef, I mute the show whenever Blais talks. It was so nice to have an episode without him (especially with the dreamboat Hugh! If only they had Hugh and Gail on the same panel. I would eat lots of ice cream and stare at the screen with my best Stephanie Cmar expression.) Somebody put it so nicely: whenever Blais talks, it's about him. "I had a salmon moment once." "This is one of my least favourite techniques." He's not really giving away any information. (Why is it one of our least favourite techniques?) The other judges really cut to the chase: "This wasn't good." "I really liked his dish." And then go to the technical stuff: "The meat was seasoned perfectly." etc. Blais goes "Oh and a motorbike racing something something. . ."
  8. While there are definitely instances where tattling is plainly tattling, I absolutely loved what Katie did. This "be a grown up and tell it to one's face" argument simply doesn't work when one is dealing with assholes like Aaron: telling a person like that what they are doing is a problem to you will often only add fuel to the fire. So for Katie to bring it up with the judges in such a light and Aaron-shaming way, was great ! Simply put: don't be a dick and behave in a way that will land you in a bad light. That said, I really like this season! I think I'm developing a through-the-screen-crush on Doug, but my favourite so far is Mei. I've seen people complaining about her foul mouth, so when she pretty much went into the challenge exclaiming "Gotta get this [beep] to a [beeping] fan!", I enjoyed it on a meta level. Gregory is amazing. Wish Melissa and Bostooooon!!!-Stacy were doing better 'cause Melissa's cool demeanour is pleasing, and Stacy's brashness, too. Adam doesn't annoy me at all, and a Adam+Doug short guy and tall guy bromance needs to happen right now. I loved someone describing KerriAnn as pageant chef, but I still love her as a character, and even though I find her constantly annoying, I'm still rooting for her to do well in challenges. The food looks tasty and there seems to be a nice focus on it. Now that Aaron is gone, the only bad thing left is Blais.
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