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Posts posted by gwhh

  1. Here that video of that post we are talking about:


    I looked it up to watch it again and its so funny to watch!
    You are correct, it's not much better after you read it again. But it still funny.

  2. According, to everything I have read and heard from interviews, podcast, articles, or rounds table about the show..  Pastor Tim is JUST what he says he is.  A far left, pastor!  He not a KGB, CIA agent, or child molester, or anything.  Than what he said he was! 

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  3. A great book about something that may have happened!


    Book: Red Star Rouge


    One of the great secrets of the Cold War, hidden for decades, is revealed at last.

    Early in 1968 a nuclear-armed Soviet submarine sank in the waters off Hawaii, hundreds of miles closer to American shores than it should have been. Compelling evidence, assembled here for the first time, strongly suggests that the sub, K-129, sank while attempting to fire a nuclear missile, most likely at the naval base at Pearl Harbor.

    We now know that the Soviets had lost track of the sub; it had become a rogue. While the Soviets searched in vain for the boat, U.S. intelligence was able to pinpoint the site of the disaster. The new Nixon administration launched a clandestine, half-billion-dollar project to recover the sunken K-129. Contrary to years of deliberately misleading reports, the recovery operation was a great success. With the recovery of the sub, it became clear that the rogue was attempting to mimic a Chinese submarine, almost certainly with the intention of provoking a war between the U.S. and China. This was a carefully planned operation that, had it succeeded, would have had devastating consequences. During the successful recovery effort, the U.S. forged new relationships with the USSR and China. Could the information gleaned from the sunken sub have been a decisive factor shaping the new policies of détente between the Americans and the Soviets, and opening China to the West? And who in the USSR could have planned such a bold and potentially catastrophic operation?



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  4. The problem with communist is that it works GREAT on paper and does not work at all in the real world.  So that why the KGB keeps trying this idea!  Because its in there DNA to do things that go against human natural 


    Just see how the KGB is running Russia into the ground now a days! 


    I don't understand why a 15 year old, upon examining her parents obvious dishonesty for an extended period of time, and then asking for some answers,and then being told that the parents were involved in activities which could result in the children being wards of the state, as the parents do their life sentences (even ignoring how making Paige an accessory endangers her), can be expected to react in any other way but furious anger. Frankly, that's the reason the story arc requires such a huge suspension of disbelief, would the KGB be so ignorant of human psychology and physiology as to not completely expect a 15 year old to react in this manner?

    No, I suspect that Gaad was lying to Stan when he told Stan that he was recommending, to the Director of the FBI, that Stan be fired and investigated. Gaad plays the bad cop, and then Stan gets a lifesaver thrown to him. 

  5. Was it just me or meeting grandma just a little anti climate!? I expect a lot spy tricks (disguise, hinding in car trunks, etc) a full fledge spy movie like operation. As the KGB moved them to meet grandma behind the iron curtain or vice a versa.

    How they get grandma to the meet in the first place? Even if you just drove her across the border that would draw a lot of attention to them from west Germany counter intell people!

    Mom and daughter was on there own passports as far as I could tell (but I was getting the feeling from there KGB) handler it may have been a fake one)!  If someone got a photo of them and sent it around to the intell agency (FBI, CIA).  And ask the simple question, why was the KGB meeting with these two people?  It would be all over for them! 


    Who think Pagie and Elizaeabth was flying on there own passports with there own names on it? 

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  6. The tapestry with the blood on it the French put so much holy faith in, was that a real thing?  And if it was real, what was the deal with it? 

  7. Did they say if Bob made it?


    Who thinks W. Duffy give Ava some of that 9 million dollars she had?  A lot of people I talked to says yes he did.  But than again he is a bad guy.  Than again it is TV.  I think Duffy did giver her some.  Heck, what a couple of  stacks of money among friends.


    I think he did give her some, is there any feedback from the show on this subject? 

  8. Khrushchev also meant by that speech.  That the cutting edge of the KGB was turned against its own citizens before and after WW 2 and that a mistake for sure after WW 2.  We don't know need to do that anymore, because we know they are loyal to the USSR and communist.  20 million of them died to save that system and to defeat the Nazis. 



    There is nothing we've seen in Elizabeth yet that would make it a surprise that she supported Stalin's wholesale slaughter. The official party position after Khruschev's secret speech was that Stalin was wrong in persecuting fellow communists, but there was never any acknowledgement, for instance, that the slaughter of millions of middle class farmers in Ukraine  was wrong.

  9. You have to remember that during the cold war. The illegals from Directive S was strategic assets whole cards in the game of poker between the West & Soviet Union. On par, with nuclear ballistic submarine, and bases in foreign nations, and things like that. So the value the P&E have to the soviet union is on that level!

    When you watching the embassy staff type up the mail robot recording. Does anyone know if they where manual typewriters or electric ones? They look like manual ones to me!

    I remembered that the CIA supposedly developed a technique that would allow them to figure out what a electric typewriter was typing by analyzing the pulses over the power lines. I don't know if they actually had this ability, or how well they worked, if they hand, or if they actually used it in the field. Supposedly it was developed during the 1970's. And than quite using them when computer come out soon after that!

  10. There are NO CIA illegals in the Soviet Union during the Cold War! The Soviet Union was a total police state! No way that could happen!

    I sincerely doubt that Paige and Elizabeth will make it to Russia. For The Drama I'm sure they will run into trouble on the way, but on another note completely, Paige is a walking security risk, and it has nothing to do with what she knows.


    The sensible thing to assume is that if the KGB has deep-cover agents in America, then the CIA has them in Russia. The clothes would be a dead give-away, but also one look at Elizabeth's American haircut will tell them she's a visiting American, and they will try to get pictures of her that could feasibly get back to the CIA. So okay, they don't bring them in as important guest, they even disguise both Paige and Elizabeth against this. Put them in Soviet clothes, wigs even. Still dangerous. Paige is an American. She smiles with her teeth, she holds herself differently from a Soviet Teen. She walks differently. She can't speak a word of Russian.


    I'm serious about this -- my mother and I went back to Free Lithuania in the early 2000s and every single person that saw me did a double-take. With my mother it was because of her denim skirts -- older women in Europe weren't wearing them at the time. Otherwise she wasn't regarded as such an oddity. But me? Granted, I was short, dark-eyed and dark-haired in a country full of tall blonde people, but I was not an impossibility -- they had people from all over Europe visiting. I was dressed like every single other teen I saw -- jeans, t-shirt, jacket. And yet something made people look twice. It was my earrings from Claire's or small details on my jacket cuffs. My braces were slightly different. At one point Mama and I walked to the city's only synagogue and the Rabbi and his wife pegged us as Americans from the way we walked there. (The Rabbi and his family were American Missionaries from New York, and really glad to see us. We had a meal with the congregation after the service and the Rabbi introduced us with a joke about almost doubting my mother on her being Jewish until he saw me. This made me realize that one of the reasons I was getting so many confused once-overs was because a lot of people in the city didn't know what a Jew looked like anymore, especially the kids. )


    Paige won't have a problem fitting in with her looks; but she has a lifetime of mannerisms to hide. Drawing attention to her in Russia could put her family in serious danger from the CIA.

  11. And she could start asking them when they get home. How it go against moose and squirrel today?!?

    I'm really hoping that at some point Paige starts referring to her parents as Boris and Natasha. Paige needs a friend to talk to.

    I'm really hoping that at some point Paige starts referring to her parents as Boris and Natasha. Paige needs a friend to talk to.

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