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Posts posted by BrianJ62

  1. No they don't take the ANTM contestants seriously. Several former contestants said that the fashion industry don't take them seriously and it's best for them to not even mention ANTM. IDK if the fashion industry takes Tyra seriously but after this cycle I'm pretty sure Tyra is a running joke to them now.

    I quit taking Tyra/ANTM somewhat seriously after Saleisha's tainted win.

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  2. So I take it these models are not going overseas at all? Final 4 and still no overseas trip, usually final 6 get to go. Is that budget so strapped that Las Vegas and camping is all they're going to get? What a rip off. I guess Tyra couldn't talk an airline into changing their name to Tymerican Airlines, Telta, Tywest Airlines, Talaska Airlines, Tynited Airlines

    Tevil Spirit

    I'm dedicating a song to Tyra: Evil Woman by ELO

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  3. I said something kind of similar about Mikey with regard to his upbringing. He didn't get to choose his family, but I wish he'd take it down a notch with the perviness. Just because you didn't come from money doesn't give you a pass for behaving like trash. Even so, I'd like to give Mikey the benefit of the doubt that he's playing up a particular douchy persona that might not reflect who he really is. At least, not all of who he really is.

    I did feel sorry for Devin, even though he annoys me. He was taking their feedback, but that blew up in his face. Kelly's comments to him were unnecessary, but that's par for the course with her.

    I've wondered if some of the contestants personas are scripted if not downright fake.

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  4. "And whats up with their judging. Devin, you finally listened and followed our advice and gave us a great photo! You're out! Nyle, you are really slipping, and your photo sucked! You stay!"

    This reminds me of a spoof I heard about Project Runway: Heidi Klum to a competitor - You have the best design of the competition, and I would love to wear your clothes, your out

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