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Posts posted by DamWrite

  1. I had no idea where to put this.  Since the information comes from an article, I figured I'd be safe with the media thread.


    So, who will be at the Duggars for Thanksgiving?  Jill and Derick are splitting the day between families.  Jessa and Ben will be with his family. Reportedly, friends will join the Duggars.  With all those people, Michelle is only having two turkeys.  Paper plates fill up quickly, I guess.


    ETA: The big surprise to me is that Michelle's sister will be joining them.  (How many sisters does Michelle have?)  I hope it's the lesbian sister, and I hope she announces plans to marry.  Hey, a girl can dream. 


    Source: http://www.ibtimes.com/michelle-duggar-reveals-jessa-jills-thanksgiving-plans-how-many-turkeys-it-takes-feed-1729155 

    • Love 2
  2. Fundies love us Jews.  We have a hand in the return of Jesus.  It's not so much that we are loved; we are a means to an end.  Thus, Shalom was a great middle name for Jubilee.  Read about it here:  http://lamblion.com/articles/articles_jews12.php


    ETA: Prior to her courtship, Jill wore the Star of David around her neck.  (Ticked me off every time I saw it.)  Now, of course, she wears the heart that Derick got her.  Awww. 

    • Love 5
  3. So many counter-attack petitions being created.  Here's one that was posted in the comments section of the Duggar Family Blog.  86K and counting.



    The text of the petition is ... you decide.


    "To: The Learning Channel

    I 100% support the right of the Duggars to express their traditional family values, which they have always done with love and compassion, and which simply reflect the beliefs of the majority of Americans.

    I demand that you ignore the ongoing campaign by a minority of liberal extremists to silence the Duggars, and stand with the family against this absurd attack."

    (Bold is mine)


    I think the majority of Americans support gay marriage, thus the increasing number of states that permit same sex marriage.


    This is getting very interesting.  Again, I don't think the show will be cancelled, but these petitions have legs.  I expect TLC will have to do something at some point.  At the very least, issue some sort of statement.  

    • Love 2
  4. John Fugelsang is on the show to talk about it. He is a liberal who says that the show shouldn't be taken off the air because of the crew members who will lose their jobs. Also, he said their presence in the media highlights how prevalent anti-LGBT comments and actions are across the country and how much more work progressives have to do to combat this line of thinking.

    Fugelsang is right, but unless and until TLC shows us the true Duggars, their show doesn't represent their LGBT sentiments.  One can easily deduce what their feelings are based on their religious devotion, but I want to SEE and HEAR it.  Why not film the rally where Josh spoke?  

    • Love 4
  5. Dueling petitions.  This article quotes from the robo call Michelle made.  She tells a lie, which really ticks me off.  http://deadline.com/2014/11/duggar-family-petition-cancel-19-kids-and-counting-change-org-tlc-1201291771/


    It seems Michelle, or whoever runs her FB page, is aware of the petitions.  She posted a pro-Duggar petition on her page.  I don't know if TLC is taking this seriously, but it seems the Duggars are.  http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/michelle-duggar-shares-counter-petition-to-save-19-kids-and-counting-20142111

  6. I don't want the show taken off the air, but I do want a true picture of the family.  The two biggest things in the family's life are omitted from the show: politics and religion.  

    Right now, I just sort of laugh at the family and their "ways."  Occasionally, I actually enjoy them, or who I think they are.  However, when I read articles about what Ben and Jessa are tweeting, I get angry.  I assumed they didn't support the gay community, but I didn't know they take an active stance against them.  That ticks me off.  


    They are entitled to do as they please.  I would like to see what they're doing.  Apparently, building go-carts isn't their only activity.   

    • Love 3
  7. I can't believe I looked this up, but I did.  "Gothard demanded that girls style their hair wavy—not straight or curly—because “wavy hair is attractive and becoming—it causes you to focus on the woman’s face instead of her body.” Gothard’s approved wavy hairstyle is meant, she said, “to attract men to your bright eyes, which will attract them to God, instead of your body.”


    The guy's a perv and has a whole population of girls/women making their hair wavy to satisfy his aesthetic, which is a kind way of saying it.  He's sexually attracted to wavy hair, so his followers must have it.  That's beyond disgusting, IMO.  


    The good news is that I've seen the Duggar girls with perfectly straight hair.  Jana's wore hers straight as recently as the last episode in which we saw her and didn't see her.  Joy has straight hair.  

    • Love 11
  8. CBS News is reporting (online) about the petition against the show.  I'm really surprised how much traction it's getting.  The article says they have over 78,000 signatures.  It's climbing rapidly.  I still don't think it's enough for TLC to do anything, but I suspect there's some level of concern.  Or not.  http://www.cbsnews.com/news/thousands-petition-against-19-kids-and-counting-for-lgbtq-fear-mongering/ 


    ETA: Just started reading the comments section.  The leghumpers are out in full force.  Yikes!  They can get pretty vicious.

  9. I don't see David as gay either.  I see him as extremely annoying.  Oh, and he is somewhat effeminate.  


    A pink shirt has nothing to do with one's sexuality.  However, pink is traditionally the color associated with girls.  (That's why he was wearing it.  His guess for the gender of his child.)  


    Priscilla is one of G-d's "special" children, isn't she?  What's with the baby voice?  It made me laugh, but it quickly got on my nerves.


    It was kind of nice to see Anna with her family.  I got the impression that once you become a Duggar, that's all you are.  How awful would that be?!

    • Love 3
  10. FWIW, the elder Duggars do not run their social media. Can you envision Boob or MEchelle knowing what a hashtag is? Given that Jana is gone much of the time, it's a fair deduction that Jinger and possibly Joy run the social media (FB, Instagram).

    True, but they do so at the behest of their parents.  Can you envision Jinger or Joy taking it upon themselves to respond to Benessa's kiss?  They didn't ask JB and Michelle to pose.


    Since the season is nearly over, it would probably be best to stay silent.  Things will blow over, unless some dumb Duggar takes to social media with an uninformed, ignorant post.  (See Jessa and Ben re: the Holocaust and Catholics, respectively.)

    • Love 2
  11. Of course they know better than any PR person.  The Duggars have a direct connection to G-d that others don't share.  I'm sure they pray on what to do and then do whatever Jim Bob says.  His connection to G-d is strongest because he's the man of the family!

    • Love 3
  12. John David is not courting, according to Ma and Pa Duggar: http://www.duggarfamilyblog.com/2014/11/is-john-in-courtship.html


    Duh, I just realized something.  The Duggars really pay attention to the media.  They responded to the outcry over Jessa's kissing pic with a pic of their own.  Now they're addressing the courtship rumors.  They obviously follow themselves in the media.  I guess instead of taking care of their children, they're scouring the Internet for stories.  I'd love to know their honest response to the petition asking TLC to cancel their show.    

    • Love 4
  13. I wonder how JimChelle is going to get out of this

    I can't tell how important a story this is.  For me, it's big.  For the average person who doesn't watch?  Dunno'.  I wonder if it rises to the level of requiring a statement by the family.  I'm guessing there have been some conference calls between the Duggars and TLC.  

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