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Aside from wondering if I am insane or possibly don't really exist (am I really living in The Matrix or any other if a half dozen or more dystopian novels?) I'm hanging in there. I've had to get through three family members with health issues all at the same time and some icky work stuff. But I'm still standing and kind of wondering how this will all play out. The mood goes from nihilistic (so Trump nukes us all - maybe we deserve it) to damn, maybe some real change can occur if we keep calling people out on tbeir crap, ultimately making life safer for women, minorities etc
Oh God, how horrifying.
I won't know if mine has been received until I return home from work in February. ETA: Mr. Buffyjunkie reports mine arrived in the mail!
I think I saw the last episode Endeavor. Wow.
OK so WTF. Every time I think I've posted, then come back to post something else, I see my prior post never posted. I end up deleting half of them because they are so stale. Anyhoo, just saw an episode of West World. That was all kinds of oh so evil bad it's brilliant. Might have to watch all of them now.
Oh AnnieF I understand. Every now and then there are the sleepless nights. All the entertainers passing away just adds to the sadness. But we're here. And we had a little good news about our "extended" family. And we will just try to keep the music alive by sharing it with those younger than us so it lives on. One day, one step, one breath. Or so I keep telling myself. Hugs. Oh Boliver, I am so sorry for your loss. You are two of the best people a cat, or even a person, could be in relation with.
Oh AnnieF I understand. Every now and then there are the sleepless nights. All the entertainers passing away just adds to the sadness. But we're here. And we had a little good news about our "extended" family. And we will just try to keep the music alive by sharing it with those younger than us so it lives on. One day, one step, one breath. Or so I keep telling myself. Hugs.
Cats (and hobbits), they do the darndest things. Today I was listening to my Christmas CDs. I swear when the Dean Martin one came on I just craved a Manhattan, a cigarette, and a slow dance by Christmas tree light. Hope y'all hanging in there.
I'm delighted to answer yes to that. This year the SIL & BIL who usually host are gone, so it's just us, the kids, and two grandmas! Better yet, no long drives, no excessive food comas. Like my workout partner said, "My house. My rules." I'm even hoping to catch a movie. How about y'all?
I'm in for SS. It is scary. Paul Ryan is ready to eliminate Medicare. They're just going to line things up and shoot them down one by one...Social Security, labor laws, environmental laws, welfare and then abolish the enforcement agencies EPA, OSHA, FDA, SEC and then privatize anything they can get their hands on but especially the schools. Welcome to the oligarchy. Initiated by a bunch of paranoid, reality-deficient billionaires so scared of losing their money that they have no issue with making life a living hell for everyone else. And supported by a bunch of racist, mysoginist, xenophobic white idiots who worship them but hate the educated middle class who look down on them. Yeah, we're going to need more than safety pins. Sorry, didn't mean to add to the despair. I just really don't know how to fix the result of a plan that has been in the making for 50 years to the tune of about half a billion dollars. And the more impoverished people become, the less energy will exist to fight. I'm still processing my grief.
Oh, that is good news Hostile. How's everyone else hanging in there? I'm kind of in limbo waiting to hear where my job will send me next year. Stressed wondering where the boy will ever find a job. And seriously creeped out by the serial rapist they just arrested on the nearby college campus. Otherwise just trying to enjoy the autumn colors.
Yeah, I find it surprising to have only been called once given my consistent voting. May I just say that Crete with friends and a driver named Costas rocks.
Ohh, 42 years - very impressive trudi tru. My caramel apple had salty peanuts too. It made up for the microbrewery beer which was meh. Gorgeous weather though, beautiful sky and clouds and weather. It is good to have friends. I too was hoping they would make it. They seemed more active than most celebs in supporting good causes and family -oriented. Which seems to be a phase for husbands who grow out of it when their mid-life crisis hits.
Ohh, 42 years - very impressive trudi tru. My caramel apple had salty peanuts too. It made up for the microbrewery beer which was meh. Gorgeous weather though, beautiful sky and clouds and weather. It is good to have friends.
I have hopes for my Saturday. After fifteen straight days of dealing with "Mom stuff" I'm taking a break. Friend are driving over and we're going out to a brewpub for lunch and hopefully a little hike then caramel apples at an orchard. Sunday its back to sorting photos and cards but my big sis is taking lead on that. Congrats on the fun new unit Erratic. Loandbehold you know I love you right? What about everyone else?