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india wilkes

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Posts posted by india wilkes

  1. Obviously this show has changed dramatically (and not in a good way) this season, but I wonder why. Sadly, I blame the award culture. Yep.


    They were a drama, but weren't getting recognized. So they changed their category. Comedy.


    It's been noted that Sammi (brand new newcomer) got a ton of screentime doing 'shameless' things this season. Same goes with Frank, but he's always been that way, and we know that the show is gonna take advantage of William H Macy's name.


    That said, Nobody else on the show is being recognized except William H Macy. He finally did win an emmy, right? Anyway, I think the showrunners are so thirsty to win more that they'll just stick as many weird and out of character scenes now in the show. Which is sad, because I feel like they really ruined it this season. 

  2. I have seen posts from people who have bipolar who said how Ian treated Mickey was not a symptom of having bipolar. it was just plain mean. 


    I understand the character of Mickey may not be back, but does that really mean that "hey, we gotta turn Ian into an asshole and make him not care at all about Mickey!" ?


    From day 1 of this season, Mickey has been there. In episode 8, he came back at the end of the episode and Ian seemed relieved he came back. 


    Ian voiced his frustrations in episode 10, but as we saw later, they seemed to be okay again and were on their way to go on a date. 


    After hanging out with Monica, something drastically changed. Monica tells him "You need someone to love you for you," blah blah blah.....and that somehow means "I need to dump Mickey....."


    I dont have a problem with a breakup. it happens. I have a problem with how it actually went down. It did not make sense. Mickey tells him he loves him and Ian seems to be confused as to what that means. Mickey then recites freaking wedding vows and Ian just mocks him.


    WHAT? I don't understand it. 


    Wait. Maybe I do. Maybe in season 6, we will figure out Ian also has a personality disorder. That is the only way to explain it. YES. That has to be it! 

    • Love 2
  3. Interesting. Monica says a few sweet words here and there and somehow ian decides to leave with her. Mickey has been there all season for him and this is how you gonna treat him ian? I know Fiona and Co. are too wrapped up in their own stuff, but nah...Mickey has been there all damn season.

    Oh show. You're kind of making me not like Ian right now.

    • Love 1

    Why are we spending so much time with this minor character, while the long time ones are left out cold?

    When you get the answer to that, please let me know! I've been wondering that too! 

    • Love 2
  5. I am really confused by Sammi. What is her problem? Ian did nothing to her. Carl is the reason Chuckie is in Jail. Not Ian, not Mickey, and not Fiona. 


    I am also confused as to why Fiona has not kicked her out. What is the holdup? It makes no sense. She is still living there next episode. 


    This is why the season has been so annoying to me. Fiona use to run the house, and really be on top of things. Now? well, she is hardly ever seen anymore. 




    But at the same time Carl was able to reach out to Mickey Milkovich, someone who's done a lot more to hurt his family than Sammi/Chuckie have.

    how has mickey done more to hurt the family? he has hurt Ian, but the whole family? 

    • Love 2
  7. Dang Shameless. This may be my last season with you. This episode sucked. I don't feel like going down my laundry list of why, but that's how I feel. 

    What a boring episode.


    Sammi continues to be the worst with too much screen time. 


    Ian's plot line about not taking his meds lasted all of 3 mins. And of course a scene of Ian/Mickey got cut (based on stills they were supposed to have a scene outside the clinic).


    Lip and his teacher is so cliched. I dont give a crap about any of his school story lines.


    I did appreciate the Ian/Lip scene. I felt like they haven't had a proper scene together in 2 seasons. 


    Bianca is way too good for Frank.

    I think Sammi has ruined this season for me. Brand spanking new to the show and She gets more screen time than probably Fiona. Heck, probably more than Frank! it's ridiculous. 

  8. for those of you who like debbie, can i ask why? i mean, this show had her rape a boy and she still doesn't seem to comprehend what she did. debbie has always been shown (in the past anyway) to be quite smart and caring of others. this season, it's like boys > brains. 


    i dont understand it at all. 

    • Love 1
  9. I liked the last episode. at least quality wise, that is. the other episodes? NO


    I was also confused by Claire's feelings towards Frank. It obviously started after that man hanged himself in Russia and she went off in that press conference. what confused me was after that, she and frank seemed to come to an understanding again and then that stupid author comes in and.....what? it was so bizarre. 


    I love claire and i always thought she and frank saw eye to eye. this season was so weird. 

    • Love 6
  10. No, she is his legal guardian. Which is something she fought very hard and passionately for. For what? To move out, do her own thing and vaguely hope that someone, anyone remembers to feed, clothe, bathe him etc,? She is also legally responsible for Carl, Debbie & Ian (perpetual 17 yr old) - drug dealer, rapist & pornstar/babynapper respectively. Frank needs to dig up that number for CPS again. If this was just a continuation of the season 4 plot where Fiona was shown spiralling out of control and becoming more irresponsible it would be annoying but I would get it. Instead it's as if this is normal; that the Gallaghers are just these unfortunate kids with shitty parents and each of them has just always had to fend for him/herself. Like the first 3 seasons never happened.

    THIS. THIS. THIS. SO MUCH THIS. i do not understand what the hell this show is doing with Fiona. Ian went missing last season and she seemed okay with that. then it became obvious Ian had a problem, but she was okay with him living with Mickey. If i were Fiona, I would be so far up Mickey's ass. 'you love my brother and that is great, but he needs to get help. got a problem with that? too bad. i am his legal guardian, so step the hell aside....'


    apparently men > family


    Why does Sammi get so much screen time and Ian so little. Would much rather see more of his POV.

    must be nice to literally be a new character on a show that's already got many established characters and then take over the majority of the screentime from everyone else. the actress got a hell of a deal there, tell you what...

    • Love 4
  11. i have thought of postpartum, but this is shameless. I doubt we'll see them delve into that. 


    notice debbie raped a guy and mentioned it yesterday like it was nothing? not saying rape is the same as postpartum. i just dont think this show tends to focus on serious issues very well. 

    • Love 1
  12. what is WITH debbie? i truly expect her to lift her leg and start peeing on cute boys. she is so boy obsessed. it's really off putting. nothing wrong with liking boys, but i dont know man. she takes it to a level in which i constantly have to look away from the screen and pray she shuts up.


    sammi is annoying. grass is green. sky is blue. ok, next!


    not enough Ian. they did a great job in showing his POV last episode and this episode? nothing really.


    Glad Jimmy/jack/steve is gone. for good? yeah right. in season 8 or something, i bet he will show up. 


    lip...didn't care. 


    frank, didn't care.


    veronica/kevin - i am not sure what is going on there. I can't side with Veronica at all. i understand she has needs, but i dont know what's so wrong about kevin caring for the babies. good god veronica, get over it. 

    • Love 2
  13. UGH. I cant stand the term 'lover'.....i cringed when Mickey said that. I dont know what it is about that word, but.......it doesn't hold the weight of "partner" which i think is a better term than lover or boyfriend. I also like 'significant other' but anyway.......

    • Love 5
  14. everyone: OMG IAN


    jimmyjacksteve: HI EVERYONE!


    everyone: ian who?


    ....WAIT A SEC. omg. the shameless timeline cracks me up and not in a good way. notice in the preview, debbie says 'he took yevgeny last night?" and fiona replies "late, yeah..."


    maybe it's just me, but ian took the baby in the morning. he had just came in from "work" and mickey asked him where he had been. then they had the confrontation...then ian took off. it wasn't LATE. 


    wtf shameless. idiots

  15. "I'm glad Mickey and Ian are getting more screen time but I'm not happy with how Ian's probable bipolar disorder is being handled. The In-This-Together-Gallaghers of earlier seasons would never be this uninvolved, they'd do everything they could to make sure their brother doesn't become Monica."


    ^ the quote feature is being a pain for me and not cooperating. The part in bold must be why i find myself losing interest in the show. the family just isn't the family unit i came to know and love in the first few seasons. 


    There is a preview clip also that annoyed me. Fiona basically forgets about Ian when Jimmy shows up. 


    Fiona sucks as a guardian



    • Love 2
  16. The show needs to decide if Jimmy/steve is back for good or not. if he disappears again only to reappear again, I am going to be 100% done with this show. 


    The episode show was okay. I think i am losing interest in the show which makes me sad. something is just off about this season. very aggravating to me


    Sammi hitting on Mickey was weird. is she the only one in the southside who has no idea that he is gay? everyone else seems to be up to date. 

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