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Posts posted by LadyChaos

  1. It had to be bad enough that the Queen believed Eloise couldn't be LW. And it really is only a temporary scandal. The Bridgertons are wealthy, well liked, and titled....not to mention Eloise's sister is a Duchess.....the scandal of her spending time 'covorting with political radicals' won't stick. Clearly they were already at parties and talking with others by end of the next episode and by time s3 starts no one will care anymore.

    However, if Pen has written the whole rule of Eloise spending time alone in Bloomsbury with the printers apprentice.....well, Lady Mary's parents will still outcast from society 20 years after she married 'below her station.' Not to mention, Eloise would've been forced to marry Theo because she was with him without a chaperone.

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  2. https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/phoebe-dynevor-exits-bridgerton-season-3-netflix-1235506536/


    “Well I did my two seasons,” Dynevor recently told Variety when asked about her “Bridgerton” future. “I’ve done what I wanted to do with that character and she had a great arc. If they ask me back in the future, who knows?”

    Makes me think that its quite possible that we won't get Kate after s3. 

    It could like their signed on through their story arc, plus one season and thats it

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  3. 13 hours ago, anamika said:

    I don't there is going to be much of Kate or Anthony either. It's already going to be crowded with Colin/Pen, Francesca's story of possibly meeting and marrying her husband and set up for either Benedict (meeting Sophie) or Eloise.

    So yeah, no Daphne to be expected. And without Simon and no recasting, her popping up without her hubby and Anthony's good friend is not going to look good either.

    I think we will see a lot of them this season, but probably not next.

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  4. On 6/8/2022 at 5:43 PM, Gillian Rosh said:

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes Penelope. And I agree - it's hard to square the character we see with the snarky narrator. But I guess that's where she expresses that part of her personality. LW papers does seem to be an outlet for her.

    I think Pen is a good person, and I like her too....I think the problem comes from that I think initially she started LW as a harmless way to vent her frustrations and feel like she had a voice....until the issue with the guy that was threatening Daphne (don't remember his name) she didn't really report anything other then what people were wearing and the impressions people gave to the ton. She was really only reporting what others were already saying in a more entertaining way, and she didn't leave herself out of it.....Although we don't see it, I feel like Eloise would've told her that this guy was threatening her family, and Pen saw an opportunity to expose him for the trash he was and save her friends family. After that it kind of shifted and got out of control.....BUT at the end of the day Pen/LW is not responsible for other peoples actions, she is only responsible for exposing them. And people shouldn't blame her for what happened to them when their actions were exposed. Marina and Eloise are still responsible for what they were doing. 

    I also think that Pen feels like she has little control over her life and that she lacks a voice in her real life and it occasionally causes her to lash out. With Marina, she didn't expose her until she felt backed into a corner and Marina was cruel to her. With writing about Eloise, she hadn't considered writing something bad about Eloise until Delacriox suggested it, even then she wasn't going to do it until Eloise said she was going to pretend to LW which was only a temporary solution (plus I think Penelope was afraid of losing control of the one thing she felt was hers), and she wasn't cruel to Eloise when Eloise was yelling at her....until Eloise called her a coward and an insipid wallflower (something Eloise knew would hurt her)...then she was cruel.

    Being cruel is never Penelope's first instinct. But she does lack some emotional control and is prone too lashing out.

    We all gossip, even we say we don't gossip...we still gossip and talk about other people when we're with friends. Most people ignored Pen or bullied her and the only reason Penelope knew 90% of what she reported is because people were already talking about it, in front of her. And everyone had no problem devouring these scandal sheets because they all love gossip. Even the Bridgertons.

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  5. On 9/25/2022 at 10:12 AM, bijoux said:

    Phillip isn't related to the Bridgertons in the books. Book Marina is a distant cousin of theirs.

    Yep..thanks...I hadn't read Eloise's book yet and was confused... but I still think Phillip and Eloise will end up together, and my other points stand.

  6. Jubal was a drunk who was sleeping with his younger partner.....and screwed up a case because of it.

    When Isabel was younger, she was sleeping with her older partner who was a drunk and screwed up a case.....


  7. I don't dislike Nancy, but the girl is in her early-mid twenties and had clearly made some dumb mistakes....but somehow we're supposed to believe she is like this super wise love specialist who is more worldly and experienced than the midwives that were doing this since before she was even a teenager.....cause she seems to have all the answers about fixing people relationships and its just....I sit here watching going 'Oh....of course Nancy will get involved with Trixie's relationship and get him to step out of his comfort zone to show his fun side to everyone like Trixie wanted...' ...If it weren't for Nancy, this poor man in a relationship wouldn't have a clue....yet she seems to so clueless that she's not being a good roommate.

    Im glad there was no SMJ coming in to save the day/drama plot. I love Judy Parfitt, but I wish they sent SMJ to the motherhouse at this point.

    I am glad we saw the Mullucks back, I like their family.

    I hope Helen George doesn't leave the show after Trixie gets married. At this point, I feel like Trixie, Sister Julienne, and the Turners are the backbone of the show.

    15 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

    Ahh... I just realized, she might have thought he was going to give her his late wife's engagement ring. 

    Lightbulb moment....that makes sense.....

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  8. 18 hours ago, LtKelley said:

    Is that a problem though? I know I was watching and was thinking "this would be a hilarious crossover with HP" the whole time.

    I liked the show. But I think it would've been more successful, and people would've liked it better, if they didn't use the Addams Family name but instead called it Nevermore and called the family by a different name....or have it be Wednesday's kid instead of Wednesday.....and there is the obvious problem that Netflix has control over it, which tells a lot people its probably going to go down the drain real fast, and then get canceled after the 3rd or 4th season.

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  9. 17 hours ago, nodorothyparker said:

    Finally finished this. This show is a strange animal in that I thought it did some things very well. It's clearly a star turn for Jenna Ortega, who basically carried the whole thing on her back and totally has the deadpan thing down. But as a long-time Addams Family aficionado who loved Christina Ricci in her turn at the title role, I didn't like it as much as I wanted to like it. So much of it felt like a very casual knowledge of the Addams Family brand of humor and Harry Potter run through a Tim Burton does Hot Topic blender.  I wouldn't have been surprised at all to learn that Catherine Zeta Jones had never heard of Morticia Addams at all when she took the part and got no more instruction than "she wears a tight black dress and makes pouty faces at Gomez."

    The story itself was every weirdo boarding school plot with Harry Potter monsters thrown in and once you realized Gwendolyn Christie's character was being played straight it felt pretty obvious that the only other major star in the credits wearing a comically bad wig and glasses combo was the likely culprit. Didn't care about the sort of kind of not really triangle the show was definitely hinting at but was a little sorry to see Tyler was not only the hyde but that he was fully aware of what he was doing. The actor had good chemistry with Ortega and played well off of all the weirdness around him. It's also less interesting to me to see a psycho go full psycho because a villain's gotta villain than if he had been a more gothic tragic figure unaware he even had that in him. The less said about the resurrected Scooby Doo angry Pilgrim father villain the better. It's actually kind of disappointing to realize Christina Ricci's entire plot built up to that.

    Someone I don't remember who, called Nevermore Illvermorny and honestly...It feels like a HP and Sabrina had a baby.

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  10. How is it Xavier is considered the wet blanket and Tyler was so great with Wednesday and didn't expect anything? I'm asking because I'm seeing this a lot on a lot of discussion threads...

    Xavier is open an honest about his thoughts and feelings yeah....I mean the audacity of a guy being open and honest....but he also calls Wednesday on her crap all the time...

    He saves her...and she makes a remark about him trying to be the big strong man saving the weak woman who hopes the woman will be gratefully indebted to him...and he goes 'OMG! Your soooo right...I couldn't possibly have done it just because it was the right thing to do...of course not. I also couldn't have done it because you saved my life once...no...It must be because I thought you were a weak female...'  ..... or when Wednesday called him an 'Elitist snob' and he turned it back on her with 'Well...since our families are both wealthy and run in the same circles....If I'm an elitist snob, what does that make you?' 

    Meanwhile, Tyler is over here 'I'm getting mixed signals from you. Do you like me? Want to date me? No...let me ask again in another episode. Let me take you on this super romantic date? You took me to this old run down house, where I nearly died(not really) but I'm the only one that lets that roll off my back and still wants to kiss you when your friends rightfully called you on your crap and then bailed. (I mean of course we know why at the end....but....still.)

    • Like 6
  11. 50 minutes ago, WendyCR72 said:

    Not just other countries. Affiliates in any given section of the US could preempt if they choose to. It's happened before. Some affiliates balk at content and show something else if they disapprove.

    And if people think things like this don't happen.....earlier this year Russia refused to allow the sale of the Wedding Stories game pack for Sims 4, for as long as EA featured a same sex couple on the front....it was a big thing, EA wasn't going to change it, but agreed to at the last minute to comply with Russia's demand.

    Anime is changed all the time to make it 'more palatable' to whatever Country their trying to market to.....At the end of the day, a company will always follow whatever direction will make them the most money.

  12. 11 minutes ago, WendyCR72 said:

    Hell, even soaps have had characters get abortions. Erica Kane on All My Children (even if it was reversed decades later; don't ask!) and - just recently - a character on Days of Our Lives had one.

    Maybe the writers just want Scola to have a family. And, as mentioned, like it or not, the country is divided, and programs tend to want to try to please everyone to keep eyeballs on screen, so it is what it is.

    Not to mention the amount of countries that might ban the episode. 

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  13. Just now, Grrarrggh said:

    Name one time it's happened? Truly, name one. As for the point? It's real. Characters can deal with it. It's a cop out and bad writing when the viewer knows that every time a woman gets pregnant she'll either have it and ruin her life or 'dramatically' miscarry. As for Arrow, the storyline they shouldn't have bothered with was Oliver lying to Felicity when half of Star City already knew about the kid.... Second, the world isn't divided. According to polls more than half the country is fine with abortion. 

    I can name 2 off the top of my head. The original Melrose Place and Dirty Dancing....

    The world and the USA are the same thing. In many countries, abortion is still illegal.

  14. 10 hours ago, Grrarrggh said:

    No woman on these programmes is EVER in favour of an abortion. Abortion doesn't exist on television or films, except as a concept to be dismissed. 

    It happens.....just not very often. My personal opinion is that the show runners don't see a point in introducing a pregnancy storyline if their not gonna carry it to term....otherwise if its brought up, and then the person gets an abortion...its like 'What was the point?' Is that how it happens in the real world, no but its TV....kinda like in another show I used to watch a character got paralyzed, but miraculously a friend invented a chip to make their legs work within a few episodes....why bother doing it at all? 

    Not to mention, clearly a lot of the world is still divided on abortion...and they have to be aware that....It could stop them from even being allowed to air an episode in certain countries, and even in the US...could turn a lot of people to suddenly hate a character.

  15. 31 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

    Anyone else wonder if Nina was hoping Scola wouldn’t sign? That she was either just offering him a way out if he wanted it, or that she wanted him to have to decide to commit to being involved if he was going to be at all? 
    Do we know anything about Nina’s parents and how involved they were or were not? Or was she adopted maybe?

    Who played the drug dealer father?

    No...I think she meant what she said, she needed to have total control over her and the babies lives and Scola being an active parent prevents that. We've seen her need to be in charge and go it alone. I think in her mind, relying on Scola in any way is setting herself up for failure. But hearing him speak the way he did, seemed to help her understand that she didn't need to do it alone and help her understand that he wanted his child too...otherwise I think she wouldn't have been so understanding when he said no.

    I do think she will turn down the job in LA to try to raise the baby with Scola.

    Though, TBH, if he had agreed...I would start wondering what the showrunners have against men being good fathers cause OA's dad died when he was young, Jubal's kids live full time with their mother and he only sees them when he can drive out of the city to see them, Elise is a single mother, some of the remarks made by Maggie imply her upbringing wasn't great, Scola's brother died when his kids were young....Do we know if Tiffany's father was around? I don't remember.

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  16. 11 minutes ago, KLovestoShop said:

    Overall, a pretty boring episode. Very predictable.  I wonder if Missy, Zeeko and  Jeremy even got paid for appearing for a few minutes. 

    They are series regulars, they get paid whether they appear in the episodes or not. MP would've been paid for every ep she was on maternity leave for.

  17. Wow Nina ... No, your not signing over your parental rights at all...this is just a contract that states I have complete and total control over our childs life and you have no say while I move across the country where you can never see it....but you know, you can be as involved as you want to be...

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  18. 9 hours ago, neptunewaves said:

    Oh yes, I am not arguing that. The convo with Wednesday at the jail left no room for doubting he's gone full sociopathic. What I am saying it's everything in the show up to that point hint at the situation being a little more ambiguous than that, and I thought it would have been more interesting to deal with a tragic figure than yet another sociopath going berserk for shit and giggles. The timeline is a little fuzzy on purpose, so we don't know if Tyler started cleaning his act before Laurel got a hold of him; he could have very well been already seeing the doctor and working at the cafe before Laurel woke the hyde. And despite what he says, the flashback shows Laurel had to restrain and keep injecting him for a while before he finally broke.

    I don't buy that Tyler was only pretending to help Wednesday get to the train station because what exactly could he have done? Laurel needed her alive. That's why she either sent him to stop Rowan or Tyler acted out of his volition. 

    And then we have the "mixed signals" scene. I found it a bit odd at the time because Tyler had never been pushy and barely batted an eye at Wednesday changing her mind mid-sentence before but, looking back, maybe that was when Laurel started urging him to get closer to Wednesday. Even Wednesday herself looked taken aback. Enid pushed her out of her comfort zone more than Tyler ever did. And yet Wednesday reacts slightly differently to the sudden but inevitable declarations of interest. She's blunt but far from antagonistic with Tyler and the exact opposite with Xavier. Because this isn't the first nor last time Xavier acts entitled to Wednesday's attention. Whereas Tyler's pushiness seems to come out of the blue, this is a pattern for Xavier.

    I'm just massively disappointed they chose to write Tyler off like that. I don't even care if he got together and stayed with Wednesday (let them be friends!), I think he was a fun, interesting character to have around. A chill "normie" just hanging out with the weirdos and putting up with all kinds of crazy shit from a place of genuine amusement/fascination.

    Well....Thornhill had been there about 18 months, she told Wednesday, and went to the coffee shop everyday....We know that roughly a year passed after he 'pranked' Xavier, which he said prompted his change of heart....which I'm inclined to believe initially provoked him to seek the therapist. And by all intent and purposes there appeared to only be about 4-5 deaths related to taking parts, not including the the ones not labeled as 'bear attacks'.....since its only 4-5 deaths I'm feeling its happened over a short time because 4-5 animal related attacks over a year would probably not be looked at too closely. So I'm guessing that the attacks probably started a few months before the events in the show.

    I also disagree that the show just 'wrote him off' as just another sociopath...I'm glad it turned out that he knew was he was doing and enjoyed it and proving Wednesday wrong. I felt if they made it so he was sorry, and didn't know what he was doing..that would've been the obvious copout for this kind of show. As a whole, there have been a lot of people complaining about how we seem to be in this trend of where the 'villain' is justified, or relatable, or gets a redemption arc because deep down their really a good person who just did a bad thing for the right reasons or was coerced....I enjoyed finally getting a villain again that was okay to just not like and think was a bad person.

    And I don't view Xavier's actions as feeling entitled on Wednesday's time....but more that he angry that she likes the person who he knows is not a good person, and tormented him. He also only seems to have a problem with her hanging out with Tyler, but no problem with her hanging out with anyone else. And honestly, if anything he is far more antagonistic towards her then she is to him, as he is quick to point out her flawed logic or point out her hypocrisy when she gets on her high horse....and she kind of needs that, and if anything its why she is distant with him because she don't like that he challenges her intellectually instead of bowing down and taking her verbal assault.

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  19. 21 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

    Oh, I like that idea. And given how very little the rest of the Addams' matter to the story, it would have worked. They could still have had Thing because, does a disembodied hand age?, and even Fester could have still been around. Gomez and Morticia felt more like product placement than anything. Their stupid backstory could easily have been Wednesday and her husband with little Thursday (or whatever they ended up naming the kid) being the kid heading off to boarding school. 

    Exactly. I think that would've been a great way to go 

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