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Posts posted by lovetheduns

  1. On August 4, 2016 at 3:26 PM, Barb23 said:

    By reading the credits at the end, there were actually 2 choreographers that put that mess together. Unbelievable!!

    Well I think the reality is that she has very limited choreography that she can do. What I did find "nice" in this video that the couple minutes of dancing at the end was uncut. Usually her videos are spliced together.

    It blows my mind when she does the "sit up" and smiles like it was an accomplishment. 

    • Love 3
  2. On August 4, 2016 at 0:04 PM, SongbirdHollow said:

    I don't get the point of the stairclimbing anyway. Why run up them as fast as possible? Why not practice going up at a steady pace, improving your stamina gradually? Will is a nice guy but I don't think he's the right trainer for Whitney. He always has her doing stuff that she's not ready for. Like burpees last season. She's going to get injured or have a heart attack. I think she needs to work on establishing the habits first. Consistent walking and strength and flexibility until some of the weight comes off. A couch to 5k or something.

    Will was not the trainer shown last year. :)

    • Love 1
  3. 17 hours ago, DNR said:

    I just don't see Dancing when Twit "dances".  It's LOTS of arm twirling and legs moving side to side- it's a big girl kinda sorta exercising.  She's delusional with this " dance career" crap.  Babs & Glen you have failed your special snowflake by feeding into her b^llshit.

    It still looks so.... disheveled to me. Maybe it is because it is intended to look like folks are off of the street and you do not need to do anything special to work out. Which is a pretty decent message but I fail to see what a super morbidly obese woman who obviously can't control her own lifestyle can teach me (other than never get that big)

    • Love 12
  4. 20 hours ago, princelina said:

    I'd bet $100 that that bag originally had 2 cookies in it.  When Will came out to the car, I was thinking that the producers had just made him come out because she was crying in the car.  Then when he caught all the garbage - hilarious!  And he gave me a much needed kick in the pants about being prepared with food choices before I am starving - thanks, Will!  My DVR always cuts off the  previews but it looks like she goes crying to Tal and he is going to give her another dose of reality and agree with Will - I really hope that after the tears and self-pity comes a new understanding and motivation for her.

    Since she twice mentioned her "dance career" without irony, I was glad that Will pointed out that her behaviors are not fostering said dance career.  If you can't wear the shoes for more than 15 minutes and the idea of a 20 minute video fills you with relief because you "should be able to do it", that's a sign you should be looking for a new career.  Seriously now - "I'm always looking for ways to further my dance career; I feel like it's been stagnant for a while."  I bet the only person laughing harder than me at some of tonight's BS is Caitie!  :)

    At first I thought it was just an editing ploy - but then I remembered in season 1 her dad basically forced her to clean out her filthy car. Then I saw the stains on the floor board and I realized, yup just like in most things in her life she is beyond lazy.

    • Love 13
  5. 9 minutes ago, Eldemarge said:

    She literally got caught with a giant cookie in her hand and she's crying because he "doesn't believe in her."  

    *LOL* I was trying to figure out... so why should be proud of her? Because she bought only one massive cookie? or because she had only eaten a little bit so far?

    I also gagged looking at the bottom of her truck floor. So you have milky coffee beverages just sitting in a hot car? Are you that pathetic and lazy you can't empty the trash from your car?

    • Love 14
  6. 8 hours ago, Jeeves said:

    Here's some info on portion sizes that I found a few years go, at the National Institutes of Health website. On this page there's a two part slide show, "Portion Distortion," that compares US portion sizes of 20 years ago vs. today. Probably that "before" info is now more like 30 years ago, because I think they created this at least 5 years ago if not more.

    IMO the slide show is overly simplistic as to "calories in, calories out" as it purports to tell us how many minutes of exercise it takes to "burn off" the huge calorie loads of today's big portions, but I just ignore that part, and I find the comparisons of sizes and calorie counts to be quite thought-provoking. 

    This is why I use small bowls and small plates to eat my meals. I also use smaller spoons so I don't shovel food in my gullet like we saw with Whitney.

    Next, measuring cups and measuring spoons are some of my best friends. Tonight I had some home made mac and cheese - I measured out 2/3 of a cup of the dish and then had 2/3 of a cup of soup. I ate slowly and I was super full. I do the same with the milk in my coffee, cheese, etc.

    It is amazing how just changing your portion sizes works - my mom has a lot of mobility issues due to needing both a hip and knee replacement (this week she has not been able to do any of her workouts - using a seated desk sized elliptical machine since her knee break broke and we are waiting for a new one to come in) but she has still managed to lose 3 pounds in the past 2 weeks. 

    • Love 3
  7. 14 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

    Here's something to think about - We know Whit smokes but she has some sort of gag order on the show not to reveal that, so I think that if the unflattering camera angles and greasy hair were something she wanted to hide, she'd try harder not to let them depict her like that.  I just think she gave up caring how she looks and is buying into her "no BS" philosophy to the extent that she says "screw it" and is letting it all hang out, warts and all.   Meanwhile the show is making every effort to capitalize on that.  I can't help but think that even Kody and wives are giving into the pressure that they be depicted in a less rosy light to encourage ratings.  I think they all get addicted to the $$$ and any pretense at being in it to promote some kind of idealistic vision or cause is soon thrown out the window when TPTB makes them think that if they don't ratings might suffer.  So they tolerate a little unflattering stuff in exchange.  I think the same way about "Sister Wives".

    I tell you, she's a regular Sarah Bernhardt, that one.  What did I say about her doing anything for ratings?  LOL

    I believe you are right. I used to watch another reality show, Dance Moms, and when one of the moms started sued the show or Abby Lee a copy of her agreement with Lifetime was made public (it was a few years old). I calculated early on that the moms were bringing in a heft 6 figure salary NOT to mention the other "perks" (the signings, the events and appearances). I imagine for someone like Whitney who has been barely making any kind of living this is the best ride EVER. 6 months filming being made to feel like she is a star, special paid appearances, selling her book, appearances on various television news channels, etc. This is like winning the lottery for her. So sure, every once in awhile you will be made to look like an idiot or hypocrite, but the blindness sheep who follow you can be told that it was an unfair edit, that people are so mean to you, that you get constantly bullied, blah blah blah.

    So if Whit is getting paid anything like the woman from Dance Moms - here is a breakdown of "fees" and payments

    Episodic Fees: 6935.00 per episode (for Dance Moms this could be up to 26 episodes so a total of 180,310

    Specials Episodes: 10,000 per each "special" (aka reunions

    Lump Sum Completion Cycle Bonus: 40,000

    Lump Sum Completion Cycle Bonus the next season: 60,000

    One Day Holiday Special 12,500

    Clothing Allowance: 3,500

    Babysitting Allowance: 300.00 weekly (even though Whitney doesn't have a kid I thought this was interesting to add so people could be aware of ALL the types of payments that can be in this type of contract)

    Licensing Fees for Merchandise, etc: 1% of 100% gross revenues

    So if you add up these fees, this Dance Mom was making well over 300k for 2 seasons (probably more since Season 3 and Season 4 had more than 26 episodes).

    So although we don't know what Whitney is making we do know she recently bought the house used in filming (she advertised this on her FB) and being familiar with the area I imagine that house was anywhere from 220k-290k which would require her making more than a few thousand to be able to purchase that on her own.

    Suffice it to say, Whitney is making more money (even if she is no where making as much as what we saw from the Dance Moms contract) than what she would conceivably be able to make in ANY job based on her skill set and lack of real career focus since graduation.

    • Love 12
  8. 16 hours ago, seasons said:

    The TLC crew has got to be dissing her this season. Besides the editing and more-unflattering-than-necessary camera angles, just look at the episode titles this season vs. seasons 1 and 2. Titles seem to be capitalizing on her flaws and meanness.


    So I posted this in another thread, but I read a thread not too long ago on Reddit asking people who have worked on reality shows how real or unreal they were... buried in the comments was the following:

    "Some experience with a show that portrays a very large woman doing all kinds of active, artistic, and fun things. Some of it is actually true but they have to edit out some really crazy looks people give and even some mean comments by passerbies. They also said she was not as popular as the show made it seem as everyone was being paid to treat her affectionately and kind when really people thought of her as disgusting and ridiculous."

    So I think between the post that Kerryn had to delete about Whit smoking a full pack a day and being told by several people in production as well as how Whit is the literal and figurative cash cow makes me think that TLC crew really finds her gross and unlikable as well as many of her "friends"

    • Love 7
  9. 11 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

    OK, YMMV, but Whitney, though she may be messed up is not stupid and I don't think the show could pull off all of this stuff they've been doing with her this season that consistently without her waking up to it.  She's not THAT stupid, IMHO.  I would have seen through that like Saran Wrap.  Kerryn "just happening" to show up at the radio station when she's there and saying provocative stuff about fat people. Her and Buddy going to see Kerryn's show.....For what reason?  Then "just happening" to run into her outside so they can have a confrontation.  I just don't believe these things all just happen to happen and Whitney is at the receiving end of it without knowing that it's all been planned in advance.  It's all just part of the script.  She has to know what's happening.  She is obviously a convincing actress.  We know she's pretty manipulative even when she's being "sincere", so I don't doubt she can pull the crocodile tears on command either.  I can just hear her saying, "OK, this is where Kerryn fat shames me and I get upset and cry".  She probably thinks it's furthering her cause of hating on fat shamers, but the one thing she's wrong about is it's only making HER look bad.  Otherwise, I think she knew all of it beforehand.

    Remember we see an edited 40 min or so that is probably out of hours of footage.

    Whitney is like any other reality star. She needs the paycheck. So she is going to go along with out any of the scenarios. I imagine she thought this was her "moment" to show how hateful so many people are towards her and didn't really know how it was going to be edited at the end of the day. 

    • Love 11
  10. Due to PCOS I have an endocrinologist so I know with all of my thyroid tests that my thyroid is functioning well. 

    What I did pay for our of pocket was having my RMR metabolic rate measured at an athletic lab. Based on my weight, height, and age my predicted RMR was a few hundred points higher than what is reality. I now know my RMR is quite a bit lower than things like Myfitnesspal and other calculators say so I had to re-arrange what I consumed in the day. I also work out with a heart rate monitor so I know the reality of what I really burn at the gym or any other excercises. The machines at the gym and online calorie excercise logs vastly overestimate how many calories I REALLY burn. I.e. I do not burn over 500 calories in a 1/2 hour on the elliptical it is really around half of that. 

    I lose weight consistently about a pound a week on average. It is not fast and I have changed a lot more about my eating habits. I practice portion control, intermittent fasting (helps to burn fat reserves) and eating slower (stomach has opportunity for my brain to know I'm full). I don't refuse any type of food but I don't seek out higher carb or higher fat foods either. 

    • Love 1
  11. 4 hours ago, LocalGovt said:

    I'd hate to see her eating something she likes!

    Apparently, Whitney smokes a pack a day, as well.  So add  that to her morbidity list.

    Seeing how she eats the cake (and even to a lesser degree the birthday dinner) and even the times she is sitting in her car eating - she reminded me of My 600 lb Life. To me that shoveling and just GET IN MY MOUTH NOW mentality is so indicative of a binge eating disorder. No wonder why she is hungry, your stomach never gets a chance to tell your brain HEY I AM FULL! It takes supposedly around 15 minutes for that to register.

    Interestingly, I failed to see my own fatlogic for YEARS until one day something clicked while I was watching My 600 Lb Life. I saw how grotesque (there is really no other word) those people were when they were eating. It was almost as if they were eating on a conveyor belt - a constant circle of food in the gullet and more on the fork before they had even chewed the mouthful that they already had. I realized shockingly I did that too. I CONSUMED my food with a viciousness that I had never realized. Now my heaviest I was 288 lbs and I thought I was constantly eating at that weight. I can't fathom how much someone that is 350+ is eating. 

    I realized that when I was eating out with friends, I could NEVER finish my meal it was because I spent so much more time socializing and talking to where my belly could tell me I was full. Seeing it so exaggerated on shows like My 600 Lb Life made me really examine myself. I couldn't hear it from other people. I had to REALIZE it. 

    Now, I adhere to very strict portions. I force myself to put my spoon down after each bite and to just chew and swallow before quickly shoving more in my mouth. Now I get full. I don't binge any longer.

    I *get* where Whitney is at. She doesn't want to acknowledge that her being close to 400 lbs is REALLY HER. You can try to pretend all day long it is PCOS or whatever else, but the reality is that PCOS and even hypothyroidism is NOT going to pack on well over 200 lbs of excess weight. I wish she would see the light. I was there for a few years. My PCOS was my excuse as to why I just couldn't lose weight when in reality my behavior was so much more the problem.

    • Love 23
  12. 2 hours ago, grayson said:

    DixonVixen2359 asks.

    Has Whitney been weighed on camera in the current season? If she has been filmed on a scale during this season, then I have missed this scene.

    Many viewers perceive Whitney as heavier now than in Season 1 when she weighed 382 on a huge medical scale that her father brought to their house, and I am curious whether objective evidence has been shown. 

    I will say I also wonder.

    I was looking through her instagram and some of season 1 photos - she looks heavier to me but I wonder if it is because this season she really doesn't seem to put much of an effort into her appearance. She is constantly in work out clothes, sweaty and greasy - no make up. I mean I am about to head out for a violin lesson all sweaty and in workout clothes but I also just finished an hour workout with my trainer and then some cool down exercises afterwards so I am running very short on time. It is not my "standard" for how I dress out in public all the time.

    • Love 1
  13. On July 16, 2016 at 8:54 PM, John M said:

    Last confirmed weight was 387, right? She is obviously quite a bit larger than that, she's at least in the 400s.

    I mean this is really, really sad honestly, she is one minor injury away at this point from being bed ridden/scooter bound permanently if she doesn't get her food intake under control.

    Lord she looks horrific. I guess being super morbidly obese is fabulous.

    I will say this episode was a little more draggy than others.

    Even if Lennie's house is on the way to her internship, the way she kept OVER AND OVER saying how it was on the way made it sounds like she was more nuts. 

    I love Will Powell - I am half tempted to find out if I can figure out what he charges for some sessions!

    • Love 5
  14. 13 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

    I know everyone says it, but the media really is 99% of the problem. I get People magazine (free with extra airline miles, I do NOT pay for this garbage) and it is appalling. Every interview with a female celebrity asks about their diet and exercise routine. There is even a feature called "what I eat in a day" where the celeb will list all the things she eats for a nutritionist to RIP APART. I'm talking things like "a banana with breakfast is really high on the glycemic index, she should substitute unsalted kale chips and organic almond butter for a better option." And it's ALWAYS a female celebrity featured on the "what I eat in a day" page. It makes me sick. Plus every feature with pictures is about how much weight they've recently lost or how they plan to lose weight or how they gained weight while pregnant, blah blah blah. They never ask men about it or talk to men about it. Also the magazines WILL critique a celebrity for being too skinny (only if her bones are visible, though), but then if she gains literally 3 pounds they will talk about how fat she got and how she's working with a trainer to lose weight. Calgon, take me away.

    I think media plays a huge role not in weight as much as painting a very unrealistic view of women and men period. The airbrushing, the smoothing of any cellulite, normal skin rolls, etc. It is all the problem of making people think if I get to almost the underweight BMI i will be as smooth and flawless as Giselle. No, you won't because you don't have the perpetual Photoshop brushes walking with you each step. Even with the plus size models you see such as Tess Holiday the amount of editing to make the photo is unreal. So it happens big or small. And since that is not so obvious, it makes it seem like oh if I eat 2 egg whites a day and work with a trainer then I too can look like Jennifer Anniston.

    • Love 8
  15. 21 hours ago, RCharter said:

    I still think people are socially programmed to think that skinny is better.  I think society has shaped personal preference to some degree.

    Giant boobs isn't really getting fatter though....nor is just having a waist that 18 inches and butt implants.  I don't even know if that makes the body curvy anymore than I think it just makes people look like two "V's"

    I think songs like Anaconda can bring awareness......I mean....society says "fuck you" almost every day to fat people.  If the idea is that the rejection of skinny bodies makes skinny people feel bad, I guess thats maybe what fat people have felt for a long time....like their bodies are rejects and would be better if they were just skinnier.  

    I just think that historically, fat girls have probably had more shit thrown their way than skinny women.  And the "eat a cheeseburger" comments I tend to think come from people that are just salty and frustrated that their body may not be as socially acceptable as a skinnier body.

    And even still, if a celebrity is airbrushed, they aren't airbrushed to look fatter, they are airbrushed to look skinnier.   Women still starve themselves in the modelling industry and eat cotton balls, because being skinny is the ideal.  I haven't heard of a thin actress being photoshopped to look fatter.  I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but I haven't heard of it.

    I do think that no body shame is for everyone....absolutely, no one should be made to feel bad about their body.  But I think the message is probably going to apply a little more sometimes to fat people, because I think....as a society......we really look down on fat people moreso than we do skinny people.

    Again, very few women are heading to the gym to gain weight.  They may do weights, but most of that is still in an effort to lose weight, not to gain weight.

    I don't think it is socially programmed as much as it is programmed as a base instinct. People are attracted to healthy looking people. From a heterosexual standpoint at a very instinctual level men are attracted to healthy women who can best procreate. A malnourished female is no more attractive to the average man than a morbidly obese woman - why? because neither one is healthy. I remember the nasty flack that gone thrown to Calista Flockhart during her days of Ally McBeal. People constantly talked about her weight, how she must be anorexic, etc - she did actually admit to going through a bout of anorexia during the filming of that series. 

    I think thinner people also get as much comments made to them but I think it is somehow more acceptable. I have a friend who has always been close to underweight her entire life (with no boobs and no butt). She has no eating disorder, she runs A LOT, and yet people have constantly tried to intervene or made very rude comments to her. The same with a previous coworker (although based on my understanding she did have some disordered eating patterns). How many times have people said about models or some actresses to eat a sandwich or a burger?

    I go back to being more acceptable to make comments towards the thinner because their lives may NOT be impacted physically as an obese person. Being thin, you are not going to struggle with clothes options (everyone struggled with finding something flattering for their shape but the thin undoubtedly have an easier ability to try MANY more stores than say an obese person), they are not going to get a stink eye on an airplane because they may spill in someone's seat, the doctor may not completely think of weight as one of the first issues with a medical exam.

    Going back to the healthy piece, especially with everything we know in the modern society (I say this because maybe in the Amazon or some remote sub-Saharan village there may be people who do not understand long term impacts to health of being way too overweight), someone who is packing on an extra 50+ lbs is not going to appeal to the inner base instinctual preference for healthier. If we completely ignore the comorbidities to obesity that people dislike talking about (heart disease, diabetes, some cancers, nasty things such as pseudo tumorcerebi) and just look at the impacts to joints, you can't hide your head in the sand and pretend that obese individuals present the vision of healthy or if they are "healthy" at this point in time that that "health" will continue onward without any impacts as the person ages. Just like, no one is going to look at for the most part a starving Calista Flockhart in the height of her Ally McBeal days and think she is the vision of health either.

    • Love 4
  16. On July 6, 2016 at 10:41 AM, RCharter said:

    LOL @ "according to Italian scientists"

    I wonder what their outlook is on the pizza I've been wanting to order since Saturday?

    You can eat anything but it is all in moderation.

    Yesterday my mom wanted fried chicken. Well we just didn't eat anything else during the day and I got us 4 chicken fingers, french fries, and a biscuit. I even had a donut. 

    We don't eat like that everyday - when I calculated the calories it was about 1400 calories total. In my past, I would have eaten that for dinner, still had some lunch, probably some breakfast, and definitely a calorie drink from like Starbucks. 

    I have a baby foal who I visit daily to instill some small doses of training (how to get rubbed, how to have her feet picked up, how to get used to clippers, etc) and it is wicked hot outdoors. So sometimes for lunch instead of eating like a lunch lunch, I grab an ice-cream soft-serve cone that is 260 calories. It cools me down and it is filling to me. 

    So the same applies to pizza, pasta, etc. You can have ANY of it but you should measure the portion, be cognizant of how much you are eating and budget for it.

    It is ironically how I have seen my thin friends eat throughout our relationships. 

    • Love 2
  17. 10 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

    Yes, I have said this before myself, although I think it's as much her proportions as her weight that makes it hard for her to find clothing that fits.  Even plus size clothing works on somewhat "average" relative proportions for waist, hip and thigh measurements and she is probably way outside that range, especially in her hips.  She really is somewhat strangely proportioned even for a "pear shape".  I think even alterations would have to be somewhat extreme and unfeasible on most if not all regular pants.  Although today there are so many stretchy pants out there that I think she could find something thicker than the leggings she wears, but they may bunch up too much in her crotch area due to the added bulk.  That's why whenever we see her in regular clothes, it's usually a floor length dress.  They probably need no alteration and are easier to wear, despite the "chub rub".  I have always seen her wearing the leggings as a desperate move because nothing else works.

    Wasn't there another post from you in response to one of mine?  I saw it for a few minutes and then it disappeared. 

    It was deleted due to being off topic

    • Love 1
  18. 1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

    Yes Lane Bryant and plus size sections of department stores/designer collections that I would consider fashionable do have a size limit, just like any other store. there's only so much room for inventory. Lane Bryant stops at a 28 in store (often a 26). It's hard to judge size based on weight (as people carry weight differently, especially at different heights) but I highly doubt Whitney is a standard 3x( 22-24) as she claims. She's only 5'1!!! Maybe in tshirts but that's it. She would have to order her clothing online or have things tailored which is expensive and time consuming. Dressing well as a "normal plus sized" (16-20 depending) woman is expensive, although selection is better now than it was 10yrs ago. 

    I think she can squeeze into a 3x that has a lot of spandex in it, but if she had to put on some pants that were a true 22-24 that didn't have the bulk of material being spandex she would NOT fit in them. In season 1 or 2 she had her hips measured and her measuring tape couldn't even stretch across them it was well over 70 inches if I recall. Her waist was also quite bit. I can say at 5'3" and when I was at my heaviest I wore a size 22-24 and my absolute heaviest I have EVER been was 288.

    Whitney is not the average obese person - she is definitely in the super morbidly obese category which is why I think she goes more to the specialized store when shopping versus the local Lane Bryant, etc.

    • Love 1
  19. 9 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

    Wow, this is fascinating.  I have wanted to get my BMR tested because I'm sure it's probably low.  I have read about this intermittent fasting approach and think it could work for me, although my issue since menopause is hunger.  My body is not making it easy on me.  When I do fast I find myself lightheaded and feeling sick.  Perhaps being in the "yellow zone" with blood sugar is doing that, I don't know.   It might actually not be good for me to fast.  I have never had binging issues myself.  I eat what other people would eat on diet and it's not enough to make me lose weight, but the doctors never want me to go below 1200 calories a day.  One thing I am more and more certain of is that I need to find a good endocrinologist. 

    You can usually find gyms, wellness centers, athletic labs, etc who will test BMR. I had mine tested locally at a lab that caters to athlete performance and nutrition (aka registered dietitians work there). I believe it cost $60.00 and took around 30 minutes (about 20 minutes wearing this mask and sitting and just breathing in a darkened room - the mask reminds me of what you see fighter pilots wear so it covered the mouth and nose). I also got a one on one session with the dietitian to talk about results and what maybe I should do differently if anything.

    It was well worth the cost since the calculators online are just a smoothed over average for people and not unique to you. Similar to BMI - you can get an approximate from a calculator but if you really want to know your true BMI then a DEXA scan is the most accurate. 

    Fasting took probably about a week or so to get used to it. Dr. Jason Fung also mentions you can consume like a bone broth or something with very few calories if you have some issues in adjusting. I personally didn't need to do that except on the rare occasions when I had a coffee with milk.

    • Love 2
  20. 2 hours ago, mamapajama said:

    I am in Georgia.  That spandex stuff does not breathe, just holds in the heat, and makes it worse!  There are many other options, that would not make her appear as if she has been spray painted.  100 today and yesterday.  100.

    Had a creepy thought the other day.  When the alarms went off for her first day at the radio gig, the crew was already there filming. How long were they there...watching the lovebirds sleep?  I hope they are well-paid. 

    My thought is that she dresses in all of those clothes because it is hard for her to find clothes that actually have to "fit." I am thinking at her size she can't fit into any off the rack even at a store like Lane Bryant so she may have more limited options to get clothes that do not stretch and need to be fitted. Some capri workout pants or spandex pants can stretch so much more than a pair of dress pants or khakis (similar to how she couldn't get any khaki shorts when working for the Grasshoppers) or even wear the largest baseball shirt that they had for her closed. (If you notice on the show she had it open as it didn't fit and had a similar colored shirt underneath). 

    • Love 4
  21. 9 hours ago, RCharter said:

    I think thats a great point.  Jillian Michaels made it her lifestyle, and in the thread that I posted people who lost that weight seemed to have to commit to a lifestyle.   And even now, I have 20 lbs to lose, I was down 15 and gained almost another 3 just for eating thai food on july 4th, missing a few step classes, and going pretty crazy on some hummus and chocolate.

    I think the idea of sustained change to lifestyle is super key....and....an attitude that is borderline vigilant.

    Absolutely. I don't say I follow a diet, I will eat anything. I don't intentionally go after carbs daily (aka if I had a choice I would choose something other than a starchy carb) but I do not avoid them. I don't avoid anything. I eat them in a controlled portion manner. I am not going to go out and buy a huge muffin but if I did have that I sure as heck wouldn't eat the same size lunch and dinner that I would normally have. People who do some drastic "diet" for the weight loss and then think they can go back to eating the way they did before will pack on pounds super fast. Making a lifestyle change and making healthy choices every single day will keep weight off for a lifetime.

    • Love 3
  22. 12 hours ago, SongbirdHollow said:

    That sounds fascinating and also very difficult! Keep up the good work, I don't think I could do it!

    It is honestly not that hard. I think for me I always found that if I ate breakfast it was as if I revved up my hunger - I wanted to eat more and more throughout the day. I would then eat lunch, snack on some nuts or cheese, and then dinner, and then maybe some dessert. 

    Whereas now, I don't *feel* that way. Like today, my mom had asked if we could get some fried chicken from a local place (they give you some french fries, with 4 tenderloins, and a biscuit). I also had a donut someone had given me - that was all I ate and even 9 hours later I feel absolutely stuffed. I remember when I could eat SO much more than that. 

    • Love 2
  23. 14 hours ago, yogi2014L said:

    If she could get her shit together she really could lose 100-150 lbs, regain some of her mobility and still be a role model to fat fit and fabulous. Whitney will never be a normal weight at this point,but I think a victory for her would be to just be regular overweight and mobile. 

    The biggest loser study was fascinating to me because it really shows the detriment to gaining massive amounts of weight. Your body will fight you to keep it off, its very difficult to maintain weight loss once you have lost significant weight and I can totally see how some people just say eff it . Drives home the notion that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. 


    Well, I took the study with a grain of salt. How many of us are losing weight like the Biggest Loser, where many of those contestants supposedly were encourage to reduce to even less than 1200 calories a day and workout hours and hours during the day? Not to mention that these individuals could not maintain that level of athleticism/working out alone nor could many of them REALLY continue to eat as they had. What concerns me is that people will think "oh well it is impossible to lose weight and keep it off so why bother." Similar to how people think if you don't eat all throughout the day you are going to go into "starvation mode." If human beings were that frail to go into starvation mode, then it is pretty amazing we have made it to the year 2016 as a species since how would a human being be able to access stored fat and energy in order to seek more food in times of famine or need to hunt for more food?

    So I took the study to mean that if you do some significant starvation, fad diet, with crazy levels of burning the few calories you get you can TRULY damage the body. 

    Something else, although people say they "eat" healthy there is a difference between "eating healthy" and eating at a calorie deficit. These people were not continuously monitored in a metabolic lab with their diets as carefully tracked so similar to how Whitney swears she doesn't eat all the time, I don't think we can confidently say how many calories they were truly maintaining a day post their appearance on the tv show.

    I don't know if I have metabolic damage but I did have my BMR tested within a lab setting and although the anticipated results based on the various calculators out there had me having a suggested BMR anywhere from 1600-1900 calories a day, my real measured BMR was 1409. If I solely relied on the online calculators I would be potentially be eating at a higher amount daily (combined with my workouts) that I would not be getting a true caloric deficit to lose weight.

    One thing that has helped me is the combined research that Dr. Jason Fung has been analyzing and reporting. Basically, I follow an intermittent fasting plan and portion control. I only eat during the hours of 1pm - 8pm - there is at least one day a week where I fast from one dinner to the next (aka almost 24 hours). A "snack" may be an apple but in general I do not snack. I measure portions and I do at least a 45 min workout 5-6 days a week. Basically the idea with intermittent fasting is to open the body stores of fat to be used as energy which keeps the metabolism from not being damaged. Here is a really good article where he addresses the Biggest Loser study.  https://intensivedietarymanagement.com/fix-broken-metabolism/ I did find during my BMR test that I am fat burning during fasting so it seems to be working for me. I have also found it has helped to break a lot of my previous food binging issues. My stomach literally can't hold the volume it used to when I would eat almost all day. I don't feel "hungry" because I have two larger meals versus trying to eat smaller bites throughout the day. Once I got used to it, I have a tremendous amount of energy (I actually workout while fasting) and my body is so much better now telling me "hey I am hungry" or "I am really thirsty." 

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