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Posts posted by Pyralis

  1. I clearly watch too many British shows - when the flashbacks showed Peggy at Bletchley Park, my first thought was "I wonder if she knew Susan, Millie and their gang" and when she got the SOE tap - "I 'll bet Hilda Pierce picked her out".  I'll just quietly go back to my corner now.


    I agree that there was far less action in this episode, but I think of it as moving some the pieces around for the next string of events.  The Aggie backstory showed some of her choices to get where she wanted to be and helped illuminate why she's doing some of the things that she's doing.


    What still isn't working for me is the whole "cabal" - I can find the whole "secret society controls everything" scenario lame unless it's done carefully and I haven't seen that care here.  Granted, if they're working within the confines of the Marvel universe on this, then the storyline is a given, but I just wish home of it wasn't so heavy-handed.

    • Love 4
  2. Given that we knew Bruce would be rescued, I enjoyed the humour they were able to interject:

    Lucius look of WTF as he realized he was surrounded by "crazy" people. "Cat, Fox. Fox,Cat".  Ed playing whatever that instrument was to Penguin as Jim wakes up to it.  And me thinking, "well here's a good spot for a threesome". Harvey in every scene.  Dumping a bucket of water over Alfred.  Cat's "Martian" comment to the character, given "Who" the actor is.


    The Dr. Strange mention and Mr. Freeze scene did little for me, but that was also true until with many of the other characters at first.

    • Love 3
  3. Pandora looks interesting - at least until she falls for Crane (yes I've dialed my distrust of the showrunners to 11).


    The voice - and modern accent - on Betsy Ross threw me completely out of the show - couldn't they have tried harder.


    I'm in for now, but remain wary.


    And most importantly - You killed Binky 2 - Ba***rds.

  4. Heck of cliffhanger - hope the show comes back.


    What I most enjoyed were the complicated relationships that had nothing to do with Walt - Jacob & Henry, Jacob & Cady, Henry & Matthias, Henry & Malachi, Jacob & Malachi.  They're each trying to balance what they want and what they can give the other to get what they want or to prevent the other from taking something. 

    • Love 5
  5. Perhaps that was his dementia symptom?  Or not :)


    As always, the background scenery is functions as a minor character for me.  That doesn't happen in every show I watch, even if the intent of that is there in the way it's filmed. 

  6. I've just finished this episode and the previous four..  The theme I've seen this far in the season is people living with pain/trauma, etc. and the results of that in their actions.  Even Travis applying for the open position has an element of fallout from his and Branch's actions last season.


    And I applaud "competent Ferg" - I always like to see the "comic character" being given a chance to evolve beyond that.

    • Love 3
  7. Happy news for me is that I've figured out that I get WNED Buffalo in addition to WQLN in my cable package with the benefit that they have different pledge weeks and different Saturday line-ups.  The former had an all evening run of the first series of "the Bletchley Circle" last Saturday which I haven't seen since it was first broadcast - pleasant way to spend time.

  8. otto


    I didn't know that about the staircase (I haven't been in the Royal York in years) but I did recognize the R. C. Harris Water Treatment plant in the 2 seconds they showed Lucy landing - the outside of which building has been a bunch of things, most "famously" the Center in "the Pretender". 


    I have to watch this again - I was dividing my attention and missed things.  Clearly though, the Company is doing a bunch of different experiments with gen-engineering, nanites, and enchanced/cyborg creations.  It's like Jackson's Whole come to the screen (bonus points if the not yet Season 2 contains a supersoldier with fangs or someone who is blue).

    • Love 1
  9. I can't believe how boring they made the "morning after" scene with Elizabeth.  It's one of the pivotal scenes in the whole saga - and it was like watching robots.  I know that it can be difficult to convey written interior monologue in a visual media, but it was like they didn't even try and these are three of the central characters.

  10. Well, that's how you make one of the pivotal scenes in the entire saga completely bloodless. I'll watch to the end, but I can't call myself engaged with the characters.

    • Love 4
  11. The actor playing George kept throwing me out of the action - I agree that he's the wrong physical type for my mental picture of George.  He's entirely too polished.  One of the points of conflict between him and Ross is the whole "new money" /"old county" class difference. 


    And having read the books up to "The Loving Cup" when I essentially baled-I had forgotten what specifically happened to Francis later, but was reminded at one point.

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